• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in old Letterboxd film reviews - Vivian admits he murderously hated his mother as a teenager

This was Vivian's review of the movie Heavenly Creatures, a movie about two repressed teenage who end up killing one of their moms by smashing in her head with a brick:

Fun fact, this was actually my childhood, just not in New Zealand. Oh and without the matricide.


So Vivian watches a movie about repressed teenage girls and thinks it's about him and how he hated his mom as a teenager. Did you ever tell your mom you dreamt of killing her the way the mother is killed in this movie, Vivian?


With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange telling on himself in his old Letterboxd filmreviews: "it would be really nice to experience a story about a woman's 'obsession' with another that actually admits the honest nature of those 'obsessive' feelings" - This was literally the first Letterboxd review Vivian ever posted!

Why is Vivian now wearing a Christian cross while reading Justine by de Sade for his Patreon subscribers?


Saint Maud trailer

- I just want to see you loosen up.
- I've got more important things on my mind.

In the very first review that Vivian ever posted on Letterboxd , he was justifying his toxic, suffocating obsession of others by claiming this unhealthy obsessiveness was "just gay feelings". Vivian is thus using his trans identity as an excuse to claim that gay love is inherently toxic and obsessive.

The above is now gone, but the original review is still up on his "magnolak" account:
https://letterboxd.com/magnolak/film/saint-maud/ Archived: https://archive.is/Q7vJ1

You ever see a movie that seems to be missing something? A thin line of invisible subtext that threads through what is otherwise an alright film, but is never acknowledged and explored? And when it doesn't pay off by the end, you realize that without that textual layer, the movie is pretty trash? And as taboo as it is to think it, you wonder if the director actually understood what their own work was about?

This is Vivian revealing his modus operandi literally from the get-go. Vivian makes unsubstantiated assumptions about other people, claiming to discern some "invisible subtext that threads through" their words or behaviour. When they try to disprove his assumptions about them, he will insist that they don't know themselves or don't know what they are doing ("you wonder if they actually understand what their own work was about"), and he blames them for not "acknowledging or exploring" his baseless assumptions about them. Vivian thinks he can "read" other people the same way he reads his movies.

"Or, in other words, Maud is gay."

Vivian thinks there is something cathartic about coming out, when the fact is, you can come out and still be the same miserable asshole you were before. Coming out isn't some magical catharsis that automatically improves the quality someone's life. Vivian is basically an immature person who believes in magical/cathartic solutions to his problems instead of actually doing the work.

Instead, Maud claims to hear God speak to her and feel his presence enough to make her orgasm. It's actually pretty sad, because Maud is unambiguously mentally ill, and her belief in God self-justifies her psychosis. But without the presence of anything that suggests an actual Christian alignment, it just comes off as this really sick woman being an asshole and committing heinous acts of violence and self-harm, all justified as "doing what God tells her." As a portrayal of mental illness...not a great look, Rose, m'dear.

Now imagine how a gender fascist like me who hates the gender cult reads this part: someone is so obsessed with gender to the point of orgasm (ie, an AGP troon). Someone is using their gender issues to self-justify their psychosis (a troon). Someone is a really sick person being a narcissistic asshole while justifying it as an expression of "gender dysphoria/doing what the gender incongruence tells me" (ie, a troon). I'll never not be amazed at how someone in the gender cult can write down these words about a rabidly religious person and not apply them to their own obsession with gender.

Nearly every aspect of Maud's behavior can be explained by her deeply-buried queerness

And again, Vivian wallows in this idea that "coming out" as LGBT will magically resolve any problems or mental illness in someone's life. If Vivian himself is anything to go by...

Her contrived "faith" protects her from admitting that she wants to fuck the woman in her care, instead interpreting her sapphic desire as a calling to save Amanda’s soul.

More magical thinking, the idea that sex is some kind of magical catharsis that resolves everything, any issue in someone's life. As you can tell from the trailer alone, there is a scene where Maud peeks at a couple making out and she's clearly visibly disgusted at the sight of seeing them. Maud is definitely not the repressed lesbian that Vivian assumes her to be just so he can salvage her. I suspect that the director put that scene in there, because she wanted pre-empt simplistic readings of the movie the kind of which Vivian is doing here: "Oh, she's just gay and secretly wants to fuck that woman."

