Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
We live in a society
My 28th year on this planet? My world exploded. I knew full well I was trans, but was hopelessly stuck in the closet and in the middle of an emotionally and sexually abusive relationship. A man I loved and almost married, the first person that I initially felt safe enough to come out as trans to, and become an echo of all the pain and trauma that I went through as a kid. To top it all off, around the same time my grandfather was struck with lung cancer and dementia.
When the idea came to make a Joker parody, it was like, “Oh, all of these ideas are here; they can effortlessly go in.” It really became this thing of like, “OK, I want to talk about my ex-fiancé and how the first person who ever loved me also ended up being an abuser. Who is the analog for that within the DC canon? Jared Leto’s Joker.”
I was going to ask about the Jared Leto joker toxic transmasc moment. Why?
The idea of casting a trans person in a Jared Leto role was very important, because I think his performance in Dallas Buyers Club set our community back so much. And I really wanted to create a nuanced T4T relationship that didn’t pin all the blame on one person or the other.
What happens when a transmasc person who has experienced a shit-ton of abuse falls in love with a transfem person who is newly coming out and is also coming from a ton of abuse? Queer people, so many of our stories are just that we’re hurting each other, and just figuring out how to love. That can often look really kind of messy and toxic, and I’d never really seen it in a movie before — at least in this context, in a T4T relationship. So I was excited to do it.
Also, Jason Todd is one of my favorite characters of all time, and finding a transmasc story to apply to Jason Todd will always be maybe my proudest career moment.
Why This Trans Director Made Her Life into a Joker Parody
Vera Drew talks with Them about the sublimely bizarre and surprisingly heartfelt ‘People’s Joker.’
It was just therapy in the beginning. I was just processing what it was like coming out as trans in the comedy scene that I was in, which was pretty male-dominated. I was just journaling more than anything. But when it became an actual movie, I was really nervous. I was like, “Who the fuck is going to play this character? I don’t know if I want to. I don’t know if I want to reenact actual conversations I’ve had with my ex or my mom.”
I was surrounded by people when I started making it, and a lot of them were encouraging me just to do it, just act in the part, that it could be very therapeutic. And I think the most therapeutic part of the process was reenacting this stuff.
I never sat down to memorize the script. I had lived a lot of this stuff, and I didn’t want to relive the past. So we would just do one or two takes each for each thing, and it always felt so good. Acting and performing mythologized all this stuff. It made it a lot less scary in my head.
Going into it, I still had a lot of shame over the fact that the journey of finding myself was as clunky as it had appeared, but reenacting it made me realize that’s what this is all about. It helped me understand myself.
i love this enthusiasm and i promise you that movie will be available to watch soon, but the moment i will not be uploading my first feature film that i spent a small fortune/a ton of my savings/two grueling years of my life making to Pirate Bay.
A ½ review of The People's Joker (2022)
Wake up Letterboxd! New ALL TIMER worst piece of dogshit just dropped! It has never been more over lmfao. Absolutely artless, obnoxious, nails on a chalkboard SLOP disguised as a movie! A sad excuse for maximalism that pulls more from a tumblr word vomit generator from the depths of
The more I think about this movie the more I dislike it, and the director posting multiple 5 star reviews of her own movie doesn't help with the bad taste it left in my mouth.
A ★★ review of The People's Joker (2022)
I'd like to be happier about the fact that this seems to be resonating with a lot of trans folks and helping them feel seen, but I'm mostly disappointed that the bar for trans representation in film has been set so low that a movie like People's Joker is lauded as some kind of masterpiece
2020, a year in which My Chemical Romance fans have scrambled to re-pierce their eyebrows and shimmy back into those pinstripe black pants in time for a reunion tour, represents a perfect opportunity for former emo kids and mall goths across the world to embrace their true, haunted selves. No one embodies this better than Vera Drew, a 30-year-old woman who’s hell bent on becoming a Hot Topic brand ambassador.
In order to achieve her dream, Drew has launched Hot Topics With Vera Drew, a web series described as “the only show with the expressed purpose of getting me sponsored by Hot Topic.” The first episode begins with an animated introduction showing a cartoon Drew holding a bouquet of black roses, hanging out in graveyards and the flames of hell, while bats squeak and a narrator explains that the project will follow “a 30-year-old woman finally having her emo phase on Hot Topic’s dime.”
