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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
BREAKING! Vivian Strange has his Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton moment on Youtube: aka "I have never dated another Youtuber" - the GenderWeird film podcast is RIP. - Weird Strange Evasive Drama around Vivian Strange and his (ex?) friend and podcast co-host Jane Brown aka "Style is Substance" around the cancelling of GenderWeird - Jane Brown: "I was distressed and manipulated by [anonymous]" - Vivian Strange: "Platonic and romantic is a false binary" (= rapey?) - Battle of the troon MILFs: who gets to "mother" Aziel? - troonvestigation exclusive for OnionFarms!

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He just had to lift himself out of his chair to show off his dark blue underwear sticking out from the side of his shorts, yet again. :rolleyes:

Here is Vivian Strange finally having his Bill "I did not have sexual relations with that woman" Clinton moment on his Livestream yesterday:

I suppose watching explicit BDSM rape porn together with another troon who is 10 years your minor and isn't even of drinking age doesn't count as "having sexual relationships with other Youtubers", but whatever. We should totally give the troon who makes rapey comments such as "platonic and romantic is a false binary" the benefit of the doubt, right?

Let break down what happened in the latest installment of "troons being rapey towards their fellow troons".

Here is the statement that Jane Brown posted to his Style is Substance Youtube channel community page about quitting his Youtube channel to focus on his personal film projects, as well as cancelling the GenderWeird podcast he was co-hosting with Vivian Strange. Jane specifically mentions being "distressed and manipulated" by certain unnamed individuals, without specifically naming Vivian Strange or anyone else:

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Vivian himself posted the following, more cryptic statement to his Instagram account, neither mentioning Jane Brown or the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast:

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When I first saw this Instagram post, not knowing about the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast, I just thought to myself: Every "philosopher" troon I've come across in my years of digging through this morass of AGP degeneracy always turns out to have a boner for the "Death and the Maiden" necorphilic trope (remember Nyk incorporating that excerpt of Stoya reading that necrophilic story in one of his earlier videos?), and Vivian Stranger is no different. According to Google Images, the above image of Death and the Maiden is the cover art for the rap album Dead Inside by Broke Boi J:

But now that I have read Jane Brown's statement, which predates Vivian's more cryptic statement by almost a week, Vivian's comment does read like an attempt at flipping the tables on Jane Brown. Vivian's Instagram statement makes it sound like he was the one who rejected Jane Brown as a friend first, rather than Jane rejecting Vivian over whatever happened between them.

However, then I watched Vivian's latest Livestream, and a very different picture began to emerge about what might have happened behind the scenes between Jane Brown and Vivian that led to the cancelling of the GenderWeird podcast and Jane's evasive statement about being "distressed and manipulated".

I think this part of the Livestream where Vivian began to talk about being "a bad friend" and someone leaving him is related to his cryptic Instagram statement:

However, it was during this part that Vivian went full rapey and said the following: "Platonic and romantic is a false binary", which makes me wonder whether his friend actually dumped because he didn't respect their personal boundaries and tried to manipulate them into relenting to his advances with this bullshit about how there is no difference between a platonic and a romantic relationship:

He says "Your relationship to someone shouldn't be the elephant in the room", but methinks Vivian himself is the one making his relationships to others "the elephant in the room" by trying to manipulate his friends out of their personal boundaries when they say they don't want to be sexually intimate with him. My impression from this part of the Livestream is that Vivian is currently mad at someone who told him they wanted to be "just friends" - I have no choice right now but to assume this was Jane Brown. As for Vivian's comments about "gal pals", maybe this is what Vivian told Jane their relationship was, instead of straight up telling Jane he wanted to be transbians and bang him. Whatever was actually said between them, Jane must've seen right through it and rejected Vivian's manipulative advances. Who knows what actually happened here. Vivian seems really upset about whatever it was though. The way Vivian Strange spews the words "just friends", in the above excerpt, dismissively with air quotes, that kinda gives it away, IMO.

However, this part of the Livestream seem like the same kind of turning-the-tables that Vivian tried to do in his Instagram statement, where he made it seem like he was the one who rejected Jane instead of the other way around:

Someone claiming there is no difference between a platonic and a romantic relationship to manipulate others into violating their personal boundaries is being actually harmful, though.

Here Vivian complains about optimists no longer being willing to put up with his negativity, claiming they are the toxic ones for having become better at sniffing out people like him and avoiding him:

Vivian admits he's a buzzkill, he's seething with anger, but if you politely tell him you don't want to fuck him and you just want to be friends, he will put you on blast on his Livestream and call you the "radioactive, toxic" one for not putting up with his doomerism or his sexual advances.

I think I can guess what might have prompted this very public but evasive fall-out between Jane Brown and Vivian Strange that led to the cancelling of GenderWeird podcast and them both being shady and evasive about it. I personally suspect the fall-out between Vivian and Jane might have something to do with this:

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This is a screenshot from a video that Elaine (the actual Gay from LA that Jane Brown and Vivian both know, and have been trying to turn into a troon like themselves) recently posted to his Youtube channel, as part of his I Wish I Were A Camera troon melodrama reality-Youtube series. The fugly goth-looking MFer in the middle of this screenshot between Jane and Elaine with the witchy beany is none other than Aziel Jane Vivian, the decade-younger troon that Vivian was gooning with to Richard Kern's Fingered (but, you know, Vivian has never had a sexual relationship with another Youtuber, he's just been watching hardcore BDSM porn with them, not with their dicks in their hands or anything :rolleyes:). In this picture, Jane, Elaine and Aziel are HRT-crying together and hugging (read: love bombing) each other, as troons in the gender cult tend to do. I bet Vivian saw this footage and had a bout of extreme narcissistic raging envy that he wasn't there with them in the troon puppy pile. In this part of the video, Jane is telling Aziel that he has "maternal feelings" towards him, which is what you would expect from a delusional pornsick AGP with a MILF fetish:

It's also relevant to note here that Jane Brown and Aziel Jane Vivian recently made a DIY documentary film together, titled Jane is OK, which consiists mostly of smartphone footage of Aziel tormenting his Christian Latina mom in Spanish with his troon bullshit:

So Elaine Fuentes, Jane Brown and Aziel Jane Vivian have finally met one another IRL, with Jane Brown love-bombing (read: manipulating) Aziel about his supposed "maternal feelings" being channeled towards him instead of Elaine. In reality, Jane Brown is just a degenerate who wants to turn a younger man into himself so that he can project all the worst aspects of himself onto another person and thus feel justified in all of his own poor choices. Aziel is just an even more obnoxious version of Vivian, a yung AGP who makes Youtube videos bragging about destroying his mother's Bible. Vivian explicitly stated on one of his Livestreams: "One of my kinks is that toxic older woman/teacher/mother figure".

I bet it was this part in the video where Elaine, Jane and Aziel are all HRT-sobbing and hugging one another, with Jane explicitly telling Aziel he was mothering him, that must've triggered the fuck out of Vivian Strange's envy, as he too has an AGP MILF fetish, demanding that his viewers call him "mommy". I obviously don't and can't know if Vivian was asking Aziel to call him "mommy" in private, but I wouldn't be surprised if there was a MILF fetish happening between them too, as Aziel hates his Christian mom and has some very severe mommy issues. Vivian too has a Christian mother and I bet he and Aziel had bonded over their mutual hatred of their mothers.

Anyways, the sight of Jane Brown mothering the younger troon that Vivian presumably was looking forward to "mothering" himself, I bet that was the last drop in the bucket and was what made Vivian retaliate against Jane drooling all over Vivian's chico Latino by canceling the GenderWeird podcast.

The loss of the GenderWeird podcast is kinda unfortunate in terms of the lolcow milk, because Vivian had shared so many cringe details about himself over the course of those podcast episodes, like: admitting he's a drug addict, admitting he has penetrated stinkditches, admitting he prostituted himself to older men, admitting it was the experience of actually fucking inverted dicks/ballsacks/transplanted colons/transplanted peritoneal linings that convinced him to never get bottom surgery himself and to keep his own dick:

To give you yet another example of how continuously oversexed and pornsick these Genderweird podcasts were, here's Vivian and Jane Brown on the Genderweird podcast complaining about how the rest of the world got tired with all the pornsick movies that Open Secret/#MeToo Hollywood was putting out to advertise their degeneracy:

In other words, because pornsick troons themselves "consumer degenerate porn on the regular" (notice how they generalize and project their own addictions onto others to justify them), everything has to be infected with porn to cater to their perpetual pornsickness. Even children's cartoons. Vivian admits, once again, that he's too desensitized by pornography to enjoy IRL sex, and admits he has reached such an extreme level of pornsick jadedness, that he can only enjoy sex vicariously by viewing others have (unrealistic, destructive and hyper-violent) sex in porn. Vivian never stops to question whether his HRT and the blocking of his testosterone has contributed to his desensitization to IRL sex, and whether his preference for fake/unrealistic sex over IRL sex really is the result of pornsickness.

