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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

Second verse same as the first. (Ukraine and Russia) I dislike both sides and am not on either. I have issues with both countries, but also organized religion in general. I don't believe in cultural interpretations of god because they have human bias and are used to control people justify bad actions and push bad politics. This doesn't mean i am an atheist either because they are just as dogmatic. If there is a god it's certainly beyond human understanding and I don't think an over 1000 year old written down game of telephone and hundreds of google tier mistranslations will explain anything besides what people did at the time to survive. Just look at the videos where people run things through Google translate 100 times with different languages and you can see what happened to the bible. Judaism used to be polytheistic Christianity came from Judaism and Islam was derived from oral tellings of jewish and Christian stories blended with art or war and their own pagan beliefs. They all practice and advocate for immoral things because a book doesn't dictate morality the majority of civil human society does.
My expectations re: what's happening in Israel

- Israel and Palestine will never stop fighting, ever. There might be occasional cease fires that last for a little bit, but they will always go back to blowing each other up. They've been at this longer than I have been alive and they really don't want it any other way. They both have the annoying Middle Eastern habit of getting their neighbours, as well as everyone their neighbours know, involved in their private business and personal disputes, making a public spectacle out of themselves.

- We will discover that Hamas launched this attack, not due to incompetence on the part of Israeli intel but purely on the basis of situational opportunism: Hamas realized that the US is too busy with Ukraine to assist Israel in the way that Israel is long used to from the US. Hamas decided that this was a unique opportunity in time for them to attack Israel while the US is busy elsewhere. When the US was fighting in the Middle East it was easier for the US to assist Israel in exchange of local intel and other benefits, but now the US is spreading itself thin, so "old enemies" will start coming out of the woodwork. ("So as long as I live I gotta stay strapped/And I never get to lay back/Some punk that I roughed up way back/Coming back after all these years/That's the way it is")

- The US, which is too preoccupied with Ukraine and Russia and China right now, will ask the EU to please jump in and fill in the gap that the US has left behind when it left the Middle East and moved on to the proxy war in the Caucasus instead. The EU will gladly jump at the opportunity to take on the mantel, because the EU has abandoned the idea of promoting peace and prosperity and only wants Shock Doctrine through war-mongering, either economic war (like against the PIGS) or actual war.

- The Israelis, understandably, don't trust the Europeans to do a better job than Americans did protecting them, because Israel knows that a lot of EU countries are only Western "on paper", when in reality these countries actually have whole sections of their populations that are crypto-antisemitic, including countries with large muslim minorities that have never hidden their hatred of Israel and the Dzooz over Palestine.

- We will discover that some of the weapons that Hamas has been using against Israel in this attack are weapons that NATO countries originally sent to Ukraine, but corrupt Ukrainian officials in the army sold them on to highest bidder.

- All the American Natsees who hate Ukraine because Zelensky is a Dzoo and assume Ukraine is pro-Israel or wants to be yet-another-Israel for the US to fuss over because of their Dzooish leader, they will discover that the Natsees in Ukraine are just like Natsees anywhere else: they hate Dzooz and will happily sell weapons to Israel's enemies to undermine Israel.

- Ukraine will act surprised when this corruption is discovered, as if they had no idea that corrupt military elements were selling off NATO stock meant of the Russo-Ukrainian War to Palestine, or to Palestine's enablers, in the international black arms market.

- No one can deny anymore that the Russo-Ukrainian war is now moving well beyond Ukrainian or Russian borders to have a destabilizing effect on the whole surrounding region, even to and including Israel.
Yeah that's why i said us should cut back on funds for Ukraine because when shit like this happens somewhere else resources will be stretched too thin. I'm just surprised China had the restraint to not invade Taiwan yet or for North Korea to try something with south Korea. In those situations i would be more inclined to side against north Korea and China to because i hate their regimes and don't really dislike South Korea or Taiwan in the way i dislike Israel and Ukraine. I will admit i do lean more towards Israel and Ukraine and would prefer if they didn't get taken by Russia and the Muslims but i still don't like them because their corruption and dirty politics so it's not for their governments sake it's to keep the other side weaker.
To me, this conflict is a "heel program" to use a wrestling term. Goat fuckers vs the pedos/pedo enablers.

