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Suggestion Suggestion Box

@Spedestrian made a unique logo for you @OnionNull. I highly suggest using it instead. It was free, and gives it a more separate vibe than the dollar store KF logo you have right now.
View attachment 366
The logo looks very nice and I downloaded it . I am trying to figure out how to upload it. Be patient, I will get it.
I have a suggestion for when KF kicks the bucket and this site ends up being flooded with refugees.

When they try and register make it so that in order to have an account here they have to give out their dox and a detailed description of their internet history/presence to a staff member, that way they won't act like shitheads or break the rules or else they run the risk of being doxxed.

With this policy Onionfarms and it's glorious userbase will never have to worry about it suffering the same fate that Kiwifarms is currently suffering.
This is the worst idea I've ever seen. The kiwi Farms isn't exactly based off of trust.

I don’t wouldn’t trust a site to keep that information safe and it would deter new users.

You might literally have brain damage if you think this is a good idea.
The logo looks very nice and I downloaded it . I am trying to figure out how to upload it. Be patient, I will get it.
I appreciate you letting us know.

Another thing and I don't think it's as high of a priority right now, but @Spedestrian also brought along KF's reactions if you're interested in that. He also offered to make the Onion in the Logo do reactions for possible reaction stickers with it:
I can make some stickers/emojis of the little onion dude too, it's all on layers so changing his expression is easy.
I suggest consulting with him for possible reactions and/or custom emoji's since he offered.

My intention isn't to rush you, but to let you know in case you missed it.
I appreciate you letting us know.

Another thing and I don't think it's as high of a priority right now, but @Spedestrian also brought along KF's reactions if you're interested in that. He also offered to make the Onion in the Logo do reactions for possible reaction stickers with it:

I suggest consulting with him for possible reactions and/or custom emoji's since he offered.

My intention isn't to rush you, but to let you know in case you missed it.
Thanks fren! I already made a few onion reactions just to see what I could do with the little guy.
The logo looks very nice and I downloaded it . I am trying to figure out how to upload it. Be patient, I will get it.
Glad you like it! Looks like it's working on the fullscreen desktop version of the site, but there's no smaller logo for windowed desktop / mobile now. Here's how to set that up in Themehouse, and here's a smaller version of the logo:
Feel free to hit me up if you need any more images for the forum. I can do specific designs if you have something in mind, or you can just tell me what it's for and I'll figure out the design.
Thanks fren! I already made a few onion reactions just to see what I could do with the little guy.

Glad you like it! Looks like it's working on the fullscreen desktop version of the site, but there's no smaller logo for windowed desktop / mobile now. Here's how to set that up in Themehouse, and here's a smaller version of the logo:
View attachment 391
Feel free to hit me up if you need any more images for the forum. I can do specific designs if you have something in mind, or you can just tell me what it's for and I'll figure out the design.
The reactions sound good. Go for it.
Add more ratings, better way to navigate multiple pages, fix the email registration bug.