I really wish this turns out to be a hoax:P0rn literacy educator says she “demystifies” s*x and p0rn for elementary age children by discussing people who “squirt” or “swallow c*m”
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
I really wish this turns out to be a hoax:P0rn literacy educator says she “demystifies” s*x and p0rn for elementary age children by discussing people who “squirt” or “swallow c*m”
Sick woman ,kids don’t need to learn about the birds and the bees that age. Then again, if they somehow access to porn, that’s not a good thing.
Sick woman ,kids don’t need to learn about the birds and the bees that age. Then again, if they somehow access to porn, that’s not a good thing.
I went to a Catholic grammar school, so from kindergarten to eighth grade. And believe it or not, there was sex education in fifth grade. The students were separated from boys and girls .me and my fellow girls learns the birds and the bees I think we were 11 and 12 at the time so it was appropriate because that’s the time where we hit puberty. anyway, during class we all laughed and googled. It was basic education but physical aspects of sex. A man puts his penis into a woman. Vagina releases, a sperm, yada yada yada baby pops out. it wasn’t glamorous but they didn’t explain it as it was shameful. They just said hey this is naturally what you’re going to happen when you go through puberty have sex yada yada yada. obviously, because when I was in a Catholic school, they stressed out how abstinence makes the heart grow fonder or well. They didn’t exactly explain this out loud but sex should only happen when you are older. I don’t remember at the time if they explain what protection was you know condoms and birth control.
I feel like the problem is that if you mention what sex is kids are gonna get curious about which they’ll naturally be and if you can’t, you just explain it like not make it glamorous but not make it shameful somewhere in between. kids will take that into account until… TV shows movies, not necessarily porn. As I grew up, there were TV shows like Xena Warrior Princess Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and some other shows similar to that well the characters from the main characters to side characters they hooked up with people, and they obviously had sex, and the relationship looked healthy. It was great and people want that to be like that in real life. Unfortunately, those scenes with socks and dating didn’t exactly mirror real life because the show never really focused on what truly makes a healthy relationship or better yet the ins and outs of what happens if something goes wrong. Some of the characters didn’t say if they had a condom or not some of the characters didnt explain if they wanted to or anything about birth control. because the storylines didn’t want to truly focus on two characters having sex, especially since the storyline is aimed at younger viewers and the problem is some kids are rebellious and stupid, and they think that their knowledge of sex comes from television.
Sorry for the long post. I hope I tried to explain myself on the situation I could take more about it. But I think that’s a topic for another time. I can also make a thread about this.
I went to a normal school in a Slavistan (though it was an Italian language school) and we were taught basic sex education during nature/biology class around 11 or 12 years old.Sick woman ,kids don’t need to learn about the birds and the bees that age. Then again, if they somehow access to porn, that’s not a good thing.
I went to a Catholic grammar school, so from kindergarten to eighth grade. And believe it or not, there was sex education in fifth grade. The students were separated from boys and girls .me and my fellow girls learns the birds and the bees I think we were 11 and 12 at the time so it was appropriate because that’s the time where we hit puberty. anyway, during class we all laughed and googled. It was basic education but physical aspects of sex. A man puts his penis into a woman. Vagina releases, a sperm, yada yada yada baby pops out. it wasn’t glamorous but they didn’t explain it as it was shameful. They just said hey this is naturally what you’re going to happen when you go through puberty have sex yada yada yada. obviously, because when I was in a Catholic school, they stressed out how abstinence makes the heart grow fonder or well. They didn’t exactly explain this out loud but sex should only happen when you are older. I don’t remember at the time if they explain what protection was you know condoms and birth control.
I feel like the problem is that if you mention what sex is kids are gonna get curious about which they’ll naturally be and if you can’t, you just explain it like not make it glamorous but not make it shameful somewhere in between. kids will take that into account until… TV shows movies, not necessarily porn. As I grew up, there were TV shows like Xena Warrior Princess Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and some other shows similar to that well the characters from the main characters to side characters they hooked up with people, and they obviously had sex, and the relationship looked healthy. It was great and people want that to be like that in real life. Unfortunately, those scenes with socks and dating didn’t exactly mirror real life because the show never really focused on what truly makes a healthy relationship or better yet the ins and outs of what happens if something goes wrong. Some of the characters didn’t say if they had a condom or not some of the characters didnt explain if they wanted to or anything about birth control. because the storylines didn’t want to truly focus on two characters having sex, especially since the storyline is aimed at younger viewers and the problem is some kids are rebellious and stupid, and they think that their knowledge of sex comes from television.
Sorry for the long post. I hope I tried to explain myself on the situation I could take more about it. But I think that’s a topic for another time. I can also make a thread about this.
Sorry for being retarded but what do you mean by CPS report?This woman is a pedophile grifter and I wish the account would provide more information about her. Does she have official backing, is this a one person business that she is running, is she a contractor, is she a school administrator, what's going on with her?
I read the twitter posts underneath this and all of the blue checks are missing out on the obvious thing that they're too ashamed to admit: their kids are accessing porn at home, either by unfiltered access to the computer/smart device or they are actively being molested by one of their relatives or the mom's boyfriend. Children are getting access to porn due to the stupidity and carelessness of their own parents. Do any of those blue checks know how to check their router to see the search terms their kids are using and if they match to what their dad or uncle is searching?
People like this woman are only the tip of the iceberg, how are parents protecting their kids at home? The "sweet precious innocence" that the blue checks are talking about has likely already been destroyed by letting their children use the internet. Schools don't have to do much to facilitate that, stupid and twitter addict parents do a lot of the damage for them. That's how this person fills the gap because she takes advantage of the stupid and lazy who look the other way at their kids being robbed of their "sweet precious innocence" by the child molesters at home.
The problem is that elementary school kids are getting access to porn thanks to the internet, I have family members with elementary school age kids and the stories they've told me about public school classrooms are harrowing. Boys are sexually assaulting their female classmates as early as first grade because they get access to their dads' porn links (because they use the computer unmonitored) or they're actively being shown porn by their fathers or other male relatives and they recreate what they see. The CPS reports are getting more insane because its always a male relative that's showing the kids porn or the kids are getting unfiltered access via the Chromebooks that they get from their schools and watching pornography there while their parents are checked out and don't care. And you can't opt out of a Chromebook thanks to the pandemic and how the schools all decided they wanted to indulge the laziness of their retarded school administrators and applied to a bunch of federal programs for grant money so they could buy laptops to give to the students. A smart school district is able to block the obvious porn sites but not all of the sites are obvious. And a lot of the kids who are watching porn are being abused by their male relatives or their mom's boyfriend at home which means they are being shown pornography as young as possible.
I think both parents and teachers should educate the children on these things in such a way that each side complements each other. I also think that the best way to teach sex education is to do it in a relatively dull, perhaps scientific way.This forum is more lax on the double posts and people even triple post occasionally.
It should be on the parents to educate the children at a reasonable age on these kinds of things in a reasonable way, not teachers. It should also be their responsibility to filter and monitor their internet activity and media consumption.
By the time kids are learning about that they're already old enough to where the parents should have taught them already. Parents should be the one to first teach them, not random strangers grooming them which is what teachers technically are. That way when they learn biology they are not being first exposed to it by strangers wbo may not have their best interests in mind. On top of that they teach misinformation about biology. So i probably wouldn't want them learning propaganda that goes against actual biology from teachers trying to get them on hrt. Ideally what you say is correct but in practice there are reasons why people are homeschooling more often these days. Parents don't trust teachers who get mad for being exposed and try to cover it up. I was taught sex ed back in the day in school and it's nothing like it is now so i get where you are coming from but it's not like it used to be.I think both parents and teachers should educate the children on these things in such a way that each side complements each other. I also think that the best way to teach sex education is to do it in a relatively dull, perhaps scientific way.
As said, we were taught some basic sex education in nature/biology classes in school.
Nigga what? They don't teach about hrt in biology. I finished high school in 2019 and trannies were only briefly mentioned by our biology teacher as people who exist and that they don't feel like their gender.By the time kids are learning about that they're already old enough to where the parents should have taught them already. Parents should be the one to first teach them, not random strangers grooming them which is what teachers technically are. That way when they learn biology they are not being first exposed to it by strangers wbo may not have their best interests in mind. On top of that they teach misinformation about biology. So i probably wouldn't want them learning propaganda that goes against actual biology from teachers trying to get them on hrt. Ideally what you say is correct but in practice there are reasons why people are homeschooling more often these days. Parents don't trust teachers who get mad for being exposed and try to cover it up. I was taught sex ed back in the day in school and it's nothing like it is now so i get where you are coming from but it's not like it used to be.
Not everyone should be allowed have children.The big problem is that parents refuse to do it
Not everyone should have kids.People now are looking more to the state to provide more
Not every classroom is the same you know. There is a lot of evidence that a lot of these teachers are groomers who peer pressure students into becoming trans and exposing them to obscene things. To say otherwise is just being disingenuous It might not have been the same for you but it doesn't make their situation any less real for them and the behavior is being protected which should be concerning.Nigga what? They don't teach about hrt in biology. I finished high school in 2019 and trannies were only briefly mentioned by our biology teacher as people who exist and that they don't feel like their gender.