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Israel News and Drama Palestine versus Israel

Why the fuck is no one talking about this?!
Channel 4 claims that 13 hostages that were kidnapped by Hamas have already died?!
Where the hell are all the news items about this?!

This terrible news of 13 dead hostages means either of two things: Hamas have stored the hostages in buildings that they know will be targeted by the IDF, leaving them to be bombed to death by the same people claiming to work to rescue them. Or... Hamas has already begun to Livestream the executions they were threatening to carry out and livecast on the internet, but the MSM is not mentioning this because they don't want the general public to go looking for these gruesome videos. Only "they" get to see those videos because they are journalists and they have it so much more together than everyone else.

Fuck the MSM so much, is all I have to say. They should give coverage to the hostages and their families 24/7.

This man Dori Roberts had several members of is extended family kidnapped... and yet he's still so dignified and community-focused, all he does in this video is thank all the people helping him get his family back:

This dumb British fucker wants the international community to apply pressure on Egypt to "accept" the refugees, when they already have Sudanese refugees coming into Egypt. I personally suspect that Hamas is either going to blow up the border between Egypt and Ghaza and allow people to spill into Egypt en masse, or Hamas are already negotiating with experienced human smugglers to organize some "cruises" into Egypt, and have decided to take the risk of either Israel bombing those boats, or Egypt's border patrol sinking them as a risk they are willing to take:

Mass protest in London, UK:

There you go, these people are constantly trying to bring their war into Europe like their ages-old bullshit is somehow our business:

Reuters reported on Polish security: A man carrying a bomb in the center of the capital, Warsaw, threatened to blow himself up
رويترز عن الأمن البولندي: رجل يحمل قنبلة بوسط العاصمة وارسو ويهدد بتفجير نفسه

And how did Chinese or "Russian" (read: Afghan/Taliban) weapons make it into Ghaza?

Aid workers in Ghaza are fleeing the scene themselves now: "We have no capacity to provide a humanitarian response. (...) Most the humanitarian sector is frozen because we cannot be asking our staff to be responding to a crisis when they themselves are victims of that crisis and need to focus on getting their family to safety", that's the for-profit, only-in-it-when-it's-Instagramable, NGO international "aid" complex for you. It's every man for himself now:

When you see videos of those mass rallies in support of Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Hamas in ME countries and you find yourself wondering: "How are so many people there so openly in favour of terrorism?", you need to realize that a lot of people in the ME are commercially involved in terrorism.

They and everyone around them actually make a living that way. It's completely normalized to be involved in terrorism. It isn't an underground activity they have to hide from view, it's something practiced out in the open and casually talked about: "Such and such joined the Jihad.". Everyone involved up and down the line makes money running camps where they train terrorists, infiltrators, spies, hostage captors, executioners. You've seen terrorist agitprop videos on social media and Youtube, you can tell they are very professionally produced with a cinematic feel and aeasthetic, like you're watching an IRL action movie. All these people, from the video artist to the guy renting out the camping ground for their paramilitary drills, they are all making money from terrorism. Terrorism is Big Business in the Middle East.

Who is funding Hamas? | DW Business Special

Terror Inc : Tracing the Money Behind Global Terrorism
Loretta Napoleoni

This books propels the reader into the center of illegal organizations, and explains how they fund their activities. From the PLO to Al-Qaeda to the IRA, Loretta Napoleoni maps out the arteries of an international economic system that feeds armed groups the world over. She follows the money and gets to the truth of 'the new economy of terror' - a 1.5 trillion dollar system - and assesses the full extent of the role of the West in devloping the economies of armed organizations.

"It's going to be bloodbath on both sides", it effectively already is:

Watching the news and being confronted with how violent and unfair reality is, that will give you, like, secondary C-PTSD and shit:

If you're a fucking spineless jellyfish ninny and you can't handle seeing reality, turn off your fucking laptop right now. This is the real world. You can choose to ignore it, or you can choose to expose yourself to it so you can learn how to control it and maximize your own survival chances to the best of your ability.

