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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
so more likely not... he knows it's racist to make false claims of ethnic minority heritage, right? But I suspect "ethnicity" is just another "spectrum" he'll exploit to get people to like him more

Here's the part from the Livestream where he claims to have "European-Dzooish ancestry" (he means Ashkenazi) on his mother's side and then claims he "might have Romani heritage" on his father's side:

I think Vivian is just making it up, because in the Letter to JK Rowling video he said that the first time he ever saw a picture of JK Rowling she reminded him of his mother:

"I remember assuming that you [JK Rowling] were at man at first, and being absolutely fucking thunderstruck when I saw your picture for the first time. You looked like you could've been my mum. That was just a really small, brief moment, but the fact that it stuck with me for so long probably means it has a big emotional effect on me."

JK Rowling looks as British (read: Anglo-Saxon) as they come, so if Vivian's mom looks like JK Rowling then she looks like a WASP woman. I suspect Vivian is just inventing a Dzooish and a Romani ancestry for himself because he hates the fact that he's very likely just a big ole Amerimutt WASP, which means he can't play Oppression Olympics with the cool BIPOC kids he seems utterly obsessed with. He says, "apologies if my response to that question is problematic". It is problematic when you insist on playing in the Oppression Olympics, and you end up inventing a family history that you admit you literally have no evidence for.

So, DNA test or GTFO. Do an STD test too while you're at it, Vivian.

Edit: Apparently Vivian was pretending to be Romani because Lola Sebastian's SO in Ireland is actually Romani:

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Watching the latest episode of the troon reality TV show I Wish I Were a Camera, Vol. 9: September (2024) - Elaine: "If you do anything to hurt Jane again, or Aziel again, or Aziel now, I'm gonna rip your fucking head off."... Is this about Vivian Strange again?! - Vivian responds to Jane claiming he made him feel "uncomfortable" (spoiler: he's not apologizing) - Vivian becomes Jane Brown's self-appointed troon co-habitation broker: "Move in with me, don't talk to Aziel. You don't really want to go to California."


So the new monthly episode of the popular troon reality TV show I Wish I Were A Camera was just released... and I think this one too has several scenes that I personally suspect are about Vivian:

I Wish I Were a Camera, Vol. 9: September (2024)

Each day of September 2024 is represented by one minute of footage. As the summer comes to close, so too does Jane and Elaine's distress, from the pain of the past to the yearning for old friends. Elaine grows closer to the cis women in her life. Jane's mental health improves significantly. The two showcase the art of loved ones.

This is the first segment I want to highlight. And I ask: Is this about Vivian, or is this about Vivian? I obviously think this is about him, but feel free to disagree:

Jane: The last time I got high, I started thinking more in depth about this. Wait a moment. A "certain somebody" started... enabling this... and I talked about moving in with Aziel. And the first thing that this bitch does is call me and be like, "Do not talk to Aziel! Talk to me. Talk to me. Talk to me. Move in with me. Move in with me. Move in with me.", Right as I'm being kicked out of my mom's house. It was existentially horrifying... realizing that this person was gaslighting me. And they admitted that they were gaslighting. Because they were like, "you don't really want to go to California. You don't want to move there.". And I'm thinking, "What? When did I ever say that?". She's not gonna fucking learn anything. You were lecturing her about finances when you were nineteen. Back in April. In April, you told her that she was emotionally manipulating me.

This is followed by a shot of Elaine playbacking to the song Traitor by Nails, with him concluding:

"And I'll do my best to swallow my pride and bury these feelings of anger I have towards you... and only take them out in therapy. I'll try to pretend that you don't even fucking exist unless you're mentioned. But if you do anything... to hurt Jane again... or Aziel again... or Aziel now... I'm gonna rip your fucking head off."

This is really bizarre. I am now starting to think there's a whole backstory to the demise of the GenderWeird podcast, and whatever was going on between Jane and Vivian had literally been happening for months and also eventually involved Elaine and Aziel because they were all talking to one another, together and in private. The segment where Jane is talking is obviously just a small piece from what looks like a much longer Livestream or private video chat conversation, but here's what I got from this tiny sliver: Jane apparently got kicked out of his mother's house - due to trooning out or because he was doing drugs? He doesn't say - and he decided to move in with Aziel instead. Presumably this means Jane was gonna move to Florida to be with Aziel, or that they were all gonna end up in LA with Elaine, as did eventually happen. But then Jane claims that (the person I assume was) Vivian was telling him to "not talk to Aziel" and to instead move in with him and Serafina in Portland. Then Jane alludes to someone not learning their lesson and alludes to Elaine telling them how to do their personal finances when Elaine was still 19. This definitely sounds like Vivian, because Vivian was always complaining in his videos about how he doesn't have any money (but somehow he always has money for drugs) and how much he hates working for a living. Again, I don't know if this is about Vivian but in the context of everything that has happened over the last year, it definitely sounds to me like this is about him. I could be wrong of course, but too many things align here for me to assume it's about anyone else. Also in the context of some of the other segments in this latest episode of I Wish I Were A Camera, which are direct references to things Vivian has actually said on paper, and which I will discuss below.

If this is about Vivian, and the story about Elaine talking to Vivian at 19 about personal finances is true, then this segment also suggests that Vivian got on Letterboxd and Youtube with the intent of finding "barely legal" 18-19 year old troons that he befriended under the guise of supporting their online film careers as young DIY filmmakers, but in reality because he was grooming them just wanted to bang them for his OF.

Again, I don't and cannot know if this is about Vivian, but just to make myself feel better, I'll tell myself that it is, because I kinda like the idea of Vivian being so clueless about personal finances that he blew through $11k in GFM donos in a matter of weeks, and had to be lectured on personal finances by a nineteen year old who has their shit together better than him. That certainly fits my perception of Vivian, so I declare this is about him, death of the author, etc.

The second part I want to highlight is this, where Elaine appears to be talking to someone who is already familiar with Vivian, and already doesn't have a high opinion of him, updating him on Vivian's summer GoFundMeScam, the one where he lied about being on the verge of imminent
eviction and homelessness, only to come out and admit he had spent all the money on bills and a new bedframe for himself and Serafina.

Elaine tells the guy, seemingly quoting from Vivian's GoFundMe page: "'So if you donate to my GoFundMe, you'll be donating to Palestinian liberation", I swear the God! It said that.". The other guy replies: "Fuck off! She's doing the equivalent of a retweet, what fucking work is she doing?", "At least she's smoking cigarettes, she'll probably die of cancer"... hmmm, I think I know which GFM this was about. I now see that Vivian went and took down the original text of the GFM to cover up the fact that he really did scam people into donating with the claim that he was on the verge of imminent eviction and homelessness. I have an archived mirror of the original GFM page in this thread, if anyone wants to see the original text: "If that kind of support for Palestine is something you believe to be important, then donating to this fundraiser is a small part to the cause of Palestinian liberation".


So, again, was Elaine talking to the other guy about Vivian, or was he talking about Vivian. Geez Vivi, it must really suq to have your Ghaza Diaries dismissed as "the equivalent of a retweet.", with this guy thinking you're so toxic that they wish you would just die from lung cancer. To be fair (and I don't see why I should be fair to this lying scumbag but then again, I am a normal human being, I am not a sociopath like him), I don't think Vivian's Ghaza gore compilations are "the equivalent of a retweet", I think he puts a little more work into them than that. I suspect the original impetus for these Ghaza gore compilations is in this Letterboxd list, titled "My Cinemasochist Endurance Watchlist". Vivian says in the description of this Letterboxd list that he likes to "endure" multiple hours-long documentaries and films. This bragging about "enduring" film and getting a dopamine burst at the end of it, this is the result of a pornsick mind who sees everything as an endless scrolling feed of content:

In addition to the how good the films themselves are, I LOVE watching really really long movies as endurance exercises. Despite how soul-crushing and miserable it is, one gets a little dopamine burst of accomplishment upon finishing Satantango, whcih is a relief because such a film would be utterly unbearable if it were merely 3-4 hours long.

