He's said he can't let people talk about him the way he lets his users talk about other because he wouldn't be able to use the site.
This is kind of true but shouldn’t be. Unfortunately, leaders who take criticism are seen as weak or lacking control. This is because in this sektur, things are exaggerated and magnified. People giving constructive criticism can be seen to be “owning” someone or trying to, and even if they weren’t, others will label it as such.
A good leader would take criticism but not disrespect. If any leader of a community allowed themselves to be a complete doormat, the community would inevitably fall apart and let’s face it, his users treat people like complete doormats.
He likes being the only site like that of any note because then it's less chance he sees what people have to say about him and less chance people who like see it.
Yes, popularity, clout and celebrity culture are all incredibly corrupt. This is just an issue everywhere and it sucks.
And he likes being allowed to curate what's said.
This is something that relates to the above point. The issue is, he has a large audience, and part of that is down to his time length in this sector. This means that most of the time, he can get away with saying whatever and win by virtue of numbers. But this is kind of every “popular” person.
I think Josh finds Onionfarms uneasy because maybe from his perspective splinters rise, fall and somehow the members will get reabsorbed back into KF.
This is something I find funny. He talks about banned users as if they were never Kiwis to begin with. Most of the banned users were there for months or years before he decided they should be banned, so surely one could imply that Kiwi Farms was the bad influence rather than the places they left it to go to.
he cannot control it. Most importantly, he cannot control what is written about him here. All the "grown ups" know that joshy is full of shit when it comes frozen peaches.
Most people find uncontrollable commentary about themselves uncomfortable.
And you know how he feels about "figures of authority".
He hates authority unless he is the authority. Meh can’t really fault that, same tbh.