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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).



Imagine being forced by your user base to read through a thread on a site owned by a man who draws immaculate buffalo cubes.
Imagine being forced by your user base to read through a thread on a site owned by a man who draws immaculate buffalo cubes.
Notice how he starts groveling and whining, trying to get people to feel sorry for him the moment he can't control the conversation. Compare this to his earlier seething about OF in his discord hugbox. Especially his response to @kiwifaggot: the reason he "feels the only way to express these thoughts is on a website owned by someone who boils hamburgers" is because it is. If he tried to express them to Null directly he would've chimped out and possibly banned him like he tends to do whenever someone dares question his martyrdom status.
90% chance that he fucked up the code trying to add the new disagree sticker and broke the disagree one sitewide
I'm pretty sure that's what happened, he tried to add new meme stickers for the Autistic Thunderdome subforum and he broke the site.
Midly interesting fact: the top hat sticker was working during the initial period of this boomer moment, but then disapeared too, perhaps Josh is trying to meme the top hat sticker for the Autistic Thunderdome too.
Notice how he starts groveling and whining, trying to get people to feel sorry for him the moment he can't control the conversation. Compare this to his earlier seething about OF in his discord hugbox. Especially his response to @kiwifaggot: the reason he "feels the only way to express these thoughts is on a website owned by someone who boils hamburgers" is because it is. If he tried to express them to Null directly he would've chimped out and possibly banned him like he tends to do whenever someone dares question his martyrdom status.
I actually really appreciate him taking the time to respond to me. I posted my diatribe here because I didn't think I would end up as anything less than an object of public scorn on Kiwifarms. I do not have a cult-poster status and while I don't think I would have been banned for it or anything, the atmosphere over there just feels generally unsafe to express views like this. For better or worse I still love the site, I don't want to have the association of my name being "That guy who wrote a thesis on why null brings down the atmosphere."

As for the actual contents of the post.
Null makes a good point, I am being harsh and criticizing him on the things he is doing to lighten the mood. I guess though what gets me in those circumstances is that it seems to reek of a general level of unprofessionalism. I still do not think that making a game of banning users sets a good precedent going forward. I think it creates an atmosphere where people are looking to tear others down and cannibalizes the userbase. Something that the site is already having trouble with as of late. There are rules in place about halal for a reason, but when someone who doesn't meet those criteria and is just annoying is put on show anyway it defeats the purpose.

But ignoring that specific examples, he doesn't seem to address my point about how just in general he seems to lash out at people. In chat and when people reply to him in the main threads it feels like there is a 50/50 he will respond vitriolically. Perhaps this is confirmation bias after witnessing it a few times, but in general I don't feel like he treats his userbase well ignoring a select few people. null has a disposition where you feel like if you approach him the wrong way you will set him off.

And on one hand I get it. People are obnoxious, being @ed into a thread you aren't interested in, or having a bunch of foaming retards desperate to get your attention either seeking approval or looking to insult you is grating. I would probably be constantly annoyed as well, but I still don't think externalizing it, or taking it out on the userbase at large is acceptable. CDP's situation does feel like power-tripping after a user annoyed people one too many times, but even ignoring that example I feel just on a day-by-day basis his actions leave much to be desired.

For instance, I get a lot of complaints about revenge porn. Someone joins, dumps an entire imageset of some girl naked in a random thread, and then a week later I get a complaint politely asking they be removed. Since they're not fair use, since the user had malicious intentions, since he abused my site to achieve those malicious intentions, I will often just delete them without issue or spectacle.
I would like to retract some of my DMCA talk, I do not know the full scope of the DMCAs null receives and I was not in a position to make an informed statement. I also didn't think about the application of publically using them as a deterrent. null if you are reading this I apologize for that.