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Community Featured Submissions: Last Update January 28, 2025

Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
I still remember that family guy cut away with Rocky Dennis lmao

Totally unrelated but Laura Dern back in the day wasn't too bad to look at imo. She had that "sexy enough to be an actress but juuuuuust homely enough that you might have had a shot with her" vibe

can we change the thread name to my fuck palace please
make it about me please i'm loving this attention
You're incredibly pathetic. You were a simp, went into remission while posting here, prodigal sonned your way back into the lich bitches talons, came back here, face doxed a chick that was nothing but cool to you, found out she was into you and are now torn between getting head pats from bootleg Eugenia Cooney and unfucking your oopsie with @Timepace
You're not even an interesting faggot, just a typical one
You're incredibly pathetic. You were a simp, went into remission while posting here, prodigal sonned your way back into the lich bitches talons, came back here, face doxed a chick that was nothing but cool to you, found out she was into you and are now torn between getting head pats from bootleg Eugenia Cooney and unfucking your oopsie with @Timepace
You're not even an interesting faggot, just a typical one

Damn dog you fucked him up πŸ˜‚

but what does this have to do with the thread being changed?
Nigga, just have some balls. Make amends with Timepace instead of doing this weird as fuck playground shit. You're not owning her, you're just yanking her ponytail and running away giggling because you like her. It used to be a requited feeling. Act like a man, this shit is unbelievably gay