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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
You said "why would a janny have a sock?" joshy is a janny, ergo...
Literally never said that. Enjoy prison
Got to ask the question: Why are you here, then?
To shit talk Kiwi Farms before I go back to posting there and disrupting Jershes manipulation of his audience. Idk, might stick around. My only issue with Onion Farms is how slow it is.
You can get pissy if you want, but I'm not constantly going to repeat stuff that isn't "deeplore", but common knowledge.
You could have easily said a UN by now instead of coding your words like a schizo and expecting me to instinctively know who "a certain scallywag who gets unusual protection there" is. I'm quite aware of Lidl but outside of that the only people I can think of who receive special treatment are the $1200/year retards like StrawberryDouche.
To attempt to get back to reasonable discussion, which "scallywag" are you referring to?
Literally never said that.
You're right.
Enjoy prison
Non sequitur
disrupting Jershes manipulation of his audience.
Oh. You're one of (((them))) are you?
I'm quite aware of Lidl but outside of that the only people I can think of who receive special treatment are the $1200/year retards like StrawberryDouche.
Funny you would think of Douche... Really? The only person you can think of that gets special treatment... is Douche? How long have you been posting on, or aware of Commie Farms? Because you saying that you can only think of ONE person who gets protected by the broom, well... that suggests that you really aren't aware of Kwiffar culture.
To attempt to get back to reasonable discussion, which "scallywag" are you referring to?
Again, you can only think of only one person other than Lidl (who you think is joshy anyway) who gets special treatment?

Y'see, we're not really having a reasonable discussion. I'm putting forward evidence to suggest a particular user and/or users, and you are going "No. It's the broom". I don't really see the point in telling you, when I can just say read the thread. Who knows you might learn something important to help you in...
disrupting Jershes manipulation of his audience.
If that's what you think you are doing.
Funny you would think of Douche... Really? The only person you can think of that gets special treatment... is Douche? How long have you been posting on, or aware of Commie Farms?
There's so many people in that thread you could say receive special treatment that it's absurd to expect me to guess which you mean based on nothing but "scallywag".
Lidl, HHH, Dynastia, Douche, Olive, Amber, literally any of the T&H $100/month club, etc. etc.
You can enjoy the smug satisfaction of feeling like you know something others don't here I guess but it's only because you're being solipsistic and expecting me to read your mind.
Also, 2019. Had heard of it way before through the Cwcki but hearing Ralph seethe about it got me interested in checking it out.
Lidl, HHH, Dynastia, Douche, Olive, Amber, literally any of the T&H $100/month club, etc. etc.
Missed two biggies there. Wonder if that means anything?
You can enjoy the smug satisfaction of feeling like you know something others don't here I guess but it's only because you're being solipsistic and expecting me to read your mind.
Thank you, I will(!) btw, have you seen the French Connection? I'm thinking you haven't. Good luck in your crusade of subverting the broom...*
Also, 2019. Had heard of it way before through the Cwcki but hearing Ralph seethe about it got me interested in checking it out.
Posting? The T4G account was a recent (and short lived) account. 4 years of lurking... Seriously, if you are sincere about this hoolala about joshy and his simps/paypigs/other assorted goons, you might want to bone up on the subject. Me, I just laughing at cows, sometimes I express that in different ways.

* "Some things can not be taught, they can only be learnt".

THing is, when I caught a ban, it was pointing out the gay ops the jannies were running, and how most of what they posted was hypocritical tosh that would work against the forum, in the long run. I even quoted Lao Tzu. Now, ofc I'm sure in your belief that you are going to take the broom down tio Chinatown, but so far, all I've seen you do is join a dogpile on a sock. That dogpile started because of what people posted here.
saw the chance to grab that 100Kth user for myself.
You gotta admit, that's a pretty autistic thing to do/admit to.

Have you fermented any new plans to psychologically break (gaaaytur) the broom? Are you going to troll the Terfs with the "But didn't you know? You and troons are both Cultural Marxists, you made your non biological essentialist bed, now lie in it", that really gets them uppity uppity in his DMs.

Oooooorrrrr... Autistic Spite, joshy's chinky comfort ladyboy, lots of material there...
"Also shout out to Lidl Drip", you know that homo must've creamed himself so hard when he heard Null say that on MATI:

Just like how he set a precedent that he's willing to engage in pay-for-play content deletion when he begged CRP to help get him Ukrainian residency back in 2019.
Is this documented anywhere? I've read a lot of rumours about Null's relationship to CRP and whether CPR was the impetus for Null moving to Ukraine or not, but I haven't see anything documented that can be verified independently

I think Null is Lidl Drip AND Gays in La, he's double bluffing us bros.
When I still was on KF and I was active in the ContraPoints thread, some crazy people there speculated that I was Nyk posting about himself on KF, which was always so hilarious to me because I sound nothing like Nyk. Nyk's writing style is very flowery and passive-aggressive, whereas my posts read like a good ole punk zine, because despite everything I sound like my class, I don't have the passive-aggressive finesse of someone who was born with a silver spoon in their mouth like Nyk who sounds plainly like an upper-class elitist white American, no matter how much Nyk tries to bimbo it down with his trans-LARP.

