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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
Since i don’t know how long i’m going to be about for can we have a wee game of lolcow rockbusters? i give you a cryptic clue and it makes up a lolcow. Starting with an easy one.

Oh..he’s part of that religion that believes in jesus - CC

Just a bit of fun so no prizes but i’d love to see your own cryptic clues
He's 23 years old.
He used to live in Texas.
He's off his meds.
He lives with his grandparents, which he hates and sometimes thinks about murdering.
His mother is as much of a free loader train wreck as him, he was eventually forced into working
Thus his boss rutinely slaps him with his cock right in the face.
Has a passion for periodism (think of a gayer and balder Tim Pool)
He's a self-described "queer"
He likes Kill la Kill's ryuko matoi.
He's 23 years old.
He used to live in Texas.
He's off his meds.
He lives with his grandparents, which he hates and sometimes thinks about murdering.
His mother is as much of a free loader train wreck as him, he was eventually forced into working
Thus his boss rutinely slaps him with his cock right in the face.
He's a self-described "queer"
He likes Kill la Kill's ryuko matoi.
this is almost funny, but you keep getting details wrong. My mother's been dead for years.
Can we have a thread on that mexican robot null hates for some reason?

We’re back December 4th with every country having a subfourm.

This needs to stop.

Simple question. This is what the users want.