I looked more into his claims about being Romani and he literally admitted he's not Romani in one of his Letterboxd reviews of a Romani movie. This is why I read his Letterboxd reviews BTW, because Vivian will tell on himself in his earlier Letterboxd reviews (the ones he was writing while he was stuck at home during the Covid lockdowns) way more than he does on his channel. It's the same reason Vivian unlists and sometimes privates his Livestreams. It's not "for Patreon", it's so that people don't keep the tabs on all his crazy claims and call him out on his bullshit. I agree with what you said about him wanting to have his cake and eat it. He flirts with extremism, radicalism and accelerationism, he urges others to fuck up their lives to live up to his arbitrary standards of what a truly radical anarchist is, but now that he's made $11k on GoFundMe on the basis of a lie (being on the verge of eviction and homelessness) he's actually feeling quite comfortable, so the revolution is just going to have to wait while he's enjoying his new... bed frame.know there's no way Vivian is actually Romani because he would milk that shit to the ground and on various occasions he's called himself white.
Anyways, here is a 2021 review by Vivian of a 2018 Romani movie, Carmen & Lola, where Vivian admitted, quote, "I'm not part of the [Romani] community...I am not in the room where those discussions happen":
I am not a part of the community, so I cannot say whether or not it is a good representation of Roma culture or not, but I can say that it felt incredibly true to life as far as I can relate to the experiences of queerness & religious persecution.
It has been brought up that such a raw conservative depiction of Roma culture, misogyny, & homophobia is not the most flattering, & I can see how some might take issue with it. There’s always stickiness & nuance required when discussing works that have representation at the potential cost of empathy & characterization. But like Aaron Burr, I am not in the room where those discussions happen, so that’s all I can really say about that. Just don’t watch this movie & think you know shit about the breadth & diversity & complexity of Romani culture & communities. That would be the whitest, butt-ugliest American thing you could do.
(I want to assemble a list here on Letterboxd with all the movies I can find by Romani filmmakers. It is far too difficult for one to find their work)
A ★★★★ review of Carmen & Lola (2018)
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I think the Romani LARP is similar to what Vivian did to Lola Sebastian when he lied to her about being from Nebraska, when he actually told his followers that he's from North Carolina and his family "from the South", and never once mentioned being Midwestern or his family being from the Midwest. I think he lied to Lola about being from Nebraska because that's where part of the movie Bones And All takes place, and Vivian assumed Lola would be more likely to put him in her video if he was from the same place as the movie she was discussing - a video which also featured Vivian's idol ContraPoints reading Twilight excerpts. Of course Vivian was gonna do whatever it takes, even lie, just to get on a video with his idol, hoping ContraPoints would notice him if and when he watched the eventual result.
As for the tweets you quoted, I think it's very obvious by now that Vivian got on Youtube with the intent of hooking up with other Youtubers for sex. I don't know if that person is Lola's partner or if that comment is tongue-in-cheek but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in reference to something that had actually happened. Vivian denies hitting on other Youtubers, claims he's "on the ace spectrum" in one video (even said he wanted to make a Youtube documentary about asexuals at one point), but I still suspect Jane Brown cancelled the GenderWeird podcast because of what he described in his rant in the last I Wish I Were A Camera episode: Vivian trying to break up Elaine and Jane as a couple because he couldn't be with them. Based on what Jane Brown said there, I now suspect that Vivian invited Elaine to make an experimental porno movie with him, not because Vivian was interested in Elaine as a young trans filmmaker, but because Vivian had seen Elaine's Youtube videos where Elaine was oversharing bits and clips of his sexual escapades with other trans people, literally filming himself in bed with other trans people, and Vivian just wanted to get in on the action. So Vivian used his OnlyFans account and his interest in transgressive experimental cinema as a way to hook up with Elaine under the guise of making a film together. Jane Brown apparently put his foot down because, he claims, Vivian was trying to get Elaine hooked on drugs. Vivian literally stated on a Livestream that he prefers doing drugs over having sex, so why does Vivian still want have sex with Elaine and all these other people, if he doesn't even like it and even claims to be ace? Because he's using sex as a lure to get others to do drugs with him, and he's using the "I'm ace, aksually" card to manipulate others about what he's actually doing. Jane eventually saw right through this manipulation, knew that Elaine wanted to stay sober and try to live a healthier lifestyle, and told Vivian to GTFO.
Again, I don't know what happened behind the scenes or on Twitter between Vivian, Lola and her partner, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a similar type of triangulation thing. Maybe Vivian enjoys being a homewrecker and breaking up couples? Maybe he's experienced with this and he enjoys the power trip of being able to destroy a couple, even if he doesn't like the sex? Who's to say. Vivian's own boyfriend Serafina seems to be an even bigger degenerate than Vivian himself is, so Serafina doesn't seem to mind that his boyfriend is going around trying to break up couples and getting into all this drama with other trans/queer Youtubers.
I also find myself wondering if the real reason Vivian was threatening on his Livestreams, over and over, to leak the private Discord conversations he had secretly screengrabbed from the Content Creators for Palestine Discord server, was for Vivian to have revenge on Lola specifically, as she was also part of that group. By screengrabbing the Content Creators for Palestine conversations, Vivian was effectively spying on Lola, as well as the other Content Creators.
If Lola is reading this, I hope she realizes what a bullet she dodged here with this freak.