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Sexuality Drama Maya Vivian Strange/Vivian Strong/Vivian Zelda Strong/Dorian Strong/Dorian Zelda Strong/Voltairine de Guerre - rapey tranarchist with Palestine Derangement Syndrome

Sexuality related drama
"While I am beautiful, brilliant and even entertaining now and then... it's kinda weird I've gone over 4 hours without talking at lenght about Palestine." - Vivian Strange
Amanda cross-posted the same statement from her Threads account under her Community/Posts tab on Youtube:


Here's one of Vivian's viewers who says they weren't surprised because they already had a gut feeling about him due to his overt resentment and antagonism towards other Youtubers:


I actually posted some of the Livestream segments he mentioned in this post, like the one where Vivian was trash-talking CJ the X:

Jane is in the comments responding to people, and this comment is very indicative of the casual antisemitism that is very common in these circles:


"however it may be worthwhile to check if this people are zionists.", there you go folks, #MeTooUnlessUReAJew
Make no mistake about it, insisting that Dzooz deserve to be raped and killed just for supporting the right of Dzooz to live in Israel is de facto antisemitism:


Just so everyone knows who didn't see the Livestream before Vivian took it down, he claimed that his ex before Serafina was Dzooish.
Vivian, before the war in Ghaza, had even posted this to his Instagram, which is a picture of a menorah with transflag candles, commenting: "Last night of my first Chanukah"



He never supplied any other context for this post, but in the context of him claiming to be Romani with no evidence (apparently just because Lola's SO's is actually Romani), it looks to me like Vivian will appropriate Dzooish religious symbolism for the sake of Oppression Olympics, but is completely uninterested in what actual living Dzooz actually living and surviving in the 21st century need or want. Dzooz want to be SAFE in THEIR OWN STATE, but Vivian doesn't care about that. This to me is the most perfect example of how troons are just cultural plunderers, how they just steal and steal from others with complete disregard for what the original populations think, experience or want. Whether it's women or Dzooz. Vivian doesn't seriously support Palestinians, he just hates Dzooz because his ex is Dzooish. He disclosed that his ex is Dzooish in one of the Livestreams he later privated to cover up.

And once again we get this gender cult bullshit:


Again, "Dorian Strong" is the alias that Vivian uses for himself in this 2016 autobiographical video short about his transition, titled "Dreaming of Dori", a video which is public on his own channel:

Dreaming of Dori (my 2016 unreleased short film)

Vivian himself discloses that he was using the name "Dorian Strong" or "Dori" at the time in 2016:


I personally didn't know that "Dorian Strong" was yet another fake name but Jane apparently did. I have found some of Vivian's family members on Facebook but I have a strict policy of not doxxing private family members of lolcows, so I am not posting that information.

Imagine reading a testimony where someone says that Vivian caused them to attempt sudoku twice, and your only fucking response is "why the Dorian though?". I hate troons so fucking much.


@ValueLight is someone Vivian once referred to as "one of my most thoughtful commenters". He left this comment underneath Amanda's post:

I know my disappointment is meaningless, especially in comparison to the pain Vivian caused to these women, but I am so, so angry. I honestly didn’t expect this. Like, I had a real parasocial relationship with her. The words she said resonated with me. I really didn’t think she was capable of doing this, honestly. This fucking sucks man. She was kind of like my anchor, y’know, a influencer that I can listen to whenever I felt like ending it all. I’m both sad at this news and angry at the fact that someone who criticizes oppresses governments for being authoritarian is also guilty of hurting others.

Here's an example of an exchange in the comments between ValueLight and Vivian that I still had in my archive:


I am sorry you were parasocial with Vivian, but the fact is, you shouldn't be parasocial with anyone really. These social media people might say things that make you feel better, or worse, or make you laugh and get through the day, but none of them have any direct bearing on your real life. You told Vivian how lonely and isolated you felt, he told you he felt the same way and that "Yeah, Portland has a lot of those same ugly qualities as New York" (um, you were really not gonna like LA, Vivian...), but as you can tell from Lola's testimony, Vivian wasn't lonely for lack of people willing to hang out with him. Unlike you, Vivian did have friends, both online and IRL, he just didn't appreciate them because his pornocreep obsessions and his brooding scheming and plotting were more important to him than maintaining healthy, existing friendships. Vivian had all these people around him who believed in him and wanted to help him grow and be successful. He squandered it all because he's an ungrateful egomaniac.

I feel sorry for these people. I know I shouldn't but I do. Like, I was hate-watching Vivian and posting about him all this time just to laugh at him, mock him for his grandiose inflated ego and criticize him for his holier-than-though virtue-signaling political takes, but these are people who hung onto his every word, for comfort even. These people are literally part of a cult that tells them that mentioning Vivian's self-admitted public alias is worse than Vivian driving someone suicidal twice with his manipulative divide-and-conquer tactics. No priorities, no sense of proportion or perspective, just blind obedience to the rules of the cult.
In her Threads/Youtube statement, Amanda said that she hopes that Vivian Strange will "take on the difficult task of accountability".

Wanna see what Vivian Strange is actually doing right now (besides trying to get Lola's Youtube associates to join his Discord server so he can turn them against her?)


By the power of Truth, I, while living, will conquer the universe…

The sheer nerve that you would invoke "the Truth", while being shown to have lied over and over to so many people.

Due to the popularity of Alan Moore's graphic novel V for Vendetta, the phrase has been incorrectly though commonly attributed to Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus, but the source of this attribution, as well as the origin of the phrase itself, appears to be Aleister Crowley's "The Herb Dangerous (Part II) : The Psychology of Hashish"

See Amanda? He doesn't want "to take on the difficult task of accountability" like you asked him to. He only wants revenge. That's the kind of person he is. Vivian is sitting at home watching V for Vendetta, wallowing in his juvenile revenge power fantasies.





"I can fix her", only by breaking her first:


This review: "the narcissist arriving at an ethic of sadism... the entire world as a mere projection of the self"


freedom as limitless, unbounded, asocial narcissism — objecting against a controlling, disciplining world, the narcissist seizes on an inverse — the desire to reassert control of the world by taking wrathful refuge in the self and its illimitable fantasies — arriving at last at an ethic of sadism — in this specific way, not secular, amoral, or (god forbid) ‘political’ — but fascistic, emptied out, immoral. the film’s defining image as the entire world a mere projection of the self — the film’s departing line must be read through this inversion (“he was all of us,” i.e. the world was all his — the sadistic will to dominance succeeds and is acceded to).

Well guys, watch out for any masked sadistic creeps bringing you roses.

V For Vendetta - "Is it meaningless to apologize?"
There were so many other updates due to the Google Doc that I never even got around to posting this. Shortly before the Google Doc dropped, Vivian had changed his Patreon account and Youtube channel banner from the one about the Strange Butterfly House to a black banner saying "TOO STRANGE TO LIVE - TOO MAD TO DIE":


I took this screenshot before the Google Doc dropped, when Vivian had 6.73K subs. Vivian now has 6.64k subs, so he did end up losing around 90 subs because of the Google Doc allegations. He also failed to meet his original "10k subs before my birthday" goal for this year.
He only made $370 on his latest GoFundMe scam, so fortunately people are paying attention this time and not allowing themselves to be scammed.
Confirmed: Vivian Strange is going to pull a William Control* to DARVO the victims: "intends to make a video" "telling people she didn't know what the allegations were but they were obviously false"


I didn't even notice this reply from Amanda when I linked to her Community tab update earlier. This confirms literally what I feared: Vivian apparently said on his private Discord server that he will make a video about the allegations. Amanda also suggests that Vivian denied all of the allegations while contradicting himself in saying he didn't even actually know what the allegations were. In other words, I was right about him pulling a William Control to deflect and DARVO the victims:

Vivian uses they/them pronouns in addition to she/her, unless that changed recently. She certainly did when I made my Is Polyamory Queer? video last year and I double checked with her.

I understand the concern your expressing - we live in a hostile environment towards trans people, especially trans women. That IS the reality we live in and a context that can't be separated from any allegations that come forward. With that said, I find that Vivian's responses to these allegations (before I left her server, she was telling people she didn't know what the allegations were but they were obviously false and gave no space to the possibility that she could have unintentionally hurt anyone) and some of the things she said to me privately prior to me reading this document, remind me all too much of behaviors I have seen from abusers and toxic individuals before. Legitimately gave me Franklin Veaux vibes. Trans women CAN be abusers too, it does none of us favors to pretend that doesn't happen. Sophie From Mars had allegations come out against her too (mostly from other trans individuals). I've sadly known about as many trans people who were abusive as cis at this point. That's my own experiences of course.

I haven't spoken to Vivian since reading the document. I read in her Discord server before leaving that she intends to make a video. If she does, I will watch it to see what she has to say but right now I have no reason to believe that four people came together, created stories out of thin air, and brought those forward just to make Vivian look bad. I am not a conspiracy theorist, and I will always default to believing a group saying they are victims than the one person pointing the finger calling them all liars trying to ruin a trans woman (especially when some of them are also trans). Can this happen? Yes, of course it can, but there's no reason to assume that is what is happening here without more evidence.

I am currently choosing to believe the victims until more information comes to light. You do whatever you want.

