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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
Lidl went to the Kingdom Come Deliverance thread to spread faggy bullshit about the protagonist (who apparently is exclusively straight in the first game) and got negrated, and that last line is very Null-ish.
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(Putting that text in a gender guesser also said it was neutral, but slightly skewed towards male :story: )

Yep, they were not having it.
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Like the game more, don't they hate video games, whining about men vidyaing rather than doing everything for them?

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Hmmmm. Women have never ever been persuaded to do something because of a man with the authority of money... thinking so, means you are porn fried. Y'see, the sophistry here, is the "getting pissed on..." bit is what was said. It wasn't, IG whores were the subsection of women.

Not proof it's Josh in a skin suit. Lots of women are in denial about their basic nature and needs. Still eye rolling seeing the porn boogie man come out again. I'd blame Josh but that is a radfem complaint for years. They both stigmatize male porn while specifically defining it in a way to avoid their own pornographic outlets.
Two birds, one stone...
lidl caps this joshy "parody" account. It says it's shared, and it's certainly promoting Shitterly Palms. And...
Is followed by Sham... guess he's into baby monkeys being tortured, or maybe it's some other animal. He was a labour party (nonce party) councillor, so it wouldn't surprise me.

Three birds.

lidl decides to LARP as Ash, in this post...
lol. "geriatric". I could knock the shit out of the broom, tho. I maybe older, but I'll bet all the Pizza joshy could shovel down his hole, that I'm in much better physical condition. Here's another Ashism...
lidl has heard the broom talk, right?

lidl is some what critical of lamey and her failure to take responsibility of her actions. Still no update on the slush fund, tho.
It's just hence. Bit of speculation about Altman, there. I find it a bit odd that there is this "Why would gay man molest girl?" Most homo's will stick it in anything. However for balance...

Means, he'll probably settle out of court.

However... Isn't viewing pedophilic cartoons as a child, an indication that someone was molested as a child. joshy did stroke it to neko shota. Must of been his Grandad, seeing as he didn't know his own Father.
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It's just hence. Bit of speculation about Altman, there. I find it a bit odd that there is this "Why would gay man molest girl?" Most homo's will stick it in anything. However for balance...

Means, he'll probably settle out of court.

However... Isn't viewing pedophilic cartoons as a child, an indication that someone was molested as a child. joshy did stroke it to neko shota. Must of been his Grandad, seeing as he didn't know his own Father.
Is Null Lidl speaking from experience?
Every pedophile who rated my post dumb or autistic is getting banned for supporting pedophilia.
Just like everyone who thinks anime isn't just porn. And don't you dare suggest any other animes that aren't porn because they are all pedophilic. If there is a child in the anime any way they are sexualized. Remember that 2 second scene from grave of the fireflies where the young girl has to urinate on the ground as they are in a war torn Japan? Yep pedophile shit. Disgusting they sexualize children like that to normalize the normal Japanese mans rape of children and war orphans.
Going onto your thread to complain about it is lolcow behavior, you fucking dumb roastie. Also this is literally just the thermian argument thing that pedophile marxists (like Dan Olson) try pushing. lmao.
One day, she will slip up, maybe a reused username, maybe posts a screenshot showing her forgotten alt, maybe just plain stupidity. And on that day, the LidI
dox will drop.

"the terminally online Twitterbrains use it to argue with people about politics or trade weird fetish porn"

joshy spends a lot of time on that squitter... make of that, what you will.