It's incredible to me how these people lack the most basic of discernment and situational awareness. You'd think they'd know or realize that the best way to get their loved ones to safety is to stay the fuck out of the way of aid workers trying to do their job. Yet in every single one of these videos on Al Jazeera, you see all these fucking people just crowding around aid workers and their ambulances, not doing anything, just getting in the way. In this video, there's an ambulance that has already turned on its siren and is trying to depart, but there are all these fucking people refusing to move aside.

Why are these people so fucking stupid? If you can't contribute anything useful to the situation, just get the fuck out of the way of all the people who can.
War is stupid and people are stupid and Boy George is a junkie sex criminal.

Which one will get strafed by Israeli fighter jets and torpedoed by Israeli subs because they are a spy boat leaking IDF intel?

As Israel was blockaded it had a legit reason to attack the Liberty. That's why the USA gave the money to Israel that they gave back as "compensation".

Hope it's Ford. I like Ike.
It looks like America is about to start militarily supporting God's chosen people. All because the book of Revelations says that the rapture won't start until the Jews build the 3rd temple.
Breadlines outside a Palestinian bakery. I don't understand what they are saying, but I am guessing the baker said something to the effect that when he runs out of energy, there will be no more bread:

“Our livelihood is over.” Al Jazeera’s correspondent monitors the crowding in front of a bakery in Khan Yunis
"العيش اللي عنا خلص".. مراسل الجزيرة يرصد الازدحام أمام مخبز بخان يونس

The families of the hostages must've realized they're fucked and they're not getting them back alive:

'Netanyahu is in trouble': Israeli protesters demand release of hostages | Tel Aviv Dispatch

'I want her back now': Families of hostages held by Hamas call for their immediate release

We were told by the mainstream media that 16 hostages have already died, but suspiciously we weren't told how. These families must've assumed the worst: the Hamas as already begun executing hostages and the government isn't going to do anything to get the remnant of hostages out alive.

Here's one of the babies that was hostage-taken by Hamas:

Trying to work as a first responder in hell:

Like I said, this has been going on longer than I have been alive. These people hate one another and that will never stop killing each other because they both subscribe to an extremist hateful ideology where it's a zero sum game and they can only win if the other side is annihilated. None of this would be an issue for us if they didn't go out of their way to involve everyone else around them in their bullshit. We opportunistically agreed to get involved in their bullshit because we, just like the terrorists, see terrorism as a business opportunity. We in the West also follow a destructive murderous ideology called The Shock Doctrine, which means that we sit back and wait for shit to collapse so we can "build back better", only to watch that crumble too with built in obsolesce. We longer build shit with an eye towards longevity or durability, we build disposable shit made to self-destruct. That is the truth and it's entirely our fault for agreeing to be dragged along. We have created a self-perpetuating system where terrorism will always exist, because it's too profitable for it not to, so it's allowed to slumber.

No Bad Empanada, I don't need to turn to "Israeli media" to learn what the terrorism supporting Islamists think. All I have to do is go to Al Jazeera Arabic and translate the comments under every video or in the live chat stream, which are full of extremist Islamists, many of whom don't even live in the ME but in the West, telling Hamas to do ahead and kill the hostages for the whole world to see, "may Allah direct their arrows" and all that shit. Such comments would be banned if it was anyone else saying them, but Youtube allows such open calls for the deaths of unarmed civilians when it's Islamists freely expressing their violent rage on Youtube.
Hamas just issued a challenge to the IDF, which Al Jazeera Arabic of course re-broadcast in full, basically saying: "bring it on"

أبرز تصريحات أبو حمزة الناطق العسكري باسم سرايا القدس:
العدو الصهيوني تجاوز كل الأعراف الدينية والقانونية والإنسانية دون أن ينال من عزيمتنا.
العدو الصهيوني يواصل محاولات يائسة لتهجير شعبنا فكان الرد هو الثبات على أرضنا.
نقول للعدو: لقد هزمناكم في عقر كيانكم، فما ظنكم بنا وقد أتيتم إلينا بأقدامكم.
نؤكد على ثباتنا أمام جرائم العدو، ونقول إنه لا خيار لنا سوى النصر.

The most prominent statements of Abu Hamza, the military spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades:
The Zionist enemy has violated all religious, legal and humanitarian norms without weakening our resolve.
The Zionist enemy continues desperate attempts to displace our people, so the response was to remain steadfast in our land.
We say to the enemy: We have defeated you at the core of your being, so what do you think of us when you came to us with your own feet?
We affirm our steadfastness in the face of the enemy's crimes, and we say that we have no choice but victory.