Her social clumsiness, homophobia, and lack of understanding in how Christianity is actually supposed to work. I had to look away when she tells Carol to never come back. I love me some awkward lesbians, but the lack of self-awareness in Maud and the text itself is downright cringe.

The irony of Vivian calling someone else clumsy and awkward. Trust a degenerate rapey troon to tell you "how Christianity is actually supposed to work"!

Bold of me to claim that I understand this character better than Rose Glass does, but bear with me. One would merely have to add a scene, delete a shot, shift some tone, and tweak a couple lines of dialogue to turn this story into its ideal form.

Bold of you to claim you know Lola better than she knows herself too, Vivian! Except, if someone did that, if someone changed the script the way you want it to be changed to fit your agenda, the result would no longer be this movie or this character. That would be Vivian's gooning fantasy for sure, and I suspect that's exactly what the director wanted to prevent by refusing to make this character a repressed lesbian.

This review is a perfect example of how other people's movies are just an opportunity for Vivian to write some slashfic based on them. This is Vivian's entire claim to fame when it comes to him claiming to be a screenwriter. He thinks that stealing other people's stories and characters and trooning them out makes him a genius screenwriter, when all it does is reveal his own sorry lack of fantasy and imagination. Vivian can't come up with original stories of his own, he can only steal and pervert what others have already made. Which is exactly why all these woke reboots of existing movies and series are so shit and no one likes them. People can tell it's just an ideological rip-off.

It’s one thing to have a traumatized woman find a church and have her mental illness exploited and exacerbated by Christianity – that’s a legit message, and would make a great movie. But if Maud is a church of one, that means the ultimate culprit behind her actions is her mental illness, which…again, is not a good look. It’s a tired and outright harmful trope that we really should have done away with a while ago.

"A church of one", this is Vivian just telling on himself. The reason he hates this trope is because he himself is the personification of the trone. He hates the idea of someone driven murderously insane by their mental illness... because that's basically the extremist radicalization vortex he himself is being sucked into right now. This review is past Vivian denying the idea that his mental illness could take over his life and destroy it, through destroying other('s) lives.

How to fix it in Saint Maud? Just admit this bitch is gay.

Again Vivian wallows in the juvenile idea that coming out will magically fix everything. Not only does the woman have to be gay, she has to be a gay bitch first and foremost. Every film has to provide that moneyshot of the cathartic girl-on-girl action for Vivian's sexual satisfaction. He hates this movie because it won't give him that moneyshot.

That’s tragic, sympathetic, and illustrates the effect that a culture of homophobia, belonging to the religious and irreligious alike, has on a vulnerable queer woman still in the closet. It gives us emotional stakes, because we actually care about Maud despite her shittiness. And it elevates the entire text around it, too.

No, you don't care about Maud, you just want to see her fuck a woman because that's all women do for you. In this day and age, trooning out a character is not going to make the audience sympathize with them, it's just gonna make them roll their eyes and yawn at more enforced wokeness. It's the reason people widely hate these woke SJW DEI remakes, because they can tell these stories are some simplistic bullshit. Vivian is that person who came out, who is still the same insufferable assholes he were before, just more obnoxious now because they get to weaponize their new-found LGBT status to force others to put with their bullshit in the name of validation. THIS is actually the "tired old trope" that everyone is sick to death with.

Amanda forgives, and apologizes for exploiting Maud’s gullibility. Maud remembers their intimacy…and for the first time, she drops the religious defense mechanism and is vulnerable, honest for the first time about her queer feelings.

"Amanda forgives, and apologizes for exploiting Maud’s gullibility", Amanda was able to forgive, Vivian himself on the other hand...

I think this part of the review reveals why Vivian's generation is obsessed with coming-outs as a magical resolution to every single problem in a person's life. The performance of the coming-out creates a false honesty and a false intimacy amongst these people. These kids don't know themselves enough to reveal anything substantial about themselves, in fact, they belong to a gender cult that actively precludes them from ever really knowing anything about themselves, so they stage and perform these coming-outs for each other, because they have nothing else going on for them. Worse, they expect their movies to follow the same pattern of performative honest and fake intimacy by means of coming out.