The rest of the episode follows in this vein, Drew hosting a grainy public access-looking show where, helped by an assistant in a black vinyl bodysuit and corpse paint, she explains her goals and the challenges ahead. The greatest of these is Hot Topic’s requirement that Drew have at least 5,000 followers, a problem she hopes to fix by explaining how perfect she is for the gig. (“I am deeply involved in the occult,” she says at one point. “I do create masturbation sigils once a month! I think I’d be good for your brand. I’m a dark and scary woman!”)
“As a trans woman who came out in her late 20s,” Drew continues. “I never got to experience my high school emo girl phase. And boy did I want one. I mean, I used to sneak into Hot Topic and pretend to look at South Park merch and Napoleon Dynamite posters while daydreaming about wearing pentagram dresses and Nightmare Before Christmas eye shadow palettes.”
Get Involved, Internet: A 30-year-old goth needs your help becoming a Hot Topic ambassador
Get Involved, Internet: A 30-year-old goth needs your help becoming a Hot Topic
Drew caps this all off with a wonderful commercial for her first Hot Topic product pitch: A make-up brand called “Illuminaughty,” which is a “Freemasonry-inspired eye shadow pallet designed to not only make you look glam as fuck but also empower you with the wisdom of a 500-year-old men-only esoteric secret society.” The shades include “Golden Dawn Gold,” “Psy-Op Black,” and “Reptilian Green,” all to help buyers “finally have a shadow palette for all three of your eyes.”
It also seems like Vera Drew didn't have enough faith in her personal story to just tell it straight out, and instead felt the need to gussy it up Batman stuff as a hook. Honestly, the stuff about her dealing with mother as a child, or her first relationship with a transman and how they were a gaslighting narcissist was the stuff that worked the best, especially when it ditched the Batman stuff and just focused on the emotional truth of the situation. Of course, this all goes out the door when the film becomes an attack on SNL and Lorne Michaels, as they represent bourgeoise-approve corporate comedy versus underground anti-comedy (I guess of the Tim & Eric variety?), and if she wanted to make an inside-baseball screed for one school of comedy over another, I wish that had been a separate project from the heartfelt trans memoir narrative.
A ★½ review of The People's Joker (2022)
I feel like a lot of the positive reception to "The People's Joker" is due to everything surrounding the film and not because of the quality of the film itself. Vera Drew, the film's star, co-writer, editor, and director, is a transwoman who has made a film about her coming-of-age and
LABRUCE: I want to talk to you also about, in the movie, there’s quotes like, “Because comedians are shitty, miserable people,” and, “If you’re a comic, mixing prescription meds and alcohol is just part of the job description.” Were you that cliche comic?
DREW: Yeah. Honestly, that one is not as clear of a line, because I was really, really into drugs and alcohol in college. When I was doing comedy a lot, I really was that. I was just burnt out. The only times I really was sober was when I was onstage. And then I took many years off and I was sober for almost five years and was fucking miserable. I was also deeply closeted and—
LABRUCE: Dry drunk?
DREW: Yes. But it wasn’t really working for me, because I could not be honest about who I was. I just had no identity. So I went back out and played around with psychedelics for a few years—
LABRUCE: Which is a big part of The People’s Joker as well.
DREW: Absolutely. And I don’t really like what’s happening with psychedelics, how normalized they are. I think we’re going to see a real wave of insanity, just collective insanity, brought on by psychedelic use right now.
LABRUCE: My friend, Ron Athey, who you know, always says, “If you’re going to fucking do those drugs, go all the way.” It’s like, you can’t take like a quarter of a tab of acid, you know? It defeats the purpose.
DREW: And it kind of keeps you in ego, and it makes ego and God very blurry, because you’re having these synchronicities. Without getting too personal, all of that really came to a head with the release of my film. Now I’m back in a space where I’m actually reevaluating not necessarily sobriety and my relationships to substances, but my relationships to things outside of me in general. I think it’s why the description of me as an alcoholic or an addict never really felt appropriate, because it’s like, I’m just addicted to finding joy outside of myself. I’m wired in a way that my brain is constantly telling me that I don’t have the tools to make myself happy. And whether it’s dumping all that energy into art or drugs or sex or watching movies or working out, none of that is the right move. You’ve got to find a balance. Actually, doing [psychdelics] with supervision has been so beneficial to me.