The Franklin Veaux referred to in the above comment is a serial abuser that Amanda has made videos about, citing from court documents. These are the videos:

Abuse in Polyamory: Franklin Veaux and Polyamorous Protectionism

Abuse in Polyamory Two Years Later: What Has Franklin Been Up To?

I also suspect now that Vivian had posted the excerpt from Hot Allostatic Load on his Instagram, because he somehow got wind of the fact that people were planning to release something, so he wanted to poison the well in advance by quoting from that text.

Remember back in the day, ages ago it seems now, when Vivian was willing to apologize to people in his videos? Remember Vivian saying this?

"But for real, this is kinda my personal brand: not being afraid to be honest even and especially when it means embracing my own ugliness. It not a very flattering personal brand to have, but...I have nothing else to offer except myself. (...) I'm a big girl and I can handle my ugly emotions and insecurities like an adult... for the most part."

If you're about radical honestly... why are you denying and threatening to doxx thousands of receipts? I guess you decided that you really can't defend yourself, so your best defense is to attack.

This person is no more.

BTW, I will do more posts quoting specific segments from the testimonies and showing everyone independent corroborating OSINT evidence that I have in my archive, which for me confirms that these are real and genuine testimonies and definitely NOT something these people just got together and made up to get at Vivian. My impression is that Vivian's former friends and associates are genuinely disturbed by Vivian's creepiness, dishonesty and manipulation and they released this document out of a genuine concern others.

* Note: I realize that some of the people reading this might not know even who William Control is. William Control was basically the Marilyn Manson sex scandal before that scandal broke. He's a synthpop singer in Seattle who cheated on his wife with multiple groupies around the world that he was findomming and subjecting to severely abusive BDSM sessions. Several of these women are/were mentally ill and did not fully comprehend what they were consenting to, only to have William Control beat them to a pulp while saying things like: "Daddy doesn't fuck around, he doesn't do safewords.". (BTW, remember Vivian describing himself as a, quote, "dangerous top" in his unlisted Bo Burnham poetry reading video? Really makes you think now. Especially in the context of Vivian casually admitting he likes to choke men in the Poor Things video.) William Control released a series of videos on his Youtube channel, invariably titled "The truth about X and the proof that she lied", where he on the one hand admitted to destroying his marriage by cheating on his wife with all these groupies, but that was about as far as he was willing to go in terms of conceding fault on his part (expect Vivian to do something similar regarding Serafina). On the other hand, William Control very clearly DARVOed his victims by cherry picking aspects of their stories that he could superficially appear to debunk with screenshots of them consenting earlier in their interactions (flirting with him in DMs saying deranged shit like "I want you to make me look like a domestic abuse victim" that only makes sense in a sexting context), while ignoring all of the other, more serious allegations against him as he escalated his abuse. He also humiliated the victims by non-consensually playing, in his Youtube videos, actual audio excerpts of the private videos he had shot of their BDSM sessions together, cherry picking audio excerpts that made it seem as if they were consenting to everything he did to them. When I write that I expect Vivian Strange to "pull a William Control", this is what I am referring to. Vivian will go into his folders and find specific decontextualized excerpts (DMs, recorded Livestreams, recorded Discord calls, sexting threads, whatever he has) of him, for example, TMI oversharing with Jane, Aziel and Elaine and them not immediately objecting to his oversharing, and he will hold this up as evidence of ongoing continuous consent to his grossness and creepiness on their part. I suspect Vivian will particularly do this with Jane because Jane admits he gave out conflicting messages to Vivian because he was on the one hand intrigued but on the other hand began to distrust him. The alleged victims' testimonies however show that they did in fact loud and repeatedly object, but Vivian just ignored their objections. This is particularly evident in Lola's testimony. Even Elaine was assertive enough to confront Vivian about his abuse of Serafina, and eventually told him to fuck off altogether, with Vivian ignoring Elaine's request to not be contacted:

Shortly after Jane and I made amends, I decided to block her and let her know I thought she was emotionally manipulating Jane. I sent her a message saying I don’t think she will get better and I don’t want her around in my life anymore. She would then proceed to text me on and off throughout the following months, trying to be friendly with me despite establishing I want nothing to do with her. I would also learn she would say things to Jane like “is Elaine still mad at me?” and she manipulated Jane to try to persuade me into accepting her back into my life.

Anyways, I hope everyone understands now what I mean with Vivian "pulling a William Control". I am referring to this Playlist with his videos - which are really a textbook study in DARVO tactics - where William admits guilt but only to a point and only with regards to his wife, while actually using the videos to DARVO and sexually humiliate the victims.

TBH, I kinda wish Vivian would pull a William Burroughs instead and post a really lulzy conspiratorial video where he claims he's a victim of an MK Ultra plot, with his victims all being fedz who conspired to stop him from putting out his Ghaza Diaries. If Vivian Strange can come up with a really convoluted conspiracy theory involving the Mossad, the CIA and the Dzooz in Hollywood, then even Vera Drew might watch and like that video.

snow Tha Product- Gaslight (Lyrics)
honestly what is there to even say anymore lol nobody will side with vivian even if he doxxed his victims of all their dirt, they no doubt have more shit on him and with receipts. Like these are the only people he really has letterboxd logs with why would four friends of his, three of which hes collaborated with one of which moved in with him would all independently or collectively turn against him. none of them wanted to cancel vivian and nobody is even directing attention to it anymore so vivian would just be committing career suicide by even addressing it at all lol
He needs that dopamine hit so bad, the internet junkie just can't STFU and quit Youtube even for a week:


Some more updates:

Elaine Fuentes has privated the I Wish I Were A Camera episodes for July and September.

Jane has deleted his tweets with the link to the Google Doc.

Aziel has retired his Aziel Vivian Jane persona:

Their Filmography 🖤🐺🌳 (AJV)
Sad goth enby cinema

Films created by me depicting the birth and death of my online identity known as Aziel Jane Vivian. They are a part of me, yet separate, and I will cherish their memory deeply.

• Hypnagogia (2022)
• There's Someone In My House (2022)
• Wish You Were Here (2023)
• You're Reminded As You Fall Asleep (2024)
•Jane Is Ok (2024) (Collaboration project)

(Notes added for each)

Amanda has cross-posted the same update from Threads and her Community tab to her Facebook account:

Vivian Strange has deleted his entry for Richard Kern's You Killed Me First from his Letterboxd Activity listing:


It's a juvenile revenge fantasy about a teen who kills her Christian family, you can watch these whole thing on Youtube if you feel like it, it's not even behind an age wall despite featuring a sex scene, so a NSFW warning in case you do:

You Killed Me First 1985 Directed by Richard Kern


Elizabeth bristles at the religious directives of her parents, asserting her right to personhood outside demure hairstyles and turkey dinners, constructing voodoo dolls and entertaining other manners of dark drawing in her dank emo-den. When confronted with the humanity and hypocrisy of her tormentors, the young antihero vanquishes their belief systems (and bodies) asserting, “You killed me first!”

"You killed me first", relax dude, nobody killed you. People just want you is to stop being creepy and rapey towards your friends and collaborators, to stop being a starfucker of Youtubers and stop blaming your boners on women like a fucking sexist bastard. Stop lying to yourself and insisting that a lesbian woman was giving off secret sexual mating signals, just because she dressed up nicely for what she probably thought was a girls' night out with an AGP gorehound like you.

As for the other movie in his list, this too is a revenge movie:

The Count of Monte Cristo 2002 Directed by Kevin Reynolds


Prepare for adventure. Count on revenge.

Edmond Dantés’s life and plans to marry the beautiful Mercedes are shattered when his best friend, Fernand, deceives him. After spending 13 miserable years in prison, Dantés escapes with the help of a fellow inmate and plots his revenge, cleverly insinuating himself into the French nobility.

Why does everything have to be so hysterical and hyperbolic with troons? I guess when you're a attention served dopamine addict troon like Vivian, spending a week off of social media probably does seem like "13 miserable years in prison".

Vivian also liked this review of Häxan, which compares The Burning Times to modern psychiatry, and was thus obviously written by another troon engaged in their usual histrionics :


Just so everyone knows, Vivian hates modern psychiatry and thinks he's just too complex of a stable genius for any psychiatrist to ever comprehend, much less treat. In reality, Vivian is a fairly typical Cluster B. The problem is that sociopaths like Vivian cannot be treated, so all we can do is either put them away, or warn people to stay away from them. It's not a witch hunt to want to protect society from malignant narcissists with a resume of ruined friendships and collaborations due to rapey predatory behaviour.

BTW, Vivian, or shall I call you "Vivian Zelda Strong", will you tell everyone why your movie with Brooke A Norton for Proud Mary, White Picket Wives, is no longer online on Vimeo? Feel free to tell that story yourself, or someone else might have to tell it for you.

