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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature

Opinion/Blog The Crack Shack (vent about shit)

Vent, Tweak, Cry, Piss Fit, Shit, Vent About Shit
So you like doxxing people huh? How about I show everyone that picture of you with most gayest haircut ever, the gayest white hoodie and the gayest shoes?
Listen bud, your girl doesn't want you pussy. I can take her off your hands since youre so fucking tough
So you like doxxing people huh? How about I show everyone that picture of you with most gayest haircut ever, the gayest white hoodie and the gayest shoes?
Listen bud, your girl doesn't want you pussy. I can take her off your hands since youre so fucking tough

Another power ballet
Thanks it's kind of drained yesterday
I had to deal with garglecums and pedantic bullshit all day
There's my rant.

I prefer to call him "Lady Gar Gar" because he's a fag, has a huge nose and is annoying as fuck, like Lady Ga Ga.
Thanks it's kind of drained yesterday
I had to deal with garglecums and pedantic bullshit all day
There's my rant.
I prefer to call him "Lady Gar Gar" because he's a fag, has a huge nose and is annoying as fuck, like Lady Ga Ga.
Hey, well if it isn't the "Big Jew Dick Up My Ass" fan club. You know you having a good time when you got garglecum dripping out your ass :haha:
I prefer to call him "Lady Gar Gar" because he's a fag, has a huge nose and is annoying as fuck, like Lady Ga Ga.
Did you know him and his friends that he pines after were involved in sexual animal role play? It's why he got so defensive about the furry issue.
I'm under the impression he built his new forum to bring in the kiwifurs that where outed for this.

Did you know him and his friends that he pines after were involved in sexual animal role play? It's why he got so defensive about the furry issue.
I'm under the impression he built his new forum to bring in the kiwifurs that where outed for this.
View attachment 65109
View attachment 65108

I had heard rumors and he gave me some bullshit excuse at the time that I took at face value because he was nice to me. But it doesn't surprise me. All faggots are sexual deviants.
I had heard rumors and he gave me some bullshit excuse at the time that I took at face value because he was nice to me. But it doesn't surprise me. All faggots are sexual deviants.
If you go look at his web forum you'll find he has a shrine thread pining for catler.
"YoUr GiRlFrIeNd Is MaDe Up" - Gargamel, hitting me with the 6th grade insult

"I mean yeah I participated in the furry discussion for several dozen pages, but only because that type of thing fascinates me. I wasn't turned on by it or anything" - Gargamel, lying his mascot humping ass off.
"YoUr GiRlFrIeNd Is MaDe Up" - Gargamel, hitting me with the 6th grade insult

"I mean yeah I participated in the furry discussion for several dozen pages, but only because that type of thing fascinates me. I wasn't turned on by it or anything" - Gargamel, lying his mascot humping ass off.
No, really, you should visit his website (if you're not banned) and screenshot the thread where he discusses how Catler is too much of a slut for his taste."
No, really, you should visit his website (if you're not banned) and screenshot the thread where he discusses how Catler is too much of a slut for his taste."

I'm doing what I can to not interact with him as much as possible. Once or twice a week I'll look at a random comment he made by looking at my ignored content and it's typically about me. He's fucking petty and annoying.

I know I shouldn't be looking, but you know what they say... Gargamel fucked the dude in the cat outfit.

I mean curiosity killed the cat.

Cause Gargamel fucked it 😂
-drunken niggerish-
Man you couldn't ignore me if your life depended on it.

I'm gonna have to have a talk with your handler about this obsession of yours. It ain't healthy.
No, really, you should visit his website (if you're not banned) and screenshot the thread where he discusses how Catler is too much of a slut for his taste."
@Meowsolini is a cat, not a fox. Fails of kiwi that you are, you've got nothing on him. Though he has donned the fox avatar and therefore is no longer pure, he redeems himself by continuing to use heartwarming avatars, even if it is a fox this time around.

You keep huffing and puffing, and telling yourself "I'm the world's best front end web developer" as you cope and seethe about the death of Catbert. The world passes you by again as you contemplate making yet another persona. "They'll never figure this one out" you mumble as you furiously mash the keyboard at the Onion Farms registration page. "I'll get my revenge on that evil gay furry kike".
I thought the cope was that you only used to want to fuck animals, much like Josh only used to want to fuck catboys? If magical recovery from paraphilias is possible for you then his story must surely check out
He's totally not building a gay furry hug box, so he and the rest of the Kiwis who got kicked off the website for bestiality can be left alone in peace and not bothered for their degeneracy.
Just like he's not totally upset about getting found out about this, he's been spamming about it on onion farms and bothering everyone who's talking about it.