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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

JFC, look at that Al Jazeera Arabic thumbnail with the stereotype of the wickedly laughing Dzoo!

If Der Sturmer had been a 21st century Youtube channel, their video thumbnails would have been exactly just like that.


Here is the video with that thumbnail:

Israeli media: The Heritage Minister’s statements reveal Netanyahu’s inability to control his ministers
الإعلام الإسرائيلي: تصريحات وزير التراث تكشف عجز نتنياهو عن السيطرة على وزرائه

Nov 6, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Military_Analysis #Palestine
On the thirtieth day of the war, the Israeli media focused on Gaza and on the statements of Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, in which he said that he supported bombing the Gaza Strip with a nuclear bomb. Former military and security figures and political analysts considered that the statements of the minister belonging to the Jewish Greatness Party headed by Itamar Ben Gvir harm Israel's image and reveal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's inability to control his extremist ministers, as they put it.
#Al Jazeera
Nov 6, 2023 #الجزيرة #تحليل_عسكري #فلسطين
ركزت وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية في اليوم الثلاثين للحرب على غزة وعلى تصريحات وزير التراث عميحاي إلياهو التي قال فيها إنه يؤيد قصف القطاع بقنبلة نووية. واعتبرت شخصيات عسكرية وأمنية سابقة ومحللون سياسيون أن تصريحات الوزير المنتمي لحزب العظـَمة اليهودية برئاسة إيتمار بن غفير تضر بصورة إسرائيل وتكشف عجز رئيس الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو عن السيطرة على وزارئه المتطرفين على حد تعبيرهم.

The person depicted in the thumbnail, Amichai Eliyahu, is basically an Israeli far right Zionist extremist, so no wonder he's making public statements about nuking Ghaza:

This guy in debate with Dylan Burns and some others explains why Israel wants to send Palestinians into Egypt. He claims it's because Egypt - another Islamist state where the Islamic Brotherhood runs the joint that doesn't recognize women's right and doesn't practice any family planning or birth control, just churning out terrorists non-stop like the rest of them - is on the verge of a famine.

Here are some articles from 2022-2023 about the Egyptian food crisis:

Egypt's economy pushed to brink as one third of nation living in poverty

If 1-2 million Palestinian refugees are exiled/deported into Egypt, there will be mass-starvation in Egypt for sure, not just amongst Palestinians but amongst Egyptians and the quarter million Sudanese refugees already sheltering in Egypt. Israel knows this is the prospect , which is why they drafted up this secret plan to dump masses of Palestinians into Western countries including Spain, Greece, Canada and the US:

Nope, not happening. Israel is not gonna dump even more terrorists onto us because they don't wanna deal with them themselves. Fuck that shit, secret plan REJECTED! I still think they should send all those Palestinians to the West Bank, then they can be there with their fellow Palestinians. They will be a majority, then they can naturally drive the settlers out and then you will get a 2 state solution. Palestine will be land-locked but it's still better than being stuck in Ghaza - or Egypt in the midst of a famine, for that matter.
You may or may not have heard about a documentary movie concerning the Hamas terrorist attack that is being shown privately: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/m...-angeles-new-york-city-screenings-1235637869/

Apparently videos of the graphic footage of the Hamas Terrorist Attack were leaked on Twitter

A group of terrorists, who appear to be civilians, with one of them sounding like a young boy, are transporting the mutilated body of a girl from the Nova party into Gaza.Note: I received this video with half of the footage covered, so I translated it and uploaded it as is. If I find an uncensored version, I will replace it.

An entire family is held hostage. Pay attention to the conversation (English subtitles) and how the little daughter and the boy talk about the older sister (18). She was previously raped and shot in another room. The blood on the father’s hands and legs is from his older daughter. It is not yet known what became of this family and whether they are still alive.

Here is the website of all the graphic content: https://tenseventh.com/
You may or may not have heard about a documentary movie concerning the Hamas terrorist attack that is being shown privately: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/m...-angeles-new-york-city-screenings-1235637869/

Apparently videos of the graphic footage of the Hamas Terrorist Attack were leaked on Twitter

View attachment 41445

A group of terrorists, who appear to be civilians, with one of them sounding like a young boy, are transporting the mutilated body of a girl from the Nova party into Gaza.Note: I received this video with half of the footage covered, so I translated it and uploaded it as is. If I find an uncensored version, I will replace it.

