JFC, look at that Al Jazeera Arabic thumbnail with the stereotype of the wickedly laughing Dzoo!
If Der Sturmer had been a 21st century Youtube channel, their video thumbnails would have been exactly just like that.
Here is the video with that thumbnail:
Israeli media: The Heritage Minister’s statements reveal Netanyahu’s inability to control his ministers
الإعلام الإسرائيلي: تصريحات وزير التراث تكشف عجز نتنياهو عن السيطرة على وزرائه
The person depicted in the thumbnail, Amichai Eliyahu, is basically an Israeli far right Zionist extremist, so no wonder he's making public statements about nuking Ghaza:
This guy in debate with Dylan Burns and some others explains why Israel wants to send Palestinians into Egypt. He claims it's because Egypt - another Islamist state where the Islamic Brotherhood runs the joint that doesn't recognize women's right and doesn't practice any family planning or birth control, just churning out terrorists non-stop like the rest of them - is on the verge of a famine.
Here are some articles from 2022-2023 about the Egyptian food crisis:
Egypt's economy pushed to brink as one third of nation living in poverty
If 1-2 million Palestinian refugees are exiled/deported into Egypt, there will be mass-starvation in Egypt for sure, not just amongst Palestinians but amongst Egyptians and the quarter million Sudanese refugees already sheltering in Egypt. Israel knows this is the prospect , which is why they drafted up this secret plan to dump masses of Palestinians into Western countries including Spain, Greece, Canada and the US:
Nope, not happening. Israel is not gonna dump even more terrorists onto us because they don't wanna deal with them themselves. Fuck that shit, secret plan REJECTED! I still think they should send all those Palestinians to the West Bank, then they can be there with their fellow Palestinians. They will be a majority, then they can naturally drive the settlers out and then you will get a 2 state solution. Palestine will be land-locked but it's still better than being stuck in Ghaza - or Egypt in the midst of a famine, for that matter.
If Der Sturmer had been a 21st century Youtube channel, their video thumbnails would have been exactly just like that.
Here is the video with that thumbnail:
Israeli media: The Heritage Minister’s statements reveal Netanyahu’s inability to control his ministers
الإعلام الإسرائيلي: تصريحات وزير التراث تكشف عجز نتنياهو عن السيطرة على وزرائه
Nov 6, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Military_Analysis #Palestine
On the thirtieth day of the war, the Israeli media focused on Gaza and on the statements of Heritage Minister Amichai Eliyahu, in which he said that he supported bombing the Gaza Strip with a nuclear bomb. Former military and security figures and political analysts considered that the statements of the minister belonging to the Jewish Greatness Party headed by Itamar Ben Gvir harm Israel's image and reveal Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's inability to control his extremist ministers, as they put it.
#Al Jazeera
Nov 6, 2023 #الجزيرة #تحليل_عسكري #فلسطين
ركزت وسائل الإعلام الإسرائيلية في اليوم الثلاثين للحرب على غزة وعلى تصريحات وزير التراث عميحاي إلياهو التي قال فيها إنه يؤيد قصف القطاع بقنبلة نووية. واعتبرت شخصيات عسكرية وأمنية سابقة ومحللون سياسيون أن تصريحات الوزير المنتمي لحزب العظـَمة اليهودية برئاسة إيتمار بن غفير تضر بصورة إسرائيل وتكشف عجز رئيس الوزراء بنيامين نتنياهو عن السيطرة على وزارئه المتطرفين على حد تعبيرهم.
The person depicted in the thumbnail, Amichai Eliyahu, is basically an Israeli far right Zionist extremist, so no wonder he's making public statements about nuking Ghaza:

Amihai Eliyahu - Wikipedia
This guy in debate with Dylan Burns and some others explains why Israel wants to send Palestinians into Egypt. He claims it's because Egypt - another Islamist state where the Islamic Brotherhood runs the joint that doesn't recognize women's right and doesn't practice any family planning or birth control, just churning out terrorists non-stop like the rest of them - is on the verge of a famine.
Here are some articles from 2022-2023 about the Egyptian food crisis:
Egypt's economy pushed to brink as one third of nation living in poverty
'If prices keep rising, the country will fall': Egypt's economy pushed to brink
For nearly a third of Egyptians living in poverty, and millions more in poor conditions, the country's economic woes mean less food on the table.

Egypt’s Food Crisis Pushes the Country to the Edge, GPF - Middle East Observer
Russia’s war on Ukraine has adversely affected the Arab region, which heavily depends on wheat imports, including from these two countries. The fallout from the war varies from country to country, but it has hurt [ More ... ]

The war in Ukraine is making Egypt's food crisis worse, so neighboring countries are pouring $20 billion into its economy to try to avoid disaster
Hunger is political lighter fluid, experts say. Saudia Arabia, Qatar, and UAE are motivated to throw water on a building crisis before it ignites.

If 1-2 million Palestinian refugees are exiled/deported into Egypt, there will be mass-starvation in Egypt for sure, not just amongst Palestinians but amongst Egyptians and the quarter million Sudanese refugees already sheltering in Egypt. Israel knows this is the prospect , which is why they drafted up this secret plan to dump masses of Palestinians into Western countries including Spain, Greece, Canada and the US:
Nope, not happening. Israel is not gonna dump even more terrorists onto us because they don't wanna deal with them themselves. Fuck that shit, secret plan REJECTED! I still think they should send all those Palestinians to the West Bank, then they can be there with their fellow Palestinians. They will be a majority, then they can naturally drive the settlers out and then you will get a 2 state solution. Palestine will be land-locked but it's still better than being stuck in Ghaza - or Egypt in the midst of a famine, for that matter.