It should be clear from these examples that Vivian and Jane's discussions on the GenderWeird podcast always pivoted towards sex and pornography, with the two of them openly discussing their personal kinks and sexual fixations instead of the movies they were supposed to focus on:

GenderWeird was supposed to be a podcast about little known "queer films" (I too had never heard of Funeral Parade of Roses), but as with anything involving troons, both Vivian and Jane preferred to overshare cringe details about themselves and their degenerate oversexed lifestyles, rather than actually analyzing or describing the films they were supposed to be talking about. To be fair, Jane Brown did come into the podcast better prepared than Vivian and made a greater effort to actually discuss the actual film. It's obvious to me that in the context of such constant oversharing on the podcast, certain boundaries were on the verge of getting crossed. It was almost inevitable for that to happen, because whereas the rest of the world is turned off by peope who overshare, the transgender cult prides itself on being an oversexed space where degenerates get to TMI and overshare with impunity. Both Jane Brown and Vivian Strange (and Elaine, and Aziel) were attracted to the transgender cult for this reason.

I wonder what it was like for Jane Brown to have to deal with Vivian losing his interest in cinema once he contacted Palestine Derangement Syndrome and became completely OCD obsessed with Bisan Owda and the war in Ghaza. I remember how Jane Brown used to be a regular in the chat during Vivian Strange's Livestreams, but then he began to show up less and less in the chat the more radicalized Vivian became by the war in Ghaza. Vivian will never admit this in public but I suspect it was both the PDS and Jane Brown meeting Aziel IRL and getting closer to Aziel than Vivian could ever hope to be, that eventually destroyed their friendship. I know Vivian will never admit this, but I personally suspect he secretly feels that Jane Brown stole his troon.

TLDR, troons are men, they are oversexed pornsick men with MILF fetishes and mommy issues, they are competitive possessive men, and their competition over who gets to MILF the younger troons they are grooming into a copy of themselves will eventually destroy whatever common endeavor they embark upon.

Ew this dude is GROSS.
Ew this dude is GROSS.
He actually thinks he has "pretty privilege", he literally said so on his last Livestream, LMAO:

"I do have pretty privilege (...) I don't have any delusions about not being pretty. Someone could criticize my looks or my appearance, but my response to that is always, like, I mean, are you sure? For 30 years, people have been telling me, constantly, that I'm so pretty."


Jane Brown/Style is Substance, what the hell were you thinking when you told this guy that he "looks hot" live on the GenderWeird podcast? You let the wolf into the hen house with that statement, Jane. Of course he was gonna hit on you and then get all rapey and manipulate you that "let's just be friends" is bullshit because "romantic and platonic is a false binary". Take those glasses off of Vivian's face and put them on yourself, Jane! What do you see now Jane, what do you see?

That's it, I am doing a post on this now because this narc really needs a reality check and I am the only one outside of his troon hugbox that's gonna give it to him.
The Vanity of Vivian Strange - "I have pretty privilege" 🤨🧐🙄🤭😆🤣🤓 - Cillian Murphy slander - troon hunchback, herpes sores, creepy over-plucked eyebrows, crooked teeth, thousand cock stare and hyena laughter, flag burning rage-boner - Boundless narcissism unleashed


Vivian Strange indulges his boundless narcissism in his latest Livestream:

"I do have pretty privilege (...) I don't have any delusions about not being pretty. Someone could criticize my looks or my appearance, but my response to that is always, like, I mean, are you sure? For 30 years, people have been telling me, constantly, that I'm so pretty."... he actually said that... we're talking about this man here:


"I make the faces that make you cry..."

Here are 10 physical features that make Vivian Strange objectively fugly and delusional for thinking he has "pretty privilege":

1) I mean, seriously... those teeth...


I too would stare, in shock, at those cavernous chompers if someone within my sight was smiling with their crooked teeth showing like that, but not because I think they're pretty. If I was working at a SFX shop, I'd perhaps ask for a cast.

2) Vivian does have rather intense blue eyes (more the result of the "thousand dick stare" and his drug addictions giving him a sunken face and hollowed out eyesockets) and beneath those eyes he has those prominent high cheekbones (the result of his drug addictions giving him a sunken face and him not eating properly), but I can plainly see the jaded sadness and seething anger even in his downcast gaze. If Vivian never told people that he was "a perpetually sad child" I can see how fucked up and sad he is and always was even, when he's not looking up:


3) Vivian has that horrible spine-disfiguring troon hunchback, the result of being Terminally Online brooding over his computer and of the HRT poison ruining his bones, his muscles and hence his spine:


4) #DDF Vivian has visible herpes sores on his lips which people will soon begin to mistake for mpox sores if he doesn't take care of them soon. I wonder if Vivian has ever been tested for herpes. Perhaps now is the time to have a test done. I would not be surprised if he's found to have contacted every strand of herpes known to man, given all the "neovaginas" he was bragging to Jane Brown about "having met" on the GenderWeird podcast.


5) Then there is his envious, seething, narcissistic, violent, extremist, obnoxious personality just emanates from him and distracts from any redeeming physical features he might have, and visibly causes malding. Vivian has bangs to hide his hairloss but it's obviously still visible:


6) I personally really hate the way Vivian plucks his eyebrows into those really thin arches, it looks so fucking creepy and artificial. I hate that look on women as well as men, and I suspect they do it more because they enjoy the masochism of plucking (a form of trichotillomania) than the end result. It looks even worse on men, but I bet Vivian thinks having overplucked eyebrows makes him look more feminine. Anyone's normal natural eyebrows look better than this shit.


7) This is perhaps not a physical feature, but hearing Vivian's hyena laughter will make the hair on your arms stand up, just like the cry of a wild animal. However, even the hyena has better aligned chompers than Vivian does:

8) Just look at that shagging gunt in this screenshot of Vivian posing in feminine underwear on his balcony (much to the interest of his neighours, who ended up stealing his torn bras and see-through g-strings from the laundry room) for his De Sade video. This gunt is the result of someone seething/gooning behind their computer all day staring at their belly button, never using their abdominal muscles to straighten themselves up, thus causing them to shag:


"Pretty privilege" my ass. You're fugly troon. Perhaps amongst your fellow inbred Hillbillies in Appalachia you look "pretty" and a little less inbred by comparison, but they just need to come down from the hills into the civilized world and see what normal people look like to realize you're no big deal, and certainly not the catch you seem to think you are.

9) In a Letterboxd film review (this account is where Vivian has posted most of his lolcow highlights) of Breakfast on Pluto (a movie widely hated by troons because is features the film trope of the "funny silly sissy man" played by a male actor, which troons really hate because of their "cis menz shouldn't play trans characters" TRA fatwa on the film industry), Vivian actually compared his younger pre-troon self to, yes, actor Cillian Murphy:

I also do have some personal investment in Cillian Murphy, I will admit. Before transition, I looked EXACTLY like him, & people were constantly pointing it out. And while Kitten is prettier than I will ever be, it was still like looking into a mirror, a magic mirror that showed me what my soul looks, sounds, & acts like.

(Lola Sebastian, what the hell were you thinking?! Why did you give a platform to this loon?)

For those who haven't seen the movie in question, this what Vivian thinks he's like on the inside, and what he thinks he looked like as a man before he trooned out:

The only picture I have seen of Vivian back when he was "Dorian" and had dyed his dark (what do you call a blonde with dyed hair? Artificial intelligence) is this one from the thumbnail of his 7 year trooning out stream. I don't know how old Vivian is in this picture (he looks adolescent to me) but I really don't see the resemblance to Cillian Murphy other them both having shoulder length black hair and prominent cheekbones. Cillian Murphy's nose is completely different, his face is broader, his hairline is lower, his eyebrows are less arched and chin is pointier. Cillian also has straight teeth:


Whoever told Vivian that he looks like Cillian Murphy was probably tripping on some of the same drugs that Vivian has been doing. I myself am not tripping as I write this but IMO Vivian, given his white trash Hillbilly roots, looks way more like Guns N' Roses singer Axl Rose in his twenties during his Appetite for Destruction area, which was the time Axl was "dancin' with Mr Brownstone" (aka heroin) and looking particularly junkie. Even fat grandaddy Axl now in his 60s looks more healthy than Axl did back then on heroin looking all junkie like Vivian now does. "I used to do a lil', but a lil' wouldn't do, so the lil' got more and more", that's literally a description of every pornsick junkie AGP trooning out.

10) Lastly, what the actual fuck is this?! Does Vivian have priapism or something? I know he brags about having a bulge, but here he's standing near a green shipping container, smoking a fag with a visible tentpole in his shorts:



Vivian literally gets a raging boner in his studded shorts from burning pieces of the American flag in a can. Not a pretty sight. This being Portland, he's probably not standing out much.
MORE RECEIPTS: Vivian told Jane on GenderWeird: "I am sexyAF, I'd fuck me!" with Jane concurring: "Yeah, you're sexy!" - Style is Substance purges Vivian Strange from his featured channels bar - Vivian in turn purges Jane, ContraPoints & a whole bunch of LeftTube channels from his featured bar - WTF is "relationship anarchy"? Vivian explains using Homestuck - 8 reasons to never have sex with Vivian Strange or anyone like him

It's time to post that song, because we're going into Buffalo Bill territory now:

Here are Vivian and Jane Brown/Style is Substance during happier times, openly AGP-sexing each other up on the GenderWeird podcast during their Psycho & Silence of the Lambs episode. Jane pulls a #noAGP while admitting he's in love with himself, and Vivian does a Buffalo Bill before Jane, "I'm sexyAF, I'd fuck me", to which Jane replies with "Yeah, you're sexy", reinforcing the autoerotic fetish:

1.2 - Psycho (1960), The Silence of the Lambs (1991), and the Trans Serial Killer Trope

Jane: If you find it a little bit sexually exciting to crossdress, it doesn't say anything. You can be sexually excited about all sorts of different things. To me it's kind of ridiculous, especially after spending so much of my life not being comfortable with how I look. Yeah, I'd better be attracted to myself!