About WHITE PICKET WIVES by Vivian Zelda Strong. Directed by Brook A. Nelson. It’s 1953, and Julia Fitzgerald lives the life of every suburban housewife’s dreams. But everything changes when her old friend Lizzie moves in down the street, and sparks feelings in her that Julia had long since denied. As their relationship rekindles under the darkening shadow of McCarthyism, Julia and Lizzie discover the murderous lengths they must go to to defend their forbidden love. TOTALLY FREE, but we always accept PayPal/Credit Card donations.
#spankingbrandnewplays #proudmarytheatre #whitepicketwives

You can adopt all these fake names for yourself to cover up your trail of destruction, but the internet doesn't forget.
honestly what is there to even say anymore lol

Oh, I still have a lot to say. Especially for those who tried to discredit the victims, saying they were "trying to monster a transwoman", ignoring the actual accusations to make it seem like Vivian was only "saying disturbing things" instead of what the documents actually state he did (for example, getting other people to cyberstalk and keep the tabs on his victims, as Vivian truly behaved like a one-man KiwiFarms towards his friends, hence the thousands of receipts he's now threatening to doxx to DARVO). People can't read anymore, so I will go over these testimonies line by line, commenting on what the actual accusations are, making timelines, and presenting screenshots and links from my own archive that corroborate what the alleged victims said. People need to see how and why these testimonies are prima facie genuine and not just people getting together and making shit up just to take someone down. These people are genuine and they want to prevent further abuse from happening to others. Because you know he's not going to stop. He's completely unrepentant about what he has done, and he will do it again given a chance.

Darkness, I wanna live this lie forever.
I can't watch the shots of Vivian Strange molesting his cat Goddess Persephone anymore without thinking of Lola Sebastian's testimony...


I know that reading the testimonies has affected me because I literally cannot watch shots like this from old Vivian Strange videos in my archive anymore without being filled with anger:

This is Vivian molesting his female cat, Goddess Persephone, after cooing at her: "I'm going to exploit you for attention on the internet!". He kisses her repeatedly, until she puts her little paw on his cheek, as if warning him to stop (or else, SCRATCH). Vivian seemingly gets the clue, backs away and puts her down.

I watch this shot of Vivian and Persephone and find myself wondering if Lola likewise had to put her hand on Vivian's face to push him away while he was trying to kiss her.

Here's another example of Vivian molesting Persephone, literally taking her little cat ear in his mouth and sucking it, only to end up with a mouthful of cat hair.

I can't help but think of Lola's testimony testimony, where she describes Vivian groping and kissing her despite her asking him repeatedly not to do so without prior consent. Lola describes Vivian exploiting seemingly "friendly" hugs and kisses to continuously escalate his access to her body, placing those herpes-encrusted lips actually onto her skin. Vivian denies that him doing this constitutes "sexual coercion" but he can go fuck himself, there are literally no excuses for this kind of escalatory rapey shit.

Which reminded me of this segment from Vivian's Poor Things video:

When it comes to children exploring their sexuality with other children, this is often what it looks like. Like I said, as far as intimacy between children goes, small touches and gentle sensuality are generally what's par for the course. You gotta learn to walk before you can run.

So I guess Vivian was groping and kissing Lola against her wishes, escalating his frisking of her... because he saw Lola as "a babygay", a sexually inexperienced naive that he needed to teach to walk before Lola could run on her own... and run straight into the traop of his degeneracy, or so he hoped?

Vivian, I know you're gonna DARVO and insist that you groping and kissing a monogamous lesbian woman non-consensually is you "just" signaling your physical availability to her, but I suspect you knew full well you're freaking her out with your repeated boundary violations, but kept doing it to see what she would let you get away with. Even if I were to assume that you had the most innocent of intentions, which I know you didn't cos I know you're a predatory narc degenerate who gets off on violating boundaries, you must know this is really not the way to convince a woman that you being frisky towards her is just an expression of affection. What the hell were you thinking when you straight up asked Lola to sleep together in the same bed?! That she wasn't gonna smell a rat and fear waking up with you on top of her trying to make out? Like it wasn't obvious that this was always your end goal? How stupid do you think women are?

I wonder, is anyone gonna read these testimonies about Vivian kissing, groping and photographing people in their sleep and think anything other than "this guy probably has Rohypnol and GHB lying around to slip roofies into people's drinks.". I guess Vivian knows that people will only put up with him if they're blacked out. He probably thinks he's doing them a favour. Or maybe he thinks that if he touches them when they're unconscious, this will subconsciously prime them and make them more amenable to his friskiness while awake? Was that the idea behind this? Or this is just purely "DGAF, you're my bitch, I can do as I please with you, fuck your bodily integrity"?

Sorry not sorry Lola turned you down, but seriously, based on these testimonies, if you were always so fucking awkward around women you were pursuing, it's frankly hilarious to me how you imagine yourself this super-experienced, super-worldly "philosopher of the bedroom" when actually you're such an obvious creep around women. I can tell Lola pitied on you... but she really needn't. Actually had to :rolleyes: at you telling Lola you didn't want her as your girlfriend ("I don't even know what that word means!"), as if you telling a monogamous lesbian woman that you just want her as the sidebitch is going to make her feel flattered, valued and appreciated. JFC man, you're such a creep, I don't understand how you ever got laid. Maybe you were a different person earlier in life, we'll see as I keep digging up your past associates, so we might ask them if you've always been like this.

Please, by all means keep going to that queer sex club you tried to trick Aziel into attending, and stay the hell away from everyone else.

The one single statement from Lola's testimony that actually scared me the most was this:

It was also around this time that she[Vivian] revealed to me some personal beliefs that I found frankly odious.

Vivian told Lola something so dark and disturbing that she can't even bring herself to describe what it was that he told her that was so odious... but if you're a KiwiFarms alumnus and have been researching troons for years, you know exactly what this is in reference to.

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Youtuber Mainely Mandy discusses the Google Doc from the victims during her 40K Views Celebration Livestream - Vivian has already posted an "angry and righteous" DARVO statement to his private Discord server that Amanda read before she left the server: "If anyone here is uncomfortable because you want to believe unsubstantiated rumours about me, there's the door."

Here are some (incomplete) statements from Mandy's Livestream I managed to transcribe IRL while she was talking:

Here's Amanda talking about the allegations against Vivian Strange on the 40k views celebration Livestream:

One of my line readers, Vivian Strange has had multiple people come forward with allegations of some pretty not-great behaviour, putting it lightly. We're talking stuff that, um, I mean, it SUCKS! What do you gotta say, it sucks. Some really not OK behaviour, boundary pushing, manipulation, some triangulation type stuff and then also, assault. And that sucks. And I obviously did not know the extent of the allegations or anything about the allegations until afterwards. There was something she had to me in private, that, looking back at it now, I'm kinda like: "Oh, that might have been a hint of something.". And that was just her saying something about, like, "*deep sigh*, oh, you know, somebody I used to work with is running around telling all these lies about me and comparing it to, like, a snake-in-the-grass type of situation.". And I was just like: "Oh! I'm sorry to hear that! That sucks!" In retrospect I probably should've pushed back against that more. But at the time, you know, and I wanted to give her a little bit of space. Cos people are allowed to be angry. You're allowed to express that anger in a messy way, especially in private. Like, in private, if you need to express anger, that's fine. Then it turned into, oh, there is actually four people saying all of this. NOT just one person, the one that you led me to believe. It's FOUR people, and you're hawking about this in a way that's uncomfortably similar to how Franklin Veaux talks about this shit. Which is to say, "It's some kind of mass-conspiracy to bring down somebody"... from people who are also in the same community. You know what I mean? It was very unfortunate, to find out. And I obviously support the survivors, that's why I've shared the document, that's why I am bringing it up again now. I am always going to believe, I am always going to default to believing survivors anyway. But especially when you have a group. Like, a couple of people, you could maybe argue is a coincidence, or maybe just happened to have a bad... I have probably people in my past who could say some things about me, right? BUT, when you have that many people come forward, I feel like once it gets to three or four, you know, you gotta pay attention. So anyway, I just wanted to make sure to address that here. I obviously did not know. If I had, I wouldn't have had her in my video. And it's sucky that we have people like that in our community. And I hope, you know, that Vivian takes the time to actually seek accountability and face those uncomfortable truths about herself. She talks a big talk about being a relationship anarchist and having done the work. This is part of the work. So I hope she does. I have heard that she is planning a video. She said as much before I left her Discord. Which is not the way you usually handle allegations! So I'm disappointed to hear that. If and when she comes out with a video, I'll probably watch it. Just out of morbid curiosity. But I'll be honest with you. I'm kinda expecting it to be an Illuminati situation, where we watch it and we go: uh-uh, this ain't it! You know what I mean? (...)

Continued here:

(Reading from the chat:) "I found her [Vivian] through (I think) one of her accusers, which is weird in retrospect. but hey, I'm subscribed to the other, not to her, so I guess I picked right?". (Reading another chat comment:) "i wouldn't over think it. it is really difficult to suss this out in the moment.". Yeah it's me, I'm always: "I should've known somehow.". But, in retrospect, it's always what it is.