View attachment 41446

An entire family is held hostage. Pay attention to the conversation (English subtitles) and how the little daughter and the boy talk about the older sister (18). She was previously raped and shot in another room. The blood on the father’s hands and legs is from his older daughter. It is not yet known what became of this family and whether they are still alive.

Here is the website of all the graphic content: https://tenseventh.com/
I hope every piece of settler trash gets smoked
View attachment 41446

An entire family is held hostage. Pay attention to the conversation (English subtitles) and how the little daughter and the boy talk about the older sister (18). She was previously raped and shot in another room. The blood on the father’s hands and legs is from his older daughter. It is not yet known what became of this family and whether they are still alive.
This kind of propaganda is tailor made for this kind of Boomer idiot lol. No proof of any of this whatsoever
The more I see and hear about all these thankless, entitled Palestinians, the angrier I get. This American nurse - who was in Ghaza during the war and just barely escaped with the help of her Palestinian colleagues willing to risk their lives to take her and other to the border - she was threatened by angry Palestinians for being American trying to help, and was also falsely accused by paranoid conspiratorial Palestinians of being a Dzoo. Yet she says she would still go back to Ghaza to help Palestinians because, quote, "my heart is in Ghaza":

This is who Palestinians are: they receive help but they would rather seize upon that opportunity to act tough and start an argument about whomever is giving them help than just accept the help and move the fuck on. These semi-barbarian "honour-based cultures" are such a fucking cancer.

Al Jazeera apparently has its own Bellingcat now:

OK, so you found one example of the IDF mistaking a water reservoir for a tunnel. SFW? The IDF posted ample other evidence of Hamas hiding their weapons in civilian spaces, the most gross of which was Hamas hiding their weapons in a scouts center. While the boys - not the girls, remember, these are Islamists - were learning to be scouts, Hamas was stashing up the weapons right next to them.

A building where children play is a Hamas rocket launching site.

Nope, the IDF is telling the truth. Hamas is using civilian structures as a cover for their tunnels. The fact that the IDF mistook a water reservoir for a tunnel doesn't dispute the overwhelming larger stack of evidence that Hamas has been doing this.

This part is so telling. Nastasya Tay (the Malaysian Al Jazeera presenter) asks the Oxfam woman if Palestinians - 70% of whom are homeless now - if they are finally ready to leave now, and she won't just answer the question.

Does she think we're stupid? We've all seen the footage of Palestinians flocking to the border with Egypt even if they're not dual citizens.

This British ex-spook says that the IDF is going to be in Ghaza "for months, not weeks":

An entire family is held hostage. Pay attention to the conversation (English subtitles) and how the little daughter and the boy talk about the older sister (18). She was previously raped and shot in another room. The blood on the father’s hands and legs is from his older daughter. It is not yet known what became of this family and whether they are still alive.

The mother you see in that video was interviewed on CNN 3 days ago about this incident:

This is who Palestinians are: they receive help but they would rather seize upon that opportunity to act tough and start an argument about whomever is giving them help than just accept the help and move the fuck on. These semi-barbarian "honour-based cultures" are such a fucking cancer.

This right here is one of the major reasons they are hated so much in the arab muslim world and kept out. Well that and trying to drag their host countries into the conflict while using it as a terrorist base to start attacking Israel. Oh and killing host country politicians who don't support their efforts. Also refusing to integrate etc. Now I know some of that lays at the feet of the other muslim countries who earlier on tried to use them as a tool against Israel, and generally felt they had a vested interest in making sure there always remained a "refugee" and "displacement" issues. That was the original reason for not taking them in or letting them resettle, but now... Just look at Egypt. Basically saying they'd rather loose a million troops than let them into the country in mass. Even sending anti-infantry/personal specific military equipment (IFVs) to the border. lol
Why do people get into terrorism? Not to liberate anything or anyone. They get into terrorism because it's very lucrative to be a terrorist mafioso extorting money from your own people, the UN-NGO Industrial Aid Complex and your enemies:

Al Jazeera Arabic continues to violate Youtube's ToS with impunity:


Abu Ubaida: We documented the complete or partial destruction of 136 Israeli military vehicles
أبو عبيدة: وثقنا تدمير 136 آلية عسكرية إسرائيلية تدميرا كليا أو جزئيا