Vivian: Yeah! Like, I never thought I was very attractive as a guy. Um, most people around me disagreed but I never saw it. But now? Yeah, I'm sexyAF!

Jane: Yeah, you're sexy!

Vivian: Yeah, I'm fine admitting that! I'd fuck me!

Jane: Yeah! Exactly. And it's interesting. What Buffalo Bill is basically doing here, is kinda like, almost like, objectifying themselves in a way. But it's kinda, like, they are all three things in the conversation of the male gaze, only now it's the autogynephile gaze. It's really interesting. Although at the same time, it kinda perpetuates a negative association... you know what? Screw it, I don't even care. The way I see that scene is as liberating.

Vivian: Good for her!

Jane: It cracked my egg, a little bit. I mean, is it framing this person as being kind of a weirdo? I mean, maybe, but I like being a little bit of weirdo, you know.

Vivian: We are GenderWeird. We are deviants. And we are deviants incarnate. It would be stranger if we weren't a little weird.

So this is yet another example of Vivian and Jane both openly discussing their sexual fetish on the GenderWeird podcast for the sake of their mutual arousal and that of their audience of fellow cinephile troons. I know they will both deny that they were trying to arouse each other but, LMAO, come on bitches, I know how you troons talk amongst yourselves, I've seen the shit you post in Reddit trying to one-up one another with the TMI oversharing. The proverbial blowjob on the podcast never turned into an actual IRL blowjob though, and that's very likely what has pissed off Vivian, because Vivian apparently thinks that just because his friend and co-host concurred with him looking sexy in front of an audience, that means they will agree to address the elephant in the room and "determine where their relationship is", whatever the fuck that means (presumably something along the lines of: "Will you fuck me, y/n?"). This is what happens when you're in a gender cult, where everyone is walking on eggshells and trying to be polite instead of honest. Jane tells Vivian he's sexy, because that's what you do in the transgender cult, whereas I tell Vivian he looks "like Axl Rose on heroin". Yet I am the "gender fascist" for telling the truth and actually leaving nothing to the imagination. These troons really do deserve one another, if you ask me.

As for the lame "You can be sexually excited about all sorts of different things" rationalization for AGP histrionics, yeah, f.e., you can get excited on your podcast while your co-host is telling you about all the inverted dicks and other manmade stinkditches he's fucked because he's such a degenerate manslut ("inappropriate seduction" is one of the defining characteristics of histrionics). Just don't call it "a formal sexual relationship", whatever the fuck that means to a bunch of troons calling themselves "queer" and "relationship anarchist" anyway.

Anyways, the purging on Vivian and Style is Substance's respective channels has now begun. Jane has purged any mention of Vivian on his channel and even removed Vivian's name from his frontpage list of GenderWeird podcasts:


Vivian on his channel has purged not only Style is Substance from his list of featured channels, but also ContraPoints and a whole bunch of other BreadTube/LeftTube creators.



Just as I wanted to post this latest update on the death of the GenderWeird podcast, this video from Brittany Simon showed up with even more troon drama around porn and personal boundaries being violated, so I'm gonna include this here so Vivian and Jane can watch it and reflect on the sexual abuse epidemic in the trans community:

Should You Assume That Trans Women Are Polyamorous?

In the above Livestream excerpt, Brittany mentions baby-sitting for a couple in Seattle who were self-styled "relationship anarchists. but don't worry, we're not like those BDSM people":


I wanted to see if there was anything in my archive where Vivian himself explains what the hell he actually means when he claims that he is practicing "relationship anarchy", where there is no difference between romantic and platonic relationships. I found this excerpt from an almost novella-sized Youtube comment of his about the web comic Homestuck, where Vivian describes his relationship to the web comic as if it were such an "anarchic relationship":


As far as Homestuck and I go... well, we used to be in a loving and committed relationship, then I broke up with them after "GAME OVER", as anyone goddamn would've. A few years later, after Homestuck was complete, had done some work and fixed themselves, and then the pandemic happened, so we got back together for a couple more years. Since both older, Homestuck and I's affair was even more passionate than it was the first time. I understood them on a level I hadn't been able to do as a less mature, less emotionally intelligent younger [man]. I saw their potential, and it mesmerized me. But then I was a total bitch to a friend for something as innocuous as liking Gamzee as a character, like, to the point of alienating them [...] And then other creators [...] began pointing out flaw that I had chosen to remain in defense of [...], and I began to think less of them as creators for it. Begrudgingly though, they encouraged me to reevaluate my relationship with this piece of media, and I began to see that maybe Homestuck hadn't grown up as much as I wanted to believe it had. I admitted that a lot of what I found beautiful about them now was more a result of my own romanticism and creative projection (...) And as should always be the case when a relationship makes you the kind of person who lashes out and alienates people you love and respect, I broke things off with Homestuck again. We're still very very good friends, I will still defend it against the illiterati as the most definitive and influential fictional text of 2010s internet and social media culture, as well as one of the greatest works of literature ever written. We're still friends, and you y'know, we even still casually hook up. BUT despite how artistically hopelessly in love with them I secretly am on the inside, I'm not willing to emotionally give enough of myself to Homestuck to negatively impact my relationships with the real human beings in my life. Now this might seem like a ridiculous-if-not-sincere allegory, but because it probably rings very emotionally honest and resonant, it illustrates an important premise we must all keep in mind when discussing art, ESPECIALLY art that is important to us: "intellectual property" is a bullshit myth. Art is not property.

"We used to be in a loving and committed relationship, then I broke up with them, we're still friends, and you y'know, we even still casually hook up, but I'm not willing to emotionally give of myself", this right here is what Vivian actually means with "relationship anarchy". He will lure you in with the promise of a committed loving relationship, then break up with you, then have series of on-again-off-again "passionate, adult affairs" with you, only to decide that you're not mature or advanced enough for him, so he just wants you to be his fuckbuddy casual hook-up whenever Serafina is out at work, with no strings attached, and don't you dare have any feelings about being used as his disposable cumrag while his boyfriend is out working, because Vivian just can't give you anything, emotionally. Emotions are for the people he really cares about, not for you, disposable cumrag McBangmate. Isn't "relationship anarchy" just fabulous?!


To conclude, here are 8 very good reasons to never have sex with Vivian Strange or anyone like him. I obviously would never fuck someone like Vivian, so I'm not speaking from personal experience. I have observed Vivian in situ on his videos, social media accounts and Livestreams very closely though, so you could say this list was made on the basis of longitudinal scientific observation.

8 very good reasons to never have sex with Vivian Strange or anyone like him

1) Vivian doesn't care about safer sex. Vivian has visible bleeding herpes sores on his lips in his videos and Livestreams, not giving a fuck about people seeing him like this. I warned Vivian that people will start asking him if it's mpox if he doesn't get tested for herpes and those sores treated. I don't know if Vivian is deliberately trying to attract bug-chasers in the trans community, but anyone who wants to avoid catching herpes (or other infections, or generally end up dead, see below) should stay away from Vivian.

2) Vivian is into violent anal sex - on himself, that is. If Vivian doesn't care about herpes and openly parades his bleeding herpes sores, would he care about getting tested for hepatitis A-Z? Probably not. Vivian stated in his De Sade video that he needs to buy a new vibrator because he literally broken his. Imagine how violently he must've been gooning with his vibrator to literally break it. If there's a video of this on his OnlyFans I really need not know about it, thank you.

3) Chemsex lifestyle: Vivian is drug addict who openly stated that he prefers to do drugs over having sex. So why does Vivian continue to have sex with people, if he doesn't like it and only wants to do drugs? Obviously, because sex is just another excuse for Vivian to do more drugs, and involve other people in his drug abuse, because misery loves company. Also, if he's into violent anal sex, he probably needs to numb himself with horse tranquilizers in order to have any kind of semi-satisfactory sex. Vivian wants you to think of him as someone who has a very exciting sexlife, but this is literally how miserable his sex life actually is. Vivian is so addicted, he needs drugs to fuck, and still doesn't really like it, even and despite the drugs. All the poppers and viagra in the world can't fix what this boy has broken himself.

4) As for Vivian bragging about all the "neovaginas" he has "met" before Jane Brown and his whole audience on the GenderWeird podcast, I bet that statement was offensive even to some trans people themselves. Vivian didn't say something like: "I have had sex with trans people who have had bottom surgery", or "I had sexual partners who have undergone SRS". No, he literally reduces his sex partners to their genitals as their sole defining feature, when that's literally what troons always accuse TERFs of doing. Vivian then says that those neovaginas he met needed "multiple surgical revisions", and encourages troons to keep their dicks saying he will keep his. He didn't elaborate on what he meant with "revisions", so this could be anything from tears that needed to be re-stiched, to something as extreme as Yaniv's "neoclitoris" (decapitated and transplanted bellend with transplanted slabs of skin stitched around it) literally rotting and falling off (if you're reading this from KF, ohai, you know all about this horror story & have seen the gore shots of this). Whatever it was, Vivian knew that there was something wrong with those neovaginas... yet he chose to poke them anyway. How terminally degenerate is that? Vivian literally wrote in this Letterboxd review of a transgender movie, quote, "fish pussy ain't that weird", so I guess this is how Vivian justifies to himself sticking his fully human dick into a stinkditch. BTW, that's not a "fishy pussy", you sick delusional degenerate, it's a man-made wound that is infected and cannot self-clean, which is why it stinks. Suffice to say, don't fuck anyone who brags about sticking his fully human dick into man-made "fishy" stinkditches, just to remind himself to keep his intact.