Some of these I've seen before, many I have not. Personally, I am dreading repeating Shoah, easily the most difficult cinematic experience of my life, but damn it, I must persevere. That is the cinephile's obligation to history: it is our responsibility to REMEMBER the stories that the rest of the world would rather forget. No one will voluntarily watch a nine hour documentary like that out of pleasure, but if someone wants to make light of the Holocaust or loses historical perspective on it, then we need to be there to say, "Oh boy, I have something you need to see. You won't be alone though."

One of the films in Vivian's list is Shoah, which is a 9+ hour "durational documentary" about the Holocaust from 1985. I suspect this is what Vivian Strange thought he was doing with the Ghaza Diaries. But of course, the Ghaza Diaries are nothing like Shoah, if only because because the guy who made Shoah actually visited and interviewed both survivors and perpetrators of the Holocaust, and did so long after the fact. Everyone who's in Shoah presumably consented to being in there. In contrast, Vivian Strange is only interested in the stories of Palestinians, and Vivian is not reaching out to Palestinians to get their testimony after the fact. Instead, Vivian is just taking their most tragic moments, collecting them straight off of their feeds, assembling them in an endless unwatchable compilations of war gore videos, and dumping these assemblages wholesale onto his Youtube channels with no permission given or obtained from any of the people involved. The result of Vivian doing this, trauma-dumping his gore folders onto Youtube, might be a "durational documentary" in a technical sense, but no way in hell does Vivian's process meet the same ethical standards as Claud Lanzmann's documentary. So, no, you're not being Claud Lanzmann and the Ghaza Diaries are not Shoah, Vivian. You just want people to pat you on the head for doing such a "heroic" job enduring all this gore, and you want to pay the Secondary PTSD forward, because that's what all you groomer troons do, you just pass on the self-abuse that made you into the violent extremist monster you are today.

I primarily have a problem with the lack of consent obtained, especially when much of the social media content that Vivian has appropriated for his Ghaza Diaries wasn't just Palestinians uploading their own smartphone footage, but was rather footage professionally shot and edited for Al Jazeera and other ME mainstream media. More importantly, I don't think that this specific wording from his fundraiser is the worst thing about this fundraiser, but the fact that the crowdfunding itself is based on a lie and therefore a scam and a fraud. It's a straight up scam for someone to lie about being on the verge of homelessness and eviction, telling people you need money to move out ASAP, telling them you found a new place to move to, only to later come out and admit that was all bullshit and you just needed money for drugs, drugs, drugs and bills. People donated to this fundraiser because they were sincerely under the impression that Vivian and Serafina were being kicked out and needed to move to a new place fast. Lying to create that kind of urgency in your donors is a scam and frankly, GFM should've just shut down the page and redistributed the funds. I suspect this is the main reason Vivian took down the original text, to cover up exactly how he mislead his donors with intentionally deceitful and misleading wording.

The third part from I Wish I Were A Camera I want to highlight is this:

Jane is talking to Elaine on a Livestream and says: "Our issues... can be pinpointed on a few people, and one in particular. But now that we kind of got rid of that tumor... I feel so much better... with you.", imagine being so fucking toxic and nauseous that people who once knew you think back at you as a literal tumor they had to remove out of their lives to feel better.

Remember that part from Jane Brown's Community Tab update, where he said that he decided to quit the GenderWeird podcast, stop posting Youtube videos and go offline for a while because certain unnamed people were making him feel uncomfortable?

Here's what Vivian had to say on his last Livestream about "making people uncomfortable":

In other words, Vivian is definitely not going to apologize to Jane for making him feel uncomfortable. Vivian is literally weaponizing the war in Ghaza to justify being a creep and a jerk towards his former friend and podcast co-host.
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Wow, it's honestly cathartic to see some of Vivian's victims be so openly savage even if indirectly, and they are still being too gracious. I'm not saying that these people don't have any problems of their own but the way I see it is they seem to be actively working on improving their lives and appear much healthier without that "tumor" trying to sabotage their relationship through sexual coercion and drug intake. At the very least, they appear to feel healthier and it shows. I definitely believe they are talking about Vivian exactly how they honestly see him. I also suspect Jane saying trans women without cis woman friends are transitioning wrong is a slam to Vivian, as he seems to only fixate on fellow trannies after whatever happened to Lola went down. I'm not sure if they have anything to do with Lola or not though.

You jest but these vlogs aren't particularly popular and only crack up to 1,000 views if they're lucky. Honestly, Jane and Elaine are doing some DIY lefty tranny video art seemingly more for self-expression and video therapy than anything else. I think I remember Vivian saying all artists are just attention whores trying to get fame or fortune (speak for yourself, Viv) but if that were the case, I think his ex-friends would be posting their stuff on Jane's YouTube account that already has 17,000 followers and not Elaine's with 400. I honestly don't think they care that much about views for these personal projects (certainly not as much as Vivian does) which probably makes Vivian insecure as it actively challenges everything he tries gaslighting people to think out of his own insecurity.

I suspect if Vivian ends up watching these vlogs, he will completely melt in embarrassment seeing two people of color denounce his exploitative coverage of Gaza that only fulfills his own vanity. "Wow look at me look at how disturbing and important my compilation videos are!"

footage professionally shot and edited for Al Jazeera and other ME mainstream media
The funniest outcome is if Al Jazeera or Bisan herself copyright blocks Vivian's uploads.
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Everyone who's in Shoah presumably consented to being in there.
If I remember correctly there were ex-Nazis who were filmed without their consent but like whatever.
This bragging about "enduring" film and getting a dopamine burst at the end of it, this is the result of a pornsick mind who sees everything as an endless scrolling feed of content
Definitely true to how Vivian looks at these things. Really gross way to look at a film about the holocaust, or even his own compilation about Palestine. He always sensationalizes shit.
Reason: typo
@ihavedemons you get your internet cookie early: Aziel is apparently already back home with his madre in Florida and weathering Hurricane Milton together because they didn't have the money to flee:

Quick update

So apparently hurricane Milton is now a fucking category 5 hurricane and I am honestly quite terrified what will happen to me and my family. I've told my mother the best option is to leave Florida but unfortunately there's no money for that. Only thing we can do now is hope for the best.

Wish us luck. Thanks

Edit: for those also in Florida and you're able to, please evacuate as soon as possible. Better safe than sorry. Stay safe.

Hey Vivian, if you're gonna run a GFM scam, at least run a scam to get Aziel and his mom out of Florida, you selfish fucker. But no, you only want your chico Latino from Florida over in Portland to suck your dick, while not giving a fuck about Aziel and his mom actually being in harm's way. Why are troons always so trash?
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Aziel is apparently already back home with his madre in Florida
perhaps the other two in Aziel's life were easy on Vivian despite their obvious resentment because that's where their friend was staying and they were told to make peace seems like Aziel quickly got a life lesson. I wish the hurricane hit Portland instead

edit: ok so does Vivian have any active victims he is close to now?
Vivian Strange just watched the new I Wish I Were A Camera episode... he's not taking it well. - Vivian Strange responds to Elaine Fuentes: "Some rich sheltered Angelino whose bussy I wanted to bang on my OnlyFans who lives with their parents and only started becoming passionate about Palestinian liberation when it became popular online." - Vivian is $2k in the hole for Palestine, let's get him on Caleb Hammer's Financial Audit!


Vivian has apparently seen the new I Wish I Were A Camera video... and he's not taking it well:


"Say it to my face you fucking coward", LMAO, no Vivian, Elaine is not going to travel all the way to Portland from LA to tell you that you're gross and creepy to your face. If I was Elaine I'd just block you on all socials because everyone knows that's how to get an obsessed narcissist off your back.

Second, Palestinians are thanking you in your Youtube comments because they probably only see your videos in their feed/recommendations to them as a single stand-alone video with no context as to who made the video or where it was posted. They don't know you and they thank you because they're being polite and grateful, two things you yourself are practically incapable of. If Palestinians knew who you are, how you treat others, your creepy obsession with Bisan Owda, and especially how you weaponize their cause to treat your personal friends like shit for not being as radical as you are, they would definitely object to you associating yourself with their cause.

About the "Like, I'm over $2k deep in rent debt for Palestine", um, how the fuck is it Elaine's fault that you intentionally ruined your otherwise promising Youtube channel to obsess over the War in Ghaza? Oh right, Elaine didn't let you pound his bussy on OnlyFans, so I guess that was some lost income for you, LMAOOO. Seriously, how the fuck is it other people's fault that you have chosen to put your life on hold to single-mindedly obsess over Ghaza? Generous people already gave you $11k on GFM (on the basis of LIES, we'll get to that) and you've already spent in all. You want people to pat you over the head for being bad with money and squandering a good opportunity you had with your channel? God, I sure hope no one ever gives you a film budget, Vivian, you'd burn through it in a day. Caleb Hammer/Vivian Strange collab when?

Next, Elaine never called you a "scam artist", I did, so stop taking words out of my mouth and putting them into Elaine's, I certainly don't want to be part of your snowballing session with words, it's icky and gross. I called you a scammer because you told your donos on your previous GFM that you needed $7.5k money because you were on the verge of imminent homelessness and eviction and needed to move out ASAP. Once you got the $7.5 you changed your GFM goal into $11k, on top of making a video (that you've now privated to cover up) where you promised them that once you made your goal you'd "hit the ground running" and upload new videos to your channel. Then you literally told them you had found a new place to move to, telling them on your Livestream how you were going to film a tour of your new house once you moved in, basically leading them on... but then you didn't move out and only recently did you have Serafina admit in your place (apparently you couldn't even do this yourself) that you actually just spent the $11k you raised for moving on other things, like buying a new bedframe. That is a fraud and a scam, because you raised money on the basis of false pretenses. You now started a new GFM, using the same lies as before to fund-raise, while adding the new lie of gay-marrying Serafina, that to me suggests that you're doing what junkies like you are known to be doing: lying to scam money to buy drugs. I know you think you're a genius whose genius is just too universe-brained for regular people to comprehend or appreciate, but you're actually being a very predictable, very obvious, very stupid junkie.


Also, if you're so "smart, insightful and brilliant", how are you so bad with your personal finances? I am starting to believe that the segment from the new I Wish I Were A Camera, where Jane was talking about Elaine lecturing someone on personal finances when he was just 19, I am now actually convinced it was about you.

Gotta laugh at you telling Elaine he only took an interest in the Palestinian cause because of the War in Ghaza. Elaine is a zoomer and is a decade younger than yourself, a lot of zoomers are just now learning about ME geopolitics for the first time ever because of the present war, hence why so many of them are so misguided about it and don't understand all the stakes involved. I myself only started studying this conflict in my mid twenties, when I read Finkelstein's Beyond Chutzpah (2005), his response to Dershowitz's The Case for Israel (2003) Should I make fun of you because you, as a millennial, are just a dumb clueless newbie to this conflict from where I am standing?


Note: the above image is a screenshot I took from from Vivian's first Ghaza Diaries compilation. It shows the moment just before an Israeli rocket hit a building in Ghaza with suspected Hamas terrorists, levelling the whole building to the ground. I tried to track down the original, and I am guessing this is the video that Vivian appropriated for his compilation, with no reference to the original because despite claiming to be an "archivist" Vivian doesn't actually care about things like accurate attribution:

The quote I am ironically responding to in the above image, about "only seeing this in movies" comes from the same compilation, and is in reference to a specific part in the introduction of the video, where Vivian claimed that American civilians only get to see entire buildings bombed and collapse "in movies" - forgetting there's a whole generation of New Yorkers who watched the Twin Towers collapse before their very eyes, with the rest of the world watching along on CNN almost IRT (as CNN began to broadcast the videos they were receiving from civilians, showing the attack from multiple angles), as that was one of the first terrorist attacks in the West that was widely recorded and shared online not by journalists but by civilians themselves on (then more widely available) digital cameras, even before the widespread adoption of affordable smartphones with inbuilt cameras. Vivian Strange thus conveniently forgets a whole generation of Gen Xers for whom the kind of terrorism that brings a NY skyscraper down is not theoretical or fictional but very real and a widely documented historical fact, perhaps the first act of collective citizen journalism in the US. This awareness is likely the reason many in the West are either tacitly supportive or otherwise indifferent towards Israel retaliating against Hamas and Hezbollah, as they have seen what these terrorists are capable of doing, not over there in Israel but right here in the West, if given a chance. Vivian's claim that Westerners only see the kind of bombing that can level a whole building to the ground "in movies" is therefore an a-historical lie meant to create a false dichotomy between Westerners and ME people, both of whom are the victims of fundamentalist Islamist terrorism.

As for attacking Elaine because he lives with his parents, calling him "sheltered" - forgetting that LA is immensely more expensive than Portland is, forgetting that Elaine does have a job so he actually spends more time IRL AFK amongst regular people than you do Vivian, sitting there seething in your gooning cave over your gore folders. You clearly envy Elaine for trying to have a good relationship with his parents. Maybe if you weren't such an obnoxious junkie you would have a good relationship with your own parents. Maybe if you didn't tell your dad that he "raised [you] on blood money", he'd be more willing to help you out with your $2k debt. But you had to go and burn every bridge you had left, just to virtue-signal that you're the most self-righteous, most radical, most truly dedicated Palestinian ally of all. No, you're not cool for ruining all of your personal relationships, and using Palestinians as an excuse to do so.

Geez, all this just because you didn't get to pound Elaine's bussy, LMAO. Get over yourself, gaycel. Go to one of your birthday orgies in Portland, do all the drugs there and make yourself pass out before the orgy even starts, just make yourself feel better. You really need to stop lying to people on GFM to get them to give you drug money though. Also stop using Palestinians as an excuse to be a self-righteous asshole towards others.

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ok so does Vivian have any active victims he is close to now?

No idea. He's still associated with Youtuber Mainly Mandy/Amanda, who lives in Portland so she's physically close to Vivian (in other words, someone he has direct access to), but I don't know if they associate IRL. Unlike with Lola Sebastian who had several pictures of herself with Vivian, I've never seen Vivian pop up on Amanda's social media timelines. AFAIK, this was the only Vivian was ever mentioned by name on her Bsky and it was a retweet from someone else. Vivian is also still associated Ali Nahdee, who is from Detroit and thus nowhere near Vivian. But again, I don't know if they know each other IRL or if they only collaborate online. On his last Livestream Vivian claimed he's "isolated due to being disabled", but I took that mean that people have learned to avoid him because they're figuring out how creepy and obnoxious he actually is. Hence why he quoted from the Hot Allostatic Load text on his Instagram account, because he's realized people are onto him now that he's been called out two other trans Youtubers he was manipulating and being rapey towards. If Amanda and Ali Nahdee insist on being associated with Vivian in spite of everything that has come out, they should make sure to keep it online, just to be safe.
BREAKING: Vivian Strange is confronted live on stream about the accusations regarding his creepy, manipulative behaviour towards Jane, Elaine and Lola - Vivian: "I have not sexually coerced anybody and I have receipts to prove it. Thousands of receipts, in fact." - Serafina: "I wasn't aware of this". Also Serafina: "I did not say that I don't know anything" - Vivian ends up nuking the stream when pressed on. - Vivian nukes his Twitter account yet again.

Vivian Strange just nuked the birthday Livestream with him and Serafina where someone showed up in the chat and began questioning Vivian direction about the accusations of him being manipulative, creepy and rapey towards other Youtubers he had either worked with or intended to work with in the future.

I was transcribing the Livestream while it was happening, so here's all I managed to catch:

Serafina: "I don't like the idea of someone profiteering off of genocide, which was the other turn of phrase that was used.

Vivian: The actual quote was (reading from his phone): 'Don't support this fucking scam artist, which is the only form of artist she is and every will be'. Only support it if you want to support someone profiteering off of genocide.'.

[Note: Apparently this is from a tweet or something? I haven't seen the original source so I have to idea what he's reading from here. If anyone has the tweet he's quoting please post it here.]

Edit: The tweet referred to here was this:


Serafina: For one thing, there aren't enough people watching this stream for us to ask for a dog pile, even if we could or wanted to. And I don't. I literally just want these people to stop behaving unprofessionally and honestly kind of maliciously.

Vivian: At this point, it's fair to qualify it as malice.

Serafina: And I just want to double down and say, don't worry...

Vivian (reading from the chat): "'You were just accused of sexual coercion, Vivian'... by who and how? Sources cited? Please? Because... yeah...

Serafina: I wasn't aware of this. [Note: LMAO, you weren't aware of Vivian wanting to shoot a porno movie with Elaine for his OnlyFans, Serafina? Even though Vivian openly stated his intent to do so on a Livestream that he has now privated to cover up the fact that he really actually was sexually lusting after other Youtubers, despite claiming to have never done so?]

Vivian Strange: I don't wanna have to spend this stream telling y'all the stories behind my relationships with whoever is accusing me. Even though I haven't. I have not sexually coerced anybody and I have receipts to prove it. Thousands of receipts, in fact.

Vivian, you Literally did a Livestream where you alluded to someone friendzoning you, telling you to "just be friends", and you responding to that friendzoning saying there is no difference between platonic relationships and romantic relationships, because "it's false binary" according to you. You made this statement just before Elaine and Jane posted the first episode of I Wish I Were A Camera where Jane alluded to you manipulating them and trying to break them up while trying to get Elaine back on drugs, despite you knowing that Elaine was trying to quit. Those are your own words, on your stream. You telling people they can't be platonic with you is rapey and it is literally you exploiting your 'relationship anarchism' to basically tell the other person: "Hey, I can't be friendzoned, everyone is fair game when you're a 'relationship anarchist'! There's no such thing as "just friends" when you're a 'relationship anarchist'.". How do you still deny that trying to manipulate someone into lowering their boundaries after they've already told you they don't want to be sexual with you, how you still deny this shit is rapey? I know you think you're a brilliant genius who can just lie to people and get away with it, but we can all see right through your bullshit my dude.

Below is my only screenshot of the exchange with the person in the chat, using the alias "no way jose", asking the questions of Vivian and Serafina:


You can see how that person managed to catch Serafina in the act contradicting himself ("you just said you don't know anything Sera"), after Serafina insisted that he "didn't know anything" about what Vivian was doing with all these other Youtubers he was trying to hook up with. Serafina claiming ignorance of all this is pretty hilarious, because according to the latest I Wish I Were A Camera, Vivian was literally asking Jane himself to move in with him and Serafina. We're supposed to believe that Vivian was doing all this behind Serafina's back, without him knowing that Vivian was literally inviting a new person into their household.

Nope, not believing this. I think Serafina knew that Vivian was into other Youtubers and was encouraging that behaviour, because Serafina is an admitted degenerate who's into "depravity and degradation" (his own words on Letterboxd), so Serafina likely gets vicarious pleasure from living with a narc like Vivian and watching him being rapey towards other Youtubers.

Anyways, Vivian has now nuked the stream, so I guess we won't be getting any answers, even and despite Vivian claiming to have "thousands of receipts" proving his innocence.


Watching this segment from Vivian's Livestream with the benefit of hindsight, I have to wonder if Vivian already knew that Jane was gonna call him out in IWIWAC, accusing Vivian of manipulated both him and Elaine, saying he was trying to break them up because he couldn't be with them:

Again, WTF does "formal romantic relationship" even mean when you're a troon who's a self-styled "relationship anarchist", someone who doesn't believe in the difference between romantic and platonic relationships because you are being rapey towards people friendzoning you and asserting their personal boundaries, because you basically want full unfettered sexual access to your friends and exes, and their friends and exes? As an anarchist who demands the right to fuck anything that moves, you should be against anything "formal", right?

In the event that Vivian does post his "thousands of receipts", here's what I want y'all to understand, because this is all specific contextualization you won't get from Vivian himself, unless you've been watching his Livestreams: Vivian told people that he's, quote, "on the ace spectrum", telling them that he's "asexual and aromantic". As I have detailed in this thread, Vivian Strange is definitely not asexual but is very likely an erotomaniac, he's just desensitized to sex due to his pornsickness (Vivian said on Letterboxd that he seeks out and watches rape scenes in movies to deliberately desensitize himself to images of rape) and of course his various drug addictions ("I love using all sorts of substances for the sake of pleasure and enjoyment") having literally numbed his senses, preventing him from physically feeling anything. However, the people who believed Vivian about being asexual and aromantic and interacted with him on the basis of that knowledge, they very likely didn't realize that Vivian was creeping up on them until it became too obvious. If Vivian was being flirty with them in DMs or whatever, they probably just shrugged it off, thinking: "Oh, that's just Vivian being gay, that's just his gregarious gay personality, it doesn't mean anything, he's not actually gonna hit on me. After all, Vivian said he's ace and aromantic, right? Right? RIGHT?". Thus the claim of being ace and aromantic was just another mindfuck that Vivian used to get people to lower their guard around him, allowing him to be flirty towards them without assuming there was anything more behind it. Now, I obviously don't know what receipts if any Vivian claims to have, but if any of these people did innocently flirt back at him in DMs, Vivian is now very likely going to use those screenshots of them innocently flirting back to argue that this somehow proves they actively consented to everything he planned to do with them. DO NOT FALL FOR THIS MINDFUCK, FOLKS! This is literally the kind of convoluted mindfuck shit that narcissists are known pull to cover their asses when they're caught being rapey towards multiple people they were sexually leading on.

As for Vivian and Serafina accusing Jane and Elaine of being "unprofessional and malicious", in the first IWIWAC segment Jane says that he's not interested in making a public spectacle - hence why Jane and Elaine never actually name Vivian in their video, but I personally said I could logically infer it's about Vivian, given the timing of that video with demise of the GenderWeird podcast. Jane did explicitly warn Vivian against attempting any retaliation against him and Elaine, saying, quote "we will spare you as long as you never hurt us again". I don't know what "spare" is specifically in reference to (spare him from embarrassment? Pain? A public call out? Legal consequences?), but I'm guessing this most likely means that Elaine and Jane too have their own receipts on Vivian that they're threatening to make public if he comes for them. Judging from the things Vivian has said in the past about his exes - like "Laura", the 7 years older AGP who brought him out to the West Coast, as well as his next boyfriend "Juliette", the supposed "human blow up doll" (Vivian's words) that Vivian was fucking immediately after he broke up with "Laura" - Vivian does tend to hold grudges towards his exes that he will air before anyone who will listen during his Livestreams. If precedent is anything to do go by, it's Vivian who's the one being unprofessional and malicious/grudgeful towards these Youtubers because they told him to "just be friends".

Moral of the story: Guys, never tell gaycel Vivian to "just be friends" if he tries to hit on you, just block him and ignore him completely, as you can see he can't stand being friendzoned, it literally drives him up the walls.

Lastly, "You know who else likes to build up blackmail?"

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BREAKING: A group of Youtubers allegedly victimized by Vivian Strange drop a Google Doc of testimonies with detailed, specific allegations - "She has spread defamatory, deceitful, misleading, and personal (mis)information about us in private and public settings to soften public perception of her repeated offenses of inappropriate conduct including but not limited to predatory behavior, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, voyeurism, sexual coercion, and sexual assault."

I don't have the time to read right this now, so I am archiving all the tweets and docs so I can go over them tomorrow, if I can find the time.

Read everything for yourselves now:

We are a group of women and non-binary people who were harmed by Vivian Strong (formerly Dorian Strong) and better known online as Vivian Strange or Maya V Strange. She has spread defamatory, deceitful, misleading, and personal (mis)information about us in private and public settings to soften public perception of her repeated offenses of inappropriate conduct including but not limited to predatory behavior, emotional manipulation, gaslighting, voyeurism, sexual coercion, and sexual assault. This document will focus on how Vivian has negatively affected our private lives, although we collectively have equal concerns towards her approach to political activism which is deserving of a statement of its own. The release of this document was prompted by continuous harassment and threats made towards us in her private Discord server.



Elaine Fuentes
Jane Evelyn
Aziel Jane Vivian
Lola Sebastian

For the record: I personally do not have access to Vivian's private Discord server and have no idea what was said there or which threats are being referred to here. Unlike Vivian Strange, I personally do not go around cyberstalking people into their private digital spaces, like private Discord servers or private chat rooms. I only cross-post OSINT here on OnionFarms.

Archive of Elaine's tweets and retweets:


We are a group of women and non-binary people who were harmed by YouTuber Vivian Strange. These are our testimonies of being trapped by and escaping her emotionally manipulative and sexually coercive behavior. Please share.

- Jane, Elaine, Aziel, & Lola

Elaine Fuentes 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈 🍉🔻(BLM)
This detail mine and other peoples experiences with this horribly manipulative cunt. And I don’t use that word lightly. Please share!


big bad butch gf, baro dyke of Tipperary @BadGeef
Please share this. Over the last few years the Youtuber Vivian Strange has sexually coerced and emotionally manipulated several people, including my girlfriend Lola. After discussing it they have decided to release this joint statement to protect others

JFC, I am genuinely floored right now. I suspected something bad was going on, but I had no idea it was this bad.
I've only skimmed over the Google Doc, but one of these people claims that Vivian drove them suicidal, not once but twice.

WTF Vivian?!
So I read the testimonies... I died on the inside reading some of the stuff in that Google Doc.

To give just one example, this part from Lola's testimony is in reference to that Livestream I quoted here in the thread, where Vivian was raging about whomever had friendzoned him, saying, "our relationship shouldn't be the elephant in the room"... I thought Vivian was referring to Jane and Elaine friendzoning him, but he was actually referring to a confrontation he had with Lola where he apparently threw a gaycel tantrum right in front of her, with her having to hide in the bathroom from him:

I planned to distance myself from her when we were done working at the theater. All of this came to a head when, one night after a gig when I was quite intoxicated, Vivian came onto me — a “what are we?” conversation. I felt as though we’d already had this conversation a few times, and I’d rejected her advances, but she refused to believe me, saying things like “If you’re not into me, why do you drive me crazy? Why do you get dolled up when we go out? Why do you get me so hard?” Feeling cornered and scared, I locked myself in the bathroom and called my Dad, asking him to take her home.

I tried to talk to Vivian afterward, but she became angry and sent me endless screenshots of our text conversations to try and prove that some sort of spark had existed. She accused me of leading her on, of playing a “‘who, me?’ ingenue bullshit” persona, of keeping secret feelings for her from my girlfriend, of being someone who doesn’t understand her own feelings — “And if you actually understood anything I’ve told you about relationship anarchy and nonmonogamy and whatnot, you’d understand what’s going on.” She’s since changed the story, saying she didn’t want to be with me at all, ever — romantically or sexually. That she was just “checking in.” This is when I realized that, since the beginning, she’d been manipulating me, trying to push boundaries, and make me feel unsure of myself so she could take advantage of me. I began to wonder if maybe things that had gone missing in my room were taken by her.

I don't care that these testimonies were written by troons and queers who are mentally ill, I personally believe these people because whatever they described is corroborated by my own entirely independent observations was someone who has nothing whatsoever to do with any of the parties involved. This is how I know they're not just making this up but describing actual things that happened to them.

Again, I swear I had no idea any of this was going on. I just suspected something bad was happening based on what I was seeing in public. I had no idea it was this bad behind the scenes. I swear I did not go looking for this. Like I said in my previous post, the Youtube algorithm served Vivian up while I was looking for something else altogether, and I just started commented on what I was seeing because Vivian reminded me of "a young ContraPoints without the money", which is how I described him initially. I was just describing and commenting on whatever I was seeing in his videos, his Livestreams and his social media posts. I saw Vivian deteriorating overtime and assumed it was his PDS. I had no idea there was all this other drama going on with these other Youtubers he had been manipulating for years. I acknowledge and apologize to the people involved for getting a lot of details wrong and mis-attributing things because I was conjecturing on the basis of what I could observe from my vantage point as an outsider, but I feel like broadly I was right about him.

I am so angry and, believe it or not, actually sad right now, I can't write anything else.

I personally believe these people
Yeah it is honestly hard not to. What stuck out to me is how they were all saying they wanted to give Vivian grace but that freak couldn't help but continue to manipulate or be rapey every chance possible. Also how similar the stories are with things like Lola & Aziel both getting violated in their sleep, lola & Elaine both buying Vivian food and then being scolded for "being rich", Jane & Lola both being manipulated to maintain friendships even after their boundaries are violated. Their document is 100% vivian's fault. They didn't seem to want to publicly cancel this creep but they were left with no other options. Vivian has a lolcow factor for sure but I hope he just leaves these people alone for good and itd be better if Vivian just get offline.

You probably first saw some of them as accomplices rather than victims and honestly thats just a testament to unknowingly being soft on vivians issues
itd be better if Vivian just get offline.

:optimistic: (sorry, but I had to give this specific statement in your post the optimistic emoji. it's based on experience with these Cluster B types)

He's not going to do it though. He might go offline for a while, waiting for the dust to settle, but he will come back. They always do because it's much easier for these Cluster Bs to find fresh meat online rather than IRL.

I personally expect Vivian to pull a "William Control" and to start dumping his receipts to DARVO. That's what these guys always do, they go into their archive (they always keep an archive, narcs have gotten clever at their game like that, that's why we need lolcow fora like this to keep the tabs on them too) and they'll find the one DM where they said something borderline gross/sexual that the other person didn't instantly object to, and they'll use that to imply universal consent to everything else they did to them. "Look, I was being gross and TMI oversharing in this DM, but you didn't voice your objection so I thought it was OK to send more! How the hell was I supposed to know you didn't want me putting my herpes-encrusted lips on your skin?! You didn't kick me in the nuts and punch me in the mouth when I did it, so I assumed it was OK and normal for friends to kiss goodbye. I am a career degenerate and a mentally ill adult child who watches Ghaza gore for breakfast, I can't be expected to know what creeps individual people off. How was I supposed to know you didn't want me touching you in your sleep? You were literally sleeping, so what does it matter to you anyway if you don't notice a thing? I was just tucking you in, I was just being helpful and caring! In fact, you deceived ME by pretending not to sleep to find out what I was doing to you while unconscious. That makes me your victim of your intentional deception, asksually."
I have so many updates, I will do several individual posts so I can keep them separated.

Youtuber MainelyMandy/Amanda, the queer woman in Portland who interviewed Vivian and many others for her video on Polyamory, has issued this statement on Threads about the allegations in the Google Doc:


Hello everyone.
It has been brought to my attention that a creator that voiced a line in my newest video, Vivian Strange, has accusations of harmful behavior including gaslighting, ignoring/pressing against boundaries, and manipulation (among others) from multiple sources. The women and nonbinary people affected have shared their testimonies in a document I highly suggest reading. It is difficult at times to read.

When this many people come out with stories that have as many concerning similarities as they do, it is important to take them seriously and I want to be clear that I support everyone who signed this document. I am very disappointed to hear that someone I have collaborated with multiple times on this channel have hurt so many in my greater Youtube community. It is an extra grain of salt in the wound knowing this person is also a relationship anarchist using that as justification.


I hope Vivian decides to take on the difficult task of accountability and that those she has harmed get some measure of healing to move forward.
Please share, get the word out, and support Jane, Aziel, Elaine, and Lola.

"I hope Vivian decides to take on the difficult task of accountability", Amanda, :optimistic:you know he's not going to do that. He has already implicitly threatened on the Birthday Livestream he has now privated to dump, quote, "thousands of receipts" to DARVO. He's gonna do this, literally what you see during this part with the "CENSORED" bar to imply that the victims were the ones who were constantly sending him their lewds, instead of the other way around. Do not fall for this DARVO crap when he does. There is literally no excuse for the voluminous fucking shit he did to all these people.
Lola Sebastian apparently still has her Bsky account, and cross-posted the Google Doc there:

According to Lola's SO, someone called DJ Muel is apparently disputing the claims of the alleged victims, just because he doesn't like the idea of "transwomen monstering a transwoman"

So I had to look up this DJ Muel character, who has a 7k Youtube account full of SJW woke cult bullshit and a Bsky account with more of the same.


Oh, I see. This guy thinks that you can deal with a literal sociopath by holding hands and singing "Transwomen are Women" with him. He also claims that it's up to the victims to take care of their abuser, and that they need to grant him access to more potential victims by letting him back into "the community", whatever the fuck that means online, which is where Vivian managed to worm his way into the lives of most of these people. Vivian wasn't part of an online community, he sought out other alienated, atomized people during the Covid Lockdowns whose lives he infiltrated. All the psychiatric literature shows that Cluster Bs cannot be cured or treated, so all you can do is either warn others to stay away from them, or remove them from society. We live in a democracy where Cluster Bs are allowed to walk free as long as they don't break the law, so all we can do at this point is warn others to stay away from the Cluster B.


Apparently all that Vivian Strange did according to DJ Muel is "say things that made people feel uncomfortable". Me and DJ Muel clearly didn't read the same document, because what I read is that Vivian did all of the following to his victims: literally and repeatedly groped them violating their personal bodily space, sniffed their hair, kissed them with those filthy herpes-encrushed lips on their skin (this person from what I understand was diagnosed with OCD, so if they are germophobic, just imagine how horrible this experience was for them, coming into direct contact with herpes), non-consensually took pictures of them while they were incapacitated/sleeping, non-consensually posted pictures of them on his social media, tricked one person into attenting a sex club by misrepresenting it as a regular club to rope them along (= de facto sexual assault by law), sent the same person non-consensual lewds they never asked for, stole another person's shit from their bedroom, stole another person's clothes and wore the stolen clothes on a Livestream seemingly to show off the stealing. You literally didn't read the document, DJ Muel, so STFU and go back and actually read it. Vivian did all this and more. He is in NO position to demand "care" from his victims. Vivian can deal with his mommy issues on his own, by doing something other than gooning to MILF porn, that is.

"Vivian Strange was just liberating the proletariat from neoliberal ideology maaan", literal acid communism take right here. No, you're not "liberating" anyone by telling them they can't have boundaries and that you can't be friendzoned because you're a "relationship anarchist" whose gurldique has the VIP access all areas pass into everyone's pants, now and forever. Nope, fuck right off with that rapey shit. Also, literally comparing a call-out post that is meant to warn other victims to "prison". How's that for political hyperbole, but then that's what the woke cult always does.


More emotional blackmail of the victims to discourage them from warning others: "If you speak out against him, he'll end up HOMELESS.".
Naw he won't, he can just get off his lazy bussy and go get a job. He can start posting regular YT videos again instead of his gore compilations.
Or he can apologize to his dad for telling him he raised him on "blood money" and ask his dad for help. Doesn't Serafina have family members who can chip in? Anyways, he has all these other options he won't tap into because he's too far stuck up his own ass to do so.
I just learned that "Dorian Strong", the name that Vivian uses for himself in his pre-transition short on his YT channel, is not his actual name but yet another fake he gave himself for the sake of this short. Jane apparently knows Vivian's real name but won't reveal it:


Just for the record, Dorian is not her pre-transition name. Like Maya, Dorian was listed so other victims could identify her.


Jane repeats the claim he made in the Google Doc, that Vivian's extremely Machiavellian gaslighting made him feel like he was being indoctrinated into a cult:

I recently researched about gaslighting but now I have been researching about how cults form. I hope I don't have to speak about any of this again by the holidays. The fact Elaine and I were able to persevere through everything is a testament to the strength of our relationship.

This is the specific part from the Google Doc that I think Jane is referring to in the above tweet:

In a way I felt like I was being indoctrinated into what could only be described as a cult in its inception stage, which ended up growing to include my girlfriend Elaine and her friend Aziel, both of which are nine years younger. She attempted to come to know about other friends of ours and expressed annoyance when we wouldn’t share such information. Sometimes I purposefully gave her misinformation about them to throw her off so she would be less involved in my life.

This is really interesting, because in one of his recent Livestreams (can't recall which one as I no longer have the deeplink, I was transcribing it as he was saying it to avoid losing it if he nuked the stream), Vivian Strange referred to himself as a "cult figure" and "a cult personality" saying he "could exercise power over people", claiming he's "famous enough now where I could abuse my influence":

1:20:00 I am a cult figure, a cult personality, I could exercise power over people. I am famous enough now where I could abuse my influence. I could and I don't. That's another reason I am trying to step away and be less famous, I guess. I don't like fame, I really don't like it. It makes you a bad person. I my life circumstances have improved, my growth as a human being? Less so. Because I spent the last 4 years chasing fame. The majority of my intentions, were you could say honourable intentions.

Fuck you and your trannie sex cult intentions, Vivian Strange. What "honourable intentions" did you ever have, you sick fuck?
Pretending you're "anti-Hollywood" while perpetrating practically the same shit they do with their casting couching.
I've long wondered why you hated Babylon so much on your Letterboxd, but reading all this I'm startig to think you were just jealous you were never invited to those parties.

Several small updates, I will put them all in this post, then do more post with the more substantial ones.

Jane Brown took down his xeet with the Google Doc, and Elaine took down the latest episode of I Wish I Were A Camera. The Google Doc itself is still up though, if anyone needs to reference it.

Vivian Strange has unlisted his "21 Books That Made Me Vivian Strange" #BookTok video, because one person left him one single comment about the allegations:



Imagine being so fucking fragile that this single comment is enough for you to unlist a whole video.
Where's your hardass tranarchist persona now, Vivian Strange?

In other news: Vivian Strange's friends The Leftist Cooks repost the Google Doc, an implicit condemnation of his actions:


The tweet itself is no longer online because Jane Brown took his xeet with the link to the Google Doc down. But the fact that this entry exists in the search engine shows that they did see it and rexeet it to warn their followers.

That must've really hurt because Vivian Strange was a big fan of The Leftist Cooks, and claimed to be personal friends with them in this video prophetically titled Confessions of a YouTube Drama Queen (as per usual, he was telling in his just telling on himself):

The Leftist Cooks responded in the comment section of this video commending him on this update:


The Leftist Cooks were responsible for getting Vivian some of his very first subscribers by sharing Vivian's Bo Burnham video when it still had only 99 views and his channel only 374 subs:



All I can think of going back and finding these old posts is: "There was so much initial goodwill towards you, so many other Youtuber believed in you and wanted your channel to grow and for you to be a part of their community... and you squandered it all just to be a rapey obsessed pornocreep troon."
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Vivian Strange tried to trick Youtuber Renegade Cut into joining his private Discord server literally on the day that Lola Sebastian shared the Google Doc on Bsky... but Leon realized who Vivian was and blocked him.

Lola Sebastian has apparently retained her Bsky account, despite deleting her Instagram and Xitter accounts. She posted the Google Doc there, but I want to focus more on one of the people who responded below her Bsky post:


This comment:

I'm sorry you went through this. Oddly enough, this person actually reached out to me to join her Discord server just today, didn't know about her history. Blocked now.

Renegade Cut (Leon Thomas) is a mid-range Youtube channel with 314k subscribers. Vivian apparently thought that right about now is just the right time to get a bigger Youtuber, who just so happens to also be following Lola, to join his private Discord server (read: Vivian is likely cyberstalking Lola's Youtube associates right now, trying to talk to anyone who will listen, making one last ditch effort at turning her associates against her).

Fortunately, Renegade Cut wouldn't be swayed and blocked Vivian.

This should give you an idea of what Vivian is doing right now behind the scenes. He knows he can't just come out and start to DARVO, even and despite having those "thousands of receipts" that he claims to have that disprove absolutely nothing, so he's likely trying to reach out to the personal associates of everyone who spoke out against him, trying to turn them against his accusers.

Time to post Hot Allostatic Load again, Vivian!
Better get used to getting blocked by people you're trying to approach from now on.

Did Serafina Claire Goodnight end up marrying Vivian Strange, who was telling his alleged victims that he no longer loves his "girlfriend" and that he was planning to leave Portland to move to Los Angeles with someone else?


Vivian Strange and Serafina have changed the text of their scammy GoFundMe yet again. Instead of all the previous crap about getting married it now says:

Hi Strangers. Our family is in a bit of a rough spot right now. Me (Vivian) and my wife (Serafina) are going to be evicted from our apartment if we can't pay off our rent debt in the next couple of days. We're both two financially insecure trans women and we really don't want to be homeless again.

anything helps. thank you from the bottom of my heart


Archive: https://archive.is/GCKCe

Compare the new text to the original one, which is archived here:

Hello everyone! As Vivian may have told you in her update posts, I’m Serafina! I’m her long time life-partner, and I’ve been calling her my wife for years already— but now we’re making it official! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!

What this means is that I’ll be taking a MUCH more active role in Strange Butterfly House productions, as opposed to just giving Vivian her best ideas (jk, unless…) . The first fruits of that are on Vivian’s Patreon for members: watch throughs of the biggest Trans films released this year ‘I Saw the TV Glow’ and ‘The People’s Joker’ and will continue into the I Saw the TV glow analysis coming soon to Vivian’s channel. If you want access to those, please go over to Patreon and see what we have to say about these. (patreon.com/Ms_Vivian_Strange)

We’ve also recently taken in a Gender Fluid….is refugee the right word for fleeing the hellscape for trans folk that is 2024 Florida?…..and we’re working to help get her established up in the PNW.

Now all that is out of the way. Bills are a thing. Being honest, the previous donations went almost entirely to food, bills, and clothing for Job Interviews. Thankfully, we’ve remained housed and fed for that time thanks to all of you StrAngels who donated.

So, we’re going to need your help once again. We’re both working now (hoping and praying that this is the last we’ll need to ask for from y’all beyond the simple patronage on Patreon), but it seems unlikely we can make enough to pay for our monthly bills without assistance, much less have any of the normal trappings of an official wedding.

If you like our work, please consider donating. It would help us to buy time (as any expenditure can be boiled down to this) until we’re able to survive the cost of living up here. We’ll repay you with content which will be of even more quality now that Vivian is not fighting the algorithmic currents alone. You might think it’s not much, but it would mean the world to Me.

As you can see, Vivian and Serafina also lowered the goal from the initial $10k to the lower $3.5K - as if it's somehow less bad to scam people for less money while using the same old lies about imminent homelessness and eviction to scam them.
I want to take this opportunity to highlight some of the things that were said about the true state of Vivian and Serafina relationship by the alleged victims in the Google Doc. The victims made the following claims:

1) Vivian did not refer to Serafina as his "wife" like he's doing now, but as a "girlfriend"
2) Vivian told them that he didn't love Serafina anymore and that he wanted to move out of Portland to move to LA with Lola Sebastian
3) Vivian wouldn't allow the victims to actually meet Serafina and talk to him personally because he saw that as "a conflict of interest"
4) The victims figured out that Vivian was abusing Serafina for money because Serafina had an income and Vivian didn't. Vivian Strange is basically parasiting on Serafina's income. They confronted him about this, and it was only then that Vivian agreed to open up an OnlyFans account to make money to contribute towards the household budget.

Elaine writes:

Even early on I was concerned with how Vivian was a huge mess and kept complaining about her “girlfriend” at home. It was bad enough to the point where I felt compelled to call her out for it. I organized a time to call her to confront her. She admitted to Jane that she originally thought the conversation we would have would involve me confessing my feelings for her. Instead, the conversation was about her financial situation— where I said she was taking advantage of the person she called her partner. She would then proceed to complain to Jane in messages about what I said to her before admitting I was right. This was one of two interventions I had with her about this topic. The second ended with her deciding to make an OnlyFans account as an effort to make money. This was the last avenue I proposed to her, considering she already (allegedly) had a degree not put to use.\

According to this Instagram update from Vivian Strange, he opened his OnlyFans account on the 30th of November 2023, so the above confrontation between Elaine and Vivian about him abusing Serafina for money must've taken place around this time. Hence why I personally believe Elaine's testimony is truthful and sincere, because this Instagram picture independently corroborates it.


Lola writes that Vivian basically saw her as his ticket out of Oregon, saying that Vivian wanted to move to LA with her so they could both pursue a film career there:

We [Lola and Vivian] also began to volunteer at a local theater company together, and discuss moving to California together to pursue our film industry dreams. Many of my dearest friends live in Los Angeles, so I felt like it would be a safe place for me to move, a place with some kind of safety net for my disabilities.

Jane writes that he knew about Vivian's plan to move to LA with Lola. Vivian had told Jane that he wasn't in love with Serafina anymore and wanted to end the relationship (notice also the "information siloing", keeping certain people separated so they don't talk to one another to find out what's what):

I wanted to get out of Kansas desperately and she[Vivian] wanted to get out of Oregon desperately. My girlfriend is in California and Vivian told me she intended on moving there within a year or two with Lola, which gave me false hope. She told me that she had full intention to leave her girlfriend as she no longer was in love with her. I felt bad for her partner but ultimately chose to respect Vivian’s established boundaries and not get to know her as it was what Vivian called a conflict of interest.

Jane later writes that Vivian decided to stay in Oregon with Serafina just as Jane decided to move to California to be with Elaine, which made Jane that Vivian was full of shit about actually wanting to move to California, "we bonded by wanting to get out of these situations, not stay in them.":

After she [Vivian] gave up on her dreams of moving to California [with Lola], she tried coercing me into living with her in Oregon by refusing to take my “no” to mean anything other than “not now,” and growing angered at me for not being more loyal to her. My gut always prevented me from taking her offers as at the end of the day, I didn't trust her at my core. Afterall, we bonded by wanting to get out of these situations, not stay in them. I also felt weird since her girlfriend would be with us and Vivian had previously told me she wanted to move on from her. I caught Vivian in the midst of gaslighting as she wouldn't accept the fact that Elaine and I finally worked out all of our problems (mostly caused by her) and started saying I didn't really want to move to California. It was at this point that I called her out for gaslighting me and I was existentially horrified as our friendship developed as we had the goal of moving there. This was especially troubling as we had a podcast together which I now completely denounce and want my name removed from.

On the latest GoFundMe scam, Serafina claims to be Vivian's "long time life-partner", claiming that they have been referring to one another as "wife" "for years already". Contrast this to Elaine's testimony Vivian was referring to Serafina to others as his "girlfriend". Jane claims that Vivian told him he doesn't love Serafina anymore, and that Vivian wanted to leave Serafina and Oregon to move to LA with Lola, and later to LA with Jane and Elaine. There's also the accusation from Elaine that Vivian was exploiting Serafina (who unlike Vivian does have a job) for money. Vivian would prevent both Lola and Jane from meeting Serafina, like he didn't want Lola to see how he was treating his boyfriend.


I am starting to believe that Vivian and Serafina might have gotten wind that a leak or an expose was in the making, and were trying to use their initial GoFundMe scam as some kind of a PR repair campaign thus anticipating the Google Doc.

I really have to wonder why this statement has now disappeared completely from the GoFundMe right after the posting of the Google Doc.

Regarding Serafina's claim of being "Vivian's long-time life partner", we know this is not true because Vivian was dating "Laura" and "Juliette" before Serafina. I have no idea when Serafina has entered the picture because Serafina has only one single picture of himself with Vivian on his Instagram account, while Vivian has literally no pictures whatsoever of himself and Serafina on any of his socials. Is that what you do with someone you consider to be your "wife" and your "long time life-partner"? Vivian claimed he was still with "Juliette" when "Juliette" introduced him to BreadTube during the Covid Lockdowns. The story (as Vivian told it) was that "Juliette" told Vivian he wanted to make BreadTube videos too, and that's how Vivian first got into the video making, by helping "Juliette" make his videos. "Juliette" quickly lost interest, so Vivian kept making Youtube videos on his own.

