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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
@Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt refused to remove Paladinboo's dox that I posted and instead thread banned me, despite my clear willingness to create dozens of socks to post where I like 🙄
I imagine he thinks her threatening to call the police is actually going to result in my prosecution, because he's retarded and doesn't get why I laughed that off, so he doesn't want to sweep anything I've said there, even though doxing isn't the point of contention since Lidl Drip posted her dox well before me.
God forbid his condo's address or employer gets dropped though. Then it's time to shut it down, because he's a selfish and purely self interested petty old man
I think I can put this here since it is a general discussion. But if mods or Ken doesn't deem this fit please feel free to move it elsewhere.
Anyways. I needed to make this thread because I can't stand this bitch I have to put up with. She is a girl I used to be friends with that I met through working at a retail store. Living in Cali we have a diverse group of people and surprisingly this girl was goth like me and loved almost the same bands as I did. Eventually, we would go walk the beach, become close as besties' typical girl shit, and go to concerts and this was years ago by the way so it's a whole different ball game. It all started when for some reason she got pissed off at someone I was also friends with at work. It was over mind you, getting merchandise stocked. The girl was new and on the spectrum but coherent enough to converse intelligently. She was an autistic girl whatever. But I look past what people are like and befriend them anyway. This girl loved videogames, arts & crafts and was very pretty for a guy to date. She would always come into work with a ribbon in her hair since we were one of those retailers that aren't strict on dress code. You probably have it figured out if you are into late millennial shit like fish net, gag gifts, and emo stuff. Okay back to the story. Yes over her being mentally challenged and slow, so my bestie at the time would shit talk this girl to the moon and back. Texting me in DMs, calling her a retard, "oh why does she dress like that". So from that point on it was just gossip about this poor girl who was just trying to make it being on the spectrum. One day I had to open the store with my bestie and she accidently knocked over a lava lamp and it shattered all over the floor. My boss was chill but if we broke something even on accident we had to pay for it which was okay by me because we would get discounts on merchandise so no biggy. So instead of my beastie owning up to it she decided to help me make up some story that the autistic girl closed last night and she was the only one there who closed so that means we walked into the store and the lava lamp was already there broken all over the floor. Now, you must be asking yourself, where the fuck was the camera? Well guess what, the camera that was looking into the spot where it happened was broken. So this bitch wanted me to help her tell a story about how we walked into work to open and the lava lamp was already like that. I told her flat out no and she gave me the most deranged look you could imagine like something flew up her ass. So then I offered to take the blame and pay for it and it was only 40 dollars, no big deal. So that's what I did, I took the blame and paid for it. That morning was very awkward and I was wanting to explode because my period was also happening at the time. My boss actually only let me pay 20 dollars of it since I was upfront and honest though he didn't know my bestie did it. So that night, I told her that I would be quitting and not coming back to work, I also said that I needed some space because my depression was kicking back in. She knew but I just needed to find away to tell her to fuck off kindly. I blocked her on everything. Now you're wondering. What now? Well the reason why I have to put up with this bitch is because she sees me at another job that I work and she comes in every fucking week to buy something. She does this ofcourse to get under my skin. She walks in, gets what she needs and gives me that "fuck you" grin. She also does those social things where the person you stopped talking to asks you how things are and I just give her vague answers. She does this shit every fucking week and the reason why she found out where I work is because she so happened to see my civic parked at the mall so I bet she walked the whole mall to find me. Mind you, haven't talked to this girl in years and now she wants to give me those smirks every week. So over it.
You're a woman?
Oh, how can people be so unpleasant? Yes, I am a sexual creature but everywhere I go, girls don't chase me. Well, not expecting everyone to but emo girls? Why don't they notice me? Some of them have a voice like honey. It clutches my heart. Pulls me inward to their design. The fishnet startles my genitalia.
I cry and yell for them to treat me like a naughty boy. This one girl, her name is so majestic. Her sweetness engulfs me. I get nervous before I see her. Every interaction is sex to my ears. But no move is made on me. There is no extra dialogue between us. I walk away with confusion. Failure I am at love. No woman of emotional aesthetic wants to love me. I will be catfished by a transexual before I feel the heat between the legs of an emo girl.
Dancing slowly with a girl like that would be coolness to my skin. Instead, games are played. Guilt-tripping and manipulation. Rather than hugs, I'm given words of hurt. Depression she cries but pain she allows me to endure. Fun I wish an emo girl would want. Having her message me. The sound of the ping and her avatar showing up on the bottom right of my screen. That feeling of excitement. Telling yourself that she loves you and she wants to talk to you. Crying by myself is all I have become used to. Anymore I want a harem of emo girls.
Making love to all of them in a bathhouse. Kind words. Deep and meaningful sex with all of them. TLDR this.I don't care. I expect to be judged anyways. But for any lonely emo girls. Come cuddle me, tell me you love me even if you don't. At least I can cry from the consideration.