I tried to watch some coverage of this... tuned into FOX. And on my screen was the host. Brian Kilmeade, looking nearly disheveled and breathlessly calling Israel "Our Greatest friend in the World"... blech, the propaganda is going to be nauseating on this one...
I tried to watch some coverage of this... tuned into FOX. And on my screen was the host. Brian Kilmeade, looking nearly disheveled and breathlessly calling Israel "Our Greatest friend in the World"... blech, the propaganda is going to be nauseating on this one...
Why are you acting like this is something unexpected? Fox News have always been hardcore pro-Israel cheerleaders. Fox News were pro-Israel throughout the War on Terror. The neocons who were Fox News' rockstars throughout that period were always pro-Israel and up to their noses in AIPAC. This isn't something new for Fox News.

Hamas are turning this attack into a media spectacle, humiliating the Israel civilians they've captured on social media:


This is at a UN press conference today, where an Israeli official showed a picture of an Israeli grandma who is a Holocaust survivor who was forced to pose with a gun by the Hamas terrorist who held her and her family at gunpoint.

Hey look, the Dzooz are fleeing their home state Israel. Ohai New York, got space for some more of dem fugees?

Imagine having to waste 3 years of your life in mandatory military service (yes! That's how long military service is in Israel!) only to flee when the times comes to actually fight.

"Watch Israel, it's the world's clock", what time is love?

Al Jazeera gave a a summary of the build-up that led to the attack:

Al Jazeer also claim that "Hamas feels abandoned by the world", which is not true, because their good ole friends in Hezbollah have joined them and are bombing Israel in the North, while Hamas is bombing and attacking Israel in the South:

"Hamas is a proxy for Iran"
... or a proxy for the Saudis! Iran and the Saudis both have their own versions of a proxy war, though Dylan Burns is gonna tell you that a "proxy war" isn't a thing and doesn't even exist:

"We don't want to see this expand into a wider war in the region", too late, this is already an "expanded war". Israel is bombing Lebanon right now for harbouring Hezbollah, who have joined Hamas in bombing Israel:

Remember Alex Jones and Joseph Paul Watson for years claiming that "Israel created Hamas to be a counter-point to Hezbollah"?

This is Hamas and Hezbollah testing to see if the US can fight two proxy wars at the same time.

"Mossad is first rate human intelligence, SIGINT, hard to believe they missed something of this scale", and then the US spookboss says that Hamas needed to "gather" (read: buy from those corrupt Ukrainian military officials) the rockets they launched:

"The Israeli intelligence services are known to be amongst the best in the world", LMAO, I guess not:

"Where does Hamas get the material to fuel and arm these rockets?", where indeed!

The Russia-Iran arms deal:

Russian and Ukrainian weapons compete before the Saudis:

Null's favourite destination might be involved:

Ukraine tries to boost arms sales in the midst of the war:

Interpol warns that US military stock "US aid" will end up on the international black weapons market:

Ukraine criminals selling American missiles on the international black weapons market:

That Ukraine was involved in the black arms market has been known for years. Here's a 2016 Reuters article:

Weeb Union who has been covering the War in Ukraine, has begun posting about the War in Israel as well.

I have been speculating about Palestinians using suicide drones against Israeli tanks the way Ukrainians are doing in the Russo-Ukrainian war. Here's a video about Hamas using suicide drones:

Weeb Union embedded a video of a Palestinian drone dropping an improvised explosive device on an Israeli tank:

Weeb Union also claims that there are massive riots happening right now in the West Bank and East Jerusalem and posted a video of one of those riots currently happening in the West Bank. This is something I haven't seen a single MSM report on, presumably because they're too scared to send their journalists into Palestinian territories for fear of them getting kidnapped and held as ransom:

Here Weeb Union claimed that... Israel is going to annex the Gaza Strip in the next 48 hours?! WTF?! 😮

I don't know what his source is for this claim. I haven't seen this claim anywhere else.

