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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

The hospital and baby stuff leaves me with major "citation needed" feels to tell the truth.. I didn't trust hamas and information from hamas controlled areas and allies BEFORE the war.. I have a much MUCH lower opinion of it all now. (especially after the "500 dead at least.. maybe upwards of 800+" hospital parking lot bullshit that turned out to be a space not big enough to hold 100 people.. and that case was of a low potential success lie. Imagine what they are trying to get away with where there is virtually no chance of the outside world ever seeing or hearing anything but what they want it to)
Well, this explains everything: An arabic copy of Adolph HItler's Mein Kampf found in a child's bedroom used by Hamas as a terrorist operative.
Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/herzo...d-on-hamas-terrorist-shows-what-war-is-about/

Mein Kampf arabic.jpeg

President Isaac Herzog on Sunday displayed an Arabic-language version of Adolf Hitler’s autobiographical manifesto “Mein Kampf” that he said was found in a children’s room used as a base by terrorists in the northern Gaza Strip.

Herzog held up a copy of the Nazi leader’s book during a video interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg and said it showed the nature of the hatred that Israel is fighting against in its campaign to destroy Hamas following the terror group’s shock onslaught last month.

“This is Adolf Hitler’s book, ‘Mein Kampf,’ translated into Arabic,” he declared. “This is the book that led to the Holocaust and the book that led to World War II.”
Herzog said the book was found a few days earlier on the body of a Hamas gunman in a child’s bedroom, “which became a base used for terrorist activities by the terrorist organization Hamas.”

“The terrorist wrote notes, marked the sections, and studied again and again the ideology of Adolf Hitler to hate the Jews, to kill the Jews, to burn and slaughter Jews wherever they are,” he said. “This is the real war we are facing.”
Well, this explains everything: An arabic copy of Adolph HItler's Mein Kampf found in a child's bedroom used by Hamas as a terrorist operative.
Source: https://www.timesofisrael.com/herzo...d-on-hamas-terrorist-shows-what-war-is-about/

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That's not actually that big of a surprise since hitler and the nazis were pretty buddy buddy with arab muslims. Especially on the "jewish question". Plus after the war former nazis helped train and build a lot of the militant organizations and movements which lead to the modern arab terrorist/extremist ideology and environment.
Let me show you guys two maps, one with the hospitals, the other with the tunnels:



sources of these two maps:

Do you still think that the IDF is just lying when they claim that there are tunnels underneath the hospitals? The IDF is telling the truth. Now, it might be that the hospitals themselves are unaware of the fact that there are tunnels dug underneath their buildings. I can't imagine this being the case, but let's just give them the benefit of the doubt: some of these tunnels are supposedly dozens of meters deep, it's possible they were dug secretly without the hospitals noticing anything. But just put the one map over the other and you can sorta guess that the IDF's targets are. Someone needs to make a digital .gif map for Palestinians, so they can avoid the areas with the tunnels are, and, more importantly, avoid the hospitals that are, wittingly or unwittingly, above those tunnels. But no one is doing that. No one is making that map. Bellingcat could make it, but they are in the Netherlands now - which is an Israel-ally - so they're mum about this.

The IDF dropped off cans of gas at Al Shifa hospital so they could power up their generators to put the babies back into the incubators... but the hospital staff were too scared to go outside to pick them up, supposedly because they were frightened of being shot by the IDF... but Hamas "just so" happened to be nearby, so they came in and stole all those cans of gas meant for the hospital. Naw, bitchez, naw. This story makes no sense at all. Y'all don't believe your own shit if this is the narrative you're telling the media to cover up the fact that you were given the gas you needed but passed it along to Hamas so they could keep fighting the IDF and launching bombs into Israel.

In other words: the IDF is proven right. Hamas runs that hospital. Hamas stole the gas that was meant for the hospital. Hamas wants Israel to allow gas into Ghaza so they can steal it for themselves to keep fighting.

