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Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
You might have missed the eye rape ken inflicted on default theme users and people signed out.
The fucking whore ignored my message. What is this shit? Some fucking attention trip power trip bullshit? So fucking cute. Posting garbage fucking memes instead of saying SOMETHING to my messages. Eight fucking days I have waited. My anger just grows and grows. Literally becoming a sociopath right now at this point. I'm some fucking joke huh? Everything is a fucking joke. Man I feel so superior I feel so real right now.
The whore will miss out on having amazing children with me. Fucking by the camp fire, slow dancing in the dark so much more. Being ignored after eight days infuriates me so much. Everything is some game, some joke, every fucking thing. Fucking power trip faggots. She will be a dyke soon anyways.

Dick get no wet?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked retard. You and Rose will always be alone in a dark room.

The fucking whore ignored my message. What is this shit? Some fucking attention trip power trip bullshit? So fucking cute. Posting garbage fucking memes instead of saying SOMETHING to my messages. Eight fucking days I have waited. My anger just grows and grows. Literally becoming a sociopath right now at this point. I'm some fucking joke huh? Everything is a fucking joke. Man I feel so superior I feel so real right now.
The whore will miss out on having amazing children with me. Fucking by the camp fire, slow dancing in the dark so much more. Being ignored after eight days infuriates me so much. Everything is some game, some joke, every fucking thing. Fucking power trip faggots. She will be a dyke soon anyways.
"There's an event horizon of degeneracy beyond which such distinctions become entirely academic and this creature has apparently long since passed it."

This was a quote message at the top of the screen. Seemed perfect to post here.
Reason: Added a screenshot.
The fucking whore ignored my message. What is this shit? Some fucking attention trip power trip bullshit? So fucking cute. Posting garbage fucking memes instead of saying SOMETHING to my messages. Eight fucking days I have waited. My anger just grows and grows. Literally becoming a sociopath right now at this point. I'm some fucking joke huh? Everything is a fucking joke. Man I feel so superior I feel so real right now.
The whore will miss out on having amazing children with me. Fucking by the camp fire, slow dancing in the dark so much more. Being ignored after eight days infuriates me so much. Everything is some game, some joke, every fucking thing. Fucking power trip faggots. She will be a dyke soon anyways.
Nigger, get a FUCKING HOBBY. Pulling your pud doesn't count.
White women have proven to be useless. I want an Egyptian women now. I get horny of the thought of me having sex with a harem of them.
You'll get nothing and like it.
me seeing you seethe at my existence

View attachment 65040

whites are just a ruckus in their own natural environment
they fear blacks but let blacks beat up asians
really says a lot about their intelligence and respect for others
I have respect for jewish people and for sure whites seethe at them just like they seethe at asians

so yes I would want to reproduce with an egyptian women because white people are just scum
"By the way, thank you! She and I had a wonderful laugh with those remixes I made. Please do post more content for us. Everyone here is enjoying it.
So you like doxxing people huh? How about I show everyone that picture of you with most gayest haircut ever, the gayest white hoodie and the gayest shoes?
Listen bud, your girl doesn't want you pussy. I can take her off your hands since youre so fucking tough

I GUARANTEE nobody looks like a bigger pussy than you.


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