Al Jazeera never rebroadcast these messages from Hamas as standalone videos on their English channel BTW, they know Youtube will only let them violate the ToS on "threats of violence"/"terrorism" the Arabic channel that their English autotranscript bots can't understand.

And YouTube's Community Guidelines state that terrorist organisations may not use the platform for any purpose, including recruitment. Content related to terrorism, such as content that promotes terrorist acts, incites violence or celebrates terrorist attacks, is also prohibited. [Unless you are Al Jazeera rebroadcasting it!]

I wonder if Hamas will see this video and decide whether all this destruction bestowed upon what they claim are their people was worth killing 1100+ Israelis and kidnapping 150+ unarmed civilians:

Who am I kidding right? These people refuse to use the word "dead", because that's how aggressively in denial of reality they are. They don't call their own people "dead" when they die, they call them "martyrs"*, which to them means they went to heaven with the 72 virgins. They don't get to die, only their victims die. This is how they justify their terrorism to themselves.

* This is actually a New Testament term, which literally means: "testifying/declaring before a judicial authority that one is a believer, even at the threat of torture or capital punishment". In the New Testament, Jesus Christ is the archetypal martyr and his crucifixion is understood as an act of martyrdom. The word martyr has nothing to do with a holy war in the Christian context but is related to the general prosecution of Christians by the Romans. An Islamist "Shaheed" (Jihadist who died for the sake of his faith) is thus in no way equivalent to a Christian martyr. The two terms became conflated due to mistranslation, not because they refer to the same thing, which they clearly don't. Islamists really need to stop appropriating Christian terms to confuse people about what they're doing. If asking someone to denounce terrorism is tantamount to asking them to denounce Islam, then they are basically admitting that the license to commit terrorism is a core part of their belief.


In their latest communique, which Al Jazeera of course re-broadcast in full (because fuck the Youtube ToS if you're an Arabic channel), Hamas claim to have between 200-250 that they are keeping in different places around Ghaza. They claim that 22 Israeli hostages have already died, which is 6 more than the 16 hostages claimed yesterday by MSM. They claim that these hostages weren't killed by Hamas themselves, as they threatened to do, but by the bombings.

Here is the auto-translation of the transcript of this communique provided by Al Jazeera in the description of the above video:



Hamas claim one of the dead hostages is the artist "Guy Olives", which appears to be a mistranslation of Guy Olivier. I checked to see if this was a real person, and indeed, he appears to be a Dutch artist, this is his website:

This is him in a picture from his website:


The fact that a Dutch hostage has died while in custody of Hamas means that The Netherlands is likely to get involved more actively in the war. Israel will now certainly ask them to do so. Hamas has warned other countries not to get involved in this conflict on the side of Israel, but as more and more hostages who are foreign nationals die while in custody of Hamas, more and more countries will feel compelled to get involved supporting Israel.
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Al Jazeera Arabic is continuing to rebroadcast communiques by Hamas in violation of Youtube's stated ToS.

Oct 16, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Operation_Al-Aqsa_Flood
Abu Hamza, the military spokesman for the Al-Quds Brigades, the military wing of the Islamic Jihad movement, warned Israel against invading the Gaza Strip by land, stressing that the Palestinian resistance is fully prepared to repel any possible aggression.

Oct 16, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #عملية_طوفان_الأقصى
حذر أبو حمزة، الناطق العسكري باسم سرايا القدس الجناح العسكري لحركة الجهاد الإسلامي، إسرائيل من اجتياح قطاع غزة برا، مؤكدا أن المقاومة الفلسطينية على أتم الاستعداد لصد أي عدوان محتمل.