The IDF denies shooting at Palestinians leaving the hospital to go South. The IDF also denies shooting at patients or doctors within the hospital:

The claim made by these Palestinian doctors that you can't transfer babies in incubators is a lie. There are special stretchers for incubated babies:

Given that these special stretchers exist, why are the Palestinian doctors lying about this? Instead of asking the Red Cross/Crescent or MSF/DWB to provide them with these special stretchers and with assistance for using them to get the babies out? Is it because the Palestinian doctors are ignorant about the present state of modern medicine? Or are they lying about not being able to transfer the premature babies... because Hamas are threatening them, and they are forced to lie about this so that fuel will be brought to the hospital for Hamas to steal for themselves?

Seeing what has happened recently with Hamas stealing the cans of gas that the IDF had left at the hospital, I tend towards the latter.
I suspect the hospital doctors are lying on behalf of Hamas (likely because they're being threatened) to help Hamas procure gas to continue their war against the IDF.
I personally don't care when a group first owned what country all it matters is who is currently in it. People say israel should give the country back to muslims but jews owned it first before they did anyway, then when you say that they cherry pick the argument that it doesn't matter who owned it first in favor of muslims even though that is the entire basis of them wanting to give israel to them in the first place. So since it doesn't matter who owned it before who, they shouldn't have to give it back. Going by this logic every western imperialist country especially in north and south america should have to give the land back to the people they stole it from. So they would all have to dissolve themselves, and then those people will have to give the land back to the people they stole it from before it got stolen from them. There is only one jewish country and one Christian country in all of the middle east and if they could have their way the entire world would be muslim which is their long therm goal they have been doing for over 1000 years and its clearly working. Anyone with common sense should stop the jihad in its tracks unless they want to give up all the good things in life like bacon consensual sex and human rights.
Both sides kill babies and rape children.
The only solution (I can think of that doesn't involve ethnic cleansing) is a secular state controlled by an external, secular power that has branches made of both Palestinians and Israelis, once the population comes to terms that they are brothers and not enemies only then will they be able to self-govern.
That or withdraw support for both sides and let them duke it out alone
I personally don't care when a group first owned what country all it matters is who is currently in it.
Exactly, we focus too much on the past of who owned what 1000+ years ago because in that case we might as well hand the entire Mediterranean and Western Europe to Italy because "The Romans owned it first" (I know they conquered most of that but you know what I mean)
Also @The Gays From LA please spoiler the ancient Babylonian texts you call posts because I'm tired of having to scroll through an eons worth of words to see the rest of the posts, not saying that what you have to say isn't a valuable contribution to this post it's just hard to navigate, maybe considering splitting your posts up into 2 paragraph (or a bit more) miniposts?
Reason: Context
Call me doofenshmirtz but i think a tri state area with a non religious central government and 3 zones, one for jewish muslims and Christians each would be a good solution. It wouldn't stop the fighting but the aggressor would look greedy no matter who it is and majority of public opinion would likely be against them. Although to be fair most of the middle east except maybe 2 small counties are all Muslim so maybe giving more land to other religions that want to be there would also be a good idea. Israel and cyprus are the only countries i can think of off the top of my head in the middle east that are not a muslim theocracy. There should be a rollback on the jihad, iran used to be Zoroastrian for example. I only say this because once they get their foot in the door you get things like the Iranian "revolution" where they said it was for their freedom but now they have less freedom because of it. They were more free before it happened. If muslims had their way Christians and jews wouldn't be able to set foot in the middle east let alone visit the collective holy land of all Abrahamic faith.
:shocking: IDF posts the receipts of a tunnel close to a hospital, and of Hamas operating in the basement of a children's cancer hospital (you will never see this on Al Jazeera):

The IDF spokesman in the above video also did a presentation further explaining the above video:

Here is one of those Hamas tunnels that everyone says doesn't exist, LMAO:

And here is the Hamas armory in the children's cancer hospital that everyone claimed wasn't a thing:

Look at that Hamas terrorist walking around the hospital gate with the RPG launcher, with people around him running away like it's Billy the Kid walking into town.

Now I am sure there are some people there who will say that this was completely staged, that the IDF installed that toilet themselves, and the IDF just threw some film props on the floor to make it look convincing. I think the IDF needs to go full OSINT on this. I know they don't want to because they don't want Hamas to know what they know, but they can win the information war if they do. The IDF ought to integrate the two maps I posted above into a single .gif animation that shows just how many Palestinian hospitals are built on or near tunnels. This will make the extent of the problem visible and comprehensible to the general public.