LABRUCE: You’ve done the ayahuasca thing?
DREW: Not yet. My experiences are mostly with ketamine therapy and DMT. I mean, the DMT has only ever been recreational, but it has felt very therapeutic. But ketamine therapy changed my life.
LABRUCE: You can definitely see the K influence in The People’s Joker. Well, there’s so many things I love about the film. You have your love interest in the film, who’s a trans man. And I’ve had so many problems with people wanting to make films a positive representation of certain kinds of characters. And I think it’s so refreshing and true to life that you have this character who’s trans, who’s not perfect, who is gaslighting you. And I love the literal use of the gas.
“Most Queer Representation Is Horseshit”: Vera Drew, in Conversation With Bruce LaBruce
Last month, the director and star of "The People's Joker" had a wide-ranging conversation with Bruce LaBruce about camp, sobriety, ego death, and the trans
Malcolm Collins: [00:00:00] The horror community, being a normal welcoming community, welcomes people with all ideological perspectives into it. But once you get a critical level of this ultra progressive, ultra urban monoculture perspective, they now think they own the entire cultural category, in this case, horror.
And they now have a duty to police entrants into this community. Only people who one think like them and fit their cultural rules belong in this community, but then he also reveals his hand about what he thinks about general society is at first he says, they should not be welcome in our space, but then he says they should not be welcomed in public in general.
Are Cancelations Over? Wendigoon vs. In Praise of Shadows
In this thought-provoking episode, Malcolm and Simone Collins delve into the recent controversy surrounding the attempted cancellation of YouTuber Wendigoon by the channel "In Praise of Shadows." The couple examines how this incident serves as a disturbing case study of the rise of extremism
"Vivian, originally from Nebraska and Appalachia"
THE HILLBILLIES FROM APPALACHIA: Amerimutts Vivian Strange, Zane/In Praise of Shadows and Wendigoon battle it out on Youtube over the soul of horror movies and Native-American representation - Meet Ali Nahdee: Vivian found the one Native American woman on Youtube who's raging and seething even harder than he does - Location-LARPing: Why did Vivian tell Lola Sebastian that he's from Nebraska (Midwest), while telling his own followers that he's from North Carolina and his family from "the South"? - Is Vivian LARPing as Roma because he thinks "gypsies" are the closest European equivalent to "red skin Indians"?!
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Vivian Strange plunges yet another dagger into the back of his former friend Lola Sebastian, and declares his new allegiances:
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This Community update is very obviously meant to be one final stab in the back of Vivian's former friend and Youtube associate Lola Sebastian, given that they had worked together on one of Lola's videos that was partially about Twlight. VIvian didn't seem to have a problem with Twilight being racist when helping his friend visit and film a former Twilight film location meant he got to be in a video where he was listed in the credits alongside his #goals ContraPoints (who was quoted reading excerpts from Twilight in the same video).
This Community tab update is also proof that Vivian is still reading this OnionFarms thread, and has likely read my post where I highlighted the fact that Vivian and Lola were once close friends and collaborators, noting that Vivian appeared to be "almost normal and happy" whenever he was with Lola as opposed to the way he is now as he sinks further and further into the downward spiral of his PDS. This Community tab update is basically Vivian insisting that he's sooo over Lola and her white feminist Twilight revival, and has recently had an epiphany that Twilight is very very racist, aksually:
Oh sorry, that was the wrong Ali Nahdee video, hihi! I meant to post this:
As you can see, Vivian found the one Native American woman on Youtube who's even more seething and raging than he is. In this video, Ali Nahdee kills the white woman inside of herself with a pair of antlers.
Vivian is credited twice in this video as a beta reader and co-editor:
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Why is Vivian sucking up to a Native American Youtuber with an axe to grind with some of his former associates? For that we need to go back to Vivian's old stomping ground in the mountains of Appalachia:
Dim Lights, Thick Smoke - Foggy Mountain Boys
A few posts back I mentioned the Livestream that Vivian Strange privated, where Vivian was asked who the worst Youtuber was and Vivian answered saying it was Wendigoon. I had never heard of Wendigoon before and looking at his channel I had no idea what had offended Vivian so much. Vivian then went on to accuse Wendigoon of driving one of his friends off the internet. I had no idea who this alleged friend was that Vivian was referring to, so of course I went and did some digging. I think I now know who that friend is, but I also know that they weren't actually driven offline by Wendigoon, but voluntarily left the internet after being exposed as a dumbass who barely researches their videos, not just by Wendigoon but by a several other Youtubers that were attacked for no other reason than that they happened to be friends with Wendigoon.