But in the queer cut, Maud has just brutally killed the woman she loves, and we don’t know what’s happening in her head when she douses herself in acetone – has she committed herself to the delusion of “completing God’s work” to avoid the truth, or is she acting out of true guilt and shame for what she’s done?

And again, all Vivian can do once he's made a mess out of everything is douse everything in acetone and set it on fire to avoid accountability. The rat's way out.

we’re not stupid; the audience knows what’s actually happening here, and to try and shock us with a stupid and pointless jump scare ruins what could have been an utterly haunting and memorable final shot.

Trying to shock the audience into empathizing with a tired ole "gender reveal" or coming-out on the other hand... yes, the audience is not stupid. They know it's a magical resolution that doesn't actually resolve anything.

This movie doesn’t have queer subtext – it’s just…the text. Maud is queer, but our conservative society wields internalized homophobia with the power of God, and the weak and vulnerable like Maud are its victims.

No, this character is just terminally irreparably mentally ill, but the idea of her just being gay and repressing it, is more satisfying to juvenile gooners like Vivian because it leaves room for magical resolutions and they get the girl-on-girl moneyshot.

And for once, it would be really nice to experience a story about a woman’s “obsession” with another that actually admits the honest nature of those “obsessive” feelings (because really, what do straights think “obsession” indicates? I swear, sometimes it feels like you people are deliberately being dense).

Let's ask the people who were on the receiving end of your utterly toxic obsession for them, Vivian. It very obvious now you're just weaponizing your trooning to justify obsessive behaviours. You don't like real people, you just like your obsessive idea of them.
Vivian being a stalky creep on Letterboxd once again, while giving himself away - Meet "Laura Tyler" aka "TyLaura", Vivian's secret alt account on Letterboxd. - Vivian uses this secret Letterboxd alt to re-follow Youtubers who already said they want nothing to do with him, the same Youtubers he denounced as "clout chasers" and told to "suq a diq" when they confronted him over the Google Doc

Note: Here is the original post I was working on about Vivian's "Laura Tyler" alt account on Letterboxd. Shortly after I discovered that that account it disappeared... only to re-appear as "TyLaura". @ihavedemons since you were asking why I keep updating this thread, this is why: because on the one hand Vivian calls these Youtubers clout-chasers and threatens to doxx them for not obsessing over the War in Ghaza the way he did, but on the other hand he's making these secret alt accounts on Letterboxd to re-follow the very same Youtubers who said they wanted nothing to do with him anymore, and continue to keep the tabs on them - just like he did when he joined the Content Creators for Palestine Discord to screengrab everything keep the tabs on Lola because he knew she was part of that campaign as well.

Is "Laura Tyler" a Vivian Strange alt on Letterboxd? Investigating this mysterious new account... that identically mirrors Vivian's own watchlist


"I don't think I've ever had a patient who fell in love with a corpse."

So I noticed that some of Vivian's followers had followed a new account on Letterboxd called "Laura Tyler".


Archived: https://archive.is/HXi7P

I decided to investigate.

I checked the "Diary" section of the Laura Tyler account, and this account only started reviewing movies as of January 25th, 2025... but at the same time it has already rated 30+ pages of movies, it "just" never said a single word about them. Why did this account start reviewing movies only after Vivian abandoned his?

Over the past X days this "Laura Tyler", after following Vivian Strange, began following a whole slew of Letterboxd accounts. I noticed that these account were some of the very same people that Vivian Strange was already following, including several prominent Youtubers that Vivian follows (KyleKallgren, PimsCrypt, Amanda the Jedi, Hbomberguy, José María Luna, Zane Parker) as well as trans filmmakers like Vera Drew and Isabel Sandoval whom Vivian follows.





Archived: https://archive.is/uzvD8

Laura's watchlist on Letterboxd (these are the movies a user would like to see in the future) shows a close resemblance to Vivian's, with Vivian wanting to see 1090 films and Laura 1092 films, the more recently logged titles in the watchlist closely following the ones Vivian had already logged in his:




When I compared Vivian's and Laura's Watched lists, in other words the movies a user has already seen, (sorted by "When Added">"Newest First"), I was shocked to discover that Laura's list was literally a perfect mirror image of Vivian's list:


As you can see, the only difference between the two accounts is that Vivian would post occasional text reviews of movies, while Laura would just log the movies with a rating or a heart and no text review.