Seriously, please don't insult me by suggesting that Null is remotely as thoughtful, considerate or as articulate as I am. I might have to write in a way that's even more verbose to distance myself from the mere possibility that I sound like a white supremacist American crank who only knows computer languages and doesn't even know his own language.
Is this documented anywhere? I've read a lot of rumours about Null's relationship to CRP and whether CPR was the impetus for Null moving to Ukraine or not, but I haven't see anything documented that can be verified independently
I'll look around KF for what's been said by Josh but this video is at least half of the story
I know CRP isn't always the most reliable witness but I think you can take his word on this exchange at least
The weirdest thing about Didl Drip is that he seems super familiar with Null and his personal/pre-KF life while being completely out of the loop with a lot of lolcow stuff and general site culture. You would think that someone who lurked for multiple years before posting would have a grasp of what is going on.

This is even ignoring the general man-hate gimmick I've never seen Didl post anything insightful. However he seems to know every single detail about Nulls upbringing and family life. This is really strange as even people who just watch MATI will be aware of lolcows and perhaps a scrap or two of KF inside baseball like the Wolftone situation. Didl is a babe in the woods as far as all that stuff but will arrive promptly to explain any decision Null has ever made all the way back to the 8chan days.

Schizo theories on Didl's identity:
-Josh's Mom
-Obsessive gay ex blackmailing him
There's so many people in that thread you could say receive special treatment that it's absurd to expect me to guess which you mean based on nothing but "scallywag".
Lidl, HHH, Dynastia, Douche, Olive, Amber, literally any of the T&H $100/month club, etc. etc.
You can enjoy the smug satisfaction of feeling like you know something others don't here I guess but it's only because you're being solipsistic and expecting me to read your mind.
Also, 2019. Had heard of it way before through the Cwcki but hearing Ralph seethe about it got me interested in checking it out.
Point of clarification T&H is only 20 bucks one time and not 100/month.
Point of clarification T&H is only 20 bucks one time and not 100/month.
Correct but Josh has stated that the site is mainly kept running by a "handful" of people each donating $100/month. Was in response to a superchat on MATI a month or two ago.
I've heard it said that Lolcow LLC's last reported income was ~$1 million/year which is quite doable depending on how many whales he's wrangled
Lol Dyn cries out his bleeding asshole about poor little Didl Drip. Is doxing a problem now or something? Who is actually trying to dox Didl though? We have made some guesses as to who it could be but this is far and away from some dedicated doxing discord. They're all just circling the wagons and moralfagging about doxing now? Didl must be someone important. Or at least important to Jewsh.
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Lol Dyn cries out his bleeding asshole about poor little Didl Drip. Is doxing a problem now or something? Who is actually trying to dox Didl though? We have made some guesses as to who it could be but this is far and away from some dedicated doxing discord. They're all just circling the wagons and moralfagging about doxing now? Didl must be someone important. Or at least important to Jewsh.

Is what we're doing really count as "doxing?"
This Thread: Didl Drip lives vaguely over that way and might be a man or a woman or a gay man or a tranny. I don't know the jury is still out on that.

What's really funny is Dyn's just going to send people to this thread.

Kiwis, don't be fucking retarded. Lidl is definitely not a woman and is possibly Jewsh himself. We're split pretty evenly on the Jewsh part but no one born with a 'gina is as much of an aggressive faggot as Lidl.
You're all hopefully lost up Josh's anus, so you remember when he talked about how trannies will always be detectable even if they find a magic surgery that makes them indistinguishable? This is that "socialized as a male" shit he meant.
What's really funny is Dyn's just going to send people to this thread.

Kiwis, don't be fucking retarded. Lidl is definitely not a woman and is possibly Jewsh himself. We're split pretty evenly on the Jewsh part but no one born with a 'gina is as much of an aggressive faggot as Lidl.
You're all hopefully lost up Josh's anus, so you remember when he talked about how trannies will always be detectable even if they find a magic surgery that makes them indistinguishable? This is that "socialized as a male" shit he meant.
How does this small site(no offense ) have such an affect on them? They are retreating into reddit tier misdirection about how talking about someone they like at all is a dox. I can only think that maybe our recent guesses have been on the mark or close to it and they are all flipping out in some discord somewhere.