Meet Zane aka In Praise Of Shadows, Vivian's fellow Hillbilly Youtube film essayist who was definitely not driven off the internet by fellow Appalachian Wendigoon, a Native American conspiracy/horror Youtuber whom Zane accused of being too white-passing to have any "real" connection to Native American culture. In Praise of Shadows was taken to task by Wendigoon and other Youtubers over his poorly researched, borderline slanderous video essay "Bad Conservative Horror Movies", a clickbait titled video essay which was not about the stated subject matter but was one long attack personal against Wendigoon, while using guilt-by-association to attack other Youtubers associated with Wendigoon:
TLDW version:
Wendigoon said he was inspired to incorporate the Wendigo into his Youtube alias by his grandfather who was Cherokee, but that answer was just not good enough for Zane who insisted that Wendigoo was somehow lying about having a Native American background just so he could appropriate Native American myths to the offense of other Native Americans on Youtube:
Zane then went full "guilt by association" on Wendigoon, attacking him over his online associates (one of whom was Turkey Tom, hence the above video excerpt from a response stream), accusing Wendigoon's friends of being Nazis, gun fanatics (for having one single video about guns), and arguing that Wendigoon should be excommunicated from the world of horror. Wendigoon and his friends each made their own videos defending themselves against the accusations levelled at them by Zane, while pointing out various obvious errors in his video, things Zane could've easily fact-checked on his own if only he spent a little more time researching the people he was attacking. Zane eventually left Youtube in shame after being exposed by all these Youtube he himself had needlessly attacked. But Vivian Strange, who is currently using his close association to Ali Nahdee to pretend to be an ally to Native Americans, still hates another Native American Youtuber, namely Wendigoon, for "driving my friend off Youtube", when Zane himself is entirely to blame for the way things unfolded.
I just saw that Janae Rose, one of the KiwiFarms troons, had also made a video about Vivian's friend Zane's targeting of Wendigoon:
BTW, remember VIvian threatening to doxx the messages that were posted in the Content Creators for Palestine Discord server, the same group where his former friend Lola Sebastian was also active? Karma struck, and Vivian's friend Zane apparently got his own Discord messages leaked:
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It's very interesting to me that Vivian is now hooking up with a Native American Youtuber, a Youtuber over whose videos Vivian apparently now excerpts editorial input, using his public association to that Youtuber to distance himself from his previous association to both Lola Sebastian and ContraPoints (as they both made the videos about Twilight that Vivian is implicitly referring to in his Community post and that Ali Nahdee is directly attacking him her video), using that Youtuber to claim allegiance to Native people (while at the same time LARPing as Roma)... when Vivian is, by his own admission in one of his recent Livestreams, personal friends with In Praise Of Shadows, someone who attacked Wendigoon, who is himself Native American ("Wendigoon mentioned he's of Cherokee descent from his grandfather's side"), over his chosen Youtube alias, Wendigoon's skin colour as well as his online associates:
Dunno, if we're gonna make this about people's skin colour, Ali Nahdee certainly looks more white-passing to me than Wendigoon does, but I have a tendency to misread all these extremely racially mixed Amerimutts, which is why I always prefer to treat people as individuals and not go after them based on their skin colour. Anyways, so much for Vivian's supposed allegiance to Native Americans on Youtube. Vivian will come for you as a Native American Youtuber, if you dare try and defend yourself against plainly racist accusations leveled against you by some other white Youtuber Vivian happens to be friends with. Don't you just love oppression Olympics?
Finally, Vivian Strange apparently told Lola that he's from Nebraska?!
Are you sure Vivian is from Nebraska, Lola? Because in this Livestream Vivian told his subscribers that he's actually from North Carolina, that his family is "from the South" (not the Midwest, which is where Nebraska is) and never once mentioned Nebraska on a Livestream, ever:
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Now ask yourself Lola, why would Vivian lie to you about where he's originally from? Perhaps because he assumed that you would be more likely to put him in a video about the movie Bones And All, if he pretended to be from the same place as where that narrative is situated? Kinda fucked up to lie about something like that just to make it into someone's video, no?
