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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
What are we supposed to talk about if there aren't any lolcows?
Do what @Vex suggested and talk about hobbies or interests. You can get your chuckles out of whatever new video game disaster happens.
No I mean as in Trump supporters seemed to love Null, right up until the 230 sperging.

I'm actually here because there's less venomous political vitriol from any faction than on KF.
I don't think I'm getting what you meant originally then.
That 230 sperging was retarded though. Plenty of people, including some who I'd say are pretty middle ground on their politics, pointed out to Null that Trump had a thing in place for 230, but Null just went "NOOOOOOOO HES GOING TO DESTROY US ALLL!!!!"
Do what @Vex suggested and talk about hobbies or interests. You can get your chuckles out of whatever new video game disaster happens.

I don't think I'm getting what you meant originally then.
That 230 sperging was retarded though. Plenty of people, including some who I'd say are pretty middle ground on their politics, pointed out to Null that Trump had a thing in place for 230, but Null just went "NOOOOOOOO HES GOING TO DESTROY US ALLL!!!!"
Yeah sorry, I was phone posting and I am a boomer and hate typing on the phone.

I mean "anyone who thinks Null acts dumb and KF's attitude sucks is a right wing Trump voter" was more like "Anyone who thinks Null's act is dumb and KF's attitude sucks is a libtard".

And I *am* a libtard and I think Null's act is dumb and KF's attitude sucks. People should be laughing at speds, not seething angrily. I also see a lot more classic a-logging ("Man I'm so glad I'm not [lolcow]" or "No matter what happens at least my life isn't as bad as [lolcow's]"). Shit like that used to get you laughed at and now I see a lot of positive ratings on those kinds of posts. See the Lou Gagliardi thread, for example.
Yeah sorry, I was phone posting and I am a boomer and hate typing on the phone.

I mean "anyone who thinks Null acts dumb and KF's attitude sucks is a right wing Trump voter" was more like "Anyone who thinks Null's act is dumb and KF's attitude sucks is a libtard".

And I *am* a libtard and I think Null's act is dumb and KF's attitude sucks. People should be laughing at speds, not seething angrily. I also see a lot more classic a-logging ("Man I'm so glad I'm not [lolcow]" or "No matter what happens at least my life isn't as bad as [lolcow's]"). Shit like that used to get you laughed at and now I see a lot of positive ratings on those kinds of posts. See the Lou Gagliardi thread, for example.
Well that’s mainly because A&H is KFs boogeyman now, the darklands that no one returns from. Plus Biden is president, so it’s seen as a victory over A&H members.
Also Null is hated by both sides now, for being too “forgiving” of the right wing users and for the various reasons listed here, and the right wing users are turning against him for constantly flipping out about Trump.
Well that’s mainly because A&H is KFs boogeyman now, the darklands that no one returns from. Plus Biden is president, so it’s seen as a victory over A&H members.
yeah lots of people just thought it was more fun to be right wing while trump was in office. Which, i mean it was.
I do think A&H has attracted a lot of people who fit into the "seethe angrily" camp, but for the most part they tend to keep their seething to A&H so meh
This is a personal bias, but I’d say recent events, like that TIME article I posted in the USA subforum, give them justification for most of their anger.
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Onion Farms. Onion Farms is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Onion Farms is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Onion Farms is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Onion Farms is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.
I do think A&H has attracted a lot of people who fit into the "seethe angrily" camp, but for the most part they tend to keep their seething to A&H so meh
Yeah this shit. They act like it's some infectious cancer spreading through the whole site destroying everything when in reality it's people going to one subforum (now two, good job guys) to sperg about politics as they are want to do.
You have COMPLETELY misunderstood the idea of Onion Farms. Onion Farms is not "hey guys take a look at this funny link ha ha." Onion Farms is not Facebook's whiteknighting. Onion Farms is not Reddit, Tumblr or 9gag.com. Onion Farms is a place for people to be monsters. Disturbing, cold, heedless monsters that they really are. Tsunami kills people in Asia and we laugh. Psychotic emo fulfills her sick desires with her cat and we laugh. A man rapes his grandchildren, we laugh and demand more. Suicide, foul play, genocide- we laugh. Racism, sexism, discrimination, xenophobia, rape and unfounded wrath- we laugh.

We are cruel; we do not forgive; we do not forget; we are the real face of the internet.


This is a personal bias, but I’d say recent events, like that TIME article I posted in the USA subforum, give them justification for most of their anger.
Sure but KF was originally a site for laughing at speds and it seems like there were and are quite a few people who don't "get" that. If KF wants to be seethe central, that's fine. I just personally don't like it. I think in general its become more venomous and people are legit getting angry at cows. People need to chill out.
Yeah this shit. They act like it's some infectious cancer spreading through the whole site destroying everything when in reality it's people going to one subforum (now two, good job guys) to sperg about politics as they are want to do.
Those users don’t even mess up most of the threads outside of a handful of exceptional users. They mostly go to hobby subforums or one or two lolcow threads they find interesting. There’s plenty of stuff to rag on A&H for, but most of the calls for it and it’s users bans tend to be from users I’d say are just angry that there’s opposing political beliefs on “their” site.
Sure but KF was originally a site for laughing at speds and it seems like there were and are quite a few people who don't "get" that. If KF wants to be seethe central, that's fine. I just personally don't like it.
I think that’s just from changing times. Again, personal bias, but I find politics and stuff like that far more entertaining then whatever the same fat NEET who’s been a fat NEET for close to a decade now with no change is up too. There’s a reason why Null is putting people like Dream or whatever’s going on in the HOI modding community up on the front page.
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Look how much I don't care guys! I wrote an essay on why I don't care!