Let me show you guys some of the most recent comments that are left by Al Jazeera viewers underneath these rebroadcast communiques, so you can get an idea of how these communiques are received in the Arab speaking world:


As you can see, no one in the comments is pointing out that this is a terrorist organization, no one is decrying Hamas' crimes or expressing even a little bit of apprehension at what they've done, even, like, "I support Palestine's liberation but what Hamas did was wrong and counterproductive.". Everyone without exception is loudly cheerleading them, telling them to just go for the throat, offering to join them in Jihad: "For the first time, I feel like a strong Muslim.", "defeat and humiliate the Zionists and all those who are loyal to them among the normalized and traitorous Arabs." (= let's not just kill Dzooz, let's kill our own people who are against terrorism)

More drone footage of the bombings:

Again, Hamas decided that this was totally worth it.
We are going to be dragged into this:
Driving the news:
Graham warned Iran against involvement in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, saying "if you escalate this war, we're coming for you."

Hezbollah destroys Israel's cameras along the Lebanon border: https://apnews.com/article/lebanon-...rder-tension-ed64d3806cd25d845055c4d4a2bc76a2

Iran issues not-so-veiled threat against Israel: https://en.irna.ir/news/85260808/Iran-Any-preemptive-action-by-resistance-possible-in-coming

Lebanon's Response: In a nutshell - We don't want this shit in our backyard: https://www.nna-leb.gov.lb/en/سياسة/647513/mikati-no-one-interested-in-opening-war-front-in-s

President Biden: Occupying Gaza would be a mistake:

So here is what we have:
We are going to get involved in another Middle East War though the extent is open to speculation. It will be the USA, Israel, Hezbollah (Iran Proxy), Hamas for starters
Benjamin Netanyahu has been waiting for the perfect excuse to justify kicking Iran's ass and he may very well have the opportunity dropped in his lap.
The Gaza Strip is being turned into a pile of rubble both north and south, and the resulting humanitarian crisis is turning into a real black eye for Israel.
A Palestinian surgeon on the Al Jazeera livestream showed a piece of shrapnel that he removed from someone after Israel bombed a hospital in Ghaza:


This is what drives the families of the hostages mad, DeSantis really needs to STFU and stay out of this, give Israel a chance to save whatever hostages can still be saved:

Good job Hamas, of all the 250 Dzooz in your custody, you chose to show the world... the ugliest fuckpillow-lipped duckfaced woman I have ever seen in my life, JFC:

"My daughter is very... mature."... as in 18+ I suppose.
"She's 21 but she's like a 60 year old smart woman.", she will be oldAF if she survives this shit for sure.

Again, it's beyond tragic what is happening to this woman, whose name is Mia Schem, but holy shit did this bitch fuck her face up with the lip injections. Imagine being captured by Hamas, but your whole face just screams "I'm only here to give blowjobs.". Ladies, I don't care how pornsick you are that you wanna emulate this fugly look, I don't care how much your pornsick boyfriend is brainwashing you to look like this because it turns him on (PS. just dump him), don't do this to your faces. You really don't wanna look like a human fuckdoll before an incel terrorist, who might not have the patience to wait to get to heaven before he decides to sample one of those 72 virgins waiting there for him (that he made sure to send to heaven ahead of himself by killing them all himself). He might be like, "Naw, I'm gonna be with her in heaven shortly, I might as well face-fuck this bitch with the fuckpillow lips right now."

(Again, sorry for the pitch dark humour, it's how I cope with tragedy.)
Hamas claim one of the dead hostages is the artist "Guy Olives", which appears to be a mistranslation of Guy Olivier. I checked to see if this was a real person, and indeed, he appears to be a Dutch artist, this is his website:

This is him in a picture from his website:

View attachment 40737

The fact that a Dutch hostage has died while in custody of Hamas means that The Netherlands is likely to get involved more actively in the war. Israel will now certainly ask them to do so. Hamas has warned other countries not to get involved in this conflict on the side of Israel, but as more and more hostages who are foreign nationals die while in custody of Hamas, more and more countries will feel compelled to get involved supporting Israel.
That's strange that they let a Dutchman die while claiming that they would consider foreign (read: non-jewish) prisoners their guests and "release them when field conditions permit." Maybe terrorists aren't as trustworthy as they would like you to believe... :thinking:
There's an ongoing dispute on social media about who bombed the hospital, whether the IDF did it to punish them for refusing to evacuate as was asked of them, or whether Hamas bumbled and fucked up killing their own, but saw an opportunity to blame the incident on the IDF to distract from their own incompetence.

