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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
fuck i think you have good talking points

but what does this have to do with the thread being changed?

Because not everything is about you.

but what does this have to do with the thread being changed?
Nigga, just have some balls. Make amends with Timepace instead of doing this weird as fuck playground shit. You're not owning her, you're just yanking her ponytail and running away giggling because you like her. It used to be a requited feeling. Act like a man, this shit is unbelievably gay
not sure if all of you are familiar with the rose shit and the lore goes so deep
but she has her fingers wrapped around this dude
fucking making impersonation channels of me
saying if he could he would fuck me and rose
eat cereal from my asshole
threaten me and some imaginary people we dont even know wtf hes talking about
admitted porn addict too
so i hope this is to be found funny to you all
because wtf
pussy is one hell of a drug
and even though this dude cant get roses he still has the side effects
Having a bit of a Reddit moment, eh? It's ok, I got a seat for the opening of Joker 2, which is obviously going to be a better movie than the latest nostalgia bait

Oh you can blow me dude.

Go have fun at edgelord: the musical featuring Joaquin "harelip" Phoenix and Lady Gargamel (get it? Because she has a big nose like a Jew)

I'll be watching the sequel to the first movie I ever remember seeing in theaters and having a blast.

I might even pull a Lauren Boebert and try to get my 90 day fiance to give me a handy jay during the movie.
Don't worry I'll give you the dad talk when you get older.

I appreciate the cosign on that because I wasn't sure if that joke was going to land or not.

Oh I'm sorry I didn't know just because I hit 40 I wasn't allowed to have FUN anymore.

You're the one who booked your ticket to go see a fucking comic book musical about some retard in grease paint who can't stop laughing.
>seeing Beetlejuice 2 because of Winona nostalgiabait
>seeing joker 2 for lady gaga Nostalgiabait
I mean we are but I think one of my bullshit factoids I made up about myself the other day is that I have borderline personality disorder so I can just pretend like me being a bad person is out of my control.

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