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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights Lol look at this faggot- OF edition

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
Fuck you Boomer, your generation caused the Bronze Era Collapse, you fucking destroyed the economy.
All forums these days are hugboxes, or a collection of hugboxes. It's just how things are.


Political hugboxes are inevitable in today's world. Very few are willing to just sit down and talk someone with an opposing viewpoint, so they're naturally going to group up with people who agree with them.
And if you disagree, can you honestly say you'd chat with a A&H user without thinking they're stupid or it descending into a screeching match?
Political hugboxes are inevitable in today's world. Very few are willing to just sit down and talk someone with an opposing viewpoint, so they're naturally going to group up with people who agree with them.
And if you disagree, can you honestly say you'd chat with a A&H user without thinking they're stupid or it descending into a screeching match?
I suppose it depends on what we're chatting about and which user. There actually are some A&H'ers I like chatting with regarding non-political and even some political topics; APC and I actually had a pretty reasonable conversation about Israel and Iran the other day in chat. As much as I harp on them, I daresay most of them are fine... but then you get the people who just can't stop spilling spaghetti everywhere and seem to be looking to read things that will make them angry, which is something I've often mocked SJWs for.
If you're starting a hugbox pm, just make sure you at some point in them mention that you intend to make HHH break down into tears with tactical tophat action,
Acting like he hasn't genuinely gotten upset about negrates before.
and also that whoever leaks them immediately jumps into their own autism pyre after begging for the thread to be locked once the turn tables
No one here would be that dumb, would they?
I suppose it depends on what we're chatting about and which user. There actually are some A&H'ers I like chatting with regarding non-political and even some political topics; APC and I actually had a pretty reasonable conversation about Israel and Iran the other day in chat. As much as I harp on them, I daresay most of them are fine... but then you get the people who just can't stop spilling spaghetti everywhere and seem to be looking to read things that will make them angry, which is something I've often mocked SJWs for.
Imagine reading the news for anything other then laughing at the dumb headlines from out of touch idiots, or seeing new ways the world is burning itself today.