I think it's kinda silly to focus on a specific edge-caste when entire city blocks are levelled and 200-250 hostages are still waiting to be rescued, but this is what The Discourse has chosen to nag on about, so let's have a look at either side.

Here's what the IDF is saying, denying they targeted or hit the hospital:

A military analyst doubts that blast killed 500 people:

Youtuber Timcast shows evidence posted to Twitter by those Geolocation accounts (a lot of which are Bellingcat associated and are thus suspect from the getgo) making a strong case that the bombing of the hospital parking lot yesterday wasn't the IDF but a misfired Hamas bomb that broke in mid air and fell back into Ghaza, hitting the hospital parking lot where refugees were sheltering:

Timcast says that the IDF is a professional army using professional weapons, whereas Hamas are terrorists using crudely made DIY weapons, so the likelihood that Hamas would lose control over one of their weapons due to bad construction is more likely in their case than in the case of Israel.

Weeb Union shows some of the same videos as Tim, but also a number of other videos that suggest it was Israel and not Hamas :

Weeb Union claims that when you look at the footage of Hamas launching the bombs from the cemetery from another angle from the one the IDF showed in their presentation, it's obvious that those bombs were all heading in another way, away from the hospital. Even if one of those bombs broke in mid-air and fell back down into Ghaza, it wouldn't have landed near the hospital parking lot, which was outside the trajectory of all those bombs. Weeb Union also points out that Israel has the motive to target the hospital: the IDF asked the hospital repeatedly to evacuate but they refused to do so, to the IDF might have bombed the parking lot as a warning shot to let them know they're not fucking around and expect their orders to be obeyed.

So who are we gonna believe? Did Israel bomb the parking lot of a hospital that refused to evacuate and stayed put in order to punish them for disobeying the evacuation orders... or are Hamas just bad bomb makers and pathological liars?

Personally, I think both sides are committing war crimes and it's a pointless exercise in edge-casing to argue about whether this specific war crime or that specific war crime was worse than that other war crime. It's all bad.
Here is the video of the "Potemkin Village" that Hamas built so they could train in urban guerrilla tactics:

Google Translation: Oct 10, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Networks #Ahmed_Fakhoury
The Al-Aqsa Flood Operation was being trained by the Palestinian resistance factions in the Gaza Strip since 2020 in officially announced exercises, called “The Extreme Corner.” The resistance established at the training site what resembled an Israeli settlement to train in military landing, storming, clashing, and capturing soldiers.

Where do Hamas' weapons really come from? "Not Iran", says the MSM, who insisted all their gear was from Iran. Now the MSM claim that most of their weapons are self-made DIY weapons using simple tools and materials they easily have access to:

So where do their weapons actually come from? Let's find out:

Here's a CNN item where their reporters was shown some of the weapons Hamas is using that were found and confiscated by the IDF:

"This is a home-made RPG by Hamas", so, not Iranian.

"This is an RPG-7 VR", that's a Soviet era weapon still produces in Russia, not Iranian.

"This is home made", again, some DIY weapon, not Iranian.

"You have the engine of RPG 7 and the war heads of RPG 29", RPG 29 is a Soviet era Russian weapon, again, not Iranian.

"This is home-made in their factories, in Hamas' factories in Ghaza", so why implicate in Iran and claim these weapons are theirs? Where's the proof? All I am seeing here is Russian weapons and DIY weapons.

I don't think it's just Russia that enabled this attack against Israel, I think it's US, EU, Russia, Ukraine, Iran, Lebanon, Egypt, Syria and even China enabling this conflict:


Yeah, no way that was an air strike or anything even remotely high explosive. Everything is just burned. The video of the rocket breaking apart is what this was. (the fuel most likely) And no fucking way there were 500+ dead. I'm not even sure enough people could physically fit in the damage zone. I mean even a lot of the burned cars weren't totally destroyed. If you look at other pics, there is still glass in the windows of the building this pic was taken from.
Yeah, no way that was an air strike or anything even remotely high explosive. Everything is just burned. The video of the rocket breaking apart is what this was. (the fuel most likely) And no fucking way there were 500+ dead. I'm not even sure enough people could physically fit in the damage zone. I mean even a lot of the burned cars weren't totally destroyed. If you look at other pics, there is still glass in the windows of the building this pic was taken from.
Check out the videos I posted above from that IDF spokesperson, Timcast and Weeb Union, they make the same arguments you're making.

I have one question though: in the video that supposedly shows the bomb splitting into two parts in the air, a moment later you see two different blasts at two different locations, one shortly after the other, which presumably the result of the two pieces landing in two different locations.

If this is what happened, and the first blast was the hospital parking lot with the cars.... whatever happened to the second blast/the other part that came down? Did we find out where it came down and what happened in that spot?
Al Jazeera re-broadcast yet another Hamas communique in violation of Youtube's ToS. In this latest communique Hamas are threatening America:

485,690 views Oct 19, 2023 #Al Jazeera #Palestine #Gaza
The spokesman for the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, Abu Ubaida, warned “the enemy that the bill of reckoning with him will be harsh and painful.” Abu Ubaida stressed that "the American administration's support for the Zionist entity will not help or help it."
485,690 views Oct 19, 2023 #الجزيرة #فلسطين #غزة
حذّر الناطق باسم كتائب عز الدين القسام أبو عبيدة "العدو من أن فاتورة الحساب معه ستكون قاسية ومؤلمة". وأكد أبو عبيدة أن "دعم الإدارة الأمريكية للكيان الصهيوني لن ينجده أو يسعفه".


Also according to Al Jazeera, American military bases in Iraq and Syria were hit with drone attacks.

This is not the first time this has happened. Here's a CNN item from 3 years ago:

Those poor patients at those hospital are dead, RIP. Good job Hamas, I hope you fucking terrorists are proud of your evil works:

Director of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital: Our strategic stock of medicines and medical supplies has ended
مدير مستشفى شهداء الأقصى: انتهاء مخزوننا الاستراتيجي من الأدوية والمستلزمات الطبية

Palestinian Health: 3 hospitals were completely out of service and 25 were partially damaged in the Gaza Strip
الصحة الفلسطينية: خروج 3 مستشفيات عن الخدمة كليا وتضرر 25 جزئيا في قطاع غزة

I don't understand what's happening to the left of the gate at this hospital, they appear to be constructing some kind of cardboard structure(?). Maybe like a make-shift operating room so they can treat emergencies right in the parking lot itself?

Director of Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Gaza: We warn of an imminent disaster and the health system is collapsing
مدير مستشفى الكويت التخصصي بغزة: نحذر من كارثة وشيكة والمنظومة الصحية متهاوية

Dr. Suhaib Al-Hams, Director of Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Gaza, warned of an imminent disaster and the health system is collapsing.
Al-Hams added to Al Jazeera that the hospital has been receiving dozens of martyrs from different areas of the Gaza Strip for hours, and the Gaza Strip’s hospitals are suffering severely, and the health situation is catastrophic in full view of the world.
Al-Hams indicated that the remaining small quantities of medicines would be shared with other hospitals
The director of the Kuwait Specialized Hospital in Gaza confirmed that they deal daily with heinous Israeli massacres amid extremely scarce capabilities.
He stressed that there was a severe shortage of coffins after the death of thousands of martyrs
#Al Jazeera
حذر الدكتور صهيب الهَمْص، مدير مستشفى الكويت التخصصي بغزة من كارثة وشيكة والمنظومة الصحية متهاوية
وأضاف الهمص للجزيرة أن المستشفى تستقبل منذ ساعات عشرات الشهداء من مناطق مختلفة من القطاع، كما تعاني مستشفيات القطاع بشدة والوضع الصحي كارثي على مرأى ومسمع العالم
أشار الهمص إلي تقاسم الكميات القليلة المتبقية من الأدوية مع مستشفيات أخرى
وأكد مدير مستشفى الكويت التخصصي بغزة أنهم يتعاملون يوميا مع مجازر إسرائيلية بشعة وسط إمكانيات شحيحة للغاية
وشدد على وجود نقص حاد في الأكفان بعد ارتقاء آلاف الشهداء

Remember, those hostages have been in custody of Hamas for 13 days now. They still don't know if Hamas will start killing them off one by one as they originally threatened to do. Some of these hostages were already injured when they were kidnapped into Ghaza:
