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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

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ODD is integral to cow psychology.
This is a really poignant and accurate observation. Look at Patrick Tomlinson. You'd basically have to have the worst case of ODD ever to say shit like "Enjoy prison, stalker" to every single person fucking with you on Twitter instead of, I don't know, blocking them or logging off or whatever. Let's be real though: Josh's ODD isn't nearly as bad as that. Ironically he's still way more annoying because unlike Tomlinson he actually does have petty power of a sort - he can unfairly malign you on his website and then ban you from it so you can't defend yourself.

Part of what's annoying about it is that he styles himself as the giga-e-daddy of the only free speech site left on the internet. Obviously places like this website, Gab, etc do exist, but Null pretends they don't (or "don't count") and has amassed an army of retards and fujos who seem to believe it. And this is how he's able to grift six figures of money from them - by portraying himself as their e-daddy savior who will descend from the heavens and single-handedly save them. The hypocrisy makes me angry because - especially lately - he just fucking bans anyone who has anything negative to say about him. He's a fat dysgenic thin-skinned retard and I genuinely pray that he never breeds. Woe to the child that inherits his disgusting retard facial features, fat slob body, and myriad mental disorders. He is genetic waste. If I looked like him I'd be considering suicide daily.
I should start discourse in both the man hate thread and the woman hate thread for an epic any% ban speedrun.
You're a monster. Don't you know that women have nowhere else besides the man hate thread on the entire internet to complain about men and write out unhinged violent fantasies involving killing their male relatives.
Nightmare mode would be playing from an account that's part of the $100/month premium subscription club 🤣
True&Honest costs $20 one time.

Dyn and Lidl talking to each other in genchat, if anyone cares. I think I may have called it with my earlier comment about posting one-handed.
It was really boring, they mostly talked about cooking and Australian animals. Dynastia briefly mentioned the theory that Lidl is Null and said he knows it's not true because he played videogames with both of them at the same time, so that confirms they are both part of Null's inner circle. Dynastia has been in chat a lot recently which is weird because he never comes to chat. I always thought he saw it as beneath him.
True&Honest costs $20 one time.
No shit, retard.
If you would hang out here for more than screenshots you'd know what I'm talking about.
Remember how Josh has stated that the majority of the site's funds come from a handful of people kicking him a bill every month?
Strawberry Douche is one of the confirmed and I'd wager that every obnoxious oldfag also pays $1200 every year to post on a free forum about bullshit that doesn't matter.
True&Honest costs $20 one time.

It was really boring, they mostly talked about cooking and Australian animals. Dynastia briefly mentioned the theory that Lidl is Null and said he knows it's not true because he played videogames with both of them at the same time, so that confirms they are both part of Null's inner circle. Dynastia has been in chat a lot recently which is weird because he never comes to chat. I always thought he saw it as beneath him.

Isn't Dyn a long long long longtime user? That doesn't get banned for anything? Of course he's going to stick up for Null. Null already said he doesn't recognise posters anymore (probably because he banned them, or they got driven off by the reddit/CC/Tumblr/LCF squad) KEK
Isn't Dyn a long long long longtime user? That doesn't get banned for anything? Of course he's going to stick up for Null. Null already said he doesn't recognise posters anymore (probably because he banned them, or they got driven off by the reddit/CC/Tumblr/LCF squad) KEK
Dyn and Null have an oddly close relationship and a history that I don't fully know all the details of. They're absolutely buttbuddies and have been for years, and his word regarding Lidl is worthless because he'd have no issue covering for Null.
Yeah the Jewish Null Defense Force was running interference for him today. Truly fascinating that Null, Lidl, and Dyn all pop into chat and threads at precisely the same moment so they can talk about cooking and relationships with guys together.

I don't think Lidl is necessarily Null because Lidl tends to be in chat during MATI carrying on a completely unrelated conversation which would at least be extremely impressive if it were Null himself. However it is clear that they communicate off site and Lidl has lots of obscure knowledge about shit that Null was involved in. Dyn is certainly in whatever little Discord server with Null and maybe a couple other "trusted" faggots who give him horrible advice and tattle to him whenever someone challenges them.

I don't know if it was mentioned already but Slav Power called out Lidl for having a US east coast time zone. Slav Power is incredibly spastic and really didn't conclusively prove his case but it was funny to see Lidl get blown out and have no rebuttal other than the sarcastic little "oh well I guess I'm just Null" routine.

I don't think Lidl is necessarily Null because Lidl tends to be in chat during MATI carrying on a completely unrelated conversation which would at least be extremely impressive if it were Null himself.
Honestly, the reality could be that Null and Dyn hand off the Lidl account to each other to create some plausible deniability. IIRC, the Lidl account was created after Dyn had his original account deleted and before he "came back" with his current one.

Besides that pet theory of mine, there is a 100% chance they have a ballclinger discord they talk in.
Honestly, the reality could be that Null and Dyn hand off the Lidl account to each other to create some plausible deniability. IIRC, the Lidl account was created after Dyn had his original account deleted and before he "came back" with his current one.

Besides that pet theory of mine, there is a 100% chance they have a ballclinger discord they talk in.
So Lidl is really Dyns alt? So Null and Dyn are gay lovers transitioning together.

Lidl Drip said:
In movies the father is usually a total hero who saves his wife and kids from zombies/criminals etc. and goes to the end of the world to safe his family, fights off hoards of baddies, sacrifices his life in the end etc. I know my dad would do that for me, but I doubt the large majority would, seeing how many men leave their family to start a new family with a woman they met at work or abandon their wife when she gets cancer. Oh and let's not forget the men who straight up MURDER their wife and children.

Lidl Drip said:
I would die for my immediate family, the rest of the world can get fucked tho. Nobody matters except me and mine.
IIRC, the Lidl account was created after Dyn had his original account deleted and before he "came back" with his current one.
Go back and read this thread from the beginning. That person was Spooky Bones, not Dynastia. It's amazing to me that people still believe Didl is Null while ignoring all of the far stronger evidence already posted in this thread that Didl is a Spooky Bones alt.

I think people are so invested in the idea of Null LARPing as a far right feminatsee mother of two from Belgium who is in love with him on his own forum, is because the idea of Null actually having such hardcore stans who are actually LARPing men is just too disturbing to ponder. You'd better believe it though.
Go back and read this thread from the beginning. That person was Spooky Bones, not Dynastia. It's amazing to me that people still believe Didl is Null while ignoring all of the far stronger evidence already posted in this thread that Didl is a Spooky Bones alt.

I think people are so invested in the idea of Null LARPing as a far right feminatsee mother of two from Belgium who is in love with him on his own forum, is because the idea of Null actually having such hardcore stans who are actually LARPing men is just too disturbing to ponder. You'd better believe it though.
SB already LARPed as a woman with children before the Lidl personality manifested. Just a repeat of the same behavior.