Here is a picture of where Josh Moon was recently I got off cow.
This isn't recent it's a few years old. Around the time he was working on 8chan.
Joke aside... the most recent pictures of Josh are his disgusting mantits in the reflection of the scale he took a year ago and his picture on his Zero Hedge profile that is intentionally blurry. I have upscaled it and use an anti-blur filter. You can tell it's really him by how far apart and uneven his eyes are.
View attachment 31995View attachment 31994ZeroHedge
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
Where the Sidewalk Ends: The Death of the Internet
by Joshua Moon
Published July 8, 2021 By Josh
Categorized as Writing
Reminds me of that picture that says "it's not rape if she can't say no" at the bottom of it. I think it was on ED a while back?Here's a recent picture of Josh.
View attachment 31993
All that Coke Zero did nothing to help him lose weight. Reminds me of that one splinter forum where the word filter changed "Coke Zero" to "goat semen."hes been hiding his obvious fat . so no all we have is a shadow on a scale from 2 years ago. too lazy to find or link it .