Again, I am willing to accept the idea that the staff at these hospitals had no idea that all this terroristic activity was happening near, underneath or on their premises. The tunnel shown in the above video looks quite deep IMO, so it's possible that the rest of the tunnel is too deep underground, that it was impossible for anyone above to notice anything.

But all those people who outright denied everything, they have to eat crow now.

Especially this Hamas lawyer, who's constantly featured on Al Jazeera denying everything:

It's raining in Ghaza, so a lot of homeless and displaced people are gonna get wet, cold and sick now:

On the other hand, they didn't have access to water, so maybe they can collect and cook the rainwater now. Probably better than drinking the badly desalinated water they've been drinking all this time. In the above videos you even see people going out to shower in the rain because they haven't had a shower in weeks.

This is a CNN embed inspecting for himself the same Hamas tunnel that was shown in the video that the IDF released yesterday:

Daniel Hagari, the IDF spokesman, says that it's a 20 meter deep tunnel. Other Hamas tunnels are supposedly 70 meters deep, so we can't really blame the people in the hospital for not having noticed anything.

Hagari says that the IDF went down into the tunnel with a robot but came upon a door that opens to the direction of the children's cancer hospital, suggesting that the suspected hostage space there and the tunnel are connected:

Hagari takes the CNN reporter into the room underneath the hospital where the IDF supposedly found the explosives that were shown in their video yesterday (notice that stray cat running past the guns in the basement):

Hagari suspects that Al Shifa hospital isn't just used as a military base for Hamas, claiming there are likely hostages underneath that hospital:

Here's what I said in my previous post: Israel needs to go full OSINT with their findings to win the information war:

Later an analyst claims that the IDF are already physically inside the tunnels. I don't know how he knows this but we'll see.

This is a tent where the IDF have been collecting the weapons they found during their raids into Ghaza, weapons which are Russian, North Korean, Egyptian and home-made:

I find it very telling that, for years, Null was telling Kiwis to read the Unabomber's writings, but now that there's a war against a society that's literally based on the "Might is Right" violent terroristic principles of the Unabomber, Null is aggressively ignoring it. Null doesn't want to know or recon with the kind of society that is the actual result of the principles he advocates.

This guy still doesn't believe the video, LMAO:

He's legally edge-casing about "active versus passive human shields", but it's ridiculous to assume that civilians who are being threatened and blackmailed by Hamas would ever reveal themselves to be self-aware ie "active" human shields.

I looked up this Andreas Krieg guy, and he seems to be plainly biased in favour of Arabs:

Dr Andreas Krieg is a senior lecturer at the School of Security Studies at King’s College London, Royal College of Defence Studies and fellow at the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies. He has spent more than ten years living, studying and working across the MENA region. Andreas was able to complement his years in the Levant, i.e. Lebanon, Syria, Israel and Palestine, with four years in Qatar where he was involved in delivering a strategic contract between the State of Qatar, the UK Ministry of Defence and King’s College London.

In his research Andreas has focused on a variety of different subjects relating to the academic discipline of Security Studies in the geographic context of the MENA region. In particular, Andreas looks at violent non-state actors in the MENA region and their competition with state authority to provide communal resilience. In so doing, he has looked at assemblages between state and non-state actors across North Africa and the Levant in his work on surrogate warfare, and at the nexus between security provision and socio-politics in the Arab world in his work on the Arab Spring. From his research on the Gulf Divide, sprung the idea of his current project looking at the internal and external weaponization of narratives in the Middle East, which has not only distorted civil-societal discourse in the region but also the academic debate on where the region is going.

More recently, Andreas has explored the nexus between security and socio-politics in the Middle East after the Arab Spring. He has just completed a monograph on surrogate warfare analyzing new security assemblages between state and non-state actors in 21st century security provision. In particular, this monograph is a first attempt to conceptualize the wide-ranging externalization of the burden of warfare from state to non-state actors in recent decades.

His bio mentions the Arab Spring, so could it be that he's going soft on Hamas because he was involved with the Arab Spring, which we know was ultimately about Western-orchestrated regime change in the ME... but he's still mad that the Arab Spring was a failure? We know that the ME doesn't want democracy, we know they prefer to be theocratic oppressive violence-driven terror-states... so perhaps his job is to continue to pull the wool over everyone's eyes about "what the ME really wants"? We know what they really want, we saw it on Oct 7th.

