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Phase One Empty the Vault (Completed):
Phase Two Rework the Prefix Topic Nomenclature
Caring about being a lolcow. If someone does something cowish, then doesn't overreact when made fun of and just continues to otherwise act like a sensible person, they're probably not a lolcow. This isn't the only criterion, but it's an important one.
Caring about being a lolcow. If someone does something cowish, then doesn't overreact when made fun of and just continues to otherwise act like a sensible person, they're probably not a lolcow. This isn't the only criterion, but it's an important one.
If they consistently act like a cow, I'd say it doesn't matter whether they react to being made fun of. The cows who take their cow status in stride are some of my favorites, though.
If they consistently act like a cow, I'd say it doesn't matter whether they react to being made fun of. The cows who take their cow status in stride are some of my favorites, though.
I draw the line at so-called "skitzcows". If it is something beyond their voluntary control such as Alzheimers or Schizophrenia that cannot be managed, you can't really call them lolcows.
I draw the line at so-called "skitzcows". If it is something beyond their voluntary control such as Alzheimers or Schizophrenia that cannot be managed, you can't really call them lolcows.
I mean you can call them a lolcow, but unless you're the second coming of Terry A. Davis (may he rest in power), it's more likely that the schizophrenia is going to be sad and not funny. And even in Terry's case, the schizophrenia still makes it sad, he just happened to say some really funny shit.
The problem with "lolcows" is that most of them were never funny nor interesting to begin with. I mean, take Amberlynn Reid for example. What, exactly, is funny about her? She's just a dime-a-dozen fat asshole. You can find those pretty much anywhere. Same for Chantal. Same for Luna. Same even for DSP - who, like CWC, had his milk, if any existed, dry up years ago. If anything is a lolcow nowadays, it's a sports franchise like the Jets (NFL) or Oilers (NHL), and UrinatingTree has that covered. Most so called "lolcows" on KF are only "lolcows" because punching down makes losers feel better about themselves. Otherwise, why do so many people on KF feel the need to blogpost about their mediocre life stories. Oh, wow, you know better than Chantal about some mundane bullshit! Whoop dee fucking doo.

I mean you can call them a lolcow, but unless you're the second coming of Terry A. Davis (may he rest in power), it's more likely that the schizophrenia is going to be sad and not funny. And even in Terry's case, the schizophrenia still makes it sad, he just happened to say some really funny shit.

Terry is basically Josh with actual charisma and aptitude for his field of work, but unlike Josh when he too an hero's, he's actually missed.
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I guess for me it might be where they are more like a freakshow/sideshow for a true lolcow. As in, where you can get entertainment from them as a sort of outcast that doesn't fit in, but also feel sympathy for how they became/end up. CWC and Terry were funny through what they said and how they acted, but there was something that was also saddening about them to act as a balance or counter, such as Terry's schizophrenia and Chris's autism and how easily fooled he could be. If there's one that's missing, there's nothing more to look at. If there is, it's for petty shit at best and a-logging at worst.
I come here for an adventure, which is fine. And I shall tell you my story about my time on the lovely Kiwi Farms

I first came as Captain Communism, a guy looking for an edgy place on the internet that wasn't an Imageboard, and I was interested in it. It fascinated me that people could get away with saying naughty stuff and dark humor without a Twitter Zoomer or Teenage Tumblr Girl©/TTG© trying to ruin your life in an personal army way because of it. And I loved it from the start

So I started my posting on there, thinking out my posts before talking sometimes...

I mostly talked like a good kind of tismtastic person to be honest, though there were some rough points and some idiotic but somewhat based behavior towards the end of my days as a Kiwi, mainly to do with telling Null to "lol calm down" in different ways. I can say that I have done fine.

I never really wanted Kiwi Farms to be always in my life. And I think I somewhat deserved that ban on the New Zealand Bird Forum.

That is all for now.