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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

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I miss the days when people didn't try to shoehorn in political hangups or whine about how they couldn't get laid or whatever. Everywhere you go nowadays, it's basically "TFW NO GF" or "MEN ARE BIG FAT MEANIES" and I'm wishing they could all just shut the fuck up.

But it seems that just like how they closed down all the asylums and just let the mentally ill roam the streets, they decided to do the same to the internet. I'm honestly at the point where I've nearly disconnected entirely at this point.
I'm not too bothered about that kind of thing as long as the person isn't going on about "no GF" all the time, don't get me wrong people need to vent sometimes but honestly some folks don't understand that their obsession with getting a girlfriend is in fact a big contributing factor to their not having one. I'm not exactly a Chad myself but if you don't have any other interests, who is going to want to be with you?

As far as political shit goes, everything is problematic and racist apparently. I have no contact with people like that and have no desire for it.
As far as political shit goes, everything is problematic and racist apparently. I have no contact with people like that and have no desire for it.

Everything is either problematic/racist or woke/degenerate, and I find myself wondering what these people honestly, actually enjoy. Their whole lives seem to revolve around politics. They keep shoehorning in political references no matter the topic. They suck the life out of any community, let alone discussion, because they sperg the fuck out if you don't play along. Sometimes, we just want to unwind after a long day, we don't want to be reminded of what we're trying to escape. When is the last time they told you what they enjoyed without the caveat of "but...."?

Poltard Blackpilled.png

And I get people need to vent, but I think people need to shut the fuck up more than ever nowadays. The rest of us aren't your emotional labor - get a blog and vent there instead, y'know?
tbh disconnecting is good. Very little content on the internet matters anymore so who cares? just check in with what Josh is doing and laugh at him with us

Eh, you're honestly right, it's just that I guess I'm just working through some sentimental feelings; I mean, I've never been terminally online, I just have had quite a few good experiences with the internet and people I've met on it. I'm old enough to remember when it was really starting to take off, and I bought into the whole mystique. That I could find people who were interested in what I'm into that people I knew IRL weren't, etc, etc. To see it brought down by the lamest shit imaginable - I mean, it's not surprising, I knew for a long time it was bound to end up the next cable TV, full of shit but nothing worth watching, but still, y'know?

Plus, it's sorta ironic that I'm thinking of cutting yet another cord. But I'll make do. It's why I was telling @Ashley Hutsell Jankowski (fruitless endeavour, I know) that I was genuinely surprised she couldn't just leave the site behind if it bothered her so much. It just startles me that so many people seem to be addicted to the internet, and it makes me think of what Cobain said about virtual junkies. Anywho, enough dopey sentimentality...

What is with all the dsp detractors moralfagging way more than usual lately? They are lolcows calling the pigroach fat. Since after they're done moralfagging about how much better they are, they ALSO beg and shill patreon subscriptions just like DSP. There's no good guys in that situation but its super fucking annoying whenever they compulsively talk like they are in front of a firing squad for attention when no one accused them of anything. Just go back to making funny parody videos of Phil being a retard like usual. Its not that hard to keep your ego out of it.

I never quite understood the fixation on DSP at all. He's just some bozo who sucks at playing video games. I would've thought the mileage on that would've run its course long ago. Same with Wings. And personally, I think Metokur's series of videos on him are so good that nobody else needs to make any more; I'm no Metokur fantard by any means, because I honestly only ever liked his DSP and juggalo videos, but I think that bit where he talked about how DSP is the target audience for modern gaming is so true: ever hear of The Day Before? "Gamers" calling it a scam after having bought into it and having called anyone calling it a scam from day one (like a sane person would) a hater. I personally feel many gamers are lowkey masochistic, because they keep buying obvious scam games and then turning around and asking for refunds. Drooling morons indeed.
Ashley: "everyone using this site is supporting alt right racist neo nazis transphobia terrorism gang stalking and pedophilia"

>Uses the site herself but insists it's just to tell us not to with no self awareness, if it's so bad she has no excuse either because she could just not use it and report the site
>Was supporting Trump
>Supports the genocide of all Jews and uses the hard(est) r herself while discriminating against her (supposedly) own race and entire countries
>Supports segregation of blacks