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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).

This guy is retarded. It's so easy to tell that's Deepthunk, Bearcomputer and Dumb. I can see it even in the thumbnail of this image.

The reactions on here are actually better than on kiwifarms now that sped has made his recent improvements. What a weak criticism, how hard can you possibly reach. Maybe if it was still in Super Secret Inner Circle more people could get away with saying retarded shit like this.
Muh reactions, I have to have muh reactions or how will I know that everyone likes me oh my god I am too autistic to tell if people liked my post or not if there's no lucky charms, please help
View attachment 4114

This guy is retarded. It's so easy to tell that's Deepthunk, Bearcomputer and Dumb. I can see it even in the thumbnail of this image.

The reactions on here are actually better than on kiwifarms now that sped has made his recent improvements. What a weak criticism, how hard can you possibly reach. Maybe if it was still in Super Secret Inner Circle more people could get away with saying retarded shit like this.
This is the same crowd that thought the Real American sticker was to mock HHH because they think we're all banned A&H Trump worshippers. Not sure what you expected.
What buttons? Like how anyone who thinks Null acts dumb and KF's attitude sucks is a right wing Trump voter who totally is ruining the site guys, trust me.
It's funny cuz it feels like up until the election it was the opposite.

OF is to KF as KF is to people who hate KF; whatever their "enemies" are, the forum in question is full of them