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Suggestion Suggestion Box

@OnionNull I know how much you like having your site publicly facing, but do you think the "research and development" threads should be hidden?
They are intended to be works in progress after all.

And if I can make another suggestion: right now @'s and hyperlinks are the same color as the text. I've been trying to make them stand out by turning them red as I work on typing out my stuff. Would it possible to make it so hyperlinks are easily seen within text? (I wouldn't put it as a high priority thing as I can supplement it right now with just changing text color)
@OnionNull I think I should've clarified- the Research and Development page should be hidden from non-users. User should be able to access it so they can work on their stuff. I'm not sure if you intended to make it invisible or not, but I don't see it up anymore. This also goes for the Kiwi Farms Drama sub forum.

and thank you on changing the hyperlinks to a different color. If you'd like I just made a mediocre OP here if you want to see what one would look like while you play with colors on the site.
(I actually like the soft brown color over this lime one.)
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We should have a "verified" badge for situations like this :

We should have a "verified" badge for situations like this :

Until @OnionNull appoints an admin, he's the only one who can do that. In the meantime, I've updated @whistle blower's custom title.