What do you think guys? Is this likely? Is Israel even capable of annexing the Gaza Strip?
Why are you acting like this is something unexpected? Fox News have always been hardcore pro-Israel cheerleaders. Fox News were pro-Israel throughout the War on Terror. The neocons who were Fox News' rockstars throughout that period were always pro-Israel and up to their noses in AIPAC. This isn't something new for Fox News.

Hamas are turning this attack into a media spectacle, humiliating the Israel civilians they've captured on social media:

View attachment 40381

This is at a UN press conference today, where an Israeli official showed a picture of an Israeli grandma who is a Holocaust survivor who was forced to pose with a gun by the Hamas terrorist who held her and her family at gunpoint.

Hey look, the Dzooz are fleeing their home state Israel. Ohai New York, got space for some more of dem fugees?

Imagine having to waste 3 years of your life in mandatory military service (yes! That's how long military service is in Israel!) only to flee when the times comes to actually fight.

"Watch Israel, it's the world's clock", what time is love?

Al Jazeera gave a a summary of the build-up that led to the attack:

Al Jazeer also claim that "Hamas feels abandoned by the world", which is not true, because their good ole friends in Hezbollah have joined them and are bombing Israel in the North, while Hamas is bombing and attacking Israel in the South:

"Hamas is a proxy for Iran" ... or a proxy for the Saudis! Iran and the Saudis both have their own versions of a proxy war, though Dylan Burns is gonna tell you that a "proxy war" isn't a thing and doesn't even exist:

"We don't want to see this expand into a wider war in the region", too late, this is already an "expanded war". Israel is bombing Lebanon right now for harbouring Hezbollah, who have joined Hamas in bombing Israel:

Remember Alex Jones and Joseph Paul Watson for years claiming that "Israel created Hamas to be a counter-point to Hezbollah"?

This is Hamas and Hezbollah testing to see if the US can fight two proxy wars at the same time.

"Mossad is first rate human intelligence, SIGINT, hard to believe they missed something of this scale", and then the US spookboss says that Hamas needed to "gather" (read: buy from those corrupt Ukrainian military officials) the rockets they launched:

"The Israeli intelligence services are known to be amongst the best in the world", LMAO, I guess not:

"Where does Hamas get the material to fuel and arm these rockets?", where indeed!

The Russia-Iran arms deal:

Russian and Ukrainian weapons compete before the Saudis:

Null's favourite destination might be involved:

Ukraine tries to boost arms sales in the midst of the war:

Interpol warns that US military stock "US aid" will end up on the international black weapons market:

Ukraine criminals selling American missiles on the international black weapons market:

That Ukraine was involved in the black arms market has been known for years. Here's a 2016 Reuters article:

It wasn't unexpected, I was, however, taken by surprise at the absolute heavy handedness of it. This is the first time since early 2020 I've watched any of these "news" channels. I thought " well, this is some bullshit we're (the U.S.) gonna get pulled into. Better see what the official party line is." I watched for all of about a minute or so and was overwhelmed with the propaganda. These channels really do take their viewers for fools. I suppose they are if they are watching that slop on a daily basis.
This is where I wish I knew Arabic but I can still use Google Translate to, at the very least, translate the titles of Al Arabiya videos during this conflict.

Arabic media will point out and make news items of the types of shit you'd never see in Western MSM covering this conflict. For example this video:

The title of this video,

الشيكل الإسرائيلي يهبط إلى أدنى مستوى منذ 8 أعوام تقريبا

according to Google translates into:

"The Israeli shekel falls to its lowest level in almost 8 years"

Can you imagine Western media making a news item out of this? 😆

Here's another example. On AlArabiya, you will see footage of Ben Gurion airport getting bombed from the outside:

The title of the above translates into:

Initial photos of missiles landing on Ben Gurion Airport #Gaza_Strip #AlArabiya

In the Western media, you won't see the airport itself getting bombed. Instead you will see travellers crouching on the tarmac or crowding the airport trying to get tickets. I haven't seen a in single Western news item showing the bombing of the airport itself.