(Reading from the chat:) "Yeah, making a video is usually not a step in the apologizing process", NO! It's not! (More from chat:) "do you have magic predicting powers?", maybe! (laughs) Maybe it's because I'm getting this reputation as "the Abuse Youtuber" [re: her videos about the aforementioned Franklin], I'm like: "I should just know things!". Obviously, that's how that works! (/s) But no, I am always gonna believe the best in people. *deep sigh* She's so annoying sometimes. I think what it is, it's almost like... I wanna be careful with how I word this because, I'm dangerously close into turning this situation into something that is about myself. And it's not about me, it's about the survivors. It's about the harm that has been done. So, I am saying this, very much, in, like, a "this is not about me, please don't make it about me"-moment. But this is my stream, so I'm gonna say it. There's a part of this situation that for me kinda just made me go: Ugh, really? Again? (laughs) I am laughing but I don't really mean it in a funny way. I'm just saying, it's like... there's something so exhausting about it. And at the same time, it's like, really? Can we... WHY? You know. Why can't the trash just take itself out and away from me? I don't need the dumpster to come chasing after me. Not that people are inherently trash. I'm not trying to be a jerk. I'm just saying, sometimes, you're just like, I don't wanna deal with this anymore. Why can't everyone just be cool? I know that's not how it works.

Continued. At this point, another Youtuber who has worked with Vivian in the past, Zylla's Athenaeum, joins the chat (Vivian had read a quote about special needs education in this video by Zylla). She too has been informed about the allegations against Vivian, and begins posting about it. Amanda begins to respond to Zylla's chat comments (see screenshots below):

It's very disheartening when someone you had respect for, she helped me with the Polyamory is Queer and she voiced some lines in the most recent video. And now it's like, it's just frustrating and it sucks. I really feel for Lola and everybody else. It's a choice to paint her[Lola] as "a liar, liar, pants on fire". Lola seems to have a pretty good reputation in the Youtube community. Also claiming this is some kind of conspiracy plot against you because you're a trans woman, when some of these people are trans women.

My introduction was her own post in her Discord, her post was red flag city. I abandoned ship. I blocked her, I'm not dealing with it.That post was so full of abuser language: "If anyone here is uncomfortable because you want to believe unsubstantiated rumours about me, there's the door.". It was just so angry and righteous, "how dare they say this about me?". Honestly I read that line aloud to my therapist. I did have a couple of people defend it to me after I made that post. It was devil's advocate shitty.

Full video:

Screenshots with Zylla's comments in the chat:



There you go folks. Vivian Strange got wind that something was coming, so he went around poisoning the well in advance to discredit the victims before they even spoke out against him. Vivian won't cross-post the DARVO statement he posted to his private Discord server in public, the coward, because he knows I will go over it and debunk it.
Last edited:
What is "Limerence"? - Understanding why Vivian Strange fantasizes about meeting Bisan Owda "in heaven" & why he wallows in imaginary love affairs against all evidence


Claire Craig, a young Youtuber whose video essays I've been watching for the past couple of years, has released a new video about Lana del Rey that I am going to use to explain something about Vivian Strange instead.

Learn this term, "Limerence", because this is key to understanding Vivian's parasocial relationships with unavailable women:




This is basically what Vivian Strange does with Bisan Owda when he, the supposed aromantic, writes her a passionate love letter telling her that he will somehow get through to her, no matter what happens to her. The "healing fantasy" in Vivian Strange's imaginary love affair with Bisan, is him either meeting her in a liberated Palestine, or in heaven after her death. So strong is his obsession with her that it transcends the mortal realm into the metaphysical. (Read: Bisan will not get rid of this creep, even in death.)

In her testimony, Lola Sebastian describes how Vivian lied to her about being over his initial crush on her in order to gain access to her life and her body, with Vivian repeatedly violating Lola's personal boundaries hoping she would eventually relent to his escalating advances. Vivian insisted that Lola was into him, against all evidence to the contrary, when Lola had made it abundantly clear, over and over again, that she wasn't into him, was happily monogamous with her SO and was not interested in being poly.

As early as April of 2022, she was putting my girlfriend down and trying to flirt with me. In June of that year, I rejected her: “Hey I’m flattered but in a committed monogamous relationship. my gf and i are not poly. just wanted to state that firmly.” This is the position I would continue to take for the remainder of our friendship.


I tried to talk to Vivian afterward, but she became angry and sent me endless screenshots of our text conversations to try and prove that some sort of spark had existed. She accused me of leading her on, of playing a “‘who, me?’ ingenue bullshit” persona, of keeping secret feelings for her from my girlfriend, of being someone who doesn’t understand her own feelings — “And if you actually understood anything I’ve told you about relationship anarchy and nonmonogamy and whatnot, you’d understand what’s going on.” She’s since changed the story, saying she didn’t want to be with me at all, ever — romantically or sexually. That she was just “checking in.” This is when I realized that, since the beginning, she’d been manipulating me, trying to push boundaries, and make me feel unsure of myself so she could take advantage of me.

As Jane put it:

Vivian would feign respect for our boundaries, but to her, a “no” only meant a “not now.”

There is no difference between Vivian lying to Lola Sebastian about being over his initial crush for her while he obviously still secretly desired her and continued to violate her boundaries in escalating way to possess her, or whether Vivian does this with Bisan under the guise of supporting a righteous cause. The impulse on his part is always limerent and therefore self-referential. Vivian's fantasy of meeting Bisan's in heaven is just his latest new version of yet another "not now".

This is the part from Claire's video that Jane should watch, cos it's about cults:

How to get out of the victimhood mindset (Vivian doesn't want this because it means letting go of these parasocial love affairs):

This is the Joy Ninja article that Claire is referencing throughout the video, if anyone wants to read the full entry:

Why I believe the Google Doc testimonies - close reading of Elaine's testimony


To give you an idea of how carefully I have actually read these testimonies, here is one of my note keeping documents. The comments in green are me explaining what is being said using my own words, using specific terms that Elaine might not be familiar with, but these are terms I feel best summarize what is being described. I hope this shows why I have chosen to believe these testimonies. I didn't just skim over these testimonies and superficially concluded they must be true because of my personal agenda against Vivian Strange. I actually read them closely and compared them to each other to see if they made sense. I went into my archive and checked the dates, found screenshots that corroborated what was being said.

Elaine: My history with Vivian Strange started when my girlfriend Jane began mentioning them more passively last year.

Timeline indic: "last year" is sometime in 2023. Jane released his Salo video in January of 2023, Vivian his de Sade video in June of 2023. Jane likely started mentioning Vivian to Elaine around January of 2023.

Jane originally did not want to introduce me to shield me from her, but eventually decided to do so to not hide her from me. After our initial meeting, she bragged about how hot I was in a private message to Jane and fetishized me for being biracial. (Vivian is immediately sexually attracted to Elaine, discloses this sexual attraction to Jane, who informs Elaine of this. First step towards triangulation established.)

I was curious and charmed despite the red flags, and I began to text her semi-regularly. (Elaine and Vivian begin texting in private amongst themselves after Jane introduces Elaine to Vivian. Jane does not partake in those private discussions. Information siloing.)

It should be noted that Jane is my second relationship ever and I did not have much relationship or sexual experience before her so learning from Vivian was exciting. Polyamory was something elusive but intriguing to me. (Vivian is aware of the fact that Elaine barely has any experiences with relationships, let alone polyamory. Offers to guide Elaine into queerness. Experience and hence power imbalance.)

When Jane told me about her feelings towards her, I didn’t know how to react or respond. She never took them too seriously and always questioned them, but the effect was there. (Jane tells Elaine that he has "feelz" for Vivian, Elaine doesn't know how to respond because it seems like a Youtube crush and nothing more. Rationalization.)

Before long, I started having my own feelings for her which for a brief period were much stronger than Jane’s were. Before admitting this to her, I struggled grappling with how all this was actually making me feel. (Elaine also develops feelings for Vivian, but these feelings are confusing and disorienting.)

Even early on I was concerned with how Vivian was a huge mess and kept complaining about her “girlfriend” at home. It was bad enough to the point where I felt compelled to call her out for it. I organized a time to call her to confront her. (Elaine begins to notice that Vivian is a mass IRL, yet he is trashtalking Serafina a lot despite being financially dependent on him.)

Instead, the conversation was about her financial situation— where I said she was taking advantage of the person she called her partner. She would then proceed to complain to Jane in messages about what I said to her before admitting I was right. (As soon as Elaine names the problem, Vivian initially kneejerks only to eventually relent and admit that Elaine is right - not before Elaine but before Jane instead.)

This was one of two interventions I had with her about this topic. (Elaine confronted Vivian twice about financially abusing Serafina and his IRL situation being a mess. Vivian fantasizing about a threesome with Elaine and Jane was yet another example of "Limerence" on his part, to distract himself from his IRL situation being a mess.)

The second ended with her deciding to make an OnlyFans account as an effort to make money. This was the last avenue I proposed to her, considering she already (allegedly) had a degree not put to use. (Vivian accounted he was going to start an OnlyFans account in this video segment on September 2nd, 2023. According to his Instagram account, Vivian made his OnlyFans account on November 30, 2023, almost two months after the announcement, so this 2nd confrontation must've happened sometime before September 2nd, 2023. By then, Vivian and Elaine had already been communicating for months, so Elaine must've had a good idea of what was actually going on in Vivian's IRL. Note here the 2 month long procrastination between the stated intent of opening a new account and actually opening one.)

Despite all my concerns and my crush rapidly fading, I did confess my feelings to Vivian and even said I could see her being a third member in our relationship in the future. (Elaine's crush for Vivian wanes, but Elaine still tells Vivian that he wants him to be the sidebitch to him and Jane. This admission lets Vivian know he had successfully accomplished the triangulation and now had an actual possible IRL entry way into the relationship.)