Just as I suspected, he's an Al Jazeera regular:

The IDF claims to have found yet another weapon storage at Al Shifa Hospital, but they've yet to release any receipts:

Nope, this isn't just about "helping Israel destroy Hamas", US bases in the ME are under attack now, the US has to protect its own in the region:

Here's yet another video of an embed being taken into the Hamas command center underneath the children's cancer hospital:

Here's an Australian UN blue helmet openly admitting the UN was too chicken shit to enage Israel or the Palestinians while they were breaking the law during their wars against one another: "Israel stops for nobody, even UN peace keepers."

Why do we keep deferring to an organization that's this fucking impotent and ineffective? Why do we keep pretending that the UN is political royalty? They are a NOTHING. They themselves admit they are the most effective when they just stay out of the way.

This is hilarious:

'The most dangerous words for a Middle Easterner are the American words: Trust Us': Marwan Bishara

If you don't want to trust Americans go ahead and trust Hamas, see how far that gets you. He literally says: "I don't know what Hamas are doing Ghaza, I don't know.". THIS IS THE HEAD EDITOR AT AL JAZEERA FEIGNING IGNORANCE SAYING THIS, while his TV channel constantly re-posts Hamas communiques on a daily basis and sometimes several times a day. Honey, we all know what Hamas have been doing, they have continued to bomb Israel throughout this conflict, they most recently bombed Tel Aviv again:

For those people who keep shouting "We need a ceasefire!": will Hamas respect a ceasefire? Will they stop bombing Tel Aviv and trying to brute-force the Iron Dome? Will Hezbollah stop bombing the North? Will the attacks against American bases in Iraq and Syria stop?

You can't have a ceasefire unless all these different parties to the conflict agree to a ceasefire together at the same time, otherwise it's not a ceasefire. Otherwise it's a sucker punch aimed at Israel and the US.
"I've deployed to the ME and East Africa, I have seen, first-hand, the threat of Islamist terrorists... it's the greatest long-term and short-term threat we face, threatening our peace and security because of their goal. Their goal isn't the territory between Israel, Ghaza and Palestine. Their goal is to establish this global Islamist Caliphate and destroy anyone who doesn't adhere to their radical interpretation of Islam, including other muslims, Christians and Hindus and others."

She's telling nothing but the whole truth:

The IDF claims to have found weapons inside Al Shifa hospital:

You wanted a single-shot, not edit video from the IDF showing evidence of hospitals being used for battle? You got it:

I love how all the Hamas apologists in the comments are always trying to move the goal-post: "Where are the tunnels? How do we know these aren't film props?". But when they're shown a tunnel, they claim it's an elevator.

I was hoping this wasn't another "Saddam has WMDs" hoax, but the more I look at these IDF videos, there more I am willing to accept that the IDF is right and that the doctors at Al Shifa hospital - who lied to Al Jazeera and insisted there was no Hamas at the hospital - are being blackmailed by Hamas... or, worse, they are Hamas supporters and fellow travellers themselves:

Why don't they put this whole video compilation online for all to see?

Why only show it to journalists and politicians?

The public is on the receiving end of all this Islamist Jihadist terrorism.
Therefore, the public has a right to see what has been placed in their midst.
So the IDF reposted the video they removed, but in the new video, a portion from the end of the video where the laptop of an alleged Hamas terrorist was shown as been removed:

Here is the part that has been removed from the new video:


They've basically blurred out the face on the screen of the laptop, that they claim is the photo of an IDF soldier who was taken hostage by Hamas and was later liberated by the IDF.

I don't know why they decided this was too compromising. Maybe the soldier they rescued from Hamas asked the IDF not to show her face on the laptop? Who knows.

Here is the footage that was cut out from the new video, it's only about 10 seconds, so I still don't see why this was deemed too sensitive:

My guess for this retroactive edit is that the IDF are trying to be mindful of the rescued soldier, who is probably still in a state of shock and coming down with severe PTSD from this whole experience, so she probably doesn't want to have her face and name out there for now.