Another thing I noticed is the difference in content between the AlJazeera English channel versus the AlJazeera Arabic channel on Youtube:

The video stream on the latter channel is updated more frequently and is completely different in content from the videos posted on the English channel. It's like there are two completely different news teams with different mandates working on these news items. Not like they're just taking the Arabic news items and translating them directly. It's like they know they can't do that for Western audiences. Or perhaps they know that Google is more likely to crack down on them if they tried to post the same types of items on their English channel they've been posting on their Arabic channel.

To give you some examples of videos from the above channel, a lot of which are pilfered social media reposts:

رشقات صاروخية تستهدف عسقلان وسديروت ردا على القصف الإسرائيلي لغزة
Rocket salvoes target Ashkelon and Sderot in response to the Israeli bombing of Gaza

Drone footage from the festival where Hamas shot and killed 260 festival goers and kidnapped a number into Gaza to keep as hostages:

شاهد| آثار اقتحام عناصر القسام حفلا راقصا بمستوطنة رعيم صباح العملية
watched| The effects of Al-Qassam elements storming a dance party in the Re’im settlement on the morning of the operation

More examples of videos:

شاهد| رسالة فلسطيني بعد قصف منزله شمالي قطاع غزة
watched| A Palestinian message after the bombing of his house in the northern Gaza Strip

مراسل الجزيرة من داخل مخيم جباليا بعد القصف الإسرائيلي
Al Jazeera correspondent from inside Jabalia camp after the Israeli bombing

I've also noticed that AlJazeera has apparently disabled closed captions/autogenerated translation on their Youtube video. I suspec they did this to prevent viewers from grabbing those and autotranslating their videos. I suspect they are doing this to force people to get professional translations instead of relying on AI mistranslations that then get taken out of context.
I have a conspiracy theory.

This was all orchestrated by Russia to distract the west from Ukraine, but without Russia having to do the dirty work. With another special military operation in their existing ex USSR terrorist separatist pseudorepublics. or creating new terrorist pseudorepublics in countries like Kazahstan. I mean, Russia was so busy in Ukraine, it couldn't even legitimately help its CSTO ally, Armenia.

Not to mention that fighting Russian propaganda is one thing that unites conservatives and liberals in Europe, especially Poland, Nordics and the Baltics. With this, the west now has to also help out Israel, potentially having to downscale their efforts to help Ukraine. Not to mention that the public opinion on Israel and Palestine is much more divisive, due to it being less clear cut than Ukraine.

With Ukraine, very few countries outright support the Russian cause and recognize the annexed territories. Even China refrains from taking any conclusive stance, instead being pretty vague, at least with its official foreign policy. Though it does seem to help Russia by using North Korea to launder its support, being "Nah, we're not sending arms to Russia, North Korea is." But in reality it just sends its weapons to North Korea which may or may not send them to Russia.

Only Belarus, Syria, North Korea and Eritrea recognize annexed territories as Russian.

But Palestine is actually recognized as a legit country by half of the world. Suddenly, you have Russian propagandists standing with naive progressives in regards to Palestine. I'm not even talking only about the progressive tankies that support Russia. I'm talking about those who stand with Ukraine, but also with Palestine in the current context, and not just in the context of Palestine merely existing. All in all, it's a huge and inconsistent mess.

You even have those that ordinarily stand with Russia now standing with Israel.
My Twatter feed is now full of posts related to Palestine and Israel. And I can tell you that now the Russian propagandists are now harder to tell in all the confusion.

And low and behold, Russia's preferred world order is one of chaos and then taking advantage of said chaos for its own goals. This is different from China, who prefers a world order that is stable and consistent, albeit under its own terms. Though, listening to CGTN on shortwave, even China has slowly become more rabid in its foreign targeted propaganda (domestic propaganda in China has always been much more rabid).