I don't know what Jane was referring to when he said that he was "gaslit" by Vivian, but I wouldn't be surprised if Jane began to notice a pattern in the lies Vivian was telling about himself, similar to this instance I highlighted.
Keep this in mind while the Amerimutt troon continues his Roma-LARP while sucking up to some Native Americans on Youtube, while falsely accusing others of driving his friend off the platform.
TL;DR: Vivian is ABSOLUTELY the cis white male his kind hate so much, and I refuse to believe otherwise until I see the DNA test results.
They spread rumors that I was sending harassing messages to people, even as the messages streamed one-way toward me. They said I controlled a misogynistic mob and was using it to attack people. (I had never been more alone.) I was called a pedophile, a rapist, an abuser (the typical dog whistles used in feminist spaces to evoke the dangerous tranny stereotype invading ur bathrooms.) Even when the rumors were debunked, even with a history of co-habitating respectfully with partners and a history of being a respectful tenant, the damage was never repaired. The purpose was to keep firing until I was gone, until every possible bad thing had been said about me.
Mobbing is emotional abuse practiced by a group of people, usually peers, over a period of time, through methods such as gaslighting, rumor-mongering, and ostracism. It’s most documented in workplace or academic environments (i.e. key points of capitalist tension) but is thoroughly institutionalized into feminist, queer, and radical spaces as well. Here is why it is horrible:
2) The insidious nature of emotional abuse: How do you fight ostracism and rumors? They leave no bruises, they just starve you.
Mobbing uses these rumors to trade a vague suspicion for the actual reality of violence. It’s like turning the corner and watching someone on the street having their teeth kicked in by a mob who assures you that just before you appeared, this person had committed some mysterious act which justifies limitless brutality.
Hot Allostatic Load
Build the shittiest thing possible. Build out of trash because all i have is trash. Trash materials, trash bodies, trash brain syndrome. Build in the gaps between storms of chronic pain. Build insi…
I reread the 2015 essay “Hot Allostatic Load” for the first time in years last night, and I could not stop crying. Even reading some of these passages now, I can’t stop crying. This was written from the perspective of a trans femme and discusses some rhetorical devices used to demonize trans women specifically, which obviously does not apply to me, but some of it is spot on
These people are literal science deniers now,
I got that impression when they told me there were more than two genders and that men can get pregnant.
Here's how Vivian Strange responds when people comment on his very obviously male whiny nerd voice:
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"Some women have deep voices"
Vivian, absolutely no woman anywhere sounds like a croaky whiny male nerd the way you and only you do.
You're a sodomite. You don't get to decide what actual women want to bedont be a nun
let art run wild dont be a nun
Just for the record: I mainly have a problem with how Vivian talks about all the sick shit he deliberately seeks out and watches, not just the mere fact that he watches such things. I am older than Vivian and have (quantitatively) seen far more fucked up shit in my time than Vivian has. The difference between us is that I was not dehumanized by my exposure to such footage, I can still recognize a crime when I see it, and am not some kind of extreme post-modern relativist who insists that there is "no evil" like Vivian does, while citing de Sade as some kind of authority on the matter to make that argument. Vivian brags on Livestreams about all the fucked up shit he was watching as a kid online, bragging about how he was watching hardcore BDSM porn before he watched an 18+ movie, which to me shows that Vivian has been completely desensitized by this stuff, and has lost his humanity in the process. For example, Vivian saying that he watches rape scenes as "exposure therapy" because he was raped himself, that has to be some of the biggest bullshit evasion I've ever seen. If you got raped, seek actual therapy, not rape scenes. Vivian is such a shitty liar.
I just saw this new video from Turkey Tom about some gorehound dude on Youtube who filmed himself reacting live to gore videos and other "lost media"/darkweb content, and I have to wonder, how would Vivian Strange feel if all the war gore from his Ghaza Diaries began circulating in these types of communities? People who don't seek out this content because they want to follow the war in Ghaza, but people who just want to see uncensored gore? He's conveniently placed it all in batches of single 4-9 hour assemblages for them, almost like a banquet made just for them:
Isn't what Vivian is doing with all of his Ghaza gore compilations essentially the same as this? He too is distributing it, only he does it under the excuse of it being some sort of archival project.
And speaking of watching fucked up shit, here's Vivian bragging about all the gore videos from Palestine he has been collecting:
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Here an example of just how badly Vivian wants to subject his viewers to his Ghaza gore folders, even the ones that don't want to see that stuff.
During this Livestream segment, Vivian shows his desktop folders and then clicks through to a folder with his screenshots, which are of course gore shots: "Sorry for the gruesome footage y'all!", as if he didn't put it there because he wanted his viewers to see it:
The description of this Livestream is literally this, which sounds as a threat or as emotional blackmail towards his audience to humour him OR ELSE: "I'm losing my mind. I need to talk about it in front of the rest of the world, elsewise I have a significantly higher chance of doing something extreme, risky, and ill-advised."
Here are the screenshots of that sequence from the Livestreams where he shows off his collection of gore pictures:
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Vivian, I know you're only posting that screenshot and showing off your gore folders on Livestreams because you want your viewers to pat you over the head and congratulate you on doing such a great job enduring these gore videos. It's about you turning these people's misery into an endurance test that you can personally humble-brag about enduring. But no, you can't lure people into joining your Youtube channel with promises of the bussy, and then do a bait and switch on the trannie chaser audience you've accumulated and be like: "Actually, I just want you to watch blown up Palestinians for 10 hours, cos that's all I'm obsessed with right now.". You think your audience will follow you amongst such radically different endeavors but they won't. You say you want to "get the bag like ContraPoints", Nyk didn't grow his channel by just sitting there being pretty. In the latter half of 2017, Nyk was doing 2 Livestreams a week, including live debates with prominent figures in the alt right movement. You're just sitting there trauma dumping your gore folders from Ghaza that no one wants to see. You could make $5000 within a month if you just kept making short 15 minute film reviews instead of these tiresome gore compilations no one wants to re-traumatize themselves with. But you're surrounded by cocksuckers telling you you're so awesome for destroying your Youtube channel, with was arguably doing better, just to re-traumatize yourself over and over with your latest OCD obsession and gore clip addiction.
Hey Vivian, did you pay attention to this part? This is from your Canadian handmaiden Maia:
This is literally how you edited your hoarded war gore together in the Ghaza Diaries. Exactly like this. You are just another millennial who has completely internalized the scrolling mania of social media and cannot move past that framework of media consumption. All your good intentions to watch actual ME films on Letterboxd not withstanding, you can't bring yourself to actually sit down and watch those films because you have fried your brain with drugs, HRT and hardcore rape scenes.
And yes, I do agree with that Amira woman who complained in your comments that your obsession with Bisan appears to be borderline necrophilic, is motivated more by your insatiable emotional hunger for gore and sensationalism (which is the result of drugging yourself with drugs and HRT, and seeking out hyperviolent war gore and Human Devastation drama in order to feel anything at all), rather than any sincere concern for Palestinians, and I do suspect you want to become a curator of Bisan's legacy once she's gone, which goes back to what I wrote above your obsession with her being borderline necrophilic to myself and other casual onlookers. In your replies to people, you're now literally pretending to have access into Bisan's mind now, and to know what she's thinking, claiming she would agree with you on whatever. Being able to separate yourself from others and acknowledge their autonomy, and that their mind is their own, and you can't really know what they're thinking, that is the first step towards respecting others. And yes, I do think it shows your opportunism and hypocrisy that you sit there shittalking Marxists in your videos and comments for years, but then you make an exception for Bisan belong to a terrorist Marxist nationalist organization, just because she's your personal favourite.
I see what you mean now... Some of these movies aren't even that sick or even intend to be but Vivian makes them out to be like these crazy obscure things from the depths of hell despite the fact you can find most of them at your local Barnes & Noble. Honestly, there's no real difference between how he talks about edgy mainstream and arthouse films, pornography, Marquis de Sade's perverted literature, and gruesome footage from the Gaza strip. It's all at the service of degeneracy. For someone trying to normalize all this shit, he has a very immature fratboy outlook on all of it... it's like WHOA SOMEONE NOTICE ME LOOK HOW CRAZY I AM! I prefer the approach of like just talking about this shit like a normal person. I think because Vivian wants to have his cake (this is all normal parts of life) and eat it too (this is all crazy and wild!)Just for the record: I mainly have a problem with how Vivian talks about all the sick shit he deliberately seeks out and watches, not just the mere fact that he watches such things.