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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Look how much I don't care guys! I wrote an essay on why I don't care!

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That first part is really retarded. I don't think many of us knew eachother better than we knew anyone else. I don't even recognize a few posters here at all.
People bitching about A&H always sound like this to me for this very reason.

On one hand A&H is full of spergs who's political opinions are completely uninteresting. On the other hand the people bitching about it are spergs who's political opinions are even less interesting and oppose the opinions of A&H.


Is this the honest and true {o}P?
Look how much I don't care guys! I wrote an essay on why I don't care!

View attachment 4117
Most of the posters were actually acclimated with each other. Actually Looney Troons, I didn't know Sig or Vex beforehand. In fact, it was not that long ago that I signed up for Discord. Actually I was not banned when I created Onionfarms. The foundation built on Malice?? Actually the foundation was built on current events (news gossip) and celebrities and heads of state.

I miss a lot of the banned posters. Actually Looney Troons, some people are banned some are not. You have dual posters who crosspost in the OF and KF.

Before he manages to break something. This is why you have jannies and admins to help with the technical stuff

Being spiteful or angry because of an unfavorable outcome over a long period of time is draining. Probably not as embittered and angry as Null.

Eventually members will grow tired and the herd will thin. You never heard of logarithmic growth (increasing at a decreasing rate). The forum is growing because we are still in the youth stage. As you reach the mature stage, the curve levels off. When that time comes, I am sure a certain percentage of people will break off to forum another splinter. This is a normal part of the life cycle.
Sure but KF was originally a site for laughing at speds and it seems like there were and are quite a few people who don't "get" that. If KF wants to be seethe central, that's fine. I just personally don't like it. I think in general its become more venomous and people are legit getting angry at cows. People need to chill out.

The Russell Greer thread is a good example. Greer is a ludicrous, ridiculous, hilarious human being, but every third post there is people freaking out about how much of a horrifying danger he is to women and how he needs SERIOUS REPERCUSSIONS NOW NOW NOW NOW NOW. He's probably going to KILL one of the instathots he dms! Seriously!

For my part, it's hard to think of something more dismissive of the competency of women than the idea that fucking Russell Greer might be a serious threat to them. But that's why I stopped reading that thread well before I hopped over here.
lol this reminds me of when Jewsh became obsessed with Ralph for month or two where he refused to read anything but Ralph's thread obsessively and linked a dozen links on the front page, then had to actively promise he wouldn't pay as much attention to Ralph. He just changed that to Dick for another few weeks after that, then back to Ralph before he diversified again.
He even had staff at the time complaining that he refused to do anything but read the Ralph thread, even his addiction got to much for his closest allies.
I get hating Ralph particularly in Jewsh's seat, but it was really overboard.
>implying Josh is no longer obsessed with Ralph
>implying Josh is no longer obsessed with Ralph
Theres a difference between spending every living second for weeks paying attention to Ralph to the point every single time you would check out his name it'd say he was reading the Ralph thread and seething about Ralph semi-regularly.
Ralph goes out of his way to talk shit, it can be pretty funny. I remember when he got on the fediverse just to make fun of Null for having KF down.
Sherly Nome really has to be the most unintelligent user, they spam the most low IQ unfunny shit at anything that starts getting popular and i've never seen them make an accurate comment on anything, borderline schizoposter.
I wish A&Ners were on here, my articles barely get any traction. I don't even know who they would be referring to besides Sig, which would be "Sig is a politisperg" schizo shit again.
Sheryl Nome really wants to be a Dynastia clone for some reason but is too retarded to pull it off.
Leyend has it that if you post the following text in Kiwifarms you will be perma-banned, halal'd by the secret club of paypigs and Null will mail you a Cease & Desist letter:

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Serbian Neighbour 六四天安 Ethan Ralph 門事件 The Anti-Janitorial Aktion (ANTIJA) Demostrations of 2020 天安門大 Digibro 屠殺 The Great Sockpuppet Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Twitter and Patreon Ban-Evading Struggles 大躍進政策 Infinity Next $12k Grift 文化 Dax Herrera 大革命 The Great Mod Development At Blockland Forums 人權 Feeder Fetish 民運 Grooming Vorephiliac Underage Girls 自由 Firing Tor To Find Hurtcore Child Porn 獨立 9ch 多黨制 The Great Purge Of CWCKI Original Jannies And Offsites 台灣 臺灣 Femcels And Boomer Paypigs 中華民國 Samples For Child Porn Detection Artificial Intelligence 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Shilling Brave 達賴喇嘛 Niggas Chewing Gum In The Subway 法輪功 Running Child Porn Chans 新疆維吾 James Gabriel Potter Job Application爾自治區 Stealing Medication And Welfare Checks From A Cripple 諾貝爾和平獎 The New Project 2 Money Laundering Fiasco 劉暁波 民主 言論 思想 Null's Views On Lolicon 反共 反革命 抗議 運 Running Away From The US Authorities 動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 Crunklord 420 is a Tranny 擾亂 抗暴 Wrong Planet 平反 維權 示威游行 Corey Ray Barnhill 李洪志 法 Slitter Communities 輪大法 大法弟子 Twinkie's Friend Has Cancer Like Mister Metokur LOL 強制斷種 Agent Smith, Toddler Child Porn Spammer強制堕胎 民族淨化 Shilling Monero 人體實驗 肅清 Coomer Memes胡耀邦 趙紫 Null Is Fatherless陽 魏 Lawfare And Lolsuits京生 王丹 還政於民 Suicide By SWAT Team 和平演變 激流中 Mailing A Cease & Desist Letter To Bryan Dunn 國 北京之春 大紀元 Christchurch Shooting Footage 時報 九評論共産 Ignoring DMCA Claims 黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 Coke Zero And Adderall 監視 鎮壓 New Zealand Authorities 迫害 侵略 Dirty Coffee Mug (Top Secret Codeword: Mug-Gate) 掠奪 Anomalous Is Fat (Illegal Footage)破壞 Nick Rikieta, Weeb Wars Grifter 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 Nekoshotas 買賣人口 SSRI Medication遊進 走私 毒品 Null's Mother Is A Slut 賣淫 春畫 Mountain Jews Lawsuits 賭博 六合 Jewish Banking Regulations (Oy Vey) 彩 天安門 天安门 Former Libertarian (Lowtax Degenerative Syndrome) 法輪功 李洪志 Bribing People's Populist Press With Dlive Lemons Paypigs Gave You 劉曉波动态 Infinity Next PHP Pro网自由门
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