Now, me being from Croatia, I support Ukraine. We've had our own experience with separatist pseurodepublics propped up by our neighbor in the 90s. With Israel and Palestine, it depends on what part. While I do believe that Palestinians should be treated equally in Israel, I also support Israel in the current situation of being attacked by Hamas.

My proposed solution to the Israel-Palestine question is having Israel consist of two entities, similar to how in Bosnia you have Federacija BiH and Republika Srpska. Better to have Israel as the surviving country, as it is way more democratic than Palestine. While in Bosnia there are still some tensions between Serbs, Bosniaks and Croats, they're still far from erupting into an armed conflict.
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"Forgive me, I'm in a slightly unelegant position", understatement of the day:

Military Summary on Youtube has a video about Hezbollah attacking Israel from the North:

My Twatter feed is now full of posts related to Palestine and Israel. And I can tell you that now the Russian propagandists are now harder to tell in all the confusion.

By all means go ahead and post some of the tweets you're coming across. I'm mostly following events on Youtube, I don't have the time for other social media.

I decided to see if there was any coverage of the war on alt-tech sites.

I went to Odysee and typed in Israel to see what the top three hits are. I had to select the 24 hours filter to get relevant results.

It seems the only actual news channel broadcasting on Odysee about the conflict is... Russia Today.

I guess these alt-tech sites are so Anglo that no one there really cares about covering the news outside of Anglo countries. On Odysee you will most find opinions and people running their mouth, not factual on-the-ground reporting like on news channels.

I did find this guy running a Weeb Union style channel:

He also has a channel on Youtube with the same videos where he gets way more views than his Odysee channel, which I guess is just a backup:

He seems serious, so if you're on Odysee I'd recommend his channel.

Here's his latest video on Youtube to give you an idea:

Al-Qassam Brigades (military wing of Hamas) just threatened to start executing their captive hostages on Livestream one by one if Israel doesn't stop bombing Ghaza:

Edit: I don't know why but AlJazeera have privated their video where they translated the above threat. I don't see why, it's already been rebroadcast everywhere else on Youtube:

CRUX posted a video where they included a translation:


Even SkyNews in the UK has already rebroadcast the statement, you know how censorious the English MSM are:


Page archived: https://archive.ph/wBFKJ

Why is AlJazeera still trying to push the genie back into the bottle on this?
Did Youtube start breathing down their necks or what?

Edit: I just checked the Arabic AlJazeera channel, and the video they censored on their English channel is still there on the Arabic one:


The title of the above video is:

تسجيل صوتي لكلمة أبو عبيدة الناطق باسم كتائب القسام

which translates into:

"An audio recording of a speech by Abu Ubaida, spokesman for the Al-Qassam Brigades"

I guess this is how AlJazeera is able to bypass censorship on Youtube: By posting all their really shocking/disturbing content on their Arabic channel and giving it more innocuous sounding titles.

Edit: TVFrance during their news Livestream just confirmed the threat to start killing hostages from Al-Qassam. They also posted this infopic with all the female hostages that were kidnapped by Hamas at the music festival where they also killed 260+ festival goers.

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This video gives a good summary of all the attacks from Hamas and Hezbollah in Israel so far:

The idea that Palestine poses an "existential threat" to Israel is completely ridiculous hyperbole when you see the numbers listed in this video:

Look at this video. Palestine has literally NOTHING. How the fuck were they even able to attack Israel with literally nothing? If Israel has all this superior equipment at its disposal and still gets struck, they're clearly not putting their existing arsenal to proper use.
People are calling this the Israeli 9/11. I sure hope they treat it as such because if this shit is allowed to go by with just a slap and become normalized.. well let's just point out that unlike our 9/11, it is very likely to happen again and again if prices aren't made to be paid.. if they don't get boots on the ground and take out the networks and terrorists.. at the very least.

Also the two state idea, with terrorists elected to government (i.e. without Israeli approval) just died completely. Along with Israel's european style insane gun control. I know I wouldn't want to be the moron trying to argue to a victimized public that they don't need a right to defend themselves. In fact it sheer insanity that they were the way they were already.

THD (Total Hamas Death)


They seem to have taken a lot of young women. ugh