5) In his Poor Things video, Vivian got really excited about a particular scene where the female lead playing a prostitute was choking a man in her bed in front of his own two sons. Vivian then said that choking men is a good way to make them cum, presumably speaking from personal experience. If you have sex with Vivian and he "accidentally" chokes you to death, you have no one to blame but yourself for being dumb enough to let him do it. He openly told you he's into that shit.

6) Vivian is a lesbo-fetishist, a man who is "transbians" with other AGP troons like himself because no actual lesbian will go anywhere near him. In his crazy pornsick mind, Vivian pretends he's a woman having sex with other women despite existing in a world devoid of women or the consequences of having sex with women. While LARPing as a lesbian woman in his Letterboxd reviews, Vivian literally has a tag on Letterboxd saying "I am pro-cocksucking pro-hell" - as if he needed to bullhorn his sexual availability to other homosexual men on Letterboxd more loudly.


7) As this latest incident with Jane Brown shows, Vivian will rage like a fucking incel if you dare "friendzone" him, he will bitch, moan and drama-monger about the friendzoning on his Livestream, while at the same time hilariously insisting he's "too mature for drama". He will pretend like he's being vague and non-specific while discussing his personal shit, when he's being glaringly obvious. In other words, Vivian has zero self-awareness and has no idea how he actually comes across to other people.

8) Vivian Strange claims to be a victim of rape himself (he claims he was raped by a trannie sex cult), but instead of going to therapy to deal with his own sexual trauma, Vivian claims he deliberately seeks out and watches violent rape scenes to desensitize himself (as if all the drugs he's taking aren't numbing him enough). Vivian claims he does this as a form of exposure therapy, but we can all see what he's actually doing here: he's so pornsick that regular porn doesn't do anything for him anymore, so he has to seek out the most violent, gruesome footage available. Here's just one example of Vivian writing on Letterboxd about watching "upsetting" rape scenes:

There is a sexual assault near the beginning of the film, fair warning, & it is graphic enough to disturb the very sensitive. Again though, Almodovar portrays things so uniquely – the act itself, when it is being shown on-screen at all, is never shot to sexualize, or make it look erotic. It’s pathetic & unsettling. Most interestingly though, something I actually haven’t noticed before in a lot of r*pe scenes – the victims (a woman in both scenes) use their voices & communicate with their attackers, in a very present & humanizing manner. The victim is never reduced to a mere object; rather, their emotional state & humanity is the focus of the performance. It’s a very careful way of portraying these things; subtle, but extremely effective.

Listen to this part from the Livestream where Mr. Drama Queen claims he's too old for big D Drama and begins to threaten Jane Brown if he tells on him:

"I'm an actual adult, so I don't like drama - that's another reason why I'm not coming here and airing all my fucking dirty laundry in front of y'all - I don't like drama, and I don't like people who start it. Especially when they try to burn... ugh... Basically, if whomever tries to start drama with me, involving me, on Youtube, I'm out immediately because I don't fuck with drama. I want certain things on the record so, you know, so that, you know, if anyone... I'm not gonna say much more than that."

Thus spoke the guy who literally told on himself for a whole fucking Livestream. He literally let it slip that he feels "burned" by Jane Brown. Vivian, anyone looking into this can tell what happened here: someone, very likely Jane, told you to "just be friends" and you got butthurt about it because you wanted to bang them, then you tried to get into their pants with this "relationship anarchist" bullshit about no difference between platonic and romantic relationships. No means no, Vivian. Stop being rapey towards your online friends, they are FRIENDS, not fuckbuddies, not your disposable cumrags, you freak. Stop using your Youtube channel as a dating profile, and stop making friends under false pretenses when all you wanna do is smash.

Note: when I call Vivian's behaviour "rapey", I am not suggesting he's actually raped anyone. I don't know what has been happening behind the scenes between Vivian, Jane, Elaine and Aziel since Vivian developed PDS and alienated a lot of his friends (more on other bridges he has burned later). I did notice that Vivian was missing from the documentary that Jane has edited using Aziel's smartphone footage, and I did wonder why Vivian was so conspicuously absent from the doc given how close he appeared to be to both of them (I had not seen Jane's community post about cancelling GW at that point). Suffice to say, I don't know if Vivian has raped anyone or what the hell happened between him and Jane that they've cancelled their podcast and are now purging one another from their channels, or what toxicity Vivian refers to in his Instagram post with the Death and the Maiden image. I do think that Vivian seething like a fucking gaycel after being friendzoned is patheticAF for someone claiming to be "too mature to fuck with drama", and I do think that trying to manipulate someone who told you to "just be friends" into violating their personal boundaries with all this bullshit about "relationship anarchy" is rapeyAF. BTW, I am sure Bisan Owda totally wants to be associated with all this troon degeneracy and seething butthurt gayceldom.

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MORE RECEIPTS EMERGE: Before the War in Ghaza, Vivian "I've never formally sexed another Youtuber" Strange was planning to shoot an "experimental porno short" with Youtuber Elaine Fuentes, who is Jane/Style Is Substance's boyfriend - Are Vivian and Jane cockblocking each other over Elaine and Aziel? - Vivian begins privating his Livestreams to cover up what is happening. - Vivian's OnlyFans porno career destroyed by PDS

OMG, I had forgotten all about this Livestream excerpt! Why the hell didn't I mention this in any my previous posts?! This excerpt is directly relevant to the present drama between Jane Brown/Style is Substance and Vivian.

You see, Vivian "Bill Clinton" Strange, who insists he never had sex with another Youtuber, never even looked at anyone on Youtube that way... he actually was planning to fuck Jane Brown's boyfriend, the Youtuber Elaine Fuentes, for the whole world to see in an "experimental, upsetting and pornographic short film" that Vivian and Elaine were working on and were going to shoot "next year" (that would be this year, 2024) for Vivian's OnlyFans account. Vivian openly announced this OnlyFans collab between himself and Elaine on one of his Livestreams, which he later unlisted to cover up the fact that he really did intend to have sex with other Youtubers, and not just any Youtuber, but specifically Jane Brown's own boyfriend Elaine:

This is Vivian 10 months ago:

I wanna experiment with erotic cinema and pornography on a cinematic level. OnlyFans is probably where I'm gonna have my more experimental, explicit stuff. Speaking of which, I am also writing and going to be starring in a short film by the lovely talented filmmaker Elaine Fuentes, that is, we're still in the process of writing it, and it's probably gonna take a time to produce. We may be able to film it, like, next year, but we'll see. The point is, it's gonna be really dope, and experimental, and upsetting and pornographic, basically. It's gonna be filthy, y'all horny bastards are... yeah.

Vivian: "I have never had a formal sexual relationship with anyone on Youtube"
Also Vivian, 10 months ago: "I am going to have sex with Jane's boyfriend, the talented Youtuber Elaine Fuentes, we are going film it and post it to my OnlyFans account for the whole world to see."

So which is it, Vivian? You said you've never fucked any other Youtubers... but you were openly planning to make porno with Elaine? Oh well, so excited was Vivian "Bill Clinton" Strange about finally "having a formal sexual relationship with another Youtuber", that he wanted to film it for the whole world to see. (Because how else would anyone believe that Vivian actually convinced another Youtuber to fuck him? Clear case of pics or it didn't happen.) TBH I am kinda sad this porno crossover between Vivian and Elaine never happened, not because I need to see them giving herpes and hepatitis A-Z to each other while on viagra and poppers, but rather because it would've been some great lolcow milk for this thread in the context of this present drama, if Elaine and VIvian had actually demonstrably fucked in a porno movie, cos then Vivian's bullshit about not wanting to fuck Youtubers would've been very transparently bullshit. Just because of timing, just because Vivian never got around to actually making the porno short with Elaine, he now gets to conveniently obfuscate and evade about how he totally wasn't lusting after other thirsty trans Youtubers, effectively using his Youtube channel and podcast effectively as a dating profile to hook up.

Let's get to know Elaine Fuentes, the decade-younger troony and Gay from LA that made ole Vivian reach for his poppers and viagra and film camera. Let's put on some LA shoegaze first to get in an LA mood:

This is Elaine Fuentes, the chico Latino that Vivian and Jane Brown are currently cockblocking one another over:


Elaine Fuentes is the the Helen of Troy in this cockblocking epic between Vivian Strange and Jane Brown:


"#1 fan of Gay Mans Guide to Safer Sex - Professional Queer", LMAO, you can see why Vivian was looking forward to shooting an experimental porno movie with this guy:

"I had a masturbatory episode this morning!"

This is a short film made at the beginning of 2022 about a pre-HRT trans girl reflecting on her unhealthy compulsion.

"[His] unhealthy compulsion"
that he was literally gonna shoot a porno movie with Vivian about.