do you feel so alone that all you do is talk about sex fantasies in the dark? you want a fuck palace? i think from you twisting my story into something it's not i have the right to critique this
I mean, this a whole side of you I never seen before. talking so bad about girls in the past
whats next a joker arc from you about how much your past buddies did you wrong?
maybe you were the problem and not them and it just explains why you are so attached to rose because of just this smh
Oh how the anxiety has rained down on my ever loving heart. Some gentleman like messages that I sent are still awaiting a response from a girl that had my curiosity at a high. Some pictures of her in a river during the summer heat in a simple black bikini made my core ignite. The way she glanced at the camera as her silk young moon body soaked in a southern bath that ran somewhere to the sea. Thoughts of gentle aroma baths with her aroused my heart. No response for 18 hours has made me shiver and weep. The mood of my messages weren't lustful. Assuming from her laid back demeanor, there should be no worry of an uptight girl. Art of mythical creatures above her lushful breasts and eyes of blue mystery display. Down the road she lives. A bike ride is all that would be needed. Blossoming unoccupied with no occupation. Thus may she be the keeper of my manor?

In past moments with women who were emo. I was met with wrath and displeasure. Subtle stabs at my smile and positive perspectives. Ghosting would play out and petty games and beliefs were projected onto me. Then when I would rebuttal then they would exile my happiness into a cold dark place.

This girl on the other hand, seems to be just one that walks in a field of tulips and marigolds. Making love in a similar scenery I have protested before. Sex so vanilla none with this girl would be even defined as sex. Vanilla all over me I want from her. The sweat from her body onto me. Once I have entered her bedroom, she would refuse to let me out I fantasized about viewing her latest post of it. Wishing before we begin making love she would tie me down onto her bed.

Anymore I wait for her to respond an urge to cry in the dark becomes constant. It reminding me of the ghosting because of the romantic proposals and imaginations. When people read my posts and writings anywhere on the internet, I get banned from discord servers, mean messages, girls who aren't even emo laughing at me. A man with so much emotion getting bullied and kicked down the stairs. The most common thing I get is that I'm immature.

I ask myself sometimes "what have I done to be so incomplete?" Doubt just surrounds me even when I'm composing this. This girl won't acknowledge me. She will just see my messages and leave me on read. That's it. The same tricks and kicks just a different girl.

it's okay you will still be alone
you and rose
two unfuckable people that I jump up and down about that won't have kids because one is asexual and the other cant get laid
we need a thread for this retard
"AboutToBustOut's Fuck Palace"
where you get to see a sexually charged retard go on and on about whatever
and you can spectate people annihilate him at the same time
not bullying, he could always unplug the computer
How do you feel about the phone company? They know your name and they have your number!
it differentering to stranger for internet. company. do business. businesserings need know unyuns information to avail!
Here is to another day of no reply, three days of silence. No action just a long dreadful wait. Depression on my body lurks. The interest in her remains the same. Wondering, why? A wait game I always have to play. Yesterday, many times I checked. Yelling out loud that women are so complicated. Memories of how past ones tried to get over on me. Then how they attack Rose because of her ways. Innocence is all that she is. Some nights in bed I wished that I was her first lover. Too late now. A ship that has sailed away. Expressing my lonely days provokes insults without warning. Life has been unfair. You love. Bring as patch of flowers to the concrete, they just die. Porn addiction has altered my sexuality. Bondage & spontaneous anal is what comes into imagination. A little boy that used to laugh in a breeze of the ocean has withered away. Sometimes when a girl is in my vision, sexual acts arise in my fragile world. When I get home after that arousal, I masturbate. Lately, girls on the internet have been mean to me. I just get told to kill myself. Fear, resentment, longing for something lost is all that I am now.

Savannah was once a Rose herself. Yes, a flower and an innocent young girl. When she insults me, I feel her anger. Wrath is always my rebuke. Savannah was an egg in my clutch. In my room of a quiet night, I wonder why we became enemies. In the end we both were in the wrong. We became obsessed with Rose. Savannah was a troubled person and still is. So was another past lover of mine with blue eyes and silk skin. So was the one that told me eight days in of friendship, that there were no emotions involved. This girl though. She has a chance. I have another chance., and if she embraces me as I have her, then I will welcome her and perhaps she will befriend Rose too.
Thanks for the copy pasta you fucking weirdo
make more vents. I encourage it. how are the VR sessions? I wonder what avatar you are using. Is it hot?
I know I haven't uploaded to my channel. The alternate universe version of you. I bet the alternate universe version of you isn't a bitch and with a family of great function.
I would actually like my little thread that would glorify myself. These attacks and insults erect me. so go on, make more vents.
Bro would get rejected by AI sex chat bots
They need to bring back conical titties

They need to bring back those soggy natural 80s titties that Barbara Crampton had in reanimator

can we change the thread name to my fuck palace please
make it about me please i'm loving this attention
You're incredibly pathetic. You were a simp, went into remission while posting here, prodigal sonned your way back into the lich bitches talons, came back here, face doxed a chick that was nothing but cool to you, found out she was into you and are now torn between getting head pats from bootleg Eugenia Cooney and unfucking your oopsie with @Timepace
You're not even an interesting faggot, just a typical one

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