She would call me every so often, trying to be nice and farm sympathy from me. One time on call she was whimpering and trying to look like a puppy while asking if Jane hates her. (Vivian is playing Elaine and Jane off against one another, uses Elaine to get information about Jane and vice versa. Information siloing.)

Having her so close to me caused significant negative influence on my relationship with Jane while she was already in a vulnerable situation. We began arguing over ideas planted in our heads by Vivian. One day, our fight about her was so bad it lead me to question my reality and then attempt suicide. (Jane and Elaine start arguing about "relationship anarchy" because of all the extremist all-in/anything -goes crap that Vivian has indoctrinated them both with separately. Elaine becomes so overwhelmed by the extreme demands that Vivian's lifestyle requires that he ends up attempting sudoku. We don't know what Vivian's response was to this first attempt, but important here to realize that Vivian continued to manipulate and goad Elaine, despite knowing that he was suicidal.)

I do not blame Jane for this but instead Vivian insisting on her great value in Jane’s life to me, one I felt I couldn’t compete with and made me feel worthless. (Vivian apparently bragged to Elaine that he was more useful to Elaine than he was, which gave Elaine an inferiority complex. Vivian was supposed to be the sidebitch but was trying to turn himself into Jane's main so he could sidestep Elaine. Vivian made it clear to Elaine that Elaine was not only in competition with Jane but also with Vivian himself.)

I also gave Vivian money on occasion to help her get by and she eventually started talking ill of me to Jane by inaccurately calling me rich. There was a day where Vivian said she was completely out of food and I sent her 100 dollars for food. I very much regret this today because it made me feel like I was enabling her to do less and less when I really just wanted her to feel comfortable so she could find work and take care of herself. (Vivian not only exploits people emotionally but also financially. Vivian has posted multiple videos over the years in which he e-begs his audience, saying things like: "My monthly food stamps are gone two weeks after I get them." Vivian never explains why his finances are such a mess. Elaine knew why, knew Vivian himself was the problem, and pulled a Caleb Hammer on Vivian.)

Eventually I had my first true polyamorous experience with someone else and Vivian served as my guide. (Elaine has sex with someone other than Jane for the first time, at Vivian's behest. Vivian was apparently the one who encouraged Elaine to have sex with this other person with no consideration for Jane. I am obviously not privvy to these private discussions between Elaine and Vivian, but I bet Vivian was things like: "It's not like you need Jane's permission to have sex with others.", or "Jane doesn't need to co-sign whatever you want to do like a parent", or, "Jane doesn't need to know what your personal sex life is like, that is your business, not Jane's. You can have sex with others and never tell a soul about it, not even Jane. It's not cheating because cheating doesn't exist in relationship anarchy, it's your sexual autonomy to just do whatever the hell you want.", or "If Jane truly loves you he will understand why you had sex with someone else. If he has negative feelings, it's just jealousy and he needs to adult and get over himself.". In other words, Vivian was teaching Elaine that he doesn't have to negotiate or discuss anything with Jane or ever take any of Jane's feelings into account. He can just go and do whatever with whomever and Jane has no right to object or express hurt over it. No wonder Elaine was feeling so overwhelmed by the extremely aloof douchebaggery - read: toxic masculinity - that Vivian expected of him that he attempted sudoku.)

She would essentially encourage the worst out of me by encouraging me and Jane to just do whatever feels good in the moment. She would encourage my bad behavior and celebrate it by saying I should do more. (Vivian's "relationship anarchy" which really comes down to "anything goes, whenever, wherever" is only encouraging inconsiderate, impulsive, risk-taking behaviours.)

Meanwhile, she was desperately trying to get Jane to love her and become her plaything. She wanted to have both of us and drive us apart at the same time. (More narcissistic triangulation, playing Elaine and Jane off against one another.)

At times she would even say things such as “I would go monogamous for you” to Jane, which is something she has not even extended to her own partner. (Vivian lies to Jane about being willing to go monogamous, when he never told Serafina anything like that. Now that Vivian has been called out, all of a sudden he wants to marry Serafina and pretends they've always referred to one another as "wives", pretends that Serafina is his long-time partner, etc.)

Vivian enabled my worst tendencies when I was still young. I became very reckless with my friends and started testing Jane’s boundaries. Eventually my friends caught onto my behavior and responded with distance and concern. This, mixed with other factors, led me to another suicide attempt. (Vivian doesn't care what damage his ideas about "relationship anarchy'/anything-goes are causing in younger people trying to meet his extremist destructive sexual standards. Elaine tries to becomes as obnoxious and aloof as Vivian, people around him reject him over it, Elaine feels trapped in a negative loop and attempts sudoku by hanging for a second time. Keep in mind that all this time, Vivian was encouraging reckless, impulsive sexual behaviours in someone he knew had a history of suicide attempts.)

Tensions escalated with Jane and she called for a break. At this point of time, Vivian would even plant seeds in Jane's head to turn us against one another by calling me abusive before backtracking within two weeks. (Continued triangulation.)

Jane knew not to trust her perspective on this but sought it out anyway for consideration. (Jane bothsides Elaine and Vivian, despite knowing that Vivian is unreliable.)

Shortly after Jane and I made amends, I decided to block her [Vivian, not Jane] and let her [Vivian] know I thought she was emotionally manipulating Jane. I sent her a message saying I don’t think she will get better and I don’t want her around in my life anymore. She would then proceed to text me on and off throughout the following months, trying to be friendly with me despite establishing I want nothing to do with her. (Elaine asserts himself against Vivian telling him to fuck off, Vivian does not respect Elaine's boundaries and continues to contact Elaine. According to Jane, Elaine stopped talking to Vivian in April of 2024. Jane followed 4 months later in August of 2024. If my timeline is right, then Vivian was manipulating Elaine into meeting his extremist "anything goes" "relationship anarchist" sexual standards for almost one and a half year, from January 2023 to April of 2024. Clearly, this wasn't a case of Vivian making an occasional off-comment or double-daring Elaine. Vivian was manipulating Elaine continuously over many, many months. Every time Elaine violated a personal boundary at Vivian's behest, Vivian would encourage him to take it further and further. It's in this context of continuous, escalating manipulation that Elaine attempted sudoku twice.)

I would also learn she would say things to Jane like “is Elaine still mad at me?” and she manipulated Jane to try to persuade me into accepting her back into my life. (More triangulation, Vivian trying to get back into Elaine's phone through Jane. Jane explains in his testimony that he continued to be social with Vivian 4 months longer than Elaine did. It would have been better if Elaine and Jane had coordinated and dropped Vivian simultaneously.)

I inherited Vivian’s immature shit talking tendencies and used it against her in my conversations, which made Jane take my concerns towards her less seriously and even made me apologize. (Elaine copied Vivian's obnoxious aloof manner of speech, but this made Jane less likely to take Elaine seriously. Elaine apologizes for this to Jane.)

Shortly after, Jane came to realize she was being gaslit for almost two years. ("for almost two years", this means Jane was being gaslight by Vivian from 2023 into 2024, even longer than Elaine was.)

What surprised me most about Elaine's testimony is that at no point does Elaine ever claim to have been working on an experimental porno short with Vivian, or that this alleged short was ever in the works. I am now inclined to believe that this was just something Vivian made up to brag on a Livestream, that he later unlisted so Elaine or Jane wouldn't see it. If there was ever any discussion between them about such a project, then I bet it was just more of Vivian goading and double-daring Elaine to do sex stuff behind Jane's back with no consideration for Jane. Maybe Vivian intended to shoot this video just to suckerpunch Jane with it, like "Look what I did to your boy"? Seems like exactly the kind of sexual sadism Vivian would inflict upon the very people he would describe as his "best friends" in his videos.
Vivian Strange's Limerence with Bisan Owda: "Only by witnessing your suffering have I felt like a true and authentic human being for the first time"

I just noticed that Vivian has included this reply to Bisan in his latest compilation of her pilfered videos, where he tells Bisan that the only thing that makes him feel "like a true and authentic human being for the first time" is collecting videos of blown up Palestinians. He's feeling gender euphoric all over again guys!


Bisan, the ways you and your people have changed me are immesurable. I'm about to turn 30 but only by witnessing the truth of Palestinian suffering and power of Palestinian strength for this whole wretched year have I felt like a true and authentic human being for the first time. I owe my humanity and my renewed total commitment to liberation to you, and that is a debt I can never repay. But I've been following you on social media and keeping a careful archive of you and your until the bitter end, either until I die or Palestine is free!

Thank you for your suffering, Palestinians, it helps me forget how inhumane I actually was towards the people I used to call my "best friends"! Gotta go now, I'm about to enter the queer sex club here in Portland that I almost tricked Aziel into attending, the only place where I absolutely have to switch off my phone. Don't want anyone in the queer sex club to think I'm non-consensually filming or anything, like I'm some voyeuristic creep. Especially the ones passed out on GHB and roofies.


