Celebrities, public figures, current events, internet drama

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If you have a technical issue with Xenforo: Please post your request in the Town Square or the Talk to Staff (If you want more privacy) and one of us will check it out to address your concerns.Thank you for all your forum contributions (Owner - Onion Null).

Suggestion Suggestion Box

Rainbow Emoji (Optimistic) Added.

On a serious note the two sub-forums under the religious celbrities subforum should be made into mega threads in the original sub-forum. I didn't even notice they were their since you have to click on the little arrow for them to show up.
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Can we have something similar to the prospering ground where we post the thread first before they are approved? Especially since anyone under 20,000 is supposed to be greenlit by OnionNull.
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Can we have something similar to the prospering ground where we post OP fist before they are approved? Especially since anyone under 20,000 is supposed to be greenlit by OnionNull.
SIGSEGV was of the opinion that 20K in and of itself may not give a complete picture of underrated lolcows. I get the impression that him and some of the other members are saying that we should have a more holistic approach when it comes to deciding whether a thread would be viable. In other words, aside from the numbers, how much of an impact has that person had on internet culture per se?
SIGSEGV was of the opinion that 20K in and of itself may not give a complete picture of underrated lolcows. I get the impression that him and some of the other members are saying that we should have a more holistic approach when it comes to deciding whether a thread would be viable. In other words, aside from the numbers, how much of an impact has that person had on internet culture per se?
It's not only about their impact on internet culture. The questions to ask are:
  • Is this person funny?
  • Is there enough material to discuss so that the thread does not stagnate?
  • Is this person likely to continue generating funny content?
SIGSEGV was of the opinion that 20K in and of itself may not give a complete picture of underrated lolcows. I get the impression that him and some of the other members are saying that we should have a more holistic approach when it comes to deciding whether a thread would be viable. In other words, aside from the numbers, how much of an impact has that person had on internet culture per se?
Idk, I just thought you guys came to the agreement that anyone below 20k had to be greenlit because of the problems it could cause. That's the only reason I was asking for one.

Followers seems pretty arbitrary when it comes to Lolcows but I understand why you would be hesitant to make threads on people who are not public figures.
So how do you plan to get more users? Will you offer people who wish to support this place anything?
Donations at this point are not necessary. The Xenforo license, the Themehouse license, my webhosting and whatever else I need comes out of my own pocket. Will I need donations in the future? I don't have the answer to that but I would hope the answer would be no. As far as gaining more users to sign up, I have advertised on 8kun before. The staff were terrific in this regards. However, the best thing in terms of increasing the user base is natural growth
Idk, I just thought you guys came to the agreement that anyone below 20k had to be greenlit because of the problems it could cause. That's the only reason I was asking for one.

Followers seems pretty arbitrary when it comes to Lolcows but I understand why you would be hesitant to make threads on people who are not public figures.
Celebrities such as Justin Bieber or the Kardashians are used to being in the spotlight. They are "Kiwifarmed" everyday in a manner of speaking. They've earned their chops. Kim Kardashian probably wouldn't care about a thread on Kiwifarms or Onionfarms. The same simply isn't true about a private citizen who gets a spotlight shined in their face. They clam up. Public figures are somewhere in between depending on how much they are in the public spotlight.