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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
>Seething about a girl trolling with fresh baked goods
Bruh, just leave people alone and let them enjoy the fucking site, holy shit. Communities can be pretty self regulating, especially when staff aren't intentionally causing issues. It doesn't even make sense to try to push out people they personally don't agree with or like since they'll just come back more resentful and disruptive.
Tell me if you have noticed this too since you were banned fairly recently but lately it feels like every thread is just about Null's relationship to the lolcow. The Rekieta and Dick Masterson threads in particular have become places where people show up seemingly just to make the same five comments about how Rekieta is the world's worst person for disagreeing with Null.

It just feels like the entire site has his tiny testes in their mouth 24/7 now. it doesn't even seem like a lot of threads are about the cow anymore just he drama between the cow and Null. I don't know maybe I'm just crazy but it has suked the life out of posting there though I will continue until banned.
It just feels like the entire site has his tiny testes in their mouth 24/7 now. it doesn't even seem like a lot of threads are about the cow anymore just he drama between the cow and Null.
I don't enjoy any of the threads where Null is involved in the story to that extent. Partially because the ass kissing and regurgitated takes from MATIs past makes it impossible to have an opinion that goes against the grain but also because they're just not interesting to me.
But yes, most of the site is a massive circlejerk and it's definitely been getting worse. I hate to harp on it but it's the fucking MATI tards, every single time.
Tell me if you have noticed this too since you were banned fairly recently but lately it feels like every thread is just about Null's relationship to the lolcow. The Rekieta and Dick Masterson threads in particular have become places where people show up seemingly just to make the same five comments about how Rekieta is the world's worst person for disagreeing with Null.

It just feels like the entire site has his tiny testes in their mouth 24/7 now. it doesn't even seem like a lot of threads are about the cow anymore just he drama between the cow and Null. I don't know maybe I'm just crazy but it has suked the life out of posting there though I will continue until banned.
The precedent that he has set since starting MATI is that criticism of his friends unless backed up with bulletproof evidence is not allowed. This has made it so the threads about ecelebs are lopsided and only made up of the lowest of iq ex-fans that were last of the boat. It kills discussion and the flow of conversation but it allows Null to control the narrative effectively acting as a gatekeeper as to what person is made fun off and gives the illusion of kiwi-farms being an open and free platform.

A couple of weeks ago drama was brewing around Turkey Tom (one of the only youtubers Josh is on friendly terms with) and that was shut down real quick as discord troon ops.

I wouldn't have a problem with this if it was so blatantly self serving as he would never interfere if people were posting that way about DSP or Ralph. Where the entire fucking boards are discord faggots plotting how they are gonna bring down the lolcow this time. Most people here might remember his favorite mod Altisticchingchong worked with notorious faggot Kinochet to fuck with Ethan Ralph.
The Mati tards have to be young, despite my astonishing youth, I am a fully grown person and cannot listen to that man "talk" for more than five minutes.
If young is under 40 then sure.
One of my IRL friends adores Josh but only because her exposure to him is limited to that show. She was quite upset with him to hear about the CRP thing though, so there's still hope.
A couple of weeks ago drama was brewing around Turkey Tom (one of the only youtubers Josh is on friendly terms with) and that was shut down real quick as discord troon ops.
Turkey "Her Prostate" Tom is important for Josh to stay on good terms with because it gives him a way to advertise the forum and his self inflicted struggle to a younger group of people. When it comes to Libertarians, money is the number one motivator.
But yes, good fleshed out explanation of why that show and it's biggest fans are a cancer. Threads where they're concentrated always turn into a competition to remix Josh's opinions into something intelligible.
The whole thing feels like Daddy Jim all over again except Josh is a hypocritical liar with far more to criticize. There's no meaningful difference between the Sweetie Squad and the Kitten Klub.
I find Dyn's "I'm not mad, you're mad!" shtick pathetic, and it's obvious he's malding when he posts shit like this:


The post he's talking about is an A&N article post from 2019 (Before he deleted his account, even). It seems like a sticky situation (in terms of what happened), but he got so assmad about it he necro'd the thread in 2020 to make a retarded post that was btfo by the OP (who also made fun of him for being an assmad grudgeholder), and seems to still have this random-ass thread on the tip of his tongue 3 years after the fact.