Hey Vivian, why don't you tell Bisan what you were actually doing with your time in between downloading all that Ghaza gore, being a creep towards your friends, and destroying a viable Youtube channel, so that she knows what you specifically mean with your total commitment to "liberation":



No, you're not being "a true and authentic human being" obessing over Palestinians, patting them over the head for doing such a good job enduring because it makes you feel better about yourself. You're just using the war in Ghaza as an excuse to distract from the fact that your own life is a mess and that you're being a manipulative, obnoxious creep towards the people you once called your "best friends". Bisan is definitely not going to like because you used your limerent obsession with her to destroy your own life and relationships further. You haven't changed because you don't want to change. You want to wallow in imaginary love affairs with unavailable/inaccessible celebrities because the reality of your own ruined life is otherwise unbearable to you.

His gender euphoria post to Bisan is visible during this part:

Sometimes I really wish Vivian would've just taken this @ernestdoyle6947 person up on their offer, with them offering to buy Vivian a one-way ticket Ghaza... maybe what Vivian really needs is to experience the conflict he's romanticizing as a backdrop to epic romance with Bisan up close and personal. Maybe he needs to be in the midst of the smell of death for a while, to really appreciate the smell of roses, or the dickcheese at the queer sex club.


... though if Vivian did take him up on their offer, Vivian would've probably just resold the ticket to buy some drugs instead. Never trust a junkie.
Vivian Strange once again threatens to DARVO the victims: "I do still have community with decent people who don’t believe shitty things said about trans women without a shred of proof. That said, be patient. The whole world will know the truth soon."

This is Vivian Strange under his Community Tab on Youtube replying to his viewer Satansfursona, someone I saw in the comment sections of Vivian's videos many many times, leaving him long, appreciative comments. The fact that this person is calling Vivian out on his bullshit should tell you how convincing the Google Doc was, even to Vivian's own Youtube viewers:


Well you can’t speak for everyone so fuck off. For the record, I do still have community with decent people who don’t believe shitty things said about trans women without a shred of proof.

That said, be patient. The whole world will know the truth soon.

Nope, don't give me this "things said about trans women" bullshit that you stole from reading Hot Allostatic Load. You know I am a gender fascist and I don't like troons. But even I the gender fascist believe your victims, because there are too many details in their testimonies for me to assume they just got together and decided to lie about you to cause drama. If I thought they were just some drama mongering troons like yourself, I would have said so. But I read their testimonies and I though: "OMG, this is literally Vivian, 100%.". The evidence is right there in the videos and Livestreams you took down to cover up. I know these people are telling the truth because I saw those videos before you took them down. Don't try to DARVO, you know it won't work because I have all the evidence right here in this thread for anyone to debunk you.

Since I am working on my notes for Jane's testimony right now, let me show you just one single example of a claim that Jane made about you in his testimony, that is corroborated by yourself in one of your own public videos:

Between early 2023 to mid 2024, Vivian would frequently gaslight me [Jane] to question my own boundaries, and if I were to question her ethics, she would make me feel that I was in the wrong. She would often point the finger back around at me as if it was always my problem if I took issue with her behavior, as if I was conditioned by capitalism, monogamy, or whatever social structure she can blame her problems on instead of herself and her actions.

You wanna know why I, the gender fascist, nevertheless believe Jane when he says this about you "without a shred of proof"?
Because the proof of you doing this to people is right there in your own videos!

Here's you doing the very same thing you did to Jane, to your own audience, in your video about sex scenes in movies:

In this part of the video you are accusing people on Twitter who said they just don't like sex scenes of "making movies more sexless than ever" and thus of preventing the LGBT from being represented in movies (because all the LGBT ever does is fuck, evidently). Literally don't know what you're talking about, because the art house cinema that is the closest to me right now, is screening not just one fucking trannie movie but two. I find it hard to believe the cinemas in Portland are any different and only screen wholesome Disney movies for those whole family, like you're trying to make it seem in your video. You always resort to this kind of hysteria that has no basis in reality just to guilt-trip people into going along with your extremist takes. What Jane describes in this part of his testimony, is literally what you did in the above video with your own audience: you literally told them they too are conditioned by capitalism into not liking sex scenes. Your own words, in your own video! How on earth can you say that there is "no shred of proof", when the proof is right there in your own videos? THIS IS THE PROOF! That's why you keep taking down Livestreams, because you don't want people to see this shit on their own.

I don't know if Jane has already seen the video on sex scenes, but if he has (or someone sends it to him now that I've linked to the relevant part), then everything you said to your audience during this part will sound very familiar to Jane, I'm sure.

I also want to point out, that you later apologized for the above video to someone in your comments calling you out for it, conceding that people shouldn't seek out sexual experiences that make them uncomfortable (I do wonder if it was only because of you driving Elaine to attempt suicide twice that you FINALLY conceded this point in your comment):

I would dial the whole "y'all should ACTIVELY SEEK OUT that which makes you uncomfortable" back, because you're right, that's a personal philosophy/perspective that does not apply to everyone, and I readily acknowledge that for many people, doing so CAN cause serious psychological harm. Personally, I've had a lot of success in processing and dealing with my own sexual trauma via "exposure therapy" through fictional portrayals of sex and sexual violence, and I would still heavily recommend it to anyone seeking to heal from and process their sexual trauma (cause objectively speaking, it IS a method that works for not just me, but many survivors), BUT I am well past the point of insisting that people potentially subject themselves to more psychological pain/suffering/damage/etc. if that isn't a method that works for them. Cause of course, different things work for different people, and I do not want to be so arrogant as to insist that my methods should apply to everyone.

I also deeply regret the comparison of not being able to watch sexual media to not being able to go to the grocery store or make phone calls; you're right, that's a very ableist take that I do NOT stand by now, and if I were to change anything about this video, that would be the first thing I cut out.

I also also regret how severe and condescending my tone and delivery were in this video; as I said, the whole thing came from a very spiteful and reactionary place on my part, but I am very sorry that I presented my argument so clumsily that people outside of the particular group I intended to address were caught in the crossfire and offended.

Ultimately, the heart of what I wanted to get to with this video (and the point I would still passionately defend) is that (a) it is detrimental and even harmful to characterize sexual media itself as the problem and to loudly complain via online discourse that such media exists at all as if a piece of media depicting explicit sex or sexual assault or whatever as some personal affront to said individuals. Because that kind of media "critcism" leads to nowhere but puritanism and the fascistic control over media production.

and (b) we in general, as media "consumers," should on the whole be more introspective with our discomfort, and make efforts to figure out why exactly particular portrayals in media affect us in the way they do. Because its irrefutable that as consumers born, raised, and conditioned by the capitalist machine, much "discomfort" with a lot of media is a deliberately cultivated response to keep folks complacent so they'll keep consuming whatever the entertainment industrial complex shits out. I don't mean to police how anyone deals with their discomfort (regarding anything, not just sex scenes), but I DO believe that our psychological experience of discomfort is something that we must engage with consciously and critically.

All that said, I do apologize for any offense this video caused, in you or anyone else who reads these comments. I am neither proud nor pleased with this one, and I thank you for calling me out. It was sincerely helpful, and something I will try to be more conscious of moving forward :)

"I DO believe that our psychological experience of discomfort is something that we must engage with consciously and critically.", unless of course it's Vivian being asked to "engage consciously and critically" with the fact that he himself was causing extreme discomfort (understatement) in others, with his repeated boundary violations and emotionally manipulative sexual coercion.

I do apologize for any offense this video caused, in you or anyone else who reads these comments. I am neither proud nor pleased with this one, and I thank you for calling me out. It was sincerely helpful, and something I will try to be more conscious of moving forward.

Why is it easier for you to apologize to a stranger in your comments then to the people you called your best friends?
Answer: because you really are a malignant Cluster B who thinks he can do wrong and expect his friends to put up with literally any lie or misbehaviour in the name of LGBT loyalty.

Fuck your loyalty. Jane was right, you really are behaving like a wannabe cult leader.

Why I believe the Google Doc testimonies - close reading of Jane's testimony


Before I go into Jane's testimony, I want to explain the term "information siloing", which I used in my previous post to explain what Vivian was doing by texting Jane and Elaine separately while feeding each different information to play them off again each other.

An "information silo" is "a system incapable of reciprocal operation with other information systems". This is used by narcs to isolate their different victims and keep them ignorant of how they are all individually manipulated by the same person. By keeping Serafina separated from Jane, Elaine and Lola, Vivian siloed all four of them. Aziel did apparently get to meet Serafina when he stayed with Vivian in Portland, but he doesn't describe any interactions between them.

There are a LOT examples in this particular testimony of information siloing. My own notes are in green.


In 2022, life circumstances forced me to move into my family’s home and into a vulnerable position in order to complete my Masters degree. I didn’t have a room to myself, a bed of my own, proper affirmation, or even friends geographically close to me. (Jane was living at home with his parents and studying when he met Vivian towards the end of the pandemic. He did not have any friends in his hometown.)

Vivian had a way about her where she would first be charming but then reveal her true colors, gradually trying to infiltrate my long-distance relationship with Elaine — either by joining it or breaking it apart. (This is an initial short summary of whatever Jane is going to describe next in detail, namely Vivian triangulating Jane and Elaine.

Timeline indct: "In 2022". This means that Jane became friends with Vivian about a year before Jane introduced Elaine to Vivian.)