I do think Elaine did the Spanish remix of Cillian Murphy much better than Vivian did his shitty Hillbilly remix:


Elaine really needs to change his taste in men though, cos I still think his boyfriend Jane Brown is just some Lurch-looking MFer who crawled out of the swamps of Kansas. What can I say, at least Jane's Kansas horse mouth has straighter teeth than Vivian's wild growth of Appalachian chompers:


LMAOOO, all these narc troons think they're such a catch, they're so fucking full of themselves. I still don't see what Elaine sees in this Lurch-looking motherfucker though. Elaine is utterly infatuated with Jane though, and apparently imagines Jane Brown to be the Cassavetes to his Gena Rowlands:


Love Streams (1984)

Here's what Cassavetes and Gena Rowlands' relationship was actually like: it was the definition of codependency between two people who were condemned to one another because of the nature of the film industry at the time. This is not a relationship to emulate, Elaine:

If I may address Elaine for a moment: Elaine, you're literally a Gay in LA, surely you can find a better looking troon than either Vivian Strange or Jane Brown? Why are you shooting porn with Vivian, risking herpes, hepatitis A-Z, mpox, losing your mind, when you can literally go over to Jean/Sodacat's house and shoot a porn with him instead of some fugly junkie troon from Portland, OR? Please tell me you were only doing it to impress Jane and Aziel. Jean is in LA too, and he'll literally fuck anyone at this point in this career, cos he's clearly done with real women:

TBH, if Sodacat would stop trying to suck up to F1nn5ter, GoonClown, Kris Tyson and other assorted online creeps, degens and losers, and go make some horror movies instead of being just another washed up OF whore like the rest of these gooner troons, Jean would be blowing all these wannabe art house porno troons like Vivian, Jane, Aziel and Elaine right out of the water with his superior suspense movies:

Now, if Vivian is coping, seething and... still e-begging for a new vibrator because Jane Brown cockblocked his access to Elaine, and then one-upped Vivian in the "mothering" of the next generation of young AGP groomees by shooting a documentary with Aziel, a documentary from which Vivian was completely E X C L U D E D, then at least we can see now why Vivian was seething like a gaycel about this outcome:

1) Vivian didn't get to make the experimental porno movie with Elaine, thus failing to fuck another Youtuber #FAIL

2) Vivian lost his podcast co-host Jane Brown and had to cancel his podcast GenderWeird, so he will no longer be transing cis filmmakers and calling them gay when they are not (good thing, actually)

3) Vivian's own chico Latino Aziel is now making documentary films with Jane Brown as his editor; Vivian, who always made sure to upvote whatever Aziel was doing on Letterboxd, has posted a "List for Aziel" to his Letterboxd with 2021-2022 film recommendations for Aziel, which Aziel ignored completely:


4) Aziel is now with Elaine and Jane in LA, while Vivian is still living in shithole Portland seething over his folders full of Ghaza gore.


In the end, not only did Vivian lose his podcast and his podcast co-host, he lost Aziel and he lost the opportunity to fuck another Youtuber on OnlyFans.

And this, boys and girls, is how Palestine Derangement Syndrome destroys your whole life, your podcast, your friendships, your grooming attempts at trooning out younger gay men, your OnlyFans porno career, everything. Don't do PDS, kids.


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"My pal Vivian Strange and I" - Lola Sebastian and Vivian Strange - another Youtube friendship and video essay collaboration destroyed by Vivian's PDS - Lola Sebastian joined Content Creators for Palestine, but it still wasn't good enough for extremist Vivian - Vivian started trashing Youtubers on Nebula, because of Lola being on Nebula. - Vivian and Lola during happier times - Vivian the way you've never seen him before: happy and almost normal

Note: Lola Sebastian nuked her Instagram account with all the pictures of her and Vivian Strange just before I meant to post this research into their IRL friendship and Youtube collabs. Interesting timing, to say the least, but it's not like I don't have backups of all the receipts I meant to share in this post. I can tell these people a million times they shouldn't DFE in an attempt at covering up anything, because I have my own backups and yet they still do it. :rolleyes:


Here is what PDS does to a motherfucker, even when he's already a troon:


This is probably what Vivian means when he says that he's dead on the inside and his body just hasn't caught up yet.

The picture on the right is not from one of Vivian's own videos, but from a video collab he did with the Youtube video essayist Lola Sebastian in 2023: "My pal Vivian Strange and I"

I had never before taken the time to watch this video essay by Lola Sebastian about the movie Bones and All and the topic of cinematic cannibalism, which was collaboration between Vivian and her, and featured this shot of Vivian by Lola:


What startled me about this video essay was not that Lola had allowed Vivian into her video, but rather this single shot by Lola herself of Vivian in Damascus, Oregon. I saw this, replayed it, and thought: "I've never seen him so happy before, he looks almost normal here.". I think this is the first time I've looked at Vivian not through his own camera and hence through his own self-absorbed narcissistic AGP gaze, but through someone else's eyes, the eyes of a friend, happy to be there with him. Of course, this being Vivian, he's still wearing glaring red with a plunging neckline and skanky red lace trim, but at least he covers it up with a ratty cardigan so it's not too obvious, or so he hopes, that this is a degenerate man wearing a woman's fetish wear in broad daylight at a diner in front of an actual woman dressed far more modestly than he is.


NGL, I want Mr Menno to do a "Troon's Diner" parody of this song, so I can post it here to accompany these pictures.

Two weeks later, the war in Ghaza started. A couple of months later, Vivian was on Youtube, endlessly ranting and raving about Youtubers on Nebula, making exclusive pay-for content. At the time I thought he was ranting about lefty Youtubers who jumped the Youtube ship to Nebula generally, like Lindsay Ellis (ContraPoints' tranny nanny and ghost-scriptwriter)... only to realize, once I started browsing Lola Sebastian's account and realized she was on Nebula too, that Vivian's rants against Nebula content creators was probably targeted at his personal friend.

Hey everyone! ‪@LolaSebastian‬'s long-awaited video essay on Bones and All and the new wave of cannibalism stories that have dominated our cultural imagination in recent years! Y'all don't wanna miss this one!!

(also, I'm in it! not just my beautiful voice but I filmed some gorgeous Pacific Northwest B-roll and I also provide my own two cents on the discourse of queerness and cinematic cannibalism!)

This Vivian in Lola Sebastian's video about Bones and All

Vivian is credited twice, at the beginning and the end of the video essay:


This is the review of Bones and All that Lola Sebastian had Vivian read himself in her video about cinematic cannibalism:

Bones and All is about what it means to be an Other -- specifically, being an Other in relation to other Others. It's about how we can hurt each other as much as we must hold each other up. It's about how the things that make us outsiders both bring us closer and push us even farther apart. It's how this bloody consumption can be as much an act of love as much as an act of violence.

A part of me loves you
A part of me hates you
A part of me needs you
A part of me fears you
Because y'all aren't individuals to me.

I wondered why Vivian had ever reached out to Lola, and I guess it's because she's a Nabokov fan, so I suppose Vivian took this to mean that Lola is one of those pickmeisha "cool girls" who is unbothered by topics like pedophilia and incest:

Hi all!! ICYMI, I’m in this talking about Blade Runner + Vladimir Nabokov’s Pale Fire, one of my favorite books 😊❤️ it was a delight to research and record; I always love working with LadyKnight as she's one of my favorite pals and YouTubers.


Lola Sebastian lives in the same city as Vivian, shithole Portland, but unlike Vivian she seems more serious about using her Youtube career to get the fuck out of that hellhole:

Please consider donating to help cover medical expenses for those who were wounded in my hometown ❤️

Here is Vivian with Youtube video essayist Lola Sebastian at her birthday dinner:


Here is the Instagram update with the picture of Lola and Vivian at Carver Cafe in Damascus, Oregon:


Here Lola @ Vivian while referring to the Bones and All video they were working on at the time:


Lola organized and Italian dinner party for her friends in Portland, and even Vivian "buzzkill" Strange got invited:


Lola joined Content Creators for Palestine, the same fundraiser that Vivian had joined just to complain about them not being radical enough, with Vivian repeatedly threatening to doxx all the screenshots he had made of their private Discord server (fortunately he never made true on this threat):


Here is Vivian on his Instagram posting about "a lovely day out with @lola_sebastian":


(note how an AGP like Vivian just has to pose in a way that shows off his moobs and the fact that he's wearing red lace. Everything is an opportunity for an AGP to rub his personal fetish into people's faces, but Lola Sebastian is just too naive about troons to realize that's what he's doing here.)

Vivian on his Letterboxd account tagged all the movies he was watching together with Lola Sebastian, which of course included Daisies and Valerie, the same Czech 1970s softcore movies he bragged about forcing his 15 year old sister to watch:


Notice how this list is surprisingly devoid of the usual art house porn that Vivian would normally goon to with Aziel, Elaine and Jane.

On Letterboxd Vivian announced that he was going to make a YT video about the anime Puella Magi Madoka Magica with Lola Sebastian "cause it's so goddamn good":


Nothing, I repeat, NOTHING is a bigger gooning fetish to an AGP troon than watching anime with an actual woman. When I saw this, I thought to myself: "When a troon lays off the anime because of the war in Ghaza, you know it's terminal PDS."

Here is Vivian together with Lola Sebastian as a karaoke bar in Portland:


September 8, 2023: Experienced karaoke for the first time ever last night! Got to listen to the lovely and mellifluous @lola_sebastian_ and it was awesome!

This was the last picture Vivian posted of them together on Instagram.

9 months ago was the last time Vivian shared a video by Lola, about the movie Jaws:

Vivian Strange
9 months ago
new video from the marvelous ‪@LolaSebastian‬!

At one point during his last Livestream, Vivian proceeded to unfollow a number of Youtuber, and with regards to one of them remarked: "She's on Nebula".

What I didn't know is that Lola Sebastian is apparently herself on Nebula, and would shout them out at the beginning of her videos with the phrase, "This video was brought to you by Nebula"...


"This is the year" - Nebula

So, is this the reason why Vivian has been rage-pigging so hard about Youtubers who make Nebula content?. I guess he's jealous at Lola's success?


Lola Sebastian apparently made a Nebula video about Taylor Swift... two month following Vivian Strange posting his own video ranting about how he doesn't give a fuck about Taylor Swift or any celebrities because the war in Ghaza is so much more important and everyone everywhere should just put down whatever they're doing to rage over a remote conflict they have no control or say over.


And here is hypocrite Vivian Strange admitting in a Youtube comment that he himself once wanted to get on Nebula: "I lowkey wanna get on Nebula someday"

I'm a bit recalcitrant to publicly talk about Nebula, in part cause I lowkey kinda wanna get on Nebula someday better paychecks and a sense of peace and comfort, but also when I attain that level of success and comfort, I don't expect I will be pushing the fold as ardently and radically as I do now. But yes, content distribution is quite an important subject of interest to the cause of revolution. Thank you for commenting! ^_^

I checked Lola's Community page to see if she was sharing any of Vivian's Ghaza Diaries, and AFAIC she hasn't shared a single one of them. Instead, she shared the single video that BreadTuber Hbomber made about Ghaza:

Being side-stepped like this for the bigger, more famous British Youtuber must've really bruised Vivian's ego.

Which made me wonder: maybe the reason Vivian broke with Lola was because she refused to share his Ghaza gore compilations on her community tab? Vivian seems to have this bizarre idea that you need to see all the Ghaza gore all at once to understand the tragedy of war. That absurd demand plainly this shows the brain damage of a drug addicted pornsick mind. I have already speculated that the actual reason Vivian is seeking out this gore footage is because he's repeating the very same OCD hoarding patterns of behaviour he developed from his porn addiction, just in another genre of content. I am willing to bet Vivian spent much of his twenties hoarding porn clips online, the same way he's now collecting videos from Ghaza, and eventually began collecting ever more gruesome and disturbing BDSM content as his porn addiction progressed, coupled by his drug addiction numbing his senses. Vivian at this point is so desensitized by his porn addiction, that he needs to seek out the most gruesome war gore content in order to feel anything at all. Being a self-absorped narcissist, he thinks everyone else is just as desensitized as he is, or they must be, because they're not responding to the war in Ghaza as hysterically as he expects them to. Vivian thinks this is because they must not have seen enough of it.

If Lola is too busy making content for Nebula, she too has to be trashed along with his former idol and Youtube crush ContraPoints and everyone else who said you don't need to watch gore to support Palestinians.


TBH, I do feel kinda sorry for Lola. Of course I think Lola is being a handmaiden and a dumbass for trying to be a good lil' TRAA: I mean how can you be a self-respecting woman, watch this delusional man make a video saying shit like this, and still agree to be around him? Much less allow him anywhere near your videos and give him credit? Yes, Lola is a dumbass, but she seems genuinely a good natured person, just incredibly naive and misinformed about the boundless toxicity and predation of troons. I can only hope that Lola will step out of her censorious sheltered SJW woke bubble for once and learn how troons really and and what they actually say about women. From looking at her Instagram updates with Vivian, I get the impression that Lola really did consider Vivian a friend and a creative equal, that she went out of her way to welcome and accommodate Vivian, not just into her creative work but into her private life.

But Vivian is a troon, an aggressive raging narcissist, so he can never treat another person as his equal, especially if she is a female content creator who is more successful than he is. Everything Vivian does with others is a dick measuring contest. If Lola has more followers, he can't handle it. If Lola goes on Nebula, he has to trash Nebula and anyone who's on there. If Lola joins Content Creators for Palestine, he has to trash them and threaten to doxx their private Discord server discussions. If Lola doesn't share Vivian's Ghaza Diaries and instead chooses to share other videos on Palestine, he hates her for ignoring his work in favour of others. The envious entitlement in all this toxicity should be obvious. Vivian is seething with envy, but his stupid emo anarchist ideology is telling him that it's wrong to acknowledge his jealousy of others, so he will never truly confront this part of himself, because he's encouraged to aggressively disavow it. There is nothing wrong with being jealous of others, as long as it inspired you to do better. But Vivian doesn't want to improve his lot, instead he wants to drag others down with him. Vivian keeps saying "We are ALL narcissistic, we are ALL toxic" to generalize his own evil tendencies, so he doesn't have to face the fact that he's exceptionally petty about others' successes and resentful of the fact that they can move on with their lives and not be the broken record that Vivian himself is. I am writing all this because I know his ex-friends are too woke and polite to say it like it is.

TLDR, Vivian had a genuine friend and collaborator in Lola, but he chose to destroy their relationship for the sake of his Palestine Derangement Syndrome. Vivian's obsessions are more important to him than his friends are. Vivian not only destroyed the GenderWeird podcast and his relationship to Jane Brown, but also his relationship to Lola. Vivian is slowly burning all his bridges.
Vivian Strange goes full /r/Collapse on his Instagram account - intends to go mad like Dostoevsky - goons to Silence of the Lambs with Serafina and Aziel - is still gooning to clowncore

r/collapse by JREG

Vivian Strange goes full /r/CollapseRecovery on his Instagram account, rants about the West Bank raids, about climate change and the Covid pandemic:




r/collapse: do you really need anyone else?

The source of today’s meme is a clip from a Twitch streamer (Invadervie) going on an all too emotionally familiar rant before a thousands-strong audience She’s very good at articulating the existential angst of the digital doomer, giving us all some comical insight as what our community might look like to the uninformed outsider. For purposes of posterity, here’s the transcript of her impromptu polemic:

“But if we don’t try, then what the fuck is stopping us from just throwing ourselves off a bridge and giving up, and saying:

Yeah, the planet is dying -
The government hates us -
The animals are leaving -
The aliens aren’t contacting us -

We might be alone, it might just be you and me, but that’s okay – because do you really need anyone else?”

Note how the hysteria post ends with a plea for validation from his followers, because at the end of the day, this really is just a narcissistic energy vampire who desperately craves the external validation of others, to disavow the fact that the only person making a mess out of his life is he himself.


In his next Instagram post Vivian indulges his Clowncore fetish:


A couple of years ago when he was posting his first Youtube videos, Vivian announced he was going to make a video about clowns:

The impetus for this clowncore video, which like so many other promised videos never actually materialized, has Andrew Hussie (creator of Homestuck)'s "Persistent, seemingly inescapable erotic obsession with clowns"

Here's the real reason Vivian is so sexually infatuated with clowns:


The goal of clowncore is to present a desexualized femininity, that then gets pornofied by the gooner, presenting the idealized child-woman with all of these the waifish androgynous girls in clown make-up that never grow up. Women in clowncore aren't clowns themselves; rather, they look more like children pretending to be clowns, perhaps after a first encounter with a clown. Clowncore, using bright colours, funny oversized clothes and colourful make-up, thus makes porn itself look innocent, playful and funny to clueless young women and thus acts as a gateway for them to hardcore porn. The VICE article points out that clowncore is full of the usual BDSM cliches: flogging, bondage, primal/"messy sex", etc, which proves its role as a "gateway genre" to the more hardcore stuff. Vivian might brag about all the older women he has fucked, but as a troon who is a Nabobokov fan who brags about showing softcore to his 15 year old sister, Vivian knows his heart's true desires. Of course he would be found in a genre of porn that is undeniably meant to lure unsuspecting kids into hardcore BDSM porn. POWERLEVELLING: The first time I personally heard of someone in the BDSM scene having what could be called "a clown fetish", were online rumours I remember reading on a Livejournal blog, about the BDSM fetish model Mistress Midori having a BDSM party at her home that was clown themed. People on the Livejournal blog I had read commented that "she[Midori]'s really into clowns", but didn't use the term "clowncore" specifically, simply because the term hadn't been invented yet. IIRC, I read these blog comments in the early-to-mid aughts, so a couple of years after clowncore first emerged as an online porn genre according to the VICE News article. VICE News doesn't highlight the role of Midori in popularizing "clowncore" as personal kink of hers, I suspect because VICE News wrote that article with an agenda: VICE News want to make "clowncore" seem like a genre that organically grew out of zoomers online who "just" happened to have the same kink and "just" happened to find likeminded zoomers with the same kink, rather than as a porn genre that emerged due to heinous online porn marketing targeting the young, pioneered and entrenched by prominent people in the BDSM scene like Midori certainly was back then.

After gooning to the idea of a clown with a Cassandra Complex, Vivian pretends he's Dostoevsky:



No troon, you're not Dostoevsky, for all his madness he wasn't mad enough to LARP as a woman like you do.

Vivian Strange claims he is suffering from generational anger:


No troon, you're not weeping because you're angry at chronic injustice, you're weeping because you're abusing estrogen, the estrogen is fucking up your brain, so you start crying at the drop of a hat. Do not compare your fake HRT-tears to people around the world who are genuinely suffering for whatever reason.

You might as well bite into an onion like Abramovic did in her performance videos to induce those artificial, performative HRT-tears of yours.

Now let's check what Vivian has actually been doing over at his Letteboxd account. Aziel is apparently of no use to Jane Brown anymore, I guess those "maternal feelings" Jane had for Aziel must've have evaporated now that the documentary is out and barely getting a couple of 100 views, so Aziel is back with Vivian and Serafina, and together they are totally watching hard-hitting based-on-true events narrative films, or some powerful documentaries about Palestine, the Covid pandemic and climate change...


These are the films that Vivian claims to want to watch... but now let's see what he's actually watching:


Oh, nevermind, they're actually just gooning to Rocky Horror, Buffalo Bill and Dan Schoenburg's leering movies about Extremely Online teenagers. So much for good intentions. In other words, Vivian Strange doesn't give a fuck about watching some actual films or documentaries from the ME and actually learning a thing or two about how Palestine fits into various other disputes that are ongoing in the region. Vivian just wants to appropriate the Palestinians as a cause du jour, so he can continue to grand-stand as a holier-than-thou anarchist, the most extremist and radical of all, whose radicalism and dedication to the cause is unmatched by anyone else on Youtube. He also wants to use Palestinians to reinvent himself from a narcissistic self-absorbed obnoxious troon OnlyFans whore to a Serious Documentarian of Serious Topics. Obsessing over Palestine also serves as a great excuse for Vivian to continue with his various drug abuses: he can now claim he became a junkie, not because he prefers "to have drugs over having sex" like he previously admitted, but supposedly because of his secondary PTSD from hoarding all the war gore from social media, while seeking no actual treatment for the PTSD because he knows his psychiatrist will tell him to just stop obsessing over a remote war he has no control or say in, and to stop looking up and hoarding other people's misery. Finally, Vivian in his delusional head gets to have an imaginary lesbian love affair with Bisan Owda (whom he fantasizes about meeting in a free Palestine), a Palestinian Pan-Arabist/Marxist woman who IRL would be very offended by Vivian's previous extremely dismissive statements about Marxists, and an Arab muslim woman who would obviously be utterly disgusted by Vivian's Western degeneracy and the fact that this insane, American degenerate man is trying to associate himself with her and her reputation as a professional journalist working for mainstream Arabic TV channels. Vivian's obsession with Palestinians and Bisan Owda is thus, like everything else he does in his life, entirely self-serving, self-referential and self-absorbed.

I noticed that Vivian now refers to his triad with Serafina and Aziel as a "coven", as in "witchcoven". He even has a list on Letterboxd now titled "Coven House's Watchlist".



So Vivian's latest LARP, after briefly LAPRing as Roma, is to pretend to be a witch. Vivian's latest appropriation of witchcraft could be a reference to Bisan Owda referring to herself as a "philosopher-witch" in one of her tongue-in-cheek pre-war bios, a fact he highlighted in his last compilation of her videos:

No you paranoid troon, you are not "wearing a target of [my] back like Bisan does", you delusional self-important Amerimutt freak comparing yourself to someone reporting from a literal war zone. The only thing you might ever get busted for is all the narcotics you keep in your house to cope with your bullshit.

On the other hand, I personally suspect that Aziel himself is very likely the instigator of this latest witch-LARP, because Aziel according to his Letterboxd account identifies as a "formal wiccan".


I don't know what "formal" is supposed to mean here, I guess it means Aziel once carved a pentagram onto his thigh or something, and since doing that and suffering a blood infection that ruined his brain, he's now totally knowledgable about pre-Christian folk religions (remember that "I'm a triple Scorpio, queen!" Instagram video? That's Aziel, Vivian and Serafina basically.). You see, Amerimutts don't actually give a flying fuck about learning what pagans believed in Europe before Christianity, or what relevance if any that has to the present day. They just think witches are spooky and shit. It's completely juvenile, but Vivian is going to play along with Aziel's bullshit, because Vivian still has an OnlyFans account and he still needs to make some content for that, especially after Jane Brown cockblocked his collab with Elaine.

I remember posting a couple of really funny videos from troons LARPing as witches in the Trannie Social Media Side Show thread on KF during the Covid lockdowns, I wish I still had the links to those videos so I could repost them here, but alas...


  • VivianStrangeInstagramImFine04.jpg
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All of that shit is gonna expire long before it is eaten. What a pathetic waste.
Even the water eventually goes bad because the micro plastics dissolving in it.

Did you know because of all the plastic containers we use for our food, the average American eats a credit card's worth of plastic every week? That's why I only use glass cups and bowls now because I'm grossed out by the idea of that.
BREAKING: Vivian Strange has already spent the $11k he e-begged on GoFundMe two weeks ago with false claims of being evicted and having to move to a new house - Vivian goes right back to moar e-begging like nothing happened and he didn't scam all his GFM donors with lies - Vivian Strange just attended a birthday orgy where he exchanged sex for Youtube subs - PSA: 5 residents of Portland now need to get STD tested for herpes, hepatitis A-Z and monkeypox - I was at the same orgy and took pictures: LEAKS! - Vivian's Madonna/Whore Complex on Instagram - Vivian BANS a subscriber named "James" for telling him to "sober up" - Wendigoon is the worst Youtuber according to Vivian - promises to bring back the GenderWeird podcast in 2025 as "more than a film podcast"


Vivian Strange
doing a spontaneous stream today cause our living funds have been depleted and while my household has acquired new jobs, we need two weeks worth of living expenses. So come by, hang out, bring your friends, aaaaand please consider following the below links to become Patrons and/or give a one-time donation while I answer y'all's questions, read anarchist theory/propaganda, discuss my artistic goals and "secret" projects for the next year, and in general entertain y'all.

Thank you for tuning in,
- V.

Vivian Strange did a Livestream yesterday where he was eating peanut butter out of a jar with a spoon, e-begging for moar money while visibly high as kite. One of his subscribers, named "James", got tired of Vivian's babbling ramblings and told him to "sober up" in the chat, which triggered the fuck out of Vivian, who barked "No one tells me to sober up!" at the chat and proceeded to ban that user, not only from the chat but from the channel. Straight after banning him Vivian had a change of heart and said he felt sorry for banning "James" and became very quiet and withdrawn. Vivian later privated the VOD for this Livestream because he apparently doesn't want people to know that his own subscribers are getting sick and tired of his inebriated ramblings. I didn't manage to screengrab "James" chat message where he told Vivian to "sober up", but here's a screenshot of another user in the chat responding to "James" getting banned:


As for Charlie Blueberg asking Vivian who the most despicable Youtuber is, Vivian said it's Wendigoon, claiming that Wendigoon drove one of Vivian's friends off the internet. No idea who this alleged friend might be. Vivian also said he will bring back the GenderWeird podcast in 2025 as "more than a film podcast", but given his inability to deliver on any of the videos he promised, I highly doubt this will happen. Finally, Vivian admitted during this Livestream that his ex was Dzooish, which very likely explains the real motivation behind his rabid PDS. I find this very interesting, because in Lola Sebastian's video about Bones and All and cinematic cannibalism, the same video where Vivian visited various Twilight film locations with Lola, there was a whole section on Dzooish actors and how they are responsible for alternative beauty standards in Hollywood. Could it be that Vivian has become so rabid about Palestine because not only of his ex being Dzooish, but also his ex-friend Lola Sebastian highlighting Dzooz in Hollywood and saying positive things about them?

With regards to Vivian's latest bout of e-begging, we have to ask: where did the $11k go that Vivian managed to scam from his GoFundMe donors with false claims of an imminent eviction and having to move to a new house? All that money has already been spent, apparently, so Vivian goes right back to e-begging as if nothing happened and he didn't scam all these people with lies:



Again, where did the $11k go that Vivian raised just 2 weeks ago?


Please don't believe his bullshit about how Vivian and Serafina just got new jobs and need two weeks worth of expenses. Vivian definitely wasn't at any job last week, but rather at a birthday orgy where he was so desperate for new subscribers that he literally exchanged sex for subs, as he admitted in this Instagram post:


I was incognito at that same orgy - because The Gays from LA are everywhere, witnessing everything - and I took some pictures of the lovely "ladies" that Vivian hooked up with for the night:

Who could resist hooking up with all these beautiful ladies? Hotdamn Vivian!


OMG that birthday orgy was 🍑☔💦🎡

At least 5 people at that birthday orgy will now have to get tested for herpes, hepatitis A-Z and mpox. They should've consulted my PSA here on OnionFarms about why you should never have sex with Vivian or anyone like him. I bet the only reason Vivian even went to the orgy was to consume all the free drugs that were available, all of which he took before the other guests had arrived (since he said he likes drugs better than sex), and then Vivian just passed out before the orgy even started. Maybe he woke up later with a hemorrhoid like John at Burning Man did. In the mean time, 5 Russian spam bots joined his channel.

It's hilarious to me how Vivian, on the one hand, will post shit like this on his Instagram, about how he used to sexualize himself to appear more feminine and how he's sooo over that now:


But literally a post later, Vivian will go right back to sexualizing himself, posting OnlyFans teasers and bragging about his prolific sex life:



All this right next to his pinned updates about Bisan Owda and the war in Ghaza, who as a Pan-Arabist Marxist Muslim woman totally wants to be associated with this kind of American degeneracy.

It seems like every time I post something in this thread about how fugly and unfuckable for dear life Vivian Strange is, how unselfaware he is of his hideousness, and what a fucking gaycel he's being for being friendzoned by other trannies on Youtube he clearly wanted to bang, Vivian immediately goes out and claims to have gotten his asshole gaped by unnamed and unidentifiable parties (because who the hell wants to be seen with Vivian? His friend Lola Sebastian did, and y'all saw how that ended, she's literally nuked her Instagram account now), seemingly just to prove to me that he's still fuckable and a sought after item in Portland. I am starting to worry that me blasting Vivian over his looks is actually turning him on or something (since all these AGP troons have humiliation fetish).


To which I say (keep your fucking hands on the table while reading this, troon): Vivian, my dude, you live in Portland, of course you can get on Grindr or whatever trannie hooking app you're using, and find another junkie nearby with an ashtray mouth like your own, who's willing to do drugs with you and then poke one of the couch cushions thinking it's you, while you're passed out on the couch and not noticing a thing. My point is that you can get "fucked" that way, technically, and still be an unfuckable gaycel freak. Cos I know none of those people who fucked you at the birthday party will ever want to fuck you again, Vivian. Especially after they've actually watched your videos and seen how arrogant, extremist, obsessive, combative and obnoxious you actually are.
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BTW, "In another timeline, you would just be an incest Hillbilly", LMAO, has Blaire White been reading my thread here about Vivian Strange or what?!

Anyways, I'm glad Blaire is backing me up in calling out these Hillbilly troons.
BREAKING: TOTAL COCKBLOCK DEVASTATION from Jane Brown in Elaine Fuente's new episode of I Wish I Were a Camera - "You haven't appeared in this film and you won't. This is because Elaine and I have been suffocated by you. Crushed by the weight of your emotional manipulation. You enabled her addiction. You gaslit me. Get your life together." - IS THIS ABOUT VIVIAN STRANGE?! - More Letterboxd receipts: did Vivian and Aziel connect on Letterboxd in 2021 when Aziel was still a barely legal?

Elaine Fuentes just posted the new episode of his I Wish I Were A Camera series... and there is a part in this new episode where Jane Brown REALLY went for someone who is totally not Vivian Strange:

You know how troons always sound fake and performative? This here sounds like an actually pissed off troon.


"You enabled [his] addiction, you gaslit me"... so, this is supposedly totally not about Vivian Strange, huh?! Or was it Vivian who told Elaine to do drugs?!

I am trying to figure out what the unblurred image is that the above part eventually resolves to, and to me it looks like an eye with strands of hair arond it looking over the edge of the frame of a pair of glasses. It looks like a detail from a larger image... is this perhaps a drawing someone made of the person referred to in Jane's epic cockblocking rant?


JFC Vivian, what the hell did you totally not do to Elaine and Jane that Jane is so pissed off with you... ALLEGEDLY? Again, I don't know if this is about Vivian or someone else, but seeing what has happened with the GenderWeird podcast and how thoroughly Jane Brown has removed any mentions of Vivian from his Style is Substance channel, it almost has to be about him.

I personally suspect it's about Vivian because of these two lines at the beginning of the rant:

You haven't appeared in this film and you won't.
Your name hasn't even been uttered.

In this earlier post in this thread about the demise of the GenderWeird podcast, I mentioned seeing the documentary that Jane Brown made with Aziel and how I noticed that Vivian was conspicuously absent from that documentary, despite Aziel moving in with Vivian and having now supposedly formed a witchcoven with Vivian and Serafina. I wondered why Vivian was missing from the documentary if he was so close to Aziel.

I did a little more digging into Vivian's online relationship to Aziel, and I discovered that Aziel and Vivian were following one another on Letterboxd already back in 2021, in other words, before Aziel was even a barely legal. I need to do a proper timeline on this to determine the exact dates, but I'm definitely getting groomer vibes from what I have before me right now.


Anyways, Vivian seemed to be very close to Aziel, he appears to be close to Aziel since 2021, so it was weird to me that Vivian wasn't in the documentary about Aziel's trooning out. Why is Jane Brown explicitly telling the "you" that they won't be in the film that Elaine is making... if the "you" being addressed here isn't Vivian? Vivian, after all, wanted to be in a movie in Elaine, having bragged on his Livestream about how he was going to write and shoot an experimental porno movie with Elaine, which he was going to post to his OnlyFans. So the "you" who wanted to be in a movie with Elaine is logically Vivian Strange, right? Who else could it be, given all this backstory that we know and can determine on the basis of OSINT?

In this earlier shot from the same episode, Elaine Fuentes is talking to some other person about being monogamous and then becoming polyamorous, meeting "a girl" who "was one of the people who was giving me some form of guidance in some way":


Since Elaine is himself a troon and hence using preferred pronons, is this "girl" perhaps a reference to Vivian? I mean, Vivian is the self-styled "relationship anarchist" who wants to welcome other people into the queer polyfuckery lifestyle... so is this about him? Here is the part in Mainely Mandy's video where Vivian said that queer people should welcome other queers into queerness:

Vivian Strange: "As far as I'm concerned, if one approaches either the polyam or queer communities with sincerity, it's hypocritical and even kinda heinous for us to turn such people away. Because guess what? When people earnestly approach and try to ingratiate themselves into queerness and the community, it's usually because like the rest of us, they're looking for a place to belong and just be themselves. I also hate the idea of queerness being something that can actually be appropriated. I mean, as far as taking issue with individuals capitalizing on queerness to make money or generate press go, well, I got some bad news about literally every openly queer celebrity today. But outside of who materially profits off of our commodification, our queerness is our power and our joy. And as long as human beings in society exist at all, queerness is an unlimited resource. We should be sharing this resource with anyone and everyone who desires it."

So if there was a "girl" who was acting as Elaine's personal guide into polyamory, was Vivian himself perhaps that "girl"? Vivian certainly seems to have some kind of very open door policy to bringing new queers into his "relationship anarchy".

But Elaine then says about this "girl guide": "She oversteps boundaries so often, because as soon as they are set up, she'll be waiting for them to be taken down for a moment and then she just goes in there like a fucking snake... we felt really emotionally manipulated by this fucking girl and we couldn't even see it... because of the environments that we were in.", again, I could be wrong here, but that certainly sounds like a Vivian to me. Vivian literally said on his Livestream that there is no difference between platonic and romantic relationships "because it's a false binary", and I responded saying that this was Vivian being straight-up rapey, trying to get someone to violate their personal boundaries. Vivian's whole "I can't be friendzoned, I'm a relationship anarchist, baby!" bullshit sounds like an excuse to violate other people's boundaries and to confuse them about whether they are even allowed to have any boundaries at all. This is where the drugs come in, because drugs cause people to lose their personal inhibitions and to do things they normally wouldn't do while sober. But again, I could be wrong and this could be about someone else.

Towards the end of the video, Elaine is talking about Aziel moving away from his parents to be "safe"... but we know that Aziel is now in a witchcoven with Vivian and Serafina. If Vivian is such a scary, manipulative man, how is allowing Aziel to be a witchcoven with such a scumbag making Aziel "safe"? Elaine refers to Aziel as his "sister", confirming once again that this triad between him, Jane and Aziel is supposed to be some kind of MILF incest LARP. JFC, I'll never understand troons, they literally make no fucking sense at all:

I think this fallout really shows the cultural difference between Portland troons and LA troons. LA troons with actual film ambitions like Elaine and Jane - I mean troons who actually make and release films, as opposed to troons who just talk about wanting to make them like Vivian always does, with his claims of having written three genius screenplays that no one has ever actually read. Jane and Elaine, because of their proximity to the mainstream film industry, can't really afford to degenerate all the way, even when they are pornsick edgy art house troons like Elaine and Jane certainly are. They will edge, but only to a point. In the above episode, Elaine at one point claims that he wants "to be healthy for a long time" (so go get some aloe vera gel for that sunburn, Elaine.). Vivian in Portland on the other hand is completely removed from the film industry he once coveted to join, a film industry he now detests and has aggressively rejected due to his PDS, so he's not even going to pretend to have any semblance of normalcy or respectability at this point. Vivian is gonna bugspread at seedy chemsex orgies, defraud everyone around him for some more spare change after scamming $11k out of them (which Vivian apparently spent on a new bed frame, not on actually moving), alienate all his previous Youtube associates with his zealous extremism, and degenerate all the way to rock bottom, all in the name of "Free Palestine".

Vivian, I obviously don't know and cannot know if Jane's rant is aimed at you or someone else, but it's very obvious to me that you need to get your life together too, so even if Jane's rant wasn't originally about you, it might as well have been. You bragged on Instagram, and let's not forget that privated Livestream you did the other day where you banned "James" for telling you to "sober up", about all the, quote, "beautiful girls with dicks" you've been fucking recently, which I guess you felt the need to TMI overshare to prove to Elaine and Jane that you are sooo over them. It's plainly narcissistic of you to respond to your former associates appearing to have legitimate concerns about you and your manipulative gaslighting of them, with this juvenile "Byeee bitchez, I'm so over you LA bitchez, look, plenty of other shemales that I'm already fucking here in Portland. I earned me some subs too.". I hope those people see this fucking thread and get tested ASAP.

You're disgusting, troon. Have a Totally Terrific Day with your fellow shemales.