Someone with an account can screencap the last page of the thread if they'd like.
I find Dyn's "I'm not mad, you're mad!" shtick pathetic, and it's obvious he's malding when he posts shit like this:

View attachment 41588

The post he's talking about is an A&N article post from 2019 (Before he deleted his account, even). It seems like a sticky situation (in terms of what happened), but he got so assmad about it he necro'd the thread in 2020 to make a retarded post that was btfo by the OP (who also made fun of him for being an assmad grudgeholder), and seems to still have this random-ass thread on the tip of his tongue 3 years after the fact.

Someone with an account can screencap the last page of the thread if they'd like.
The thing about the whole inner circle is that they never had a solid father figure to sit them down and say "never let them see you bleed". So you get Anominous sperging out with the most impotent anger you've ever witnessed, Dyn just having a seething hatred of men probably because he never felt like one and Null absolutely losing his last scrap of sanity over god damn cheese. None of this looks remotely good to the casual observer but because they have their dicksukers lining up to tell them how today's sperg out was totally based they've never had to stop and think about the lasting effect it's going to have on their reputation.

These guys relied on their circle jerk sycophants for so long I think they forgot sperging out even from a position of power is still sperging out.
This isn't some joke or bit but I think Josh is probably gay or at least bi himself. It would really explain his fucking weird views about sex.
I think his weird views on sex are just overwhelming proof that he has next to no genuine experience with women and he overcompensates for it by adopting beliefs he thinks will mask it.

It seems like he has repressed incel tendencies that bring it out but because he's aware of the reputation incels have he's trying to pretend like he doesn't fit the bill....but because he doesn't have enough positive experiences with women that weren't online relationships, he can't really hide it.

Blowing a woman's hole out isn't the same as having a genuine relationship with one that isn't based on something parasocial or worse, transactional. You can absolutely still fall to incel tendencies even if you've had sex (and even quite a lot of it!) if those encounters are meaningless, "phoning it in" so to speak, and don't have emotional connection.

It's why people like Elaine behave the way she does. She has never had a genuine emotional connection with someone, and tries to overcompensate for it through her behavior. So I guess the two of them are two sides of the same coin in that regard.
he makes it more obvious when users disappear like in the Soviet Union for any interaction with either that rubs them the wrong way. "Hold on let me hop on main to ban you, i don't even have to log out now i can just switch tabs with st and net."
For real, taking away banned users having crossed out names is very "disappeared by the USSR" vibes too.
Non sequitur
I think it's a meme from the Patrick Tomlinson thread. He likes to say "enjoy prison, stalker child" to people on twitter.
Jewsh was also seething pretty hard the other day about that one girl who was posting cookies and baking in the thread and apparently she has indeed been banned.
He's mad they didn't post boughten food because he's too lazy to cook.
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dumb nigger.pngnull 1.png
I went digging though the thread for a few certified hood classics and noticed this similarity. Null has a habit of starting a post off with "you're the worst/most retarded poster on the site when angry and Lidl seems to do the same thing. This is definitely Null. I can remember him saying a variation of this probably a dozen times.
As this chapter of the Lidl Drip saga on the farms has come to an end : Combining our collective autism here, has anyone seen a single (1!) instance of Lidl Drip disagreeing with Null, ever? (Chat, Forums, DMs, anything?)

Disagree rate this if you haven't, rate it something else/reply if you have.
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As this chapter of the Lidl Drip saga on the farms has come to an end : Combining our collective autism here, has anyone seen a single (1!) instance of Lidl Drip disagreeing with Null, ever? (Chat, Forums, DMs, anything?)

Lidl has openly disagreed with Null a couple of times in the MATI thread, I posted those here in the thread. For example:

Here Lidl accuses Null of having a "gross coombrain moid moment" for jokingly fantasizing during his interview with Sean/Potentially Criminal about a hot Ukrainian soldier girl replacing the fugly troon that represented the Ukrainian Defense Forces until recently:
