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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

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How does this small site(no offense ) have such an affect on them? They are retreating into reddit tier misdirection about how talking about someone they like at all is a dox. I can only think that maybe our recent guesses have been on the mark or close to it and they are all flipping out in some discord somewhere.

I still think Lidl (and the Cuck Duck 3322, for that matter) are Dyn, which is why he cares so much. Literally no one else is crying about "her" absence, not even the fatties in BP. It was just his latest failtroll.
How does this small site(no offense ) have such an affect on them? They are retreating into reddit tier misdirection about how talking about someone they like at all is a dox. I can only think that maybe our recent guesses have been on the mark or close to it and they are all flipping out in some discord somewhere.
The Kiwi Kultist lives and dies by the latest firmware update released on MATI, so there's little chance they're actually on Discord.
The biggest faggots on KF are all in these DM chains together. A few of my accounts have been invited into them and it's literally the same shit you'd expect out of any sektur Discord, just extremely controlled as far as who's allowed to participate
You know a lot of BPD wives that let their husbands talk to strange women on strange websites?
Hazel Dunn lets her BPD husband talk to trannies in tranny Discord so anything is possible.
He's a soyboy faggot at the very least, but a literal gay? I think Josh would have an aneurysm if that were true.
Josh isn't remotely against gays in any meaningful way unless they put on a dress.
While we're on the note of Dynastia, what do you think the odds are he has a secret broom? Anonominous still has his even though he isn't marked as current staff. I could see it being a thing.
This isn't some joke or bit but I think Josh is probably gay or at least bi himself. It would really explain his fucking weird views about sex.
Bud, straight men have never jerked off to gay little boy anime before.
Just as I said that about Null I came across this thread. I've never seen this screencap before anyone know when/where it's from?
How does this small site(no offense ) have such an affect on them? They are retreating into reddit tier misdirection about how talking about someone they like at all is a dox. I can only think that maybe our recent guesses have been on the mark or close to it and they are all flipping out in some discord somewhere.

We talk about them but we're not friendly to Keffels. They're distressed that people who have similar politics to them don't prop them up as the stunning and brave little gossip site that could.
Didl has been chased off the site apparently?
Also Dyn has been pulling a gayop in coordination with Null in the woman-hate thread to threadban female users even though the woman-hate thread has expressed that they don't want a hugbox and women should be allowed. They are clearly doing this to take the edge off of the accusations that the Man-Hate thread is a TERF hugbox. Dyn reports them all and Null has in the past tried to claim parity between the threads since both are getting reports while not mentioning that the reports are coming from his buttboy Dyn.

I know, I know stupid /pol/tards deserve it or whatever but I don't respect these devious nancy tactics to try to steer discussion even if that discussion is retarded and gay. I'm not even right-wing but "first they came for the /pol/ incels but I was not a /pol/ incel so I said nothing".
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Gayops discussion continues
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Reporting someone under false pretense not a gayop apparently.
The way Dyn is speaking so brazenly makes me think that this didn't actually happen unless this was only a threadban. Who are the supposed women who were supposedly banned?
The pandering to women has significantly turned me off from that place. I've no issue with women doing their thing but Josh is a massive fucking queer for trying to act like the entirety of Beauty Parlor are his "gal pals" on his main, let alone this Lidl larp.
Like we get it bro, you didn't have a dad growing up but this shit is a choice.
Something tells me Jewsh had old Uncle Changtistic Right do a little data analysis and they came to the conclusion that the terf segment are some of the most profitable donors to have around.
The way Dyn is speaking so brazenly makes me think that this didn't actually happen unless this was only a threadban.
It's a threadban yes. It doesn't really matter if it is real or not Jewsh is sending one of his flying monkies to shit up the thread and cause division while complaining about people who stir shit and cause division. Jewsh was also seething pretty hard the other day about that one girl who was posting cookies and baking in the thread and apparently she has indeed been banned.
It's a threadban yes. It doesn't really matter if it is real or not Jewsh is sending one of his flying monkies to shit up the thread and cause division while complaining about people who stir shit and cause division. Jewsh was also seething pretty hard the other day about that one girl who was posting cookies and baking in the thread and apparently she has indeed been banned.
>Seething about a girl trolling with fresh baked goods
Bruh, just leave people alone and let them enjoy the fucking site, holy shit. Communities can be pretty self regulating, especially when staff aren't intentionally causing issues. It doesn't even make sense to try to push out people they personally don't agree with or like since they'll just come back more resentful and disruptive.