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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
E-lame thread. Again.
Point of fact: Plodders did simp for awhile over the pissminge, far longer than he should. Just like lidl.
lidl chimes in on E-lame drug boasting again (originally she decided to boast she was addicted to Co-codamol, which is actually a society type problem), thinking that Lamey is lying. TBF, E-lame being a mindless drug hoover, and boshing the amount she claims, is likely. They practically throw these pills for free at these girls, in Bongland.

Wonder how much of the paypig money goes on Addies? He asked rhetorically.
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Y'know, the funnist thing about lidl's posts, is that they are always kinda like a subtle dig at joshy...
joshy's peepee doesn't feel anything, never came having sex (it's the circumcision, y'know, the damn dirty Jews again, not him fapping too much, or being molested as a young child, it's an indicator).

Secondly... Being a woman means living with mental clarity... good one.
"Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may be effective as an affirmative defense to a criminal charge if it can be shown that (1) the defendant was suffering PMS when the crime was committed and (2) because of PMS, either the criminal act was involuntary or at the time of the criminal act the defendant did not possess the mental state required by law for commission of a crime".
First part, as someone who started the "E-lame's Dad is financially fucked" (remember her screaming, midstream, "Moy Dahd dunt 'av tax problumbs!"?), I have to say... Bongland is fond of the 2fer offer... And the second part, about the shelf life of make up...
If it's still sealed, it's going to be good for Christmas (provided it's stored properly), women know this, men who have bought gifts for women know this. lidl is neither.
View attachment 72667
First part, as someone who started the "E-lame's Dad is financially fucked" (remember her screaming, midstream, "Moy Dahd dunt 'av tax problumbs!"?), I have to say... Bongland is fond of the 2fer offer... And the second part, about the shelf life of make up...
View attachment 72668
If it's still sealed, it's going to be good for Christmas (provided it's stored properly), women know this, men who have bought gifts for women know this. lidl is neither.
I have never heard a European person refer to another European person as "White Trash".
Reason: e in white
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Based on the writing style, language, and tone, I would estimate the probability of this person being male as:

Writing style and tone: 90% (the author's use of language, tone, and humor are consistent with a male writer)
Language and grammar: 95% (the author's use of masculine pronouns, such as "he" and "him", and the overall tone of the writing suggest a male perspective)
Cultural references and slang: 90% (the author's references to masculinity, relationships, and online culture are consistent with a male writer)
Overall, I would estimate the probability of this person being male as around 92-95%. The author's writing style, tone, and language all suggest a masculine perspective, and it's unlikely that a female writer would use this tone and language to describe masculinity and relationsh

There's a possibility that lidldick might actually be a dude from North America
I've been feeding various phrases and postings that (((she's))) made over the years. The AI text analyzer analyzer consistently throws back that it's in an feminine male. Possible non-conforming gender.
Based on the writing style, language, and tone, I would estimate the probability of this person being male as:

Writing style and tone: 90% (the author's use of language, tone, and humor are consistent with a male writer)
Language and grammar: 95% (the author's use of masculine pronouns, such as "he" and "him", and the overall tone of the writing suggest a male perspective)
Cultural references and slang: 90% (the author's references to masculinity, relationships, and online culture are consistent with a male writer)
Overall, I would estimate the probability of this person being male as around 92-95%. The author's writing style, tone, and language all suggest a masculine perspective, and it's unlikely that a female writer would use this tone and language to describe masculinity and relationsh

There's a possibility that lidldick might actually be a dude from North America
I've been feeding various phrases and postings that (((she's))) made over the years. The AI text analyzer analyzer consistently throws back that it's in an feminine male. Possible non-conforming gender.
TL;DR It's Null.
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TL;DR It's Null.
The reading yields inconclusive results regarding the author's gender. On one hand, the writing exhibits idiosyncrasies that are characteristic of male authors; however, the subjects, topics, and tone occasionally suggest a feminine perspective. This ambiguity can be perplexing, yet the robot remains confident in its assertion that the author is from North America, rather than Continental Europe.