My history with Vivian was founded on being gaslighted by her from the very beginning after consulting her about controversial figure Marquis de Sade for a video I was making. (It was Vivian who researched out to Elaine after watching his video on Salo. Vivian was working on his own video about de Sade.

Timeline indct:
-Style is Substance video about Salo: Jan 27, 2023 "Salò, or the 120 Days of Sodom (1975) — The Rape of Beauty"
- Vivian Strange video about de Sade (with a voice over from Elaine and Jane):
Premiered Jul 14, 2023 Power, Pleasure, and the Marquis de Sade

This means that Vivian must've reached out to Jane about his Salo video at least half a year before Vivian released his own de Sade video where he brought up Salo. The reason I am noting these timeline indicators is because these show that Jane and Vivian communicated over many, many months, over which Jane got to know Vivian and was shown his true colours eventually.)

I wanted to get out of Kansas desperately and she wanted to get out of Oregon desperately. My girlfriend is in California and Vivian told me she intended on moving there within a year or two with Lola, which gave me false hope. (Vivian told Jane that he wanted to move out of Portland to go to LA with Lola. This is corroborated by Lola in her own testimony: "We [Vivian and Lola] also began to volunteer at a local theater company together, and discuss moving to California together to pursue our film industry dreams.". Vivian apparently misrepresented these discussions to Jane was if it was a certainty, and he and Lola had definitely decided to move to LA together.)

She told me that she had full intention to leave her girlfriend as she no longer was in love with her. (Can't help but wonder how Serafina feels reading this after all the bullshit on GoFundMe about getting married - right after Vivian lost his best friend - and supposedly calling one another wifey for years.)

I felt bad for her partner but ultimately chose to respect Vivian’s established boundaries and not get to know her as it was what Vivian called a conflict of interest. (Information siloing: Jane wanted to meet Serafina but this never happened because Vivian kept them siloed.)

Between early 2023 to mid 2024, Vivian would frequently gaslight me to question my own boundaries, and if I were to question her ethics, she would make me feel that I was in the wrong. (While working on his own de Sade video in early 2023, Vivian begins goading and double-daring Jane into violating his personal boundaries. Vivian avoids being confronted about his ethics by guilt-tripping Jane. Recall here that Vivian's de Sade video is about how morality is BS, extreme relativism/there is no good or bad, people are just animals, civilization is a myth, anything goes, fuck your sister.)

She would often point the finger back around at me as if it was always my problem if I took issue with her behavior, as if I was conditioned by capitalism, monogamy, or whatever social structure she can blame her problems on instead of herself and her actions. (Vivian blamed capitalism for the fact that people have sexual boundaries in his Sex Scenes video. If you disagree with Vivian that having sex with real living people with their emotional inner worlds isn't exactly the same thing as consuming a meal, it's only because you're brainwashed by capitalism and Christian morality.)

Vivian often excavated personal details about me and my loved ones and then would use such details against me in order to manipulate her way out of problems she caused (Vivian hates KiwiFarms but was himself actually a one-man KiwiFarms, keeping the tabs on the people he called his best friends. Troon, I am glad I could give you a taste of your medicine in this thread, cos you're certain not only one keeping receipts, as you can see.)

often pointing the finger back at me and saying I have all the same issues (this is 100% corroborated as something Vivian would actually say in countless of videos and Livestreams where Vivian will generalize his own mental issues to deflect from how he's manifesting them to an extreme extent: "We are are all narcissistic due to social media, capitalism has made us all transactional, the System has fucked us all up, etc")

which if true, were instilled in me by her close grasp as I would not hear such criticisms otherwise. (I had to read this line a few times to understand it, but I think Jane is trying to say that no one else in his life had ever accused him of manifesting the issues that Vivian was accusing him of manifesting, and that's probably how Jane realized that was Vivian just projecting his own issues onto everyone else through generalization, to make his issues seem widespread and hence either insignificant or not specific to himself. When "everyone is a narcissist", none one is.)

Because I was so vulnerable, I was easily influenced to emulate her bad behavior and talk like her and think like her, before realizing it was neither true to myself nor my political views. (Peer pressure. Like Elaine, Jane begins to copy Vivian, only to realize that it's disingenuous and not how he really feels. At this point I have to point out that neither Elaine or Jane have trooned out as long as Vivian, so they both probably saw him as the more experienced trans person whom they should emulate. Emulating a messy genderfuck like Vivian must've seemed easier than emulating a trans-med/gender-conforming transperson.)

Since Vivian would say problematic and edgy things, I would begin saying problematic and edgy things to her, all of which I denounce today. (Jane copied Vivian because of the peer pressure and the desire to fit in, not because he truly agreed with Vivian.)

Since Vivian would make fun of people, I too would join her. Since Vivian would look at everything sexually, I too began to look at things sexually, all against my better judgment because I was vulnerable. (Peer pressure, more copying of Vivian's negative negative behaviours. This is probably Jane anticipating Vivian doxxing his thousands of receipts, perhaps receipts of them trashtalking other Youtubers together, with Jane saying: "I didn't really mean it. I only agreed with Vivian because of the peer pressure.")

Vivian scolded me when she didn’t get what she wanted, and because of that, I would give her exactly what she wanted. I was consistently emotionally and psychologically manipulated and only recently learned the scope of this. (Elaine understood he was giving into peer pressure. This goes back to what Elaine wrote about Vivian turning Jane into his "plaything")

I will not deny that for a short period of time I had a crush on Vivian, though I was more intrigued by the very premise of polyamory itself than her as an individual. (Jane admits being sexually attracted to Vivian but only as a sidebitch to him and Elaine, not as an actual partner.)

I also feel that Vivian’s tendency to constantly talk about how attractive she influenced my perception of her. (Again, this is 1000% corroborated as something that Vivian would actually say about himself, over and over in videos, Livestreams, social media posts. To give you just one example of Vivian fishing for compliments by posting the most low-effort selfies of himself looking like a wasted junkie troon: "Objectify me and tell me I'm hot." :rolleyes:


Instead of becoming annoyed by Vivian's constant self-congratulation on his South of mediocre looks, Jane began to believe that Vivian was truly the catch he constantly sold himself as, "if you repeat the lie enough people will begin to believe it".)

She was most certainly the worst guide into free love as she showed very little respect to any established boundary. (Vivian purports to guide new people into queerness and polyamory but all he ever does is teach them to become obnoxious, aloof boundary violators like himself.)

She hates anyone who does not give her what she craves-- love, attention, adoration, sex, drugs, etc. even if she previously adored the person. She views everything as transactional and can't process the idea that some actions come from the heart. (Description of narcissistic love-bombing followed by discarding. Condemnation of Vivian's aloof indifference to boundaries, his dark cynicism and transactionalism.)

In a way I felt like I was being indoctrinated into what could only be described as a cult in its inception stage, which ended up growing to include my girlfriend Elaine and her friend Aziel, both of which are nine years younger (Another statement that checks out based on what Vivian said about himself in one of his Livestreams, describing himself as "a cult figure who could abuse his power if he wanted to". It very possible that Jane and Elaine saw the Livestream where Vivian made this statement, and interpreted that as an implicit threat aimed at them. Again, I am not in Vivian's Discord server and I have no idea which alleged threats were uttered there.)

She attempted to come to know about other friends of ours and expressed annoyance when we wouldn’t share such information. (I assume Jane implies here that Vivian wanted to get to know his friends to see if he wanted to recruit them into his trannie sex commune as well?)

Sometimes I purposefully gave her misinformation about them to throw her off so she would be less involved in my life. (Jane realizes that Vivian wants to keep the tabs on his friends as well, feels compelled to protect his friends. Starts lying to Vivian to misdirect him. I am sure Vivian is going to use this against Jane now, "hey, you admitted you were lying to me too", but that doesn't distract from the crux of the matter: Jane experienced increasing levels of anxiety towards Vivian the more he was being gaslit. Jane had a gut-level fear or bad feeling about Vivian, that he couldn't ignore even and despite his initial crush. This is something a lot of victims of narcs say, about they had a bad feeling about them from the start but chose to ignore it due to love-bombing.)

Vivian would feign respect for our boundaries, but to her, a “no” only meant a “not now.” (Vivian bending a "no" into a "maybe" so he can keep up the war of attrition going until his targets relent to his advances.)

I always felt uncomfortable with how she spoke to Elaine, as she fetishized her for both her youth and her ethnic background, and to Aziel, who she often infantilized, coerced, and disrespected her orientation. (Vivian disrespects both Elaine and Aziel before Jane, even and despite admitting being attracted to both of them. Valuing/discarding cycle.)

She agreed to leave Aziel alone to respect my boundaries only to ask for access to her OnlyFans account shortly after, which made her uncomfortable as well. (Vivian asks to see Aziel's OnlyFans account, which Jane apparently already had access to -? this is one of the segments about this testimony that I myself have questions about...- when Vivian already knew that Aziel is an HSTS who only likes men and presumably only gave his account to the men he was interested in, not to other transwomen. Which begs the question, why did Aziel then give his OnlyFans to Jane, if he didn't want transwomen looking at it? Maybe because Aziel trusted Jane more than Vivian? Or he was very selective in whom he allowed to see the account?)