According to Archive.org, Vivian posted his first Youtube video Why Are We So Scared of "Content"? in December of 2021, so in 2021 he was presumably still with "Juliette" and not with Serafina. Then there is the fact that Vivian was essentially cheating on Serafina with all these other Youtubers he was pursuing while he was still with Serafina, even though he told the others he considered their relationship to be over.

I realize that the gay marriage crap in the initial GoFundMe text is probably just some queer-baiting bullshit Vivian and Serafina came up with to deflect from the Google Doc and to raise money, but still... why is Serafina doubling down on allowing Vivian use their relationship - that he considered to be over - to sweep it up and deflect? Why was Serafina accusing Vivian's alleged victims of being "unprofessional" on the Livestream, saying he feels particularly "betrayed by Lola [for speaking out]"? What these victims wrote in their statements directly implicates Serafina himself. The victims realized that Vivian was parasiting on Serafina's income, and they confronted him about it. Why is Serafina, who presumably was entirely unaware of all this happening behind his back, ignoring these testimonies to continue defending Vivian?

Is Serafina just OK with all this cheating, backstabbing and plotting on Vivian's part? Is it because Serafina is a self-admitted enjoyer of "degradation", that he enjoys being "degraded" and treated like shit by Vivian? Or because Serafina was actually in on the joke and enjoyed watching Vivian manipulate, mislead and degrade all the others? Or is Serafina perhaps doubling down because Vivian has now been shunned by all the others, which allows Serafina to delude himself into thinking that he can finally have Vivian all to himself now?

Serafina, when your boyfriend gets shunned by so many different people, that should give you pause to think too. You might think that you finally have Vivian all to yourself now, and that he has learned the hard way not to fool around and to appreciate your loyalty to him... but you know he's not going to change. If he intended to GFTO of Portland two years ago and was looking for Youtubers to help him plot out his escape to LA, he's going to do it again. Vivian made it abundantly clear in his Livestreams that he doesn't like living in Portland - though Vivian Strange does seem to really enjoy all the trannie sex shows happening there, hence him trying to trick Aziel into attending one. But I bet you already knew about those "escapades" and didn't care, or pretended not to care.
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I will post more updates today, but first some personal thoughts:

I wanted to get lulzy with the testimonies but I can't. I am filled with actual sadness when I re-read them. It feels too easy to just say: "These people are part of the gender cult so they knew what they were getting into, they knew this was a milieu that is by design very amenable to creeps and degenerates, they knew or should've known that by joining this milieu they were exponentially increasing their likelihood of encountering someone like that.". That's the easy part, the Just Don't Go There It's A Bad Place With Bad People part. Then there is the specificity of what actually happened, the steps Vivian Strange took to turn these people into his props.

Like I said, there are so many details in these testimonies that check out based on my own independent observations, I really do feel like I am reading the genuine words of real people who tried to be Vivian's friend, tried to prop him up, tried to help him succeed, only for him to stab them all in the back with his fatalism, jadedness, fanaticism and kneejerk insecurity. For Vivian to respond to this call out with a DARVO, insisting that his former friends and associates are just being "unprofessional", "malicious" and "betraying" him, roping Serafina along for his "we're getting married"/"long-time wifeys" deflection, threatening to doxx thousands of receipts to DARVO further... it's so immature and juvenile.

Aziel describes catching Vivian taking a picture of him while he's sleeping, and Vivian responding like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Vivian keeps saying that he's an adult but his behaviour is that of an insecure, asocialized juvenile. There's never a mature, adult response with Vivian, there's always this kneejerk insecurity.

Then there's Vivian obsession with Lola Sebastian, insisting his attraction to her was just an initial crush and that he was no longer in love with her, lying about being aromantic and asexual, blaming Lola for the fact that he really was still in love and lust with her. Once again he responds like an insecure, asocialized juvenile and has a gaycel mantrum before her, then tries to manipulate her by twisting her own words and misquoting them back at her with his folders full of receipts. Vivian's longing for Lola is plainly creepy and sexually abusive, but also kinda sad and pathetic, because I know Vivian admitted on his unlisted transition Livestream that he originally started his sexual journey as a straight man, a high schooler with an older girlfriend (this was before he was groomed by "Laura"). He also said that the first trannies he dated when he trooned out were TIFs, not TIMs. Vivian's first sexual experiences were first with women and later with masculinized women. Vivian apparently had a fetish for Semitic looking women, writing on Letterboxd about how he dated women who looked like Amy Winehouse, his favourite singer. He admitted that he was only polyamorous "on paper" while in college, but had never been with a man before. Then he met a gay man who was a male model and was particularly attractive, and that was Vivian's bisexual awakening. Once he trooned out, Vivian wanted to experience having sex with transwomen who had had bottom surgery, but quickly realized that neovaginas are "high maintenance", and decided he preferred pre-op shemales like himself. Underneath all those layers of degeneracy, Vivian is still just a straight man, who probably occasionally misses being with women but knows his extreme state of degeneracy and drug addiction has made him plainly off-putting to any self-respecting, discerning woman. It's not like his original heterosexual attraction to women ever went away just because he sank further and further into the pits of degeneracy. Those female pheromones still hit him like a truck. When Vivian found Lola, he found a lesbian woman who was a fellow chinephile, was into Nabokov and was open-minded enough to sit through his dashboard confessionals about his degenerate lifestyle without judgement. I don't think Lola will ever admit this - because she belongs to the cult and they will stone her to death for being honest about these things - but I guess the reason she put up with Vivian's crap for so long was because she was puzzled by this man who was claiming to be a woman but was living a sexual lifestyle that was unlike anythig she has ever seen before in a woman. Vivian admitted before Jane Brown on the GenderWeird podcast that he has "more in common with gay men than with cis women", but I wouldn't expect him to have ever admitted this before Lola, given that he wanted to be transbians with her. If you're studied these AGP troons you know that these Vivian types are a dime-a-dozen cookie cutter troons in the transsexual underworld, but for someone like Lola as a "babygay", a person like Vivian must've been as puzzling as it was fascinating, so she allowed Vivian to TMI overshare about his degeneracy during those dashboard confessionals on the way home, more out of morbid curiosity than any actual sexual attraction to him or his lifestyle. Vivian in turn really must've felt so damn lucky, like he found a diamond in the rough, a lesbian woman he could manipulate to be more to his liking, if only she would sexually relent to him and become a "relationship anarchist" like him. But Lola was already taken, was in love with someone else, was happily monogamous, and that drove Vivian insane to the point of having a mantrum meltdown in front of her, blaming his lust on her like the sexist misogynistic POS he actually is. Moral of the story: Vivian, you should've just stayed the straight boy you originally were, because you really fucked up your chances with women by trooning out.

I even find myself empathizing with Jane of all people. I can tell that when Jane writes "I cared deeply for [Vivian] but was constantly left disappointed and hurt.", I can feel the frustration, I can tell that this comes from a genuine place and is not just performative or formulaic. I do think that Jane was initially drawn to Vivian's disinhibited nature and tried to copy Vivian, only to realize that this is not actually conducive of a productive existence or coexistence with others. Jane quickly realized that Vivian's degeneracy is not coming from a pleasure-seeking, fun-loving hedonistic place but from a dark, jaded, impersonal, dehumanizing, objectifying, transactional place.

Vivian latching himself onto Youtubers that he was hoping to use to get out of Portland shows how stuck and stagnant he feels being there. Vivian knows there's more to life but he doesn't know how to get there. Vivian felt trapped, these people knew about it and were handing him the keys, but he was just kicking and screaming and kicking the keys out of their hands.

I wrote that when I first watched I Wish I Were A Camera, Elaine was the only person I empathized with, because he came across like a young man who was actually suffering and having a mental breakdown. What surprised me in his testimony was, even and in spite of being driven suicidal twice by Vivian, how confidently assertive Elaine eventually was towards Vivian, directly confronting Vivian about his abuse of Serafina for money. I hope Elaine is able to hold onto that confidence.

Enough of my brainstorming, let's do the updates now.