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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
know there's no way Vivian is actually Romani because he would milk that shit to the ground and on various occasions he's called himself white.
I looked more into his claims about being Romani and he literally admitted he's not Romani in one of his Letterboxd reviews of a Romani movie. This is why I read his Letterboxd reviews BTW, because Vivian will tell on himself in his earlier Letterboxd reviews (the ones he was writing while he was stuck at home during the Covid lockdowns) way more than he does on his channel. It's the same reason Vivian unlists and sometimes privates his Livestreams. It's not "for Patreon", it's so that people don't keep the tabs on all his crazy claims and call him out on his bullshit. I agree with what you said about him wanting to have his cake and eat it. He flirts with extremism, radicalism and accelerationism, he urges others to fuck up their lives to live up to his arbitrary standards of what a truly radical anarchist is, but now that he's made $11k on GoFundMe on the basis of a lie (being on the verge of eviction and homelessness) he's actually feeling quite comfortable, so the revolution is just going to have to wait while he's enjoying his new... bed frame.

Anyways, here is a 2021 review by Vivian of a 2018 Romani movie, Carmen & Lola, where Vivian admitted, quote, "I'm not part of the [Romani] community...I am not in the room where those discussions happen":

I am not a part of the community, so I cannot say whether or not it is a good representation of Roma culture or not, but I can say that it felt incredibly true to life as far as I can relate to the experiences of queerness & religious persecution.
It has been brought up that such a raw conservative depiction of Roma culture, misogyny, & homophobia is not the most flattering, & I can see how some might take issue with it. There’s always stickiness & nuance required when discussing works that have representation at the potential cost of empathy & characterization. But like Aaron Burr, I am not in the room where those discussions happen, so that’s all I can really say about that. Just don’t watch this movie & think you know shit about the breadth & diversity & complexity of Romani culture & communities. That would be the whitest, butt-ugliest American thing you could do.

(I want to assemble a list here on Letterboxd with all the movies I can find by Romani filmmakers. It is far too difficult for one to find their work)

I think the Romani LARP is similar to what Vivian did to Lola Sebastian when he lied to her about being from Nebraska, when he actually told his followers that he's from North Carolina and his family "from the South", and never once mentioned being Midwestern or his family being from the Midwest. I think he lied to Lola about being from Nebraska because that's where part of the movie Bones And All takes place, and Vivian assumed Lola would be more likely to put him in her video if he was from the same place as the movie she was discussing - a video which also featured Vivian's idol ContraPoints reading Twilight excerpts. Of course Vivian was gonna do whatever it takes, even lie, just to get on a video with his idol, hoping ContraPoints would notice him if and when he watched the eventual result.

As for the tweets you quoted, I think it's very obvious by now that Vivian got on Youtube with the intent of hooking up with other Youtubers for sex. I don't know if that person is Lola's partner or if that comment is tongue-in-cheek but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in reference to something that had actually happened. Vivian denies hitting on other Youtubers, claims he's "on the ace spectrum" in one video (even said he wanted to make a Youtube documentary about asexuals at one point), but I still suspect Jane Brown cancelled the GenderWeird podcast because of what he described in his rant in the last I Wish I Were A Camera episode: Vivian trying to break up Elaine and Jane as a couple because he couldn't be with them. Based on what Jane Brown said there, I now suspect that Vivian invited Elaine to make an experimental porno movie with him, not because Vivian was interested in Elaine as a young trans filmmaker, but because Vivian had seen Elaine's Youtube videos where Elaine was oversharing bits and clips of his sexual escapades with other trans people, literally filming himself in bed with other trans people, and Vivian just wanted to get in on the action. So Vivian used his OnlyFans account and his interest in transgressive experimental cinema as a way to hook up with Elaine under the guise of making a film together. Jane Brown apparently put his foot down because, he claims, Vivian was trying to get Elaine hooked on drugs. Vivian literally stated on a Livestream that he prefers doing drugs over having sex, so why does Vivian still want have sex with Elaine and all these other people, if he doesn't even like it and even claims to be ace? Because he's using sex as a lure to get others to do drugs with him, and he's using the "I'm ace, aksually" card to manipulate others about what he's actually doing. Jane eventually saw right through this manipulation, knew that Elaine wanted to stay sober and try to live a healthier lifestyle, and told Vivian to GTFO.

Again, I don't know what happened behind the scenes or on Twitter between Vivian, Lola and her partner, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a similar type of triangulation thing. Maybe Vivian enjoys being a homewrecker and breaking up couples? Maybe he's experienced with this and he enjoys the power trip of being able to destroy a couple, even if he doesn't like the sex? Who's to say. Vivian's own boyfriend Serafina seems to be an even bigger degenerate than Vivian himself is, so Serafina doesn't seem to mind that his boyfriend is going around trying to break up couples and getting into all this drama with other trans/queer Youtubers.

I also find myself wondering if the real reason Vivian was threatening on his Livestreams, over and over, to leak the private Discord conversations he had secretly screengrabbed from the Content Creators for Palestine Discord server, was for Vivian to have revenge on Lola specifically, as she was also part of that group. By screengrabbing the Content Creators for Palestine conversations, Vivian was effectively spying on Lola, as well as the other Content Creators.

If Lola is reading this, I hope she realizes what a bullet she dodged here with this freak.
I looked more into his claims about being Romani and he literally admitted he's not Romani in one of his Letterboxd reviews of a Romani movie. This is why I read his Letterboxd reviews BTW, because Vivian will tell on himself in his earlier Letterboxd reviews (the ones he was writing while he was stuck at home during the Covid lockdowns) way more than he does on his channel. It's the same reason Vivian unlists and sometimes privates his Livestreams. It's not "for Patreon", it's so that people don't keep the tabs on all his crazy claims and call him out on his bullshit. I agree with what you said about him wanting to have his cake and eat it. He flirts with extremism, radicalism and accelerationism, he urges others to fuck up their lives to live up to his arbitrary standards of what a truly radical anarchist is, but now that he's made $11k on GoFundMe on the basis of a lie (being on the verge of eviction and homelessness) he's actually feeling quite comfortable, so the revolution is just going to have to wait while he's enjoying his new... bed frame.

Anyways, here is a 2021 review by Vivian of a 2018 Romani movie, Carmen & Lola, where Vivian admitted, quote, "I'm not part of the [Romani] community...I am not in the room where those discussions happen":

I think the Romani LARP is similar to what Vivian did to Lola Sebastian when he lied to her about being from Nebraska, when he actually told his followers that he's from North Carolina and his family "from the South", and never once mentioned being Midwestern or his family being from the Midwest. I think he lied to Lola about being from Nebraska because that's where part of the movie Bones And All takes place, and Vivian assumed Lola would be more likely to put him in her video if he was from the same place as the movie she was discussing - a video which also featured Vivian's idol ContraPoints reading Twilight excerpts. Of course Vivian was gonna do whatever it takes, even lie, just to get on a video with his idol, hoping ContraPoints would notice him if and when he watched the eventual result.

As for the tweets you quoted, I think it's very obvious by now that Vivian got on Youtube with the intent of hooking up with other Youtubers for sex. I don't know if that person is Lola's partner or if that comment is tongue-in-cheek but I wouldn't be surprised if it was in reference to something that had actually happened. Vivian denies hitting on other Youtubers, claims he's "on the ace spectrum" in one video (even said he wanted to make a Youtube documentary about asexuals at one point), but I still suspect Jane Brown cancelled the GenderWeird podcast because of what he described in his rant in the last I Wish I Were A Camera episode: Vivian trying to break up Elaine and Jane as a couple because he couldn't be with them. Based on what Jane Brown said there, I now suspect that Vivian invited Elaine to make an experimental porno movie with him, not because Vivian was interested in Elaine as a young trans filmmaker, but because Vivian had seen Elaine's Youtube videos where Elaine was oversharing bits and clips of his sexual escapades with other trans people, literally filming himself in bed with other trans people, and Vivian just wanted to get in on the action. So Vivian used his OnlyFans account and his interest in transgressive experimental cinema as a way to hook up with Elaine under the guise of making a film together. Jane Brown apparently put his foot down because, he claims, Vivian was trying to get Elaine hooked on drugs. Vivian literally stated on a Livestream that he prefers doing drugs over having sex, so why does Vivian still want have sex with Elaine and all these other people, if he doesn't even like it and even claims to be ace? Because he's using sex as a lure to get others to do drugs with him, and he's using the "I'm ace, aksually" card to manipulate others about what he's actually doing. Jane eventually saw right through this manipulation, knew that Elaine wanted to stay sober and try to live a healthier lifestyle, and told Vivian to GTFO.

Again, I don't know what happened behind the scenes or on Twitter between Vivian, Lola and her partner, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was a similar type of triangulation thing. Maybe Vivian enjoys being a homewrecker and breaking up couples? Maybe he's experienced with this and he enjoys the power trip of being able to destroy a couple, even if he doesn't like the sex? Who's to say. Vivian's own boyfriend Serafina seems to be an even bigger degenerate than Vivian himself is, so Serafina doesn't seem to mind that his boyfriend is going around trying to break up couples and getting into all this drama with other trans/queer Youtubers.

I also find myself wondering if the real reason Vivian was threatening on his Livestreams, over and over, to leak the private Discord conversations he had secretly screengrabbed from the Content Creators for Palestine Discord server, was for Vivian to have revenge on Lola specifically, as she was also part of that group. By screengrabbing the Content Creators for Palestine conversations, Vivian was effectively spying on Lola, as well as the other Content Creators.

If Lola is reading this, I hope she realizes what a bullet she dodged here with this freak.

Imagine being such a fucking loser that you pretend to be a gypsy.

As if pretending to be a woman wasn't pathetic enough.
Vivian will tell on himself in his earlier Letterboxd reviews
I think right around when the Israel-Hamas war started, Vivian's brain just completely melted into oblivion. It was already heading there, don't get me wrong, but there was such a noticeable drop after that point. Because before all that, Vivian seemed to be a lot more honest. He's always had ulterior motives for scamming people, getting sex, and longing for fame and glory, but something seemed to have happened around this time last year where he went from being friends with Lola to not being friends with Lola and went from being pretty hyperfixated on sex and gender and not really colonialism or genocide or whatever he calls it and then suddenly it's the only thing going on in the world. He went from being an "anarchist" rendition of an atheist edge lord to suddenly saying he will meet Bisan in paradise??? Like what the fuck is he on about? He is the one saying shit like "no gods, no masters, all cops are bastards" so why such a shift? Because now he is not being honest with himself and others. He can never be wrong in his drug-fueled brainrot head. The thing is beforehand, these reviews are not really Vivian telling on himself... they are just being honest. But now he is a spider spinning a web of lies. Maybe he's caught some flies along the way but they are breaking free from his bullshit. Because he's in the company of leftists and he will inevitably be canceled and it'll probably be for some bullshit we don't even know about. Lola and Jane are being too gracious. Someone also just needs to put this asshole in rehab. I imagine he gets high ALL THE TIME and can't keep track of all the contradictory bullshit he says.
I'm trying to think of what he could even gain from doing so lol because other romanis will just see through his noncommittal bullshit

Oh that's an easy answer.

Anything to not be the cis white male that's part of the problem, which he absolutely is.

That's why he tries and fails to pretend to be a woman as well as a gyppo.
Oh that's an easy answer.

Anything to not be the cis white male that's part of the problem, which he absolutely is.

That's why he tries and fails to pretend to be a woman as well as a gyppo.
I'm like whatever on trans people who mind their business (I can't be bothered too much to care) but given how he LARPS about everything else including being Romani(???) I think he just is attracted to trannies so he figures if he joins them he can get them. Interesting how aside from his partner, he only preys on younger and/or vulnerable ones.
I'm like whatever on trans people who mind their business (I can't be bothered too much to care) but given how he LARPS about everything else including being Romani(???) I think he just is attracted to trannies so he figures if he joins them he can get them. Interesting how aside from his partner, he only preys on younger and/or vulnerable ones.

They are all vulnerable and stupid, why do you think they get manipulated into being trannies?

Every gay bottom I ever talked to was molested as a kid. Being a faggot is not natural, it's learned behavior. That's why they can't breed they have to recruit.
I think right around when the Israel-Hamas war started, Vivian's brain just completely melted into oblivion. It was already heading there, don't get me wrong, but there was such a noticeable drop after that point.

