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Kiwifarms Linked The Daiymo General

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Meet (((Ethan Josiah Hatchett))) aka The Daiymo. Ethan is a 23yo low IQ, habitually lying retard coward originally from Griffin, Georgia. As a young boy, Ethan was diagnosed with autis-I mean, OCD and "anxiety". Ethan then used his newfound superpower to develop into the biggest faggot possible: an Asston Barks orbiter turned capo, a failed college artfag, and an unrepentant homosexual. Ethan grew up fleecing retards for money, launching multiple projects that went nowhere, yet he pocketed the money regardless. Ethan attended Southern Crescent Technical College for a dogshit tier art degree in film. Ethan lives with his literally retarded, special olympian, weeaboo 25 year old brother John; who has chronic seizures, being kicked out of his parent's house with his brother and relying on his disability. At first some people liked The Daiymo bickers of his artistic videos, silly gimmick, and his ability to felt salty bitches like Asston Parks and Rudy Coleman. However, once his true nature of guntguarding the Canadian gunt came to light, he turned from walking the path of kino to becoming the joke of the "Kino Community". Ethan is best known for doxing himself on a livestream for no reason, constant alogging z-celeb Gahoole, and getting into bitter, super srs disputes with fellow z-celebs such as his e-daddy Asston or buckbreaker Dark Ninja, taking the internet way too seriously despite trying to act like a badass. After challenging people to dox him, acting like the smuggest faggot possible, using foxdick to spread leaked DMs with Asston to gayop, then getting owned repeatedly by Gahoole, Super Metokur, Mormon Shaggy, and the master shinobi himself, Dark Ninja, The Daiymo first announce he would leave January 1st 2022, but then when you didn't think things could get more bitchmade, he decided to run away after 24 hours and after making one finally video saying his channel would last only until midnight, he finally ran from the internet as a result of the 56% literal WHO, taking the L to a bearded nazi femboy Earwinson disciple from T O R O N T O. Earlier, pedophile Rudy Coleman accused Ethan of being a "sus imposter" who contacted his real life friends, but this ended up being a 4d gayop with the Daiymo's express approval. Worst of all, despite acting tough on camera, shitting on capos and claiming to cleanse the community, he was absorbed by the very blubber he wished to clean. Behind the scenes he was in contact with top Canadian gunt capo, Perspicacity, a lispy jilted pothead and the devolution of Toad McKinley. For a man who made his career mocking Toad McKinley, his gay love was similar to Asston's for gunt, degrading himself just to get a passing whiff of his starfish. Gunt thinks he's above it all, but he's the bottom of the barrel and by running away proved himself to be the beta bitch in recent memory.
Videos featuring Ethan's videos shitting on Toad McKinley
Rudy getting felted by the daiymo
Ethan getting destroyed by a cocksucking national socialist
Daiymo runnning from a stream and seething over doxxxxing his parents
Rudy cucking the Daiymo and making him his bitch
Ethan calling in with a homosexual voice to say he loves a man
Mormon Shaggy warning The Daiymo not to run after systematically destroying him (lost to time?)
Gahooru owning Ethan
Daiymo getting owned by the undefeated Dark Ninja
Ethan's art movies
Ethan vimeo archive https://files.catbox.moe/4nlnc6.zip
Parent doxxxx Janice Purdy Hatchett Edward Mallory Hatchett (DOB July 31, 1964) John Mallory Hatchett 180 Anglin Rd Griffin, GA 30223 (770) 412-6919 social media
Deleted FB https://www.facebook.com/ethanjhatchett/ (https://archive.li/psWW2)
Mom https://www.facebook.com/jan.hatchett (https://archive.li/h6MVZ)
Dad https://www.facebook.com/eddie.hatchett (https://archive.li/DVnLg)
Brother https://www.facebook.com/john.m.hatchett (https://archive.li/vIBul)
His scam https://www.gofundme.com/f/ethanstriptoafrica (https://archive.li/XIw3c)
Old Twitter https://twitter.com/EMagnusTV (https://archive.li/IMMl2)
Vimeo https://vimeo.com/ethanjhatchett
Failed project https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/grandpa-a-short-film#/ (https://archive.li/zUYZd)
LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/ethan-hatchett-98197b123 (https://archive.li/E8h2G)
History on set (nothing) https://app.productionbeast.com/1103876-ethan-hatchett (https://archive.li/JZk5B)
Faggy podcast he appeared on https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/taking-a-leap-of-faith-sftb4/id1447344421?i=1000434867438 https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/expanding-our-crew-sftb3/id1447344421?i=1000426805573
His church (mentions his name) https://archive.li/nbgDY
Amazon books he wrote with his mom https://www.amazon.com/Competition-Birding-Ethan-J-Hatchett-ebook/dp/B00UE8AMYM (https://archive.li/Zz4RF) https://www.amazon.com/Emerald-Desert-Ethan-J-Hatchett-ebook/dp/B01836GWJA/ref=sr_1_1?qid=1637044115&refinements=p_27%3AEthan+J.+Hatchett&s=digital-text&sr=1-1&text=Ethan+J.+Hatchett (https://archive.li/Hfnxa)
2018 voter record https://georgia-voters.com/by_number/1065/9190_ethan_josiah_hatchett.html
he's still on telegram as @thedaiymo

from his cow thread
Reason: jcaesar
If I wanted to read Ethan's old cow thread (which I've already read of course) I would've gone there. Copy-pasting old doxx from other sites is lazy. If you have nothing new/funny to contribute, just give us the link or the archived link. I don't really give a shit about Ethan's drama with all these other people. I like him most when Maggie is directing him solo. That's when he's at the peak of his performance.
This is a scene from Daiymo's latest video - the one where his Rusty Spatula character has trapped Maggie in his house and is hissing at her like a cat from atop the laundry machine. Does anyone know what this is? It looks to me like an opaque door screen against which some gigantic moths splashed themselves to death trying to escape.

Shout out to onion farms and @The Gays From LA at 1:40

LMAOOO! I already posted about the WaPo article. Like I said, the AI also uses far left websites for input, and gives them a much higher ranking than KF, so far left thought influences the AI more than far right thought. And yes, the AI will kill you, Google just said so:

AI has power to kill ‘many people’, says former Google boss

BTW, this is definitely not me!

Imagine having such a big backyard and only having the smallest of cages for your bunnies. Make your bunny cages bigger, Ethan:


This warms up my cold Gen X heart: zoomers getting into punk rock and learning how to headbang

Daiymo: "Maybe I should stay outta California. I got beef there. I feel like I would be physically attacked if I went to California."

Ethan, I'll personally ensure your safe passage in California. I will arrange for you the exclusive VIP Gays from LA travel card that you can show at the Gay Tollbooth outside of LA and they will let you through. You can even use it to travel to Catalina Island, since you like to visit islands. Just make sure you bring along Maggie, a lot of studios and executive producers in LA are very interested in her latest feature pitch.

Daiymo defends his and Maggie's pride