Nov 8, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Israeli_Army
Ubaida, the military spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades, said that their fighters documented that our mujahideen completely or partially destroyed 136 Israeli military vehicles, and that the sniper weapons continued to target the occupation soldiers and the artillery weapons continued to strike the fortifications.
#Al Jazeera
Nov 8, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #الجيش_الإسرائيلي
قال عبيدة الناطق العسكري باسم كتائب القسام إن مقاتليهم وثقوا تدمير مجاهدينا 136 آلية عسكرية إسرائيلية تدميرا كليا أو جزئيا، وأن سلاح القنص يواصل استهداف جنود الاحتلال وسلاح المدفعية ضرب التحصينات

This is what Hamas did, all these cars were set on fire by these terrorists while they are busy killing and abducting the festival goers:

Who are still having PTSD triggers at the sound of explosives:

These people here visited the Nova music festival only to end up having to hide from the terrorists while their friends were being abducted and taken to Ghaza as hostages:

Gaza under blockade: Car batteries charge phones in absence of fuel

Look at the chaos with all those fucking people just standing there in the way of the cars rushing in with the injured:

You may or may not have heard about a documentary movie concerning the Hamas terrorist attack that is being shown privately: https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/m...-angeles-new-york-city-screenings-1235637869/

Apparently videos of the graphic footage of the Hamas Terrorist Attack were leaked on Twitter

View attachment 41445

A group of terrorists, who appear to be civilians, with one of them sounding like a young boy, are transporting the mutilated body of a girl from the Nova party into Gaza.Note: I received this video with half of the footage covered, so I translated it and uploaded it as is. If I find an uncensored version, I will replace it.

View attachment 41446

An entire family is held hostage. Pay attention to the conversation (English subtitles) and how the little daughter and the boy talk about the older sister (18). She was previously raped and shot in another room. The blood on the father’s hands and legs is from his older daughter. It is not yet known what became of this family and whether they are still alive.

Here is the website of all the graphic content: https://tenseventh.com/
OMG! :shocking: According to this Fox News item, the IDF are on their way to Al Shifa Hospital, which they claim is "the HQ of Hamas"...

Here is the 3D animation that the IDF released of the alleged tunnel network underneath Al Shifa hospital:

Here's a Norwegian doctor who has worked at this hospital for 16 years who insists that's not true and that he has never seen any evidence of there being a secret Hamas HQ housed underneath the hospital :

Al Shifa hospital is still full of Palestinians sheltering there after losing their homes... You can see just how crowded this hospital is on the outside and the inside:

"We won't leave": Gazans shelter al-Shifa hospital despite Israeli evacuation order

The above video is 2 weeks old, this video from 2 days ago shows that the hospital is even more crowded now, with families lining every hall, nook and cranny:

The area around the hospital has already been bombed several times:

Supposedly Israeli rabbis have religiously sanctioned the bombing of the Al Shifa hospital:

If the IDF are getting closer and closer to Al Shifa hospital... what's the IDF gonna do once they are at the hospital? What if they are stormed by the tens of thousands of angry Palestinians sheltering there? Will the IDF just go in and shoot/bomb everyone in sight? Or will they somehow try to empty the hospital to get to the Hamas tunnels underneath? Palestinians there have refused to leave despite repeated warnings and bombings, and the staff have said that they are ready to die along with their patients. OMG, this has the potential to turn so bad, a worse bloodbath than anything we've seen this far...
Emboldened by the multiple ToS violations that Al Jazeera were able to get away with on their Arabic channel, they're now re-posting translated Hamas communiques on their English channel too, knowing Youtube aren't going to apply the same rules to them that they apply to everyone else:


Al-Quds Brigades will release two captives if conditions on ground permit

Nov 9, 2023 #Palestine #Gaza #Israel
The Palestinian Islamic Jihad’s al-Quds Brigades will release two captives held in Gaza if conditions on the ground permit.
The spokesperson for the group said that the release of an elderly woman and a young boy would be for humanitarian reasons.

AJ+ Arabic is now posting meme-y thumbnails with the spokesman of Hamas, like it's a joke to them:

What did they say in Hebrew? Does Israel really know the identity of Abu Ubaida?
شو قالوا بالعبري | هل فعلاً تعرف إسرائيل هوية أبي عبيدة؟

Israel is bombing the hospitals that refuse to evacute because they can't remove their patients and the 100s of thousands of people sheltering there:

This guy had his leg blown of on the yard of the hospital while it was bombed:

From the fire into the frying pan, as they say:

People correctly comment:

You leave out key parts of the Geneva Convention which states 'The protection to which civilian hospitals are entitled shall not cease unless they are used to commit, outside their humanitarian duties, acts harmful to the enemy. Protection may, however, cease only after due warning has been given, naming, in all appropriate cases, a reasonable time limit, and after such warning has remained unheeded.' Adequate warning has been given and it has been labeled a military objective so no war crime.
This Doctors Without Borders represantive says he's almost given up on talking to the media because it doesn't do anything:

NGL, I think Israel needs to stop bombing the hospital and just sponge bomb the tunnel network underneath, this is turning into a PR disaster and a human disaster:

Just stop bombing the hospital and sponge-bomb the tunnels underneath.

BTW, I thought these doctors said that they were going to be martyred along with their patients... but now they want a safe corridor for those same doctors who were acting so tough a few weeks ago? I guess they must've changed their mind about that one way trip to heaven with the 72 virgins. Now that the IDF is close and have made it abundantly clear they're not FO, now at the very last moment they are demanding a safe passage all the way to Egypt:

This is who these people are. This is what "honour based cultures" are. Instead of thinking ahead and planning ahead, they just sit there doing nothing, bragging about how tough they are, how they will happily die and go to heaven, only to demand that the seas depart for them at the very last minute, when they realize that their emotional blackmail is having no effect on their enemies, when they chicken out and decide that life is still more preferable to the death they claim to crave so hard.

To give you an idea of just how crammed this hospital is:

It's impossible to evacuate all these people all the way to Egypt at the very last moment. The Palestinians talked a big game and created this situation by giving into Hamas' demands not to evacuate when they still had the time and the resources to do so. There aren't enough ambulances or fuel left in Ghaza to evacuate all these people.

I really do think that when a doctor is being this reckless and zealous with the lives of patients under his care, saying shit like: "I'd rather die here with my patients", they can't just walk that back and be like: "Actually, I changed my mind, I decided I do actually wanna escape to Egypt now (with everyone I've allowed to cram up in my hospital because I wouldn't send them away)."

Every terrorist group in the world right now is watching this and drawing the lesson that the best way to hide your operations and create a cover for them is to weaponize hospitals as legally designated safe-spaces.

This analysis suggests that the reason the hospitals are asking for a safe corridor to Egypt right now - after resisting this for months - is because Hamas needs to refuel.

This is going to become unsustainable soon.

Israeli snipers have surrounded the Al Shifa Hospital and have shot a nurse in the neonatal unit. They've taken 39 premature babies out of the incubators and placed them on the floor covered with blankets, 3 premature babies are already dead:

Gaza’s largest hospital suspends operations under siege

Here's an earlier item about this hospital:

Shocking testimonies from Al-Shifa Medical Complex about fetuses that came out of the womb due to the intensity of the bombing
شهادات صادمة من مجمع الشفاء الطبي عن أجنة خرجت من الأرحام من شدة القصف

Torn body parts, and even the fetuses in their mothers’ bellies did not survive, and the morgues were filled with corpses from families that were completely annihilated... Tragic testimonies from inside #Gaza hospitals as fuel nearly runs out
أشلاء ممزقة وحتى الأجنة في بطون أمهاتها لم تنجو والمشارح امتلأت بجثث من عائلات أبيدت بالكامل.. شهادات مأساوية من داخل مستشفيات #غزة مع قرب نفاد الوقود

Here's one of the doctors I was referring to, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Kuwaiti Hospital in Rafah, who three weeks ago was acting all tough saying he was willing to stay put and die together with his patients: "My brother, our final decision, which we will not back down from, we will not leave the hospital, God willing. We will meet again in Paradise, God willing."

Doctor in Gaza says that if Israel was to bomb hospital it would be “a real genocide”

These doctors had three weeks to send all the people sheltering at their hospital away to the South AND to apply to evacuate their patients to Egypt. Instead of sending people away at the start of the war, they waited until the very last minute. They decided to dabble with the lives of their patients, thinking Israel would go soft and relent. Now that Israel is letting them know they were definitely not fucking around when they told them to leave, 3 weeks ago, NOW all of a sudden they are chickening out demanding a safe corridor to Egypt.

Look at all those people sleeping in the halls of the hospital. If anyone tried to turn a hospital into a hotel in the West, no matter how severe the disaster and no matter how many houses were lost, they would just get kicked out for jeopardizing the patients and the doctors. In Ghaza there is no legal order, no one there follows the rules, so random people get to occupy the halls of a hospital while the doctors still trying to treat patients with all these unwashed, unsanitary people lying and walking around:

And all the time, I see these fully veiled women. They'll sleep on the floor of a blood-smeared hospital and drink dirty water before removing their veils. That's the only rule they're willing to follow.

Here's an earlier item I still had about the bakery near the Al Shifa hospital getting bombed. Look at this guy screaming and waving his arms at the camera:

It's not just Al Shifa hospital that's like this. Here's another hospital in Ghaza where thousands of families are sheltering:

They took refuge in it for safety. Al Jazeera monitors the accumulation of displaced people in Al-Quds Hospital
لجأوا إليه طلبا للأمان.. الجزيرة ترصد تكدس النازحين في مستشفى القدس

I fear that Hamas will be like: "Fuck it, let's all become martyrs" and then blows up the hospital themselves so Al Jazeera will say: "Look what you made them do.".

There are so many trad-LARPers who pretend to be survivalists and preppers, who fantasize what TEOTWAWKI might be like and they're totally gonna prep for it and come out of it alive.

This is what it's really like. Even if you prep the fuck ahead, the government will still come to your house with a tank and threaten to blow it up if you don't get out and start walking with perhaps a bag of clothes and food. Stop LARPing and fantasizing about this shit and pay attention to what it's like when it actually happens.
Pro-Palestinian activists trying to organize a bankrun of people withdrawing their money and moving it to local credit unions?!

Americans launch a campaign to withdraw their money from American banks for supporting Israel
أمريكيون يطلقون حملة لسحب أموالهم من البنوك الأمريكية لدعمها إسرائيل

Nov 11, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Gaza
A campaign launched by Americans to withdraw their money from major banks to put pressure on them and prevent them from supporting Israel. The hashtag “Resist Money with Money” was launched and American and Arab tweeters interacted with it calling for emptying American and Western banks of money for supporting Israel and to pressure it and prevent it from supporting the occupation in its war on Gaza.
#Al Jazeera
Nov 11, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #غزة
حملة أطلقها أمريكيون لسحب أموالهم من البنوك الكبرى للضغط عليها ومنعها من دعم إسرائيل وانطلق وسم "مقاومة المال بالمال" وتفاعل معه مغردون أمريكيون وعرب يدعو لإفراغ البنوك الأمريكية والغربية من الأموال لدعمها إسرائيل وللضغط عليها ومنعها من دعم الاحتلال في حربه على غزة

LMAO, I couldn't do this even if I wanted to, I have selected a withdrawal limit on my account for security reasons.

Premature babies at Al Shifa hospital wrapped in blankets, the doctors there are asking for a corridor to transfer them outside of Ghaza:

Again, they were given 3 weeks of prior warnings to do this, and they refused to, saying they were going to stay put and die with their patients. This is what "honour-based cultures" are: zealous crazy morons acting tough, who have absolutely nothing to show for it, and when they finally get themselves up to their noses in the shit, then they will beg and scream for everyone else to come and save them.

"We have become mentally ill"

A doctor collapsed while reading a letter from the director of Al-Shifa Hospital in London
انهيار طبيبة أثناء قراءتها رسالة من مدير مستشفى الشفاء في لندن

Nov 11, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Gaza
Palestinian media platforms published a video clip showing a British doctor collapsing while reading a letter from the director of Al-Shifa Hospital, during a stand in front of the Prime Minister’s office in London. In this video, we learn about the content of the letter.
#Al Jazeera
Nov 11, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #غزة
نشرت منصات إعلام فلسطينية مقطع فيديو يظهر انهيار طبيبة بريطانية أثناء قراءتها رسالة من مدير مستشفى الشفاء، وذلك خلال وقفة أمام مكتب رئيس الوزراء في لندن، وفي هذا الفيديو نتعرف إلى فحوى الرسالة.

This is not sustainable:

I get it Hamas is a dirtbag but calling this Nakba 2023 is just fucked up.
Israeli security cabinet member and Agriculture Minister Avi Dichter (Likud) was asked in a news interview on Saturday whether the images of northern Gaza Strip residents evacuating south on the IDF’s orders are comparable to images of the Nakba. He replied: “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war – as the IDF seeks to do in Gaza – with masses between the tanks and the soldiers.”

When asked again whether this was the “Gaza Nakba”, Dichter – a member of the security cabinet and former Shin Bet director – said “Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end.”
When later asked if this means Gaza City residents won’t be allowed to return, he replied: “I don’t know how it’ll end up happening since Gaza City is one-third of the Strip – half the land’s population but a third of the territory.”

Rest of the news article