You can definitely tell. Even I can tell, and I only discovered Vivian's channel after he already developed PDS. Don't know how much you've read of my previous posts in this thread, but I explained earlier in the thread that I discovered his content entirely by accident while looking for songs about Aaron Bushnell to post here on OF, but instead of songs (I wasn't getting many relevant hits, and kept scrolling and scrolling down) the algorithm showed me one of Vivian's Livestreams that was live the very moment I was doing my search, where Vivian was talking about Bushnell (that's likely why the algo served it up). That's basically how I discovered his channel, and was intrigued enough to check out his other videos. I could instantly tell the ContraPoints influence and that he put a lot of work into his videos, especially the longform ones. Like many of his regular viewers, I too was surprised I had never heard of Vivian's channel before, because I spent like 4 years on KF posting about BreadTube and different BreadTubers, so I thought I knew them all by now. But even I, as a relatively new hate-viewer, can tell that there was a decline, a cognitive decline, a behavioural decline and of course a decline in content. Vivian can't even bring himself to make his shortform film reviews anymore. His speech is slurred during Livestreams, he constantly forgets whatever train of thought he's on, he forgets to read his written notes, and he can't do a 2 hour Livestreams without a break after an hour to do even more drugs. I suspect at least some of the people who follow this thread are actually fans of Vivian who just can't be bothered to sit through his slurring, incoherent Livestreams and expect me to post the highlights here in the thread, so they can just click right through, LMAO.

Like I said in my post about how Vivian destroyed his friendship with Lola, when I first saw Lola's video about cinematic cannibalism/Bones and All, and I saw that one shot of Vivian smiling at Lola filming him in Carver Cafe, I had to do a double check because I had never seen Vivian like that before, just happy and (somewhat) normal. For me, Lola's shot of Vivian in that video is almost like looking at a different person. It kinda scares me that Vivian is capable of such a Dr Jeckyll/Mr Hyde switch in his personality, but I guess that's Cluster B for you.

He went from being an "anarchist" rendition of an atheist edge lord to suddenly saying he will meet Bisan in paradise??? Like what the fuck is he on about? He is the one saying shit like "no gods, no masters, all cops are bastards" so why such a shift?

I suspect that Vivian, for all his insistence that he's aromantic and how he hates the concept of romantic love as "the ultimate narcissism', I really do suspect that he has fantasized this Grand Opera in his mind where he meets Bisan in Ghaza and they have a Beyond Borders style radical love affair. I don't know if you've seen the movie Beyond Borders, it's a movie about a rich woman who meets a man who is a first aid doctor in areas of the world where there's a humanitarian crisis, and she becomes more and more involved with his work. The end of Beyond Borders is tragic, I won't spoil it for you in case you want to see it, but that's the kind of fantasy that I suspect Vivian has conjured up in his head about Bisan and himself with Ghaza as the backdrop to this imaginary romance.

The part from his letter to Bisan where he tells her that he will meet her in heaven, I think that's just Vivian trying to write a parasocial passionate love letter to Bisan, knowing that she's a Muslim woman and therefore using religious/Biblical language to express his parasocial love for her, even if he doesn't actually believe in a real heaven as a self-professed "No Gods, no Masters" atheist. My personal impression of Bisan is that she's more of a secular muslim, as evidenced by the fact that she never wears a veil in her videos and is never shown praying (seriously, have you ever seen her praying in a video?). Don't know if you're familiar with Pan-Arabism, it's basically an Arab version of Marxism, and that's basically the kind of Arab Bisan is. To give you another example of Vivian completely misunderstanding where Bisan is coming from and where she is politically situated, whenever Bisan says: "we will not forgive you" in her Instagram updates, Vivian thinks she is just referring to Israel or its Western allies. However, if you know what the ideals/goals of pan-Arabism were, you know that Bisan is actually referring to the other Arab States that failed to show solidarity with Ghazans. Bisan actually has a couple of videos in Arabic where she explicitly talks about this sense of betrayal towards other Arab States that preach brotherhood and solidarity amongst Muslim countries, but then fail to live up to this "Muslim Brotherhood" rhetoric (which is particularly aimed at Egypt). All of this goes right over Vivian's silly junkie airhead, because he's applying a simplistic American colonizer/colonized paradigm to the region, with no interest in what is actually happening on the ground or what the actual political lines or alliances are. Vivian openly admitted in one of his Livestreams that he doesn't really know much about geopolitics. He's just using the conflict in Ghaza to show off his familiarity with American post-colonial studies for virtue signaling reasons.

Anyways, I don't think that a secular, muslim, Pan-Arabist woman like Bisan would be much enamoured by someone who in her eyes most definitely is just a degenerate American fanboi, using Biblical language and references to heaven that he himself doesn't even believe in, invoking her religion in such a corny way just to flatter her. As for Vivian's rants against Marxism, that too would put her off. When you look at Bisan's videos, you don't just see her fleeing the war and hiding in tents, you also see her going around helping people in the camps in many different ways (giving them books, sharing food), looking after orphans, volunteering. Bisan isn't an antisocial degenerate recluse in the gooncave like Vivian, she seems to be like a gregarious, outgoing personality that genuinely wants to help her fellow people in need, which is probably why pan-Arabism appealed to her. She would immediately recognize that Vivian is someone who merely invokes anarchism just to be an inconsiderate, selfish, arrogant, anally fixated, this-far-up-his-own-asshole asshole.

Someone also just needs to put this asshole in rehab. I imagine he gets high ALL THE TIME and can't keep track of all the contradictory bullshit he says.
He openly talks on his Livestreams about how he and Serafina just sit at home and get stoned watching videos. Vivian lives with someone whom he knows will never ever ask him to go into rehab, because Serafina is just another drug addict like Vivian, so of course Serafina enables all of Vivian's addictions, as he personally benefits from and gets to sample whatever stash of drugs Vivian is buying from the money he scammed on GFM. Junkies hang out with other junkies so they can use each others' drugs, and this junkie relationship is no different. Take out the drugs and what do these two guys have going for them or between them? The fact that they're both troons pretending to be transbians together? That's not enough to sustain a relationship, just look at The People's Joker, LMAO ("I think T4T couples are so cute", while literally spending an hour showing how utterly disfunctional they are). So yeah, I do think their common fate as fellow junkies is the #1 reason for their bond. Serafina will never ever challenge Vivian on anything he does or says, and will happily do drugs with him to cope with the cognitive dissonance.
Vivian Strange's latest GoFundMe grift: "We're getting married!" - We finally learn where $11k from the previous GoFundMe campaign went: "Being honest, the previous donations went almost entirely to food, bills, and clothing for Job Interviews." - "Give us what we need to move to a bigger home where we can properly fit our growing family" thus say two troons who have been long enough on HRT to have killed their dicks, rendering themselves completely infertile - explaining the birds & the bees to Vivian (who grew up fundamentalist, so he doesn't know these things): there's no such thing as butt-babies!- Serafina confirms Aziel has moved in with him and Vivian.

