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Suggestion Suggestion Box

Is this going to be the new logo?
Screenshot_2020-12-08 Suggestion Box.png

It's better for sure, but it doesn't really give Onion a unique identity.
Is this going to be the new logo?
View attachment 364
It's better for sure, but it doesn't really give Onion a unique identity.
@Spedestrian made a unique logo for you @OnionNull. I highly suggest using it instead. It was free, and gives it a more separate vibe than the dollar store KF logo you have right now.
I have a suggestion for when KF kicks the bucket and this site ends up being flooded with refugees.

When they try and register make it so that in order to have an account here they have to give out their dox and a detailed description of their internet history/presence to a staff member, that way they won't act like shitheads or break the rules or else they run the risk of being doxxed.

With this policy Onionfarms and it's glorious userbase will never have to worry about it suffering the same fate that Kiwifarms is currently suffering.
I have a suggestion for when KF kicks the bucket and this site ends up being flooded with refugees.

When they try and register make it so that in order to have an account here they have to give out their dox and a detailed description of their internet history/presence to a staff member, that way they won't act like shitheads or break the rules or else they run the risk of being doxxed.

With this policy Onionfarms and it's glorious userbase will never have to worry about it suffering the same fate that Kiwifarms is currently suffering.
I have a suggestion for when KF kicks the bucket and this site ends up being flooded with refugees.

When they try and register make it so that in order to have an account here they have to give out their dox and a detailed description of their internet history/presence to a staff member, that way they won't act like shitheads or break the rules or else they run the risk of being doxxed.

With this policy Onionfarms and it's glorious userbase will never have to worry about it suffering the same fate that Kiwifarms is currently suffering.
"Damn, there are a lot of Christian Weston Chandler's living at 14 Branchland Court..."
@Spedestrian made a unique logo for you @OnionNull. I highly suggest using it instead. It was free, and gives it a more separate vibe than the dollar store KF logo you have right now.
View attachment 366

Also, the new mobile theme is better, but I still think there are too many colors? There's navy at the top and bottom, lime green, neon orange and blue. May wanna look into just picking two or three colors max and possibly less harsh colors. This is all nitpicky but just some ideas.