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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Lidl Null takes a weak victory lap on Cold Root Beer after waiting till they were banned, pussy.
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Skunt another Null dickeater comes in after not having a post in the entire thread. Gotta correct the record and send in Null's discord goon squad. Don't make it obvious that you guys are all seething in the same place yet too scared to talk shit to someone's face. These people are pathetic fags.
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Literally, they're the most bottom of the barrel nigger coons
except for a thread where you are only allowed to tell him he is handsome and a good programmer.
So the tech support thread.
We've confirmed it many times Lidl isn't Null, but a "homosexual transexual" who is madly in love with Josh.
(And fingerblasts his bussy and "squirts" to thoughts of Josh daily.)
Lidl calling up null at 3am:
lidl lets down the sisterhood...
Talking about Alien. lidl, being a pleb, and never actually watching anything other than Neko Shota, confuses Alien with Aliens (unless (((they))) have only remembered the couple of minutes where Ripley is seen in her undies. That's a bit telling. Don't you think? It's not like it's Tomb Raider, or anything. Oh, I wonder if lidl likes the horror films where women are ground up. Similar to the brooms fantasies.

Did you know? The slasher movie genre was originally marketed at young women at the Drive Ins. That's why they had a lot of women in them.

btw Weaver does get her tits out in a film. Guess which one.
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lidl let's down the sisterhood...
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Talking about Alien. lidl, being a pleb, and never actually watching anything other than Neko Shota, confuses Alien with Aliens (unless (((they))) have only remembered the couple of minutes where Ripley is seen in her undies. That's a bit telling. Don't you think? It's not like it's Tomb Raider, or anything. Oh, I wonder if lidl likes the horror films where women are ground up. Similar to the brooms fantasies.

Did you know? The slasher movie genre was originally marketed at young women at the Drive Ins. That's why they had a lot of women in them.

btw Weaver does get her tits out in a film. Guess which one.
Random Kiwi: Man I sure do dig starship troopers

Lidl: The shower scene was disgusting, in fact let me pull up a list I have prepared of all the nude scenes those actresses have been in to illustrate how prevalent the male gaze is... Ahem item 1 out of 11,000...

Both Josh and Lidl seem to have some clear sexual frustration going on at the same time. What could it all mean?

Josh is literally a homosexual, so all that about BP tardwives can be thrown out.
Either way, the theory reality is easy to follow:
•Josh wanted to sock around his own forum
•He chose to larp as a feminist because maximum hugbox and galpals
•He did get caught and his initial response was to ban anyone who called him out (I personally tested this twice and both times the ban happened within seconds, so Lidl had access to the XenForo dashboard)
•Lidl Josh then had a stompy tantrum and went silent for a hot minute
•Being an O.D.D man baby, Josh decided to revive his sock for maximum lulz
Simple as.
View attachment 48804
Josh is literally a homosexual, so all that about BP tardwives can be thrown out.
Either way, the theory reality is easy to follow:
•Josh wanted to sock around his own forum
•He chose to larp as a feminist because maximum hugbox and galpals
•He did get caught and his initial response was to ban anyone who called him out (I personally tested this twice and both times the ban happened within seconds, so Lidl had access to the XenForo dashboard)
•Lidl Josh then had a stompy tantrum and went silent for a hot minute
•Being an O.D.D man baby, Josh decided to revive his sock for maximum lulz
Simple as.
Yeah were now in a catch 22 trap that Null walked himself right into. If Lidl was a real poster that actually cared about Josh and his site "she" would probably just drop the account and post more subtly on a sock. If Lidl was a real person and not Null and Null saw "her" causing this much of a headache and convincingly giving his detractors ammo he would ban her.

Literally the only thing that makes sense at this point is if it was a Josh sock and like you said his ODD is keeping him from just stopping.

Even further along this road one wonders why they feel the need to even still mention it if it's such a silly and bizarre theory? It's a weekly ritual at this point to express incredulity at the fact that people both here and over there think Lidl is Josh. At what point does it become old news to you guys?

The only way it warrants this much attention from them is if it's true.
Even further along this road one wonders why they feel the need to even still mention it if it's such a silly and bizarre theory?
Josh reads his threads but can't reply here so he has to get his frustration out somewhere else. His secret wife and child in the other room of his studio apartment got tired of hearing about it, so KF is really his only option.
Maybe the baby and wife are real but he is virtually trooning out to deal with the stress? Hey it could happen. :story:
The Kiwi's coping that there's even a remote chance Josh has a wife and child, let alone a girlfriend was some of the wildest shit I've seen out of them in a while.
Apparently Josh's exit grift could be that he has gotten married and so it's time for a farewell donation drive to thank him for protecting their freedom of speech all these years.
Think about it Josh. They'll never ask for proof, you get to slink away a legend to them, you'll easily pull in enough to buy a nice home in cash and have years worth of living expenses in reserve.
Then the Golden Age of CrunkLord Farms can begin, inshAllah 🙏🏻
View attachment 48804
Josh is literally a homosexual, so all that about BP tardwives can be thrown out.
Either way, the theory reality is easy to follow:
•Josh wanted to sock around his own forum
•He chose to larp as a feminist because maximum hugbox and galpals
•He did get caught and his initial response was to ban anyone who called him out (I personally tested this twice and both times the ban happened within seconds, so Lidl had access to the XenForo dashboard)
•Lidl Josh then had a stompy tantrum and went silent for a hot minute
•Being an O.D.D man baby, Josh decided to revive his sock for maximum lulz
Simple as.
It's actually incredibly simple. The reason why Null didn't burn the sock is that he has oppositional defiant disorder. Burning the sock would mean that his enemies "win," therefore he just has to keep posting as Lidl. His mental disorders compel him.

It is so unbelievably obvious that he is Lidl, or has made Lidl into a secret mod. I'd bet money on the former, not the latter.
Letting a child grooming CP spammer on your site smh. I mean I know your not a mod anymore and they got banned quick but we're quicker on kiwi
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See onion tranny it only took a month and 287 messages before I noticed it was Blaine.
Stay mad tranny chasing moid.
Just noticed this, was literally me 🤣
The Bong who got facedoxed for flagging my YT channel thought I was a woman, so I leaned into the bit.
Not Blaine, not a CSAM spammer, enjoy prison.
His mental disorders compel him.
"The Spirit of Tism COMPELS YOU!!"

There should be a DSM-5 style guide to the completely hat-stand behaviour cows exhibit. ODD is integral to cow psychology. That's why joshy will, when someone shouts "Look out for that rake, fat arse!", he think "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO MOM!!". Every. Single. Damn. Time.

Socking, too. That's some nutty shit, as we have seen, recently.
View attachment 48835
"The Spirit of Tism COMPELS YOU!!"

There should be a DSM-5 style guide to the completely hat-stand behaviour cows exhibit. ODD is integral to cow psychology. That's why joshy will, when someone shouts "Look out for that rake, fat arse!", he think "DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO MOM!!". Every. Single. Damn. Time.

Socking, too. That's some nutty shit, as we have seen, recently.
It's his hot body and he does what he wants
Gorlz? Gorlz like Vinnie "Too cowardy custard to go to court" Zhen? Gorlz like Autistic "Don't talk about DM leaks, or me editing peoples posts to make myself look better" Spite? I mean, the broom is help paying the legal fees of this guy. All because Zhen "lol, cahnt beh arrrsssed" to show up.

But nice way to say "joshy got fag hags all over", everyone can read the subtext on that one.