I couldn't oppose her getting too involved with my friends and girlfriend as doing so would lead to her calling me possessive and controlling. (Jane experienced ever increasing anxiety around Vivian, which was the result of Jane allowing Vivian to gain such power over Jane. Vivian is just a drug addicted creep, Jane, he has no power over you. You know that now. Look at how Vivian cowered and disappeared the moment y'all spoke out against him. The scum can't do anything but hide and hope for this to blow over. He has no power, all his power fantasies are just a figment of his narcissistic hubris.)

After falling out with Lola who she previously obsessed over, Vivian began obsessing over me. (Vivian burns his bridge with Lola after she turns him own one last time, only to become more fully obsessed with Jane as his last avenue out of Portland.)

I admittedly gave her very mixed messages, which I now realize were a reflection of my mixed emotions towards her. I cared deeply for her but was constantly left disappointed and hurt. I was also intrigued by someone being so obsessed with me as it was flattering albeit unhealthy for both of us, and again, I was in a vulnerable state in need of proper love and support. (Jane takes personal responsibility to sending mixed messages to Vivian, Jane's root emotion towards Vivian was one of fear. Jane might have tried to rationalize away the fear, but the fear never really went away. People perceive Vivian as a threat themselves and their safety. No matter how interesting or attractive he seems to them as first, that feeling of fear never really goes away. Vivian invites people to transgress their fear to be with him and meet him at his level, but their feelings of danger to not subside through sheer goodwill or rationalization. BTW, Vivian isn't without fear either. Hence why he scattered the moment the victims came out. Narcs want people to fear them but are themselves cowards.)

Elaine and I agreed to practice light forms of polyamory in gradual baby steps with both of us at the center of attention. Vivian would try getting involved and when she wasn't successful, she methodically tried breaking us apart. (Triangulation with retaliation.)

As a result of her influence, Elaine slipped into her lust addiction by practicing polyamory without proper consideration of my boundaries. She tried respecting my boundaries but would still test them. We realized as the months went on that Vivian was actively manipulating her into that direction while manipulating me into the direction of jealousy and resentment. This influence caused significant damage to Elaine’s mental health, and mixed with other factors such as being off hormones, led her to attempt suicide on two occassions. (Vivian's negative influence on Elaine as a sexual extremist drives Elaine suicidal. Continued triangulation.)

We did not pinpoint the source, as Vivian conditioned me to not analyze her effect on me or at least give her second chances to improve
Elaine stopped being friends with her in April but I remained friends until August.

(Timeline indc:
Elaine quits talking to Vivian in April of 2024.
Jane quits talking to Vivian in August of 2024. This means that Jane knew Vivian and had been talking to him for over a year and a half by then. A year and half is a lot of time to really get to know someone.)

In June, I was offered a place with my best friend. Since the offer itself, I have taken proper steps to improve my life and my mental health and now I am out of my bigoted family's house and with my loving family's apartment. I came out of the closet fully and am working on self-healing. That's when I realized Vivian was ruining my life. (Once Jane was in a better place, physically and emotionally, he was able to see the negative effect that Vivian was having on him and his relationship with Elaine.)

After she gave up on her dreams of moving to California, she tried coercing me into living with her in Oregon by refusing to take my “no” to mean anything other than “not now,” and growing angered at me for not being more loyal to her. (Vivian tries to prevent Jane from moving to California to be with Elaine, because Vivian himself had given up on moving to LA. When Jane refuses, Vivian gets mad about it. Crab bucket syndrome?)

My gut always prevented me from taking her offers as at the end of the day, I didn't trust her at my core. (Jane's gut level fear and distrust of Vivian. I am sure that Vivian will spin this now to say that Jane had trust issues, well, thank God he had them and trusted his bullshit detectors more than he did Vivian, or Vivian might have done in even more damage.)

Afterall, we bonded by wanting to get out of these situations, not stay in them. (This single phrase in Jane's testimony is key. Jane wanted to get better, and thought Vivian wanted to the same. But Jane came to realize overtime that Vivian doesn't want to get better, he wants to be fucked up, to make others as fucked up as he is and worse.)

I also felt weird since her girlfriend [Serafina] would be with us and Vivian had previously told me she wanted to move on from her. (Jane catches Vivian doing an opportunistic 180 regarding wanting to break up and move away from Serafina and Portland, which only goes to show that Vivian is inconsistent and opportunistic. These 180s aren't such a big deal for Vivian, because he expects people not to notice when he's flip-flopping. Vivian just becomes or accepts whatever the situation requires. Hence also his re-masculinization for Aziel: if his partner wants a man, he becomes a man. If his partner wants a woman, he becomes a woman, etc.)

I caught Vivian in the midst of gaslighting as she wouldn't accept the fact that Elaine and I finally worked out all of our problems (mostly caused by her) and started saying I didn't really want to move to California. (This really does sounds like gaslighting: "Hey, maybe you never really wanted to go to Cali, I really don't believe that you and Elaine are in a better place now", which is Vivian projecting his own sour grapes about losing his chance to move LA with Lola. If I don't get to play ball, neither should you/Crack Bucket. Vivian responded the same way when Lola told him that she and her SO were doing better than ever.)

It was at this point that I called her out for gaslighting me and I was existentially horrified as our friendship developed as we had the goal of moving there. This was especially troubling as we had a podcast together which I now completely denounce and want my name removed from. (Jane's fear of Vivian becomes too much to bare, he denounces Vivian and the GenderWeird podcast they did together.)

I told Vivian that I have the right to express my feelings on social media and did so without mentioning her. (Jane asserts his right to talk about his experiences as a victim, offers Vivian the courtesy of not mentioning his name.)

I terminated our friendship and working relationship and she still expressed resentment towards me for not wanting to watch her videos on Gaza. (Even after Jane terminated their friendship, Vivian still expected political validation from Jane, essentially using politics as an excuse to continue to make demands upon Jane.)

I told her I would not directly address her behavior publicly so long as she does not hurt me or my friends again, but the truth is she traumatized one of my best friends, as seen in her statement below. (The "friend" referred to here is Aziel. This was the stroke that broke the camel's back, as far as Jane is concerned. Jane decided to call out Vivian because he saw him moving on to more abuse and finding a new victim. Jane realized that the only way to stop this cycle of abuse was to warn people about Vivian.)

NOTE: "She[Vivian] corrupts what is beautiful, or at least tries." (under VERDICT) is a reference to Vivian's favourite "anarchist" movie Fight Club, which he discussed with Jane on the GenderWeird podcast. The queer film interpretation of that scene is that Jack, who brutalizes the face of a younger member of the Fight Club to a pulp, destroys something beautiful because it's the the only way he can repress his homosexual attraction to that younger Fight Club member, by disfiguring his face and thus taking away his youthful beauty. I suspect that Jane viewed the way that Vivian was psychologically beating up and breaking down Elaine as a similar kind of destruction, as Elaine's induction into the anarchist cult-of-personality that Vivian actually desires and imagines for himself, no matter how much Vivian claims to denounce such cults. I suspect that Jane deliberately placed this reference to a line from Fight Club in the VERDICT because he knew Vivian would recognize it as a denouncement of his Fight Club approach to relationship anarchism.

So there you go, do not for a moment assume that I didn't read and consider every single word in these testimonies. I believe them because so many details check out when compared to the other testimonies, as well as stuff I myself have seen Vivian say and do, over and over again, in his videos and on his socials. The Vivian described here in these testimonies is not an imaginary Vivian but a highly probable, realistic Vivian who is in line with the Vivian I had already observed. This particular Vivian was just seems immensely worse in private than the Youtube Vivian I saw on Youtube. Vivian comes across as a worse person because of the fear factor he apparently inspired in Jane. I know from Vivian's videos that he likes to threaten people, constantly trying to incite violence, threatening to beat up his trolls in chat (LMAO!), but I personally never felt threatened by him, so I never feared him. This is why I kept speaking out against him and mocking him, because he can't be allowed to fear monger the way he does on Youtube with no push-back. I can understand this being different with anyone who knows Vivian personally. I hate the fact that Vivian inspires such fear in people, like he clearly did with Jane, that coercion has to stop.

With regards to Jane's admission that he connected with Vivian while living at home with his parents, and while Vivian himself wanted to move out of Portland... knowing Vivian, I do worry that part of his DARVO against the victims will be to argue that this clusterfuck only happened "because we" (of course he's gonna say "we") "are all poor transwomen in bad housing situations. If capitalism didn't exist and we could all just live wherever we wanted, we never would've had to rely on one another for living spaces, never would've developed transbian U-haul tendencies for one another due to economic desperation, etc.". TBH, I don't think Vivian would ever stop being a creep and a jerk no matter where he lived, even if he could move in with JK Rowling in her castle and become her permanent trannie sex slave. So no, I don't think Vivian's creepiness towards his friends was purely the result of him being a poor gay who had to rely on others to be able to move out of Portland because he couldn't move out on his own. I think Vivian genuinely likes being creepy and the fear this inspires in others. There are too many examples of him wallowing in this imaginary fear he expects to inspire in others ("Transphobes, bring it on, we're coming for you") for me to assume otherwise. That's the contradiction with Vivian, on the one hand he wants people to overcome their fears, especially their sexual fears, but on the other hand Vivian wants them to be afraid of him, and he actually wallows in their fear.