After scamming $11k from his sucker chasers with false claims of being on the verge of imminent eviction and homelessness, Vivian Strange blew right through the $11k within a couple of weeks. Being a drug addict with a habit, Vivian had to come up with a new lie to keep scamming new donos from his sucker chasers to keep buying drugs. The new plan? "We're getting married"!


Here's Vivian's boyfriend Serafina on the latest GoFundMe scam from these two greedy lying troons:

Hello everyone! As Vivian may have told you in her update posts, I’m Serafina! I’m her long time life-partner, and I’ve been calling her my wife for years already— but now we’re making it official! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!

What this means is that I’ll be taking a MUCH more active role in Strange Butterfly House productions, as opposed to just giving Vivian her best ideas (jk, unless…) . The first fruits of that are on Vivian’s Patreon for members: watch throughs of the biggest Trans films released this year ‘I Saw the TV Glow’ and ‘The People’s Joker’ and will continue into the I Saw the TV glow analysis coming soon to Vivian’s channel. If you want access to those, please go over to Patreon and see what we have to say about these. (patreon.com/Ms_Vivian_Strange)

We’ve also recently taken in a Gender Fluid….is refugee the right word for fleeing the hellscape for trans folk that is 2024 Florida?…..and we’re working to help get her established up in the PNW.

Now all that is out of the way. Bills are a thing. Being honest, the previous donations went almost entirely to food, bills, and clothing for Job Interviews. Thankfully, we’ve remained housed and fed for that time thanks to all of you StrAngels who donated.

So, we’re going to need your help once again. We’re both working now (hoping and praying that this is the last we’ll need to ask for from y’all beyond the simple patronage on Patreon), but it seems unlikely we can make enough to pay for our monthly bills without assistance, much less have any of the normal trappings of an official wedding.

If you like our work, please consider donating. It would help us to buy time (as any expenditure can be boiled down to this) until we’re able to survive the cost of living up here. We’ll repay you with content which will be of even more quality now that Vivian is not fighting the algorithmic currents alone. You might think it’s not much, but it would mean the world to Me.

Archived: https://archive.is/L2w64

And thus, ladies and gentlemen, we get to discover where the previous $11k went, the money that was supposed to be used for moving to a new place and escaping homelessness: "Being honest, the previous donations went almost entirely to food, bills, and clothing for Job Interviews.", hmmm, curious how Serafina doesn't even mention the new bed frame they bought, or Vivian's new vibrator after he gooned so hard on OF that he broke the previous one. Anyways, all you sucker chasers who actually contributed money to this troon thinking you were saving a trans person from homelessness, you're literal cucks if you give Vivian and Serafina more money at this point. I know a lot of you chaser cucks desperately want to be findommed but this is pathetic. As for your ridiculous claim that you had to spend thousands of dollars on "new clothing for job interviews" (read: lingerie and sextoys and poppers and viagra for the OnlyFans account), you know there's a Goodwill in Portland, troon:

If Vivian and Serafina are lucky, they might be able to find a Goodwill wedding dress that actually fits their male bodies.

LMAO, "hoping and praying that this is the last we’ll need to ask for from y’all beyond the simple patronage on Patreon", naw troon, you literally blew through the previous $11k in a few weeks, and the Patreon grift was just too good to not exploit it one more time. "A sucker is born every day", and there's at least 10 troon chaser suckers for every regular sucker born joining Patreon literally every hour of the day.

"it seems unlikely we can make enough to pay for our monthly bills without assistance, much less have any of the normal trappings of an official wedding", wow, that's gonna be one expensive wedding orgy these troons are organizing. Gotta stash up a HUGE amount of poppers and viagra for all the wedding orgy guests. Holy shit man, the nerve of these fucking grifter troons, unbelievable.

"but it would mean the world to Me", I love how Serafina capitalizes the M in "me". You can tell who the dominant troon is in this relationship, LMAO!

This part, "We’ve also recently taken in a Gender Fluid….is refugee the right word for fleeing the hellscape for trans folk that is 2024 Florida?…..and we’re working to help get her established up in the PNW.", is about Aziel, the Florida troon that Vivian has been grooming on Letterboxd for years, the one who claims to be a witch because he carved a pentagram into his tight as a teenager, who made the documentary with Jane Brown. Aziel originally moved to LA to be with Jane and Elaine, but apparently he couldn't afford LA, or maybe Jane and Elaine told Aziel he could only stay with them in LA if he got a job - which figures, since LA is expensiveAF. Aziel sure as hell wasn't gonna do that, so Aziel moved to Portland to join his Letterboxd groomer and his troon "wife", who are now using Aziel to pretend like them grooming him up close and personal this time is them "growing our family" and needing to move to a bigger home, repeating the lie from the previous GoFundMe scam about how they supposedly needed to find a bigger home because a new person had joined their household (one that doesn't have a job and isn't contributing to rent, apparently) @Betelgeuse is this what you meant when you said they can't have offspring so they recruit? What could possibly go wrong here. My prediction: Aziel will pull a "RoboPenny" on Vivian and Serafina and abandon them one day. If you read the Zinnia Jones thread on KF, you know exactly what I'm referring to.

Gotta appreciate how this latest bullshit from Vivian is timed with me saying that he and Serafina have nothing in common with each other but their drug addictions and their troon degeneracy. I guess I was wrong, because they actually have one more thing in common now: they're now both GoFundMe scammers and frauds who lie to their chasers to manipulate them into giving them money under false pretenses. If I am wrong about this being yet another scam from two Portland junkies needing drug money, then Serafina and Vivian should actually film themselves going to Goodwill to find a $25 wedding dress that fits either of them.
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Vivian Strange joins #BookTok: "The 21 Books That Made Me Vivian Strange" - 21 books and no Набо́ков?


So Vivian has decided to join #BookTok...

The Disturbing 🫦Freaky😈 BookTok Community

The "BookTok" Community Is Unbelievably Cringe...

Actually, the lazy junkie troon has reposted a video he had already posted to his Patreon ages ago, because he's too lazy/strung out/shopping for a fitting wedding dress at Goodwill to record a new one:

Immediately someone in the comments pointed out the glaring lack of women authors in this video:


WTF, 21 books and no Влади́мир Влади́мирович Набо́ков? What happened Vivian? You no longer enjoy Русская литература American literary father-daughter and brother-sister incest porn?

I wanna highlight this specific part from Vivian's new BookTok video though:

"Fuck all the Western appropriation and commodification of Eastern thought into all the bullshit New Age esoteric cults that came from it. (...) If you're a white Westerner who holds Hinduism and Buddhism in high regard, you should read this book too, cos you probably understand much less about these religions that you fetishize than you think you do."

Here's Vivian's Letterboxd review this year of the movie Monkey Man, in which review Vivian demonstrates his deep understanding of Hinduism, thanks to the introduction he received into the religion of over 1 billion people in this world, from none other than Alan Watts:


In other words, this is all that troons like Vivian ultimately make of this movie, their bragging about their superior knowledge of Hinduism aside:


Here's what Indians on Letterboxd had to say about the same movie:



And still the troons are never satisfied, no matter how much representation they get in cinema:


Vivian, just stop trying to virtue signal about how much of a BIPOC ally you are. Like all Westerners, you too are actually OK with appropriation of Hinduism as long as it caters to your Amerimutt degeneracy. All you care about is that a superficially Indian movie contains "oooh, look, it's the hijra trannies!" because that's all you're interested in and all it takes to appeal to someone like you.

Then we get the "I was a screenwriter" lie again. Where the hell are your screenplays, Vivian? Where are all the movies based on those screenplays? Are you just gonna keep lying about being a screenwriter assuming people can't just look you up on IMDB to see you haven't written shit, like, ever?

Oh right, you claim you wrote a couple of screenplays during Covid but you're hoarding them, terrified of anyone actually reading them, because they're probably shit in term of them being usable to make an actual movie, and anyone reading them will be able to tell how badly written they are, how preachy and self-indulgent, just like your Youtube essays. Imagine being so far up your own ass and so pretentious that you tell actual screenwriters to go fuck themselves, when they've all had their scripts and plays made into actual movies. And of course Vivian hates Campbell's The Hero With A Thousand Faces. This was written about someone else (I don't have to tell who the George referred to is, you can obviously guess), but it might as well have been written about Vivian Strange and other pretentious wannabe screenwriters like him:

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Vivian, just stop trying to virtue signal about how much of a BIPOC ally you are. Like all Westerners, you too are actually OK with appropriation of Hinduism
I can't think of like any time he talks about a black or brown content creator or artist without fetishizing their racial or ethnic background. Then again, maybe it's not racially motivated as he fetishizes everyone he meets or watches regardless of age or boundary...
Vivian Strange manipulates and grooms legal minor "Charlie" in his comment section, the same way he manipulated Elaine and Aziel - Aziel takes down the Letterboxd review where he admitted he was hooking up with older men on dating apps in high school - Vivian constantly brags about having sex with older troons when he was younger, so was Aziel copying Vivian?

@ihavedemons This should give you an idea of how Vivian groomed Aziel into leaving his home in Florida to move to Portland, Oregon with two troon junkies. In this comment, Vivian Strange is responding to someone using the name "CharlieBlueberg01", this being the same person who asked Vivian who the worst Youtuber is, with Vivian saying it was Wendigoon.

Vivian logically knows that "Charlie" is a legal minor, but instead of telling "Charlie" to unsubscribe from him because he posts nothing but adult content on his Youtube channel, Vivian gives a glimpse into how he emotionally manipulates these alienated youngsters that make it onto his channel, so he can maintain a steady supply of yung troons for him and Serafina:


Let's go over Vivian's reply to "Charlie", to highlight how Vivian Strange uses literal cult language to manipulate younger people:

As for school, do you mean that you’re still in high school?

It should be pretty obvious this Charlie person is referring to high school, so that question is just Vivian being deliberately obtuse to buy more time with this legal minor. This exchange should've stopped at this point ("This Youtube channel is for adults, I am blocking you right now because you just admitted you're legal minor and you should not be looking at Youtube channels for adults.") but this is Vivian Strange and Vivian is an experienced groomer who has studied the Bible of Groomers (Lolita), so on he plows.

If that’s the case, then I promise, there is so much more out there waiting for you in the world.

This is something Vivian will often say in his videos trying to justify his degeneracy, claiming to be some kind of ambassador for the queer lifestyle. Vivian will pretends that his life is richer and fuller than that of people with moral beliefs. However, when you look at someone like Vivian, do you see someone living a happy, rich, full life? Or do you see someone who is visibly diseased, perpetually angry, constantly envious of others and plainly malicious towards them? Vivian is certainly not manifesting this "happier, richer" life that he thinks he represents.

The sick brilliance of the Christofascist cult of Catholic education is the way it isolates people; i had several queer friends when I was in high school who went to a private Christian school; I took one look at one of their science “textbooks” and was APPALLED at just how disconnected from reality those institutions are.

"Disconnected from reality" is what you call a drug addict like Vivian who has fried his brain with so many different drugs he now thinks he's a woman. It's Vivian himself who is isolating himself from others being an insufferable junkie troon that no one wants to be around.

But trust me, your own moral convictions are stronger than anything those “teachers” can plant in your head, so long as you stay true to yourself and keep in mind that there is a whole world outside of their oppressive dogma.

Read: "I have no self-control and no respect for boundaries, I do drugs to lose any inhibitions I do have left, I offer drugs to others to lower their inhibitions and violate their boundaries, so any moral system that is based on self-control and boundaries is immediately a threat to my lawless, debauched, predatory lifestyle."

The cool thing about high school is that your time there will be over soon, and your options once you’re out are incomprehensibly vast. You won’t likely find your people within the church or its schools, but they ARE out there, perhaps closer than you may think (I know there’s LOTS of queer and progressive folks with decent principles stuck in Texas, it’s just a matter of finding them).

So why did you ask Aziel to move in with you and Serafina, Vivian? Why didn't you tell Aziel to stay in Florida and find likeminded people closer to him? Oh, right, because you are an online groomer and you groomed Aziel on Letterboxd all these years because you wanted to bang a chico Latino. You don't want Aziel to do better or find community, you just want him to be your bottom bitch.

For now, I’d recommend you keep reading and keep listening to the voices of those different than you, because that’s where you ll find the keys to your own liberation.

"I recommend that you keep subjecting yourself to my online grooming and manipulation, I will grow bored of Aziel soon and will need a steady supply of fresh meat to keep my sex life with Serafina spicy and interesting. Only my grooming will liberate you."

Finding those voices and learning from them is,

You can truly learn everything you need to know to thrive in life from a couple of troon junkies in Portland who need to run multiple GFM scams to pay the rent because they're too junkie to work a normal job.

in my opinion, the best way keep yourself aware, and also to feel sane, and that you aren’t alone.

"To feel sane", kid, you're not gonna feel sane being around two perpetually strung out junkies who insist you call them women while they offer you drugs to turn you into themselves.

The majority of people and institutions in your life are gaslighting you into believing that “everything’s normal and okay,” but you KNOW the truth.

This is some literal fucking cult brainwashing right here: "Don't trust the people and institutions in your life, only us junkie troons in the gender cult because only we KNOW the real truth."

Idk what precise role you shall play in the revolution (only you can determine that),

LMAOOO, this is sooo fucking pretentious and LARPy, OMFG. You're not just joining the gender cult kid, you're joining A REVOLUTION! Pick an avatar and dress it up for the Battle Royal! This is how I know Vivian is just a fucking Cluster B, this kind of constant ridiculous grandiosity from him.

but I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that so long as you commit yourself to the Truth, our enemies will be powerless over your mind and heart.

Again, literal cult shit, "everyone outside the cult is our enemy", "you must commit yourself to the Truth (and the Truth is whatever I Emperor Vivian say it is: Siberian tribes didn't cross ancient Beringia into the New World, they just magically appeared there one day, ignore the DNA evidence because DNA was just made up by capitalists)". Imagine a young person like Aziel reading exactly this culty bullshit for all the years that Vivian was grooming him on Letterboxd. This is literally how cults recruit people BTW: they lead people to believe that they are letting them in on some deep hidden Truth about the world that no one else knows and only they are the sole custodians of. And if you join their cult, they'll let you in on even more Truths, just send them a transition progress picture to show how dedicated you are.

Stay devoted to the Truth, no matter how ugly or depressing or infuriating it may be. History is and will continue to be on your side

If "the Truth" is, that junkie troons like Vivian are plainly "ugly, depressing and infuriating" for anyone to see, then maybe you should believe what's plainly infront of you and just stop talking to this creepy culty troon trying to turn you against everyone around you, brainwashing you with claims that they have all the Truth and everyone else is lying to you. Aziel won't know what he's getting himself into until it's too late.

If you want to get an idea of how extremely manipulated Aziel was by Vivian, there was this Letterboxd review that Aziel recently posted but later took down (likely to cover up, likely at Vivian's behest), where Aziel says that he began hooking up with older men on dating apps while he was still in high school. In other word, Aziel was hooking up with online pedophiles on gay dating apps, years before he met Vivian Strange and Serafina IRL. You can kinda guess what the influence of Vivian must've been on Aziel. Vivian constantly brags about having sex with "older women" (read: AGP troons) when he was younger, refusing to see them as the groomers that they were. Vivian is instilling the same kind of denial in Aziel: "I wasn't groomed and SAed by pedophiles, I wanted the abuse, I wanted to have sex with older men.". In the deleted review, Aziel alludes to Vivian brainwashing him into the gender cult with the same kind of "us versus them","in- group/out-group" binary thinking that Vivian also employs in the reply to "Charlie". Aziel became so alienated from his family and surroundings in Florida, that he wrote he planned to commit suicide at 21 if he wasn't able to move out of his mother's house (you can see why Vivian didn't want anyone reading this review with this admission). That's the moment Vivian and Serafina made their move and took in Aziel, supposedly to save him from his evil Latino family that was driving him suicidal, but it was really only after Vivian manipulating Aziel for years into wanting to kill himself. Vivian had to get Aziel to that state of utter depression and suicidality before Vivian could "go in for the kill" and completely isolate Aziel from his family. Vivian Strange never builds anyone up, he only breaks them down because that's the only way he can control them. He succeeded in doing this to Aziel, he tried and failed with Elaine because Jane Brown apparently saw what was happening. Unfortunately I wasn't archiving Aziel's Letterboxd profile, I will start archiving it now in case Vivian tries to cover up anything else Aziel posts that he doesn't want people to see.

I just hope Jane and Elaine will be there to take care of Aziel once Vivian and Serafina are done with him and have replaced him with this new "Charlie" person that Vivian is now openly grooming and manipulating on his channel.

If anything happens to Aziel, like if Vivian "accidentally" chokes him to death during sex like Vivian says he likes to do in the Poor Things video, then I hope Aziel's mom finds this thread and learns what actually happened to her son.
Vivian Strange never builds anyone up, he only breaks them down because that's the only way he can control them.
Vivian, if you ever read this thread and your first instinct is to handwave everything away as just bullying, transphobia, or skewed information, read between the lines and know that at the end of the day, at least some of us here have legitimate concerns for how you conduct yourself. At some point, you have to accept that your friends (victims) leave you because of your rapey self-entitlement bullshit.
Vivian Strange's 30th Birthday Livestream & GFM scam - "I'm broke, my rent is overdue, I took in a 21 year old who doesn't want to work to contribute towards the household budget, so gimme an early birthday gift XD"

Being an aging queen is sooo hard y'all, it's HELLISH I tell you:


Hi everyone! Soooo my 30th birthday is coming up, I'm basically broke and our October rent is overdue, and I'm in the middle of an ongoing existential and mental health crisis that might utterly destroy me by the time the holidays arrive. So come on by and tune in tomorrow, Sunday, October 6th, at 12:00pm PST (3:00pm EST) to show some support, chat and ask me questions, help me celebrate and emotionally process my last thirty revolutions around the sun, in particular these last 12 hellish months...oh, and if you have your own YouTube Community Page, sharing this post would really really help, if y'all wanted to give me an early birthday gift :D

"I'm broke", "my rent is overdue", "I am having a mental health crisis", "I took in a homeless chico Latino I was grooming Letterboxd for years with deranged cult talk to alienate him from his friends and family", "I'm grooming another highschooler in my comment section"... but also, "we're getting married!!!"? What can I say, I manage to find the best troon lolcows on Youtube. There's always something going on with them, they're always up to something new, some new scam or groom they're perpetrating.

I think I know why Vivian is having a midlife crisis though. Vivian, for years on his Youtube channel, teased his audience with those genius screenplays he claims to have written but that no one has ever actually seen, insisting that his cinematic vision was just too radical to ever be made into an actual movie. Now Vivian has to sit there and watch other cinema troons, like Vera Drew and Jane Schoenbrun, make those indie trans movies that he insisted were impossible to make within existing filmmaking structures. He's having a crisis about it, because his peer are proving him wrong. But Vivian Strange is too much of a narcissist to admit he was wrong all this time, and that he wasted his 20s living a self-absorbed frivolous pornjunkie lifestyle, instead of working on his film career like Jane Schoenbrun and Vera Drew did, building a network of like-minded creators who would help them with whatever film projects they wanted to realize. Vivian is watching these other troons, who did build networks of creative support before they trooned out, have the film careers that he could've had himself, if he wasn't such a junkie asshole, and he can't handle watching someone else walk away with the prize that he was sure was out of reach.

I suspect this is part of the reason Jane Brown and Elaine Fuentes want nothing to do with him: Jane and Elaine themselves are actually making films, tiny self-funded DIY project about themselves and their friends, but films none the less. While doing so, they must've realized overtime that Vivian is not serious about making any movies himself and is just a gooner fanboi of other people's cinema. Vivian is so pretentious and fake about being a wannabe filmmaker, that he literally has a list on his Letterboxd account pretentiously subtitled "My movies", that is actually just a list of other people's movies, because Vivian has none of his own to put there. He just watches other people's shit and pretends it's his own in his deluded crazy mind:


Here's Vivian being envious at troon director Jane Schoenbrun during a Livestream, because of course Vivian would find no hope, inspiration or motivaton in what Schoenbrun is doing in film right now, but would instead wallow in his usual seething envy:

(I see now that he has already privated this stream, but I was able to transcribe the relevant segments about Jane Schoenbrun before he hid the VOD)

"I am parasocially obsessed and absolutely smitten with Jane Schoenbrun, so, yeah, the trans filmmaking community is shockingly very small, so, if you ever seen this, Jane, hit me up."

Yeah, Jane Schoenburn is totally gonna give you a call troon, and have a look at your screenplays that you admitted you're too bashful to put through development. I have never seen a bigger poseur and wannabe screenwriter in film than you, Vivian Strange. I've seen people before who pretended to be screenwriters - whose screenplays were never made into films - but even they were willing to put their screenplays through development. You can pretend that people like Jane Schoenburn won't find out before too soon what a rotten person you are, sucking up to all these Youtube troons with actual film careers and credentials like Oliver/PhilosophyTube and Jessie Earl, but not even these troons want anything to do with you because they know you're a jealous, vindictive bastard who will throw them under the bus like you did with your great BreadTube idol ContraPoins, just because Nyk wouldn't be friends with you. I hope every trans person in film sees this thread, especially your insane rant about Nyk, and steers away from you.

There you go, the narcissistic envy at someone else doing better or looking better immediately shows up after he does the ass-kissing. Troons are so fucking nasty and vile like this:

"Jane Schoenbrun makes me feel... insecure! If I were to have sold-out and played by Hollywood's rules to make it, then yeah, I'd be making movies like Jane Schoenbrun's. I chose transition instead of fame-chasing.(...) Hunter Schafer is aggravatingly attractive and she makes me feel insecure."

"I chose transition instead of fame-chasing"
, this statement is bullshit BTW because Vivian was already trooning out before he moved to the West Coast to be with "Laura", his older online AGP groomer. In Vivian's autobiographic short about when he first trooned out, you can see him buying his first batch of HRT at a drugstore in Boone, NC (I geolocated that store myself). This means Vivian trooned out before he met that alleged troon talent agent that he claims read one of his early scripts and told him to tone down the attitude if he ever wanted to make it in the film industry (this presumably is the only person on the planet who has actually read one of Vivian's genius screenplays, and by the sound of it they weren't particularly impressed). Vivian here pretends like he sacrificed the film career he would've otherwise surely had (cos who could possibly ignore his cinematic genius) to troon out and he his "true self" (ie, a junkie asshole), when in reality Vivian very consciously and intentionally made the choice to get into drugs and degenerate troon sex in his 20s instead of having a career first like Vera Drew and Jane Schoenburn did before they both trooned out. The fact is that Vera Drew and Jane Schoenbrun both benefited from trooning out later in life, so Vivian's claim that you have to choose between having a career and trooning out is just bullshit. You can see a pattern here with how Vivian always misrepresents whatever pointless obsession he develops in life as some kind of great personal sacrifice on his part, when he's really just being single-mindedly and recklessly obsessive to the point of diminishing his life options. Vivian refuses to be a responsible self-reliant adult in favour of whatever or whomever he's currently obsessing over.

Anyways, at the end of the day, Aziel is 21 now, he decided that shacking up with two junkie troons in Portland who can't pay their rent and need to run multiple scams on GFM to do so, was somehow preferable to staying in LA with Jane and Elaine and getting a job. Clearly being around junkies was more important to Aziel than being around the film industry itself. If anything happens to Aziel, I kept a record for his mom so she can see how her son was manipulated for years on Letterboxd by a groomer troon who is so toxic and disturbing, that not even his fellow troons want to be around him. I do think Elaine and Jane should've done more to prevent Aziel from moving in with Vivian and Serafina, but maybe his mind was set and he wouldn't hear it. I hope they're still there for Aziel when the inevitable narcissistic discard happens.
Vivian, if you ever read this thread and your first instinct is to handwave everything away as just bullying, transphobia, or skewed information, read between the lines and know that at the end of the day, at least some of us here have legitimate concerns for how you conduct yourself. At some point, you have to accept that your friends (victims) leave you because of your rapey self-entitlement bullshit.

FYI, he definitely reads this thread here on OnionFarms all the time, 100% confirmed by me personally. Vivian Strange responds to things I say about him here in the thread on his Livestreams, without ever bringing up OnionFarms or myself as the impetus. I know I live in that troon's head rent free, even though he never actually mentions me. He's just like fucking ContraPoints in that regard. Nyk too would lie about never reading his KF thread or all the threads about him on 4chan, how he had blocked the domains KF and 4chan in his browser to prevent himself from visiting those sites, but we on KF had already determined that Nyk was literally responding to shit we were saying about him in the thread IRT on his Twitter account. All these fucking troons read their lolcow threads because they love any attention, even if it's negative attention.

I don't care if he thinks I am a gender fascist or a transphobe. He knows I am right, he knows I can plainly tell he's a miserable crazy junkie, that he's lying to himself and lying to others, that he's perpetually unhappy and alienating everyone around him with his obsessive violent extremism. He also knows I am definitely not attracted to him, because I listed all the ways he's objectively physically disgusting and abhorrent, even if someone was a trannie chaser they would certainly never chase him of all troons, so his delusions about having "pretty privilege" are just some personal cope he clings onto because someone told him he looked cute when he was younger and he latched onto that because of his narcissism.

I remember reading something a detransitioner once wrote on Twitter, where she said something to the effect of: the reason why troons constantly keep looking up and reading TERF accounts on social media, even though they keep warning each other not to read that stuff and to block all TERFs, is not just because of their humiliation fetish but also because troons know everyone around them in the gender cult is just lying, enabling and patronizing them, so they need to read what TERFs are saying to be reminded of the truth, to know how people outside the gender cult actually see them.
Vivian Strange is doing a Livestream on the war in Ghaza - advocates violence again: "Violence, let's not mince our fucking words, we need violence. Violence and armed resistance is the only fucking way that we're ever going to change anything. I really want a gun. Life is not precious." - Shows off his Ghaza Gore folder again - shows off his unbuckled belt and blue underwear... right after showing off that he's following a 10 year old Palestinian girl on social media and asking his fellow troons to follow her - Vivian now claims he has "Jewish heritage on his mother's side" 🤨

Vivian is streaming about the war in Ghaza right now:

One Year in Hell: A Stream for Palestine

Shout out to Pedro for representing!


Vivian Strange made sure to dress up respectably and solemnly for the occasion, wearing a black witch hat and a Freddy Krueger shirt, while vaping throughout the stream:


Predictably he shows off his Ghaza gore folder, yet again:


He shows that he's working on a video about the film I Saw The TV Glow, the movie by the same troon filmmaker that he claims is making him "feel insecure", Jane Schoenbrun:


Oh look, Vivian did carve a pentagram into his thigh when he was a teenager, and now he thinks he's a witch because of that!

Then he shows off all the Palestinian accounts that he's following and whose content he's stealing for his endless, unwatchable, compilations:


Then - most disturbing in the context of what he shows straight after - Vivian Strange shows off that he, an American porno troon, is following a 10 year old Palestinian girl with an Instagram account, telling his troon followers to follow her too. Totally not creepy or anything.


After showing the above account, Vivian Strange goes into one of other rooms of his house to break up a cat fight between his cats Garnet and Goddess Persephone. As he returns, his belt buckle is literally audibly jingling because it's hanging open from his crotch. You can literally see the lining of his blue underwear because his flies are still hanging open:



Hey Bisan Owda, look, this is your biggest American fanboy, this his how his belt is hanging down his crotch whenever he's watching your videos, exactly like this:


This fucker must've had himself a toss right before he got on stream and didn't even bother to button up afterwards. Imagine doing a stream about Palestine and literally using it to show off your unbuckled belt and underwear. This is proof of terminal pornsickness right here. I screengrabbed this because Vivian has a tendency to private his Livestreams nowadays to cover up exactly the kind of shit I've highlighted above: that he tells people to follow a 10 year old on Instagram while his flies are literally hanging open, showing off his underwear. Then he laughs at the fact that he "makes people uncomfortable".

At one point while talking about Hurricane Helene and Ashville, he says "Western Carolina is my home, it's place very dear to my heart.", so why did you lie to Lola Sebastian about being from Nebraska, Vivian? Just so she would put you in her video about Bones and All?

Later he's asked in the chat if he's racially mixed and, get this, he now claims he has, quote, "Dzooish heritage on my mother's side and potentially Romani heritage on my father's side". That's right, Vivian now claims to be of Dzooish descent on top of claiming to be Romani. On the previous Livestream that he privated, he said, quote, "my ex-girlfriend is Dzooish" (I guess he means either "Laura" or "Juliette", the troons he hooked up with before he got with Serafina). I guess his claim of having dated a Dzoo didn't get the response he expected, so now Vivian Strange claims to be Dzooish himself. I guess once you delude yourself that you're a woman with no blacklash, you can just go ahead literally claim to be literally anything and everything else and no one will fact-check you or demand to see evidence for your claims, because they're all in part of the same extreme pomo relativist cult where "truth is whatever I say it is":


And once again, it all pivots back to his accelerationism: "Violence, let's not mince our fucking words, we need violence. Violence and armed resistence is the only fucking way that we're ever going to change anything. We're cowards, we're such fucking cowards. And I include myself in this. I am not currently taking up arms and shooting pigs. I really want a gun. I really want a gun because I don't have a gun anymore, because I had to pawn it a couple of years ago for rent money. I'm not taking up arms against the State... yet. We're cowards, we're just so unwilling to do violence. I have an issue with the idea of, as we like to say in the West, or, like, say we like to believe in the West, that human life is sacred, life is precious. But, especially over the past year, this is a joke. Just more and more, it's a joke. It's a pathetic joke. Because no, we don't value human life. Human life is not sacred. No matter what our institutions say, no matter what our government says, no matter what any of the structures of power say. No, life is not precious."

Posting this for now, if he says anything else crazy I'll add it here before he nukes the VOD again to cover up the fact that he keeps violating the ToS with his extremism.
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How Vivian Strange really feels about Dzooz living in Israel: "Ghaza has Hamas, freedom fighters who shoot Israeli colonizer dogs dead"

Vivian Strange being a violent extremist and violating Youtube's ToS yet again:

"Human kind has no future with America in it and America needs to fall. The only way that is ever going to happen is militant armed resistance. Ghaza has Hamas, has an organization of freedom fighters who take up arms who shoot Israeli colonizer dogs dead. That is what we need here."

He also wants someone to kill Netanyahu:

"Netanyahu needs to be put down, they all do, because what do you to with a rabid dog that attack everything around it? You put it down."

Remember, this violent extremist drug addict now says he wants to obtain a gun, even though he can't even pay his own rent.

I'm just archiving all of his antisemtic extremism here in this thread, in case he does go out and starts shooting Dzooz in America while LARPing as Hamas. Also to show how Youtube allows such openly violent channels that constantly violate their ToS to stay up in the name of trans rights. If you're a troon openly cheering on and advocating the murder of Dzooz in Israel, saying the same thing needs to happen in the US, then your Youtube channel gets to stay up just because you've trooned out.