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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

They seem to have taken a lot of young women. ugh

Question: Suppose you're a Mujahideen incel. You've joined the Jihad because you were promised those 72 virgins waiting for you in heaven after your death. How do you actually make sure those 72 virgins are really there waiting for you in heaven when you finally become a martyr?

Answer: You just kill 72 of them before you blow yourself up:


(Sorry for the sick joke, I use black humour to deal with intense shit.)

On a more serious note, Hamas have brought a lot of hostages to Ghaza: men, women, children, babies, elderly. You can see some of their male hostages in this video:

I decided to Google Translate some of the comments underneath that AlJazeera Arabic video from the Al-Qassam spokesman... and apparently there is no comment moderation on that channel whatsoever. People responding to that Al Jazeera video are openly calling for Hamas to execute the hostages, in blatant violation of Youtube's ToS which bans calls for violence against groups of people:



There are some opposing views in the comments, like people from Arab countries who survived "Arab Spring" regime change agitprop in their countries, who are warning the Palestinians about trusting Hamas... but those comments are few and in between.

Moral of the story: if you're posting on Youtube in Arabic, you can basically wipe your ass with the ToS. There is simply no moderation of comments in Arabic. "Rules for thee but not for me."
Let's see who's profiting from this latest war in the Middle East...


You saaay!

In this new video Al Jazeera Arabic cites an unnamed source claiming that Hamas were practicing for this attack in plain sight, while giving Israel the false impression that they weren't ready to fight. Supposedly Hamas had even built a "Potemkin Village" in Ghaza simulating a Jewish Settlement, so they could train in urban guerilla:

أين تدربت حماس على عمليتها؟ وكم احتاجت من الوقت قبل العملية؟
Where did Hamas train for its operation? How much time did she need before the operation?

Translated description of the above video citing the unnamed source:


Hamas posted this video showing off their gear in the box and in the barrel, which AFAICT appears to have been painted or sprayed over with their own logos to hide the original source:

Any people on social media photographing and posting shrapnel they found in Israel might wanna try and peel off the top layer to see what's underneath the paint. It might reveal the true source of the rockets.

Title of the video: "Al-Quds Brigades publishes pictures of the mortar shells that bombed Israeli military sites"

This is just exaggeration:

اللواء فايز الدويري: ما فعلته حماس خلال 60 ساعة عجزت عنه الجيوش العربية خلال 75 عاما
Major General Fayez Al-Duwairi: What Hamas did in 60 hours was impossible for Arab armies to do in 75 years.

Come on now, it was a hit-and-run. A very well organized, coordinated and effective hit-and-run, but still, a hit-and-run. Most of the Hamas fighters who infiltrated Israel have already been killed by now, there was only about a 1000 of them.

This title is very telling:

رقعة - ما المناطق التي استهدفتها صواريخ المقاومة في الداخل الإسرائيلي؟
Patch - What areas were targeted by resistance missiles inside Israel?

"Resistence missiles"... Al Jazeera views this as a "resistence operation", not a terrorism operation.

I really hate the tone of many of these Arabic Al Jazeera items. They are almost gloating over the fact that Hamas managed to get into settlements (literally "Look at them going in!"), but they neglect to show the footage of them actually killing or kidnapping unarmed civilians there. I can understand Hamas targeting, say, the Wall, the checkpoints, Israeli military bases, that police station they burned down. Those seem like regular military targets, and it is shocking how a heavily militarized society Israel did such a poor job securing those sites.

But kipnapping and threatening to execute hapless festival goers on Livestream? That's terrorism. It's so spiteful and cruel, it's the kind of spiteful cruelty many associate with intolerant vengeful extremist Islamism. Al Jazeera Arabic won't show you the hostages or their families like the Western media are doing. They reserve that footage for their English channel:

Arabic Al Jazeera just show the fighting and the bombing, re-broadcasting the professional cinematically shot agitprop of Hamas. It's the perfect example of how both side commit "the lie of ommission" in their propaganda war.

The situation in Ghaza:

This is Ghaza right now:

Palestinians within Israel who got not support Hamas say they fear getting lynched by Israelis who mistake them for Hamas or Hamas supporters:

Allegedly Israelis have already lynched a Palestinian driver in his car in West Jerusalem:

The comments underneath this Arabic interview with an American official are so telling:

جون كيربي: لا نية لدى الولايات المتحدة لإرسال قوات أمريكية إلى إسرائيل
John Kirby: The United States has no intention of sending American forces to Israel

Just like America didn't sent anyone to Ukraine, LMAO!

The comments underneath this video are full of calls upon other Islamist countries to join the fight against Israel and their American allies:

يارب النصر لفلسطين يارب كن معهم ولا تكن عليهم اللهم سدد رماهم
I hope the Arab countries can support Gaza the same way others support Israel

يجب فتح باب الجهاد فى سبيل الله بالنفس والمال من علينا أن كان الله معنا مصر ❤فلسطين
The door to jihad for the sake of God with soul and money must be opened. Who is upon us if God is with us? Egypt ❤ Palestine

اللهم انصر اخوتنا في غزة يجب علي دولة عربية وإسلامية تدعم غزة باسلاح ومجاهديين وغذاء ومواد أساسية مثل ما دعمة امريكا يجب ندعم اخوتنا لا ترجع ولا سكوت
Oh God, support our brothers in Gaza. An Arab and Islamic country must support Gaza with weapons, mujahideen, food, and basic materials, just as America supported. We must support our brothers. Do not return or remain silent.

ان شاء الله مصر تفتح المجال للمسلمين للجهاد و مساعدة اخواننا في غزة
God willing, Egypt will open the way for Muslims to wage jihad and help our brothers in Gaza

اللهم ولع فى امريكا وكل دول الغرب ونجى المسلمين منهم اللهم ارينا غضبك على كل من يعادى المسلمين وفلسطين اللهم انصر اخواتنا فى فلسطين اللهم سدد خطاهم وراميهم اجعل راميهم رمى عظيم يا رب العالمين اللهم وحد صفوف العرب والف بين قلوبهم
Oh God, have mercy on America and all the countries of the West, and save the Muslims from them. Oh God, show us your anger on everyone who is hostile to the Muslims and Palestine. Oh God, grant victory to our sisters in Palestine. Oh God, direct their steps and their arrows, and make their arrows a great goal, O Lord of the worlds. Oh God, unite the ranks of the Arabs and unite their hearts.

مصيبتنا الكبيرة هي هؤلاء الخونة المتواطئين المتخاذلين الذين يحكمون الدول العربية والاسلامية اللهم ازحهم عن صدورنا في القريب العاجل وابدلنا خيرا منهم . الللهم انصر الاسلام والمسلمين واخذل الشرك والمشركين. اللهم كن لهم وليا ونصيرا . اللهم شد ازرهم وسدد رميهم انتم شرف وفخر هذه الامة. اللهم انتقم من الصهاينة الانجاس والمطبعين الخونة شر انتقام في الدنيا والاخرة.
Our great affliction is these traitors, conniving, and negligent people who rule the Arab and Islamic countries. Oh God, remove them from our chests in the near future and replace us with something better than them. Oh God, grant victory to Islam and Muslims and abandon polytheism and polytheists. Oh God, be their guardian and supporter. Oh God, strengthen their support and direct their arrows. You are the honor and pride of this nation. Oh God, take revenge on the impure Zionists and the traitors, the evil of revenge in this world and the hereafter.

أمريكا لا تستطيع ذهاب إلى اسراءيل لأن اكرانيا سوف تدينها لماذا لم تذهب اليهم ضد بوتين و طبعا أمريكا إلي فيها مكفيها أصلاً لماذا تتدخل في حرب لا تعنيها و بعيدة عنها جغرافيا و لماذا لا تدافع الآن على فلسطينيين العزل المدنيين الذي يموتون حاليا تحت قصف مجنون في غزة أمريكا أحسن لها أن تبقى محايدة و نصرة الإنسانية إن لازالت
فعلا فازت في الحرب العالمية الثالثة فمن بدء هم صهاينة لما منعوا المسلمين المؤمنين من صلاة في مسجد الاقصى و نوعا ملابس إمرأة فلسطينية مسلمة أمام ابناءها ووووووو فمن يرضى بهذا الظلم و عيب كبير أن اسراءيلي يقول أن مدنيين فلسطينيين عزل حيوانات بشرية هذا لا يرضي أحد عاقل و مع الحق و عدالة يجب أن نتحد قبل غضب وطوفان من الله وهذا اشد و ادهى
America cannot go to Israel because Ukraine will condemn it. Why did it not go to them against Putin? And of course America is already sufficient for it. Why does it interfere in a war that does not concern it and is far from it geographically? And why does it not now defend the defenseless Palestinian civilians who are currently dying under insane bombing in Gaza? It would be better for America to remain neutral and support humanity if it still does
It actually won the Third World War, and from the beginning they were Zionists when they prevented the faithful Muslims from praying in Al-Aqsa Mosque and sorted the clothes of a Palestinian Muslim woman in front of her children. Who would be satisfied with this injustice? It is a great shame that the Israelis say that Palestinian civilians are defenseless human animals. This does not please any sane person. We must unite with truth and justice before the wrath and flood of God, which is more severe and more devastating

If you're a zoomer and you're wondering why Youtube Atheism was so big amongst millennials and Gen X in the 2010s when Youtube first started, now you know why. They spent 2 decades of their lives having to read this kind of shit during the War on Terror.

And again, notice how Arabic Al Jazeera has no comment moderation and none of Youtube's ToS applies to them obliging them to moderate the way other channels are forced to do.
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Drone footage of the Rimal neighbourhood in Ghaza:

The Israelis are basically shooting at trapped fish in a barrel.

Timcast says during this item that he doesn't know if the claim about Hamas having beheaded babies is true, but I have seen this claim repeated by British media like the BBC and Channel4, the only difference there was that they claimed Hamas had behead a lot of their victims, adults and children:

Hamas BEHEADED BABIES Says Report, US Forces Offered To Israel Over American Hostages, WW3 Feared

Hamas massacred and decapitated babies in the settlements they infiltrated, they also threw grenades at unarmed civilians, blowing their limbs off and leaving them to die:

This Channel 4 reporter was trying to confront Hamas' spokesman with the killing of unarmed civilians:

I have to say, it was so fucking stupid of the IDF to shut down the internet in Ghaza. Hostages were being tracked on their phones up until they reached the Ghaza border... and then they were lost. Why the fuck turn off the internet?! Keep it on so you know where the hostages are going in Ghaza itself.

The scariest thing about this conflict is how it has revealed how fucking batshit people on the left are. I'm seeing people who called their friends Nazis for not taking the vaccine screeching for the murder of Jews. It's trippy.

The progressive Dzooz in Beverly Hills definitely don't wanna #AbolishThePolice now, LMAO:

DW claims that Israel has now mined the border around Ghaza to prevent more Palestinians from escaping Ghaza if Hamas blows up the border walls/fences again like they did earlier. Where's Dylan Burns? I thought he was so against mining. Will his Ukrainian demining crew come and help demine Israel once they're done demining Ukraine for the next 70+ years?


The more I'm looking at this, the more I suspect that Hamas wants IDF soldiers to go into Ghaza... because they've already boobie-trapped the whole place with explosives that they have the red button to, and they hope to kill more IDF soldiers that way. I even read a rumour the other day that Hamas is going to hide the hostages in the tunnels, so that if Israel tries to blow up the tunnels, they will end up inadvertently killing the hostages. I suspect that Hamas is willing and capable to blow up their tunnels and all the explosives already stored in there, if that leads taking out more IDF inside Ghaza.

I really do fear that Hamas will go for broke this time, even if they have to take out some of their own.

According to AlJazeera, Hezbollah has opened a third front, attacking Israel from Syria. I haven't seen any news items about this yet.

Hezbollah is continuing to attack Israel from the North, with people near the border fearing a war between Israel and Lebanon.

حزب الله يطلق صاروخين باتجاه موقع إسرائيلي حدودي ويوقع إصابات
Hezbollah fires two missiles towards an Israeli border site, causing casualties

Al Jazeera's correspondent said that Lebanese Hezbollah fired two missiles directed at the Israeli border site of Al-Dahira in southern Lebanon.
Al Jazeera's correspondent quoted a Hezbollah source as saying that there were casualties among Israeli forces as a result of targeting a border site with two guided missiles.
#Al Jazeera

خاص.. مراسل الجزيرة يرصد على الهواء قصف مدفعية الجيش الإسرائيلي مواقع داخل الأراضي اللبنانية
Exclusive: Al Jazeera correspondent monitors live Israeli army artillery shelling of sites inside Lebanese territory

The Israeli occupation army reported that anti-tank fire was fired from Lebanese territory towards a military point on the border.
For her part, the Al Jazeera correspondent said that the Israeli Al-Dhahira site in southern Lebanon was targeted by two guided missiles, and she added that the Israeli army artillery was bombing sites inside Lebanese territory.

Hezbollah responds to the Israeli army after killing 3 of its members
حزب الله يرد على الجيش الإسرائيلي بعد قتله 3 من عناصره

The Israeli occupation army reported that anti-tank fire was fired from Lebanese territory towards a military point on the border.
For her part, the Al Jazeera correspondent said that the Israeli Al-Dhahira site in southern Lebanon was targeted by two guided missiles, and she added that the Israeli army artillery was bombing sites inside Lebanese territory.
#Al Jazeera
WION & The Economic Times confirm that Hezbollah has opened a third front against Israel from Syria, shelling Israel from the Syrian border together with other Iran-backed groups there.

Israel-Hamas war Day 5: 'We're fighting on three fronts Gaza, Lebanon, Syria', says IDF spokesperson

Israel-Palestine War LIVE: Israel fires back after Syrian shells land in Israeli territory | WION

This is so typical, these people don't know shit about responsible garbage disposal:


They literally have all these burning buildings around them where they can just take their trash to be incinerated, but instead they'll just dump their trash onto the same fucking pile as everyone else, not giving a shit if this pile of trash ends up stinking up the same space - a school FFS - they're now sleeping right next to. Soon at an Egyptian refugee camp near you, and thereafter in a neighbourhood near you.

Israel has closed off the Ghaza strip to foreign and domestic journalists, I guess every journalist who's already in Ghaza is now stuck there along with the Palestinians:

Ghaza right now:

Fighting in the second front against Hezbollah in the North continues:

Supposedly Israel is going in invade Ghaza by the end of the week:

This former Palestinian official says that Israel wants the Palestinians to become refugees in Egypt in a massive refugee camp of 2.2 million - which, make no mistake about this, will be exported all over the EU and the Americas again under the guise of "solidarity". Fucking Israel wants to dump their fucking terrorists onto the rest of us like a bag a toxic trash:

If Israel thinks that Egypt will accept them dumping 2.2 million Palestinian refugees on their border like they'
re somehow Egypt's problem to deal with, they are mistaken. This might just be the dick-move that pushes even a reluctant Egypt over the edge.

Israel also underestimates what sending Palestinians into Egypt will do. It will be so much easier for Palestinians in Egypt to team up with remnants of ISIS hiding in the Sahara, so Hamas and ISIS can join hands to work on another plot against Israel. Israel has to think about whether it wants to push Palestinians into Egypt and thus into the arms of ISIS. I predict that Hamas and ISIS will create a terrorist super-team together with Hezbollah, all of them working towards the common goal of avenging the displaced Palestinians. It will be a marriage made in hell.

Other countries in the region are threatening to join the fight if Israel tries to kick the Palestinians out of Ghaza:

The more I look at this, the more I fear that Hamas challenging the IDF to go into Ghaza is a trap. I am 100% convinced that Hamas are ruthless remorseless killers who will happily sacrifice some of their own just to take out more Israelis. I suspect they want to trick them into entering buildings to look for terrorists (for all we know Hamas have already infiltrated Israeli intel and planted fake tips)... only to blow up the building and everyone inside. Hamas will justify the sacrifice saying that the Palestinians who died along with the IDF are martyrs who have gone to the Eternal Gardens with the 72 virgins.

I don't think the IDF realizes how they're playing into the hands of Hamas. They want the IDF to carpet-bomb Ghaza and to force Palestinians to flee into Egypt, because this will piss off Egypt as well as other onlooking Islamist countries, their peoples will then rush in to join Hamas and Hezbollah, thus boosting their ranks across the whole Middle East. Already the comment sections underneath Al Jazeera agitprop videos of Al-Qassam Brigades are full of Islamists saying they want to get in touch with Hamas to join the fight against Israel.

This is terrorist gaslighting:

If you want to know why Hamas are denying this after bragging about it: it's strategic. They're basically saying: "Where are your receipts that we decapitated babies?", thus forcing the MSM to broadcast their crimes for them, causing even more FUD in the general public while enraging and hurting the families of the victims.

Most of Palestine is plunged into darkness due to Israel turning off electricity.

In this video you can see footage from one of the settlements where Hamas massacred civilians in their own homes:

These scenes at the Palestinian hospital are truly horrific:

If Israel wants a permanent solution to Hamas, it has to show the Gaza residents it has something better to offer than Hamas
Dude. They don't like Jews. Even tho in the past century the lives of the Palestinians has improved under the Israelis (note they provide electricity to the Strip). The idea that the Israeli's have to provide something for a people that don't want them to exist is pretty silly.

You should watch this.
So others are now getting involved too.. What were the conditions that the US were bringing their fleets into the area for again?

Another Israeli vs muslim war it is then?

Basically how much land, lives and ego are the muslims are going to lose this time? Because has history has shown us, even when they seemingly got the better of the Israelis at the start, the Israelis came out stronger in the end and with more. The only real question is the amount of blood and lives this is all going to cost.

I see that the leftists and progressives, especially the younger generations without a lot of knowledge of the history but instead an abundance of opinions on it, are fully melting down at most adults and others not cheering on the innocent peaceful Hamas etc.
I see that the leftists and progressives, especially the younger generations without a lot of knowledge of the history but instead an abundance of opinions on it, are fully melting down at most adults and others not cheering on the innocent peaceful Hamas etc.

The zoomers and the Zetas didn't get to experience the War on Terror consciously. A lot of them weren't even born yet when 9/11 happened. They don't remember 7/7 in the UK, they don't remember 11M in Spain, they might vaguely remember the Boston Marathon Bombings if they were tweens from a politicized home following the news at the time, they certainly don't remember taking a plane and not having to go through the body scanner. The Zetas and the zoomers grew up under what at the time was being referred to the "New Normal" post-9/11. I think the first time zoomers and Zetas were introduced to Islamist terrorists was with ISIS decapitation videos or mass execution videos. They probably encountered those on 4chan with no context whatsoever, where those videos were being posted purely for shock value. Gen X and millennials have known for decades how destructive Islamists are, these new generations that grew up under hyper-woke ideology are gonna find out the hard way that the Big Bad World beyond their bedroom door isn't exactly a "safe space". If all these pearl clutching progressive white people thought that black people hate them enough to set their neighbourhoods on fire, they're gonna have a rude awakening from their woke slumber when they realize just how deep Islamist hate towards the West and America really is.

Notice how the rest of the forum won't even look at or post in this thread? It's because they are zoomers who probably don't get what the fuss is about. Oh, they're gonna learn what Islamists really mean when they say "Jihad" very soon, most of them will be so mega-triggered they will go full Hikikomori then I imagine.
Let's do another news update.

But first: "What's in my bag", the Palestinian edition:

Like I posted the other day, Hamas wants the IDF to go into Ghaza. They're setting this up as a trap and a PR disaster. They're gonna go for broke this time:

Third front in Syria confirmed, Israel is now bombing Damascus and Aleppo:

Israeli army confirms bombing of Damascus and Aleppo Intl Airports in two simultaneous attacks

There is now fighting in the West Bank (the other, larger portion of the country where Palestinians are held), this news item refers to the "Jenin Batallion", Jenin being a 40k town https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jenin near a refugee camp in the West Bank:

Jenin Battalion: We targeted the occupation forces and their vehicles with bullets and explosive devices
كتيبة جنين: استهدفنا قوات الاحتلال وآلياته بالرصاص والعبوات الناسفة

Translated Description: The Jenin Battalion, affiliated with the Al-Quds Brigades [read: Islamic Jihad, Al Jazeera won't mention their actual name and instead refers to them like they're a regular arm of the military in order to mislead], announced that it targeted the occupation forces in the city of Jenin with bullets and explosive devices, causing direct casualties.

This means there is now a fourth front: one in Ghaza, one in the North with Hezbollah in Lebanon, the third in Syria with Hezbollah and now this Jenin Battalion in the West Bank.

Tension on the Lebanese-Israeli border and the occupation army deploys military reinforcements in the Galilee

توتر على الحدود اللبنانية الإسرائيلية وجيش الاحتلال ينشر تعزيزات عسكرية في الجليل

Israel is getting ready to go into Ghaza:

Gaza under siege as Israeli forces mass on border - BBC News

Islamic Jihad is asking Islamists around the world to stage mass protests everywhere.

#Urgent | Islamic Jihad: We call on the masses of our Arab and Islamic nation to stage demonstrations of anger to stop the shedding of the blood of their brothers in #Gaza
‏#عاجل | الجهاد الإسلامي: ندعو جماهير أمتنا العربية والإسلامية للنزول في مظاهرات غضب لوقف سفك دم إخوتهم في #غزة

Can you imagine a mainstream TV channel in Europe or America directly broadcasting a know terrorist group 's demands for mass protests? Like I said, the Youtube ToS goes out the window when it's Al Jazeera or some other ME channel doing it.

Here's an example of how Hamas & Co are going for broke: once again, they challenge the IDF to go into Ghaza, where they are confident they will have the upper-hand and will manage to kill even more IDF soldiers.

Al-Quds Brigades spokesman: What we have prepared for the enemy outside Palestine as well as inside it

المتحدث باسم سرايا القدس: ما جهزناه للعدو خارج فلسطين كما داخلها

"Occupied interior" = Ghaza

The spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad Movement, said that the battle is no longer limited
in Gaza. He added in an audio speech that the battle might extend into the occupied interior, as he put it.

قال الناطق باسم سرايا القدس الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي إن المعركة لم تعد محصورة
في غزة. وأضاف في كلمة صوتية أن المعركة قد تمتد إلى الداخل المحتل وفق تعبيره.

I really don't think Hamas & Co would have such a come-n-get-it attitude about the idea of a ground invasion from the IDF, if they weren't already setting up traps everywhere while anticipating this unique opportunity to go toe-to-toe with Israel on a turf they likely know better than the IDF does. We've just seen that the IDF had all this advanced technology at their disposal and couldn't put it to good use. Not with the best 3D satellite maps will the IDF be able to navigate a terrain as heavily packed with easily collapsible buildings (due to poor building conditions and materials) and hostile, desperate people around every corner as Ghaza.

This old woman says that Palestinians will give up their children to Hamas to make them into martyrs (radical extremist Islamist militants) "until there is no child left in Ghaza":

Palestinian woman to Hamas: “We support you even if there is no child left in Palestine.”

فلسطينية لحماس: ”ندعمكم حتى لو ما ظل طفل في فلسطين“

You might say: "That's just one angry PTSDed curmudgeon, what does she know, she doesn't represent anyone.". You need to realize that these people raise their children with the knowledge that their kids are going to be cannon fodder for Hamas. They want this for their kids, because they don't believe in life after birth, they only believe in life after death.

Statement from the Red Cross:

The International Committee of the Red Cross confirmed that the humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip will quickly get out of control due to the ongoing Israeli bombing for the sixth day.
The International Red Cross added that the lifeline in Gaza is beginning to disappear and it is time to protect humanity
For more details, we have with us from Gaza Hisham Muhanna, spokesman for the International Committee of the Red Cross in Gaza
#Al Jazeera
#الجزيرة #عملية_طوفان_الأقصى #فلسطين
أكدت اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر أن الوضع الإنساني في قطاع غزة سيخرج عن السيطرة بسرعة بسبب القصف الإسرائيلي المتواصل لليوم السادس
وأضاف الصليب الأحمر الدولي أن شريان الحياة في غزة بدأ يتلاشى وحان وقت حماية الإنسانية
لمزيد من التفاصيل معنا من غزة هشام مهنا المتحدث باسم اللجنة الدولية للصليب الأحمر في غزة

What you see here is footage from a UN school in Ghaza, that has turned into an impromptu refugee center housing thousands of families and their children:

This is where that picture of the huge trash pile that I posted yesterday came from. Again, if you're in a war-zone and you have trash, don't just dump it in a huge pile outside of a school full of families; find a car or a building that's already on fire - shouldn't be hard to do in Palestine right now - and just dump all the trash into the raging fire to be burned. That's a much better way of disposing large amounts of trash in a situation where there is no garbage pick up or access to sanitation. (Remember, this is a UN school in a fucking warzone, but apparenty none of the "educated" people there thought of this simple solution of trash disposal! This is a failure of our educational systems around the world, they don't teach people a practical survival mindset.)

This is a medical center where they no longer have any space for the dead bodies, so they've just piled them out in the street before the hospital:

Pictures showed the bodies of a number of martyrs lying on the ground outside the Al-Shifa Medical Complex in Gaza, which is crowded with the bodies of martyrs and because the hospital’s morgues are full and the funeral of the bodies is delayed due to the continued Israeli raids.
With us from Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, Al Jazeera correspondent Hisham Zaqout
#Al Jazeera

اظهرت صور جثث عدد من الشهداء وهي مسجاة على الأرض خارج مجمع الشفاء الطبي في غزة الذي يكتظ بجثث الشهداء وبسبب امتلاء ثلاجات الموتى في المستشفى وتأخر تشييع الجثامين بسبب استمرار الغارات الإسرائيلية.
معنا من مستشفى الشفاء في غزة، مراسل الجزيرة هشام زقوت
اظهرت صور جثث عدد من الشهداء وهي مسجاة على الأرض خارج مجمع الشفاء الطبي في غزة الذي يكتظ بجثث الشهداء وبسبب امتلاء ثلاجات الموتى في المستشفى وتأخر تشييع الجثامين بسبب استمرار الغارات الإسرائيلية.
معنا من مستشفى الشفاء في غزة، مراسل الجزيرة هشام زقوت

How many Islamist refugees moved to Germany during the last refugee crisis?

لقصف غزة.. ألمانيا تضع مسيرتين حربيتين تحت تصرف الجيش الإسرائيلي
To bomb Gaza.. Germany puts two warplanes at the disposal of the Israeli army

It amazes me how Western countries still think they can get away with voicing support for Israel while having an increasingly expanding Islamist minority population that hates Dzooz and Israel in their midst. They really do think they can have their cake and eat it.
OMG, yet another country is getting involved: the people of Jordan have started a spontaneous "People's Crusade" of sorts towards Palestine to join the impending fight between Hamas and the IDF, but their border guards are firing teargas as the crowds to prevent them from crossing the border:

Jordanian security fires gas bombs to prevent crowds from heading to the Palestinian border

Jordanian activists circulated a clip documenting Jordanian security forces firing tear gas canisters to prevent crowds of youth from heading to the Palestinian border.

الأمن الأردني يطلق قنابل الغاز لمنع الحشود من التوجه إلى الحدود الفلسطينية

تداول ناشطون أردنيون مقطعا يوثق اطلاق قوات الأمن الأردني قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع لمنع الحشود الشبابية من التوجه إلى الحدود الفلسطينية

The IDF issues an 24-hour ultimatum, telling Palestinians to leave Northern Ghaza:

Fear and confusion in Gaza over Israel’s evacuation warning | Al Jazeera Newsfeed

Israeli army issues ultimatum for 1.1M Palestinians in northern Gaza Strip to evacuate within 24 hrs
Here we go, this is the People's Crusade in the 21st century: a contingent of what are basically "Hezbollah bikers" have arrived at the border between Lebanon and Israel, ready to fight the IDF if they invade Ghaza:

Dozens of Hezbollah supporters gather at Lebanon-Israeli border

If you don't know what The People's Crusade is, study history:

Basically back in the Middle Ages, as soon as the Pope in Rome announced the creation of the Templars, an elite military religious order of knights that was going to capture and occupy Jerusalem for Christendom, the peasant people, led on a by agitators, were so enthusiastic about the prospect of a Holy War as a quick gateway to Heaven, that they started their own spontaneous march towards Jerusalem, which historians named "The People's Crusade of 1096". On their way to the Holy Land, the People's Crusade grew exponentially as more people joined the march, with entire families joining in. As the crowd grew they became more and more destructive, rioting, pillaging and burning cities. They also raided and destroyed Jewish enclaves wherever they arrived. The People's Crusade became a menace and was eventually crushed by the Turks.

This is what I fear happening in the Middle East with all these outraged Islamists everywhere that want to go to Palestine to help Hamas fight the IDF, with Islamists threatening to go into Israel itself. I fear that they will start the Islamist version of a People's Crusade in the 21st century.

Palestinians in occupied west bank are expected to march on illegal Israeli settlements

I also fear that we're gonna see an Arab Spring 2.0 soon, but this time, instead of demanding more democracy in government, people are going to demand more Islamism, terrorism and extremism in government:

Solidarity with Palestine: Thousands gather in central Baghdad

Demonstrations in Istanbul, Turkey, denouncing the crimes of the occupation in Gaza

watched| A demonstration in front of the Commander Ibrahim Mosque in Alexandria in solidarity with Palestine

Demonstrations in Tunis express support for Palestine • FRANCE 24 English

"Another front could very well open up, these men are Hezbollah fighters, they are awaiting orders from the Lebanese leader of Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah"

Israel-Hamas war: 'Hezbollah fighters waiting for orders' in Beirut

Dozens of Lebanese gather in Hezbollah stronghold in Beirut to show support for Palestinians

US, Israeli flags burnt during Baghdad protest in show of support for Hamas
WTF... Israel wants to exile the Palestinians in Ghaza to the Sinai desert?!

Al-Sisi rejects Israeli calls for the displacement of the people of Gaza to Sinai
السيسي يرفض الدعوات الإسرائيلية بنزوح أهالي غزة لسيناء

#Sisi once again rejects Israeli calls to open a corridor for #Gaza residents to #Sinai: Their displacement leads to the liquidation of the Palestinian cause
#السيسي يرفض مجددا الدعوات الإسرائيلية بفتح ممر لسكان #غزة إلى #سيناء: نزوحهم يؤدي لتصفية القضية الفلسطينية

The largest city of Sinai is Arish, capital of the North Sinai, with around 160,000 residents. Other larger settlements include Sharm el-Sheikh and El-Tor, on the southern coast. Inland Sinai is arid (effectively a desert), mountainous and sparsely populated, the largest settlements being Saint Catherine and Nekhel.[17]

Sinai is one of the coldest provinces in Egypt because of its high altitudes and mountainous topographies. Winter temperatures in some of Sinai's cities and towns reach −16 °C (3 °F).[citation needed]

So instead of bombing them to death, or starving them to death, the Israelis want to send the Palestinians, homeless and defenseless, into a cold Egyptian desert ahead of winter to freeze to death there?

Do Israelis not realize the sheer self-imploding irony of this?

Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הַר סִינַי‬, Har Sīnay) is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God, according to the Book of Exodus in the Hebrew Bible.[1] In the Book of Deuteronomy, these events are described as having transpired at Mount Horeb. "Sinai" and "Horeb" are generally considered by scholars to refer to the same place.[2]

The location of the Mount Sinai described in the Bible remains disputed. The high point of the dispute was in the mid-nineteenth century.[a] Hebrew Bible texts describe the theophany at Mount Sinai in terms which a minority of scholars, following Charles Beke (1873), have suggested may literally describe the mountain as a volcano.

Mount Sinai is one of the most sacred locations in Judaism, Christianity and Islam.[5][6]