Again, how likely is it that a Letterboxd account that only became active a couple of days ago would've logged thousands of movies (both watched and to watch), with 30 pages of 2155 movies watched (the exact same amount as Vivian), while identically following the movies Vivian had already logged over all the years he was on Letterboxd? Oh, and that this brand new account would start following the very same Youtubers and trans filmmakers on Letterboxd that Vivian was already following, also following Vivian himself as the very first account? While being one of only three accounts that Serafina follows? Oh, and also transing "Ingmar Bergwoman", which is what Vivian did one of the episodes of the GenderWeird podcast?

Laura's Letterboxd avatar is a pixel art image that says: "Stop Time And Continue Walking? Y/N".

This image (of unknown origin) apparently originated from a Wattpad account belonging to someone with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder) who uses different "alters":


About My D.I.D And Alters
WARNING: ALL VIDEOS USED IN BOOK BELONG TO DISSOCIATEDID ON YOUTUBE A lot of people have been concerned as of why my personality changes so much online and irl, so I'm going to explain it to you: I have D.I.D (Dissociative Identity Disorder). Read t...

#alters #dissociativeidentitydisorder

Laura's four top movies (Shangri-La, Judas and the Black Messiah, We’re All Going to the World’s Fair and Willy’s Wonderland) are all movies from 2021, in other words, the year Vivian became active on Youtube. Vivian has logged all of these 2021 movies on his on Letterboxd account, in 2021 (excerpt for Schoenbrun's movie in 2024):




Conclusion: There is a very high likelyhood that "Laura Tyler" is a Vivian Strange sockpuppet/alt account that he is using to make a come-back on Letterboxd and re-associate himself with Youtubers and filmmakers who perhaps do not want to be associated with him.

It's really bizarre to me that Vivian would even adopt the name "Laura" for his alt account. I am guessing "Laura Tyler" is supposed to be a combination of "Laura Palmer" from Twin Peaks and "Tyler Durden" from The Fight Club, but still. In his "8 year transition" Livestream (now privated along with all the rest) Vivian gave his AGP groomer the alias "Laura", so he could talk about him without identifying him before his audience. Vivian said that "Laura" was an older troon whom he had met online as an adolescent, who brought Vivian out to the West coast to live with him for "three wild years". "Laura" was trooning out young Vivian, having sex with him and feminizing him, even demanding that Vivian undergo a full transition and get bottom surgery, which Vivian refused because even delulu Vivian had figured out what mayming butchery SRS was from having had sex with transwomen who had already gotten the snip (that was the whole "I have met neovaginas" segment on the GenderWeird podcast; Vivian's groomer "Laura" wanted to fully feminize him but Vivian preferred to be a genderfuck). So why would Vivian name himself "Laura" after his groomer on his Letterboxd alt? Vivian said that "Laura" was very abusive to him the three years they were together, so is Vivian implicitly admitting that he too has ended up an abuser just like "Laura"? That he has now become "Laura", continuing the cycle of abuse instead of breaking it?

Also, what's with the four top movies from 2021 and the avatar image about pausing time while continuing to walk? Is Vivian suggesting he "paused time" at 2021 and is going to pretend that 4 years of his life never happened?

Seems like exactly the type of psycho-shit that Vivian would do to get back on Letterboxd incognito, no?

Edit: since I started working on this post, Vivian has imported the tags he was using for the Vivian Strange account (to mark the movies he watched with Serafina, Elaine, Jane and Lola) into the Laura Tyler account:


And as I was continuuing to work on this post about the the "Laura Tyler" account, it suddenly disappeared... only to re-appear as a new account, "TyLaura", which began following the very same people as Vivian did... including a whole bunch of Youtubers yet again, because Vivian obviously hates those clout-chasing Youtubers so much now that he must find a way to re-follow them on Letterboxd, right?



As you can see, Vivian is using the new "TyLaura" account to re-follow Aranock and PimsCrypt, two Youtubers who have already said they want nothing to do with him anymore.

And once again, this "TyLaura" account logs the exact same movies as Vivian did:

Archived: https://archive.is/RU0Ke

Vivian has replaced the "w-serafina" tag with a new tag, "w-bela", which I guess is his nickname for Serafina now, so I guess Vivian and Serafina have some kind of Poor Things LARP going on right now.

Vivian, stop making these stalky Letterboxd alts FFS, you know I will always track down your "Laura" alts.

Someone dared ask Vivian if he got Bisan Owda's consent to appropriate her Instagram updates - Vivian responds: "if you’re one of those white westerners, then do me a favor and kindly fvck off."

Screengrabbing this exchange because Vivian - or should I call him "Laura Tyler" now? - always takes these comments down:


This is publicly available media, all thoroughly and appropriately cited. I’ve been doing this archival work since the genocide started in 2023 and I have never once made a single penny on any of these documentaries (in fact, if you must know, every time I publish one of these, my channel suffers in terms of viewer and subscriber counts). I’ve sacrificed a potentially successful career as a YouTuber in order to use the only platform I have to spread the word, increase visibility on Palestine, and most importantly to preserve evidence of the Zionist entity’s genocidal crimes for future generations to witness and remember — all of which has been specifically asked of us BY Bisan, over and over and over through her IG updates (as you could easily see by watching any of these, but you haven’t, have you? 🙄). The creator and journalist I’ve come to know through documenting her life under genocide for over 15 months would thank me for this if she had the chance to (you might not be aware of this, but she’s currently dealing with a bit more important things than a Z-list YouTuber with less than 7k subscribers preserving her work and, again, doing exactly what she’s asked of those of us in the west time after time). IN FACT, the only response to these I’ve gotten from actual Palestinians and actual Arab people is resounding gratitude and appreciation; the only people who seem to have a problem with it are white westerners who would rather spend their time bullying a small creator who’s doing her best than doing anything to actually help Palestine themselves, sooooo if you’re one of those white westerners, then do me a favor and kindly fvck off.

"The creator and journalist I’ve come to know", no, you don't know Bisan troon, you're just a delusional man with a parasocial limerent obsession. You ridiculously try to justify your obsessive behaviours by claiming that your obsessiveness is an inherent part of being gay. If Bisan knew who you are, that creepy necrophilic love-letter you wrote to Bisan about how you will meet her in heaven after she's dead, and how you were using the War in Ghaza as an excuse to treat your best friends IRL like shit and attack them, she wouldn't want to have anything to do with you. If Bisan Owda knew that you followed your best friend Lola, who was fundraising to help the war refugees at the time, into the private Content Creators for Palestine Discord server in order to screengrab all of the participating Youtubers' private conversations there (because they weren't radical enough in their support for Palestine for your liking), trying to sabotage their fundraising efforts by threatening to leak your screengrabs of those private Discord conversations, if Bisan knew this about you and how you treated your best friend like this after SA her, I am sure Bisan too would be utterly disgusted by you and would object to you trying to associate yourself with her by appropriating her content on your channels. The fact that Bisan cannot object to you at the present moment is NOT an excuse for you to pilfer her updates to indulge your limerence and obsessively associate yourself with her in the most creepy, necrophilic manner.

Then of course there's Arabs like this Lebanese guy, who don't like the fact that "white people" like Vivian are appropriating graphic social media footage, recognizing that being subjected to all this gore actually has a desensitizing effect:

I doubt Vivian is going to listen to this podcast to hear for himself how Arabs actually feel about "white people" like himself trauma dumping their gore compilations onto Youtube to somehow absolve themselves of a war they have no direct personal stake in. It's not like Vivian is going to read "Permission to Narrate", the 1984 essay by Edward Said mentioned by the podcaster.

Another thing I have to mention here is that Vivian's followers are themselves enabling his obsessive limerence towards Bisan by posting comments such as the following, from a Spaniard who claims she sent Vivian's compilations to Bisan herself: "she was so happy to find [out] about your compilation. I'm sure she'll contact you when she has a chance to think instead of survive. But I'm 100% sure you'll hear from her." (There is literally no evidence for any of this, all such comments do is enable and justify Vivian's narcissistic obsession with Bisan.)


Quoting from the conclusion to the Google Doc testimonies by Vivian's victims:

Our testimonies reveal common patterns in Vivian’s taste in women and her behavior towards them. Vivian has a taste for the vulnerable, from the young and inexperienced Elaine and Aziel, to the traumatized Lola and Jane. She is drawn to those who are lonely, and those who have health issues. She is drawn to YouTubers and filmmakers. She will assert dominance in her friendships by taking over their minds, insist on a value she brings to the relationship, and express anger and disappointment when she does not achieve her goals. She will project her issues onto others and rebound criticisms directed her way. She will establish trust with her victims and then use their trust against them. Her politics stem from her desire to to be liked, to be loved, to go down in history, and to not sufficiently support her partner. She frequently calls herself “famous” and expresses delusions of grandeur. She makes people worse versions of their former selves. She corrupts what is beautiful, or at least tries. There are other victims out there. This document is for them. Vivian Strong uses people for personal gain, whether it’s people like us or the people of Palestine.
With the benefit of hindsight - Vivian Strange still telling on himself on Letterboxd even when he's not telling on himself: "a heavily repressed, aggressively hypersexual & constantly hornt country is not necessarily a sign of cultural sexual liberation"

This is getting almost parodic at this point, but sometimes Vivian will tell on himself by writing reviews claiming to uphold the very opposite values of what he actually practices IRL. This review of The Grand Budapest Hotel contains is one such example of admission-by-reversal:

One thing I appreciate in Wes Anderson’s work is how effectively he portrays platonic love & relationships. Sexual tension permeates our culture’s stories, more so here in the US & countries where sexuality is heavily repressed & things like physical contact & nudity are sexualized by default (news flash: being hypersexual & constantly hornt is not necessarily a sign of cultural sexual liberation; in fact, it reveals just how goddamn repressed we are in this country; don’t believe me? Ask any American asexual how aggressively sexual our society is).

https://letterboxd.com/vivian_strange/film/the-grand-budapest-hotel/ archive: https://archive.is/AoFNZ

Remember, he was writing this bullshit about being asexual on Letterboxd (same crap he claimed about himself in his Sex Scenes video), just as he was forcing his ladyboner onto Lola, molesting her in her sleep, planning to have threesomes with Elaine and Jane, planning to shoot an experimental porno movie with Elaine for his OnlyFans, bragging on Instagram about the birthday orgies he was attending where he was exchanging BJs for Youtube subscriptions, trying to trick Aziel into attenting the same queer sex clubs he was apparently already frequenting himself in Portland.

But sure, all of this is totally the behaviour of an "asexual" living in a "heavily sexually repressed society" where he readily has access to trannie sex shows in his own hometown, because at the same time his society is "aggressively sexual" and he has no choice but give into all the temptations laid before him, while blaming society for his own lack of self-control.
Jane Brown returns to Letterboxd, announces the release of the promised supercut of I Wish I Were A Camera in 2025 - An excerpt from the next parody song for "Vivian Strange The Musical (Powered by AI)"

Jane Brown has started using his Letterboxd account again. Here's what he wrote on Paint Drying, the "publicly hijacked public diary" entry on Letterboxd:

Jane Evelyn’s review published on Letterboxd:
I unplugged from social media a few months ago to improve my mental health. Last year was emotionally intense but I walked through the darkness to find the light. I don’t want to repress my trauma throughout my life but I also do not want it to define me. I want to continue growing into a stronger and wiser person, and that means understanding and establishing better boundaries for myself so that I am no longer used, abused, or even bothering others. I feel good about my decision to delete Twitter and Discord. I don’t see the point of using social media if I am not creatively fulfilled by doing so.

This is also why I haven’t closed my Letterboxd account or my YouTube channel. I realize now that old activity on Letterboxd and YouTube is a shattered mirror to repressed trauma in the public eye. I was certainly turning to films to seek answers about my disposition, but I also lacked the necessary self-awareness to reach any meaningful conclusions. People work through trauma in their own ways and at their own paces, so I shouldn’t be too embarrassed, but I also want a clear mind with a fresh start, which is why I removed most of my film diary. I see value in continuing to use this website to express myself and track my development in life and through film, but I don’t really need or even want people seeing my every move. That said, my reviews moving forward will be personal and honest.

I’m less interested these days in using reviews and videos to analyze film, because the best way to analyze film is to use the cinematic language itself. A video essay merely interprets a film into English or another language. If I feel compelled to write or upload a more thoughtful analysis of a text, it will be driven by a passion within me. Otherwise, what I am doing is a fun creative hobby, but not really my true creative calling.

Jane also announced the promised supercut of I Wish I Were a Camera which will come out in 2025:

I Wish I Were a Camera 2025 Directed by Jane Evelyn, Elaine Fuentes
Each day of 2024 is represented by one minute of footage. Two transgender filmmakers in a long-distance relationship document their personal lives for an entire year as a form of therapy. The project forces the couple to examine who they are as individuals, lovers, and artists in a world that threatens their existence.

Jane wrote this about the steamy sex scene in the movie Titanic:

I realize now that this was not only the first film I watched with nudity in it, but also my introduction to sex. I'm really happy knowing this today. With so much darkness in my life back then, and even until recently, it's a relief knowing this. The first time I saw sex, I was able to see love, passion, purity, tenderness, togetherness, curiosity, consent, and exploration. It's nice knowing I saw the female form presented sexually for the first time not as an object, but as part of a human being and as a part of art.

Powerlevelling: My first movie was Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom. Yes, the OG one where they eat soup with goat eyes and scoop out the monkey brains, and later there's the human sacrifice scene where the master of ceremonies rips out the beating heart while droning "Kalimaaa! Kalimaaa!". Don't know how any of that affected my sexual development, but there you go #ThingsYouDidntKnowAboutMe

Jane's comment about the sex scene in Titanic being his first sex scene is really interesting to me, because in the next parody song I am currently working on for "Vivian Strange The Musical (Powered by AI)", I literally have a couple of lyrics about Vivian's EPE and how being exposed to online porn at a young age affected him. Vivian was literally bragging about his EPE in one of the GenderWeird podcast episodes with Jane, saying he was disappointed when he finally saw 18+ movies, because those movies weren't as explicit as the online porn he had already seen as a teenager:

I started watching t-porn clips
When I was just a teenage kid
I saw the weirdest shit
I emulated


If you're familiar with Vivian's favourite artists, you can probably tell which song this next parody is going to be.
Vivian's latest GoFundMe scam: $8k goal on GFM this time - Guess who else scammed his way from Orange County to Portland on GFM - Leftist Cooks response to Vivian's previous GFM scam: "You maintain that you really are 'about to get evicted' even though you've already raised 11.000 dollars to fix that very situation"

In his latest GoFundMe scam, Vivian claims he hasn't paid his rent for the past 4 months, so you need to make up for it pay piggies:


hello y'all! we're a struggling trans family in Portland, Oregon facing homelessness. to prevent us from being evicted, we need to pay off our four (almost five) months of past due rent and late fees, in addition to a deposit for moving into an apartment that isn't owned by incompetent ruthless corporate slumlords. we (Serafina & Vivian) are both queer trans artists, union organizers, and cat moms who have been struggling with obtaining consistent employment adequate enough to feed and house ourselves.

(R - Garnet is The Boy, our Little Prince, our silly orange baby boy!
L - Persephone is The Girl, our Black Hellcat, and House sabo-tabby!)

things are really hard for impoverished trans women right now, and every little bit helps. thank you all!

Serafina & Vivian

https://www.gofundme.com/f/save-the-strong-family-from-homelessness Archived: https://archive.is/YvGLT

They're really gonna move out this time folks! For realz this time!

Vivian and Serafina are self-styled "union organizers" now, at the same time as they've "been struggling with obtaining consistent employment", so one wonders how they managed to stick around anywhere long enought to launch a union. Oh well, once you're delusional about being a woman, you might as well delulu your way into being everything else you're not.

Let's see, the last mirror I have for Vivian's previous GoFundMe scam was this, which managed to raise $4k:

https://www.gofundme.com/f/help-vivian-and-serafina-make-it-through-2024 Archived: https://archive.is/L7B9b

And before that there was the other fraudulent GoFundMe, which raised $11k.

The Leftist Cooks addressed the fact that Vivian had $11k but did not use it to move in the following comment which Vivian deleted to cover up the fact that his fellow Youtubers know he's scamming people on GFM: "You maintain that you really are 'about to get evicted' even though you'e already raised 11.000 dollars to fix that very situation"


But that's not all when it comes so scamming people on GoFundMe! Guess whom else Vivian has apparently convinced to move to Portland and launch a GoFundMe to do so:

Not only is moving out of California costly but finding the time to fly out to Portland to view potential housing in person to ensure my safety is a expense that I currently don’t have as a student.

Archived: https://archive.is/https://www.gofundme.com/f/black-trans-fem-doxxed-moving-fund-escaping-racism

Soulbunni needed almost $8000 from the people with cash to burn on GoFundMe to move to Portland to "escape racism", despite being a student in the OC in California which is the most progressive pro-troon US State. I know that the OC is more Republican than LA but come the fuck on, this fucking troon lived in Huntington Beach.

BTW, I didn't even archive Soulbunni's GFM myself. Someone else apparently did it for me. Why thank you internet stranger! Seriously though, this Soulbunni troon is so widely hated in the trans community itself, he apparently has all these other people keeping the tabs on him.

In case you don't recognize the black troon, that's the troon that Vivian Livestream-interviewed on the day he tried to force his ladyboner onto Lola. Vivian and Soulbunni were on this Livestream together, laughing and joking about troons "dicking down TERFs"... on the very same day that Vivian effectively attempted to dick down his best friend.

Being Trans in the 2020s: A Chat with Soulbunni
The life of Vivian: "sick, unwell, depressed, hopeless, hungry, bedridden and borderline suicidal"


Remember the latest Patreon scam where Vivian and Serafina were presenting themselves as these two epic trans unionizers?

Wanna know how Vivian is actually doing working a real job, meeting his neighbours and touching grass away from Youtube and the clout chasing cliques?


I’m sorry y’all, but I need to cancel today’s Justine reading stream. I am feeling sick, unwell, depressed, hopeless, hungry from not having gotten to eat today, bedridden and borderline suicidal, and I don’t think reading about the most miserable girl in literature is gonna make me feel better today.

(That said, join my Patreon — patreon.com/Ms_Vivian_Strange — and I’ll see you next Sunday to continue our ongoing Justine reading 🙏)

BTW, LMAO at Jane Brown downrating Salo on Letterboxd, seems like his therapy is doing wonders for him, Jane should recommend that therapist to Vivian too:

Vivian is asked if he deleted his Letterboxd account - Instead of telling the truth about his "Laura Tyler/TyLaura" alt account, he DARVOs & claims he deleted his LB account due to "stalkers" - Vivian himself is the cyberstalker according to Lola's testimony - Vivian is using his new "TyLaura" Letterboxd account to cyberstalk Youtubers who want nothing to do with him

Once you know that Vivian is a habitual liar, you always catch him DARVOing anytime someone asks him a casual question:



Hey Vivian, remember when you asked Lola's mutuals to spy on her on your behalf? Here's that part from Lola's testimony in case you forgot:

"She [Vivian] told me then that she’d prefer not to live with my girlfriend [Tali] in the future — so again, I began avoiding Vivian. She then texted my friends and asked them to keep tabs on me for her. Some expressed concern to me over this." Archived: https://archive.is/pm0qi

We know exactly who the "stalker" is here. You only wish you were popular enough to have stalkers, troon. You're a nobody and everyone has moved on from you.

BTW Vivian, how's your latest GFM scam going?


Seems people know exactly who the actual stalker is here, and who the scammer is too increasingly.

Let's see what Vivian has been posting under his "Laura Tyler" alter ego on Letterboxd:


https://letterboxd.com/tylaura/film/companion-2025/ Archived: https://archive.is/Np5FM

"Vivian watch a movie about a woman and not assume it's about him" challenge: impossible.

What Vivian calls "my dollification" is what is commonly called "grooming", but Vivian is just too narcissistic to call it what it is. Whenever Vivian describes himself as a kid, he always makes sure to stress what a smart, precocious kid he was. Admitting he was groomed by a more cunning adult, that would shatter Vivian's self-perception, cos then he'd have to admit he wasn't exceptionally smart or perceptive, instead he was just another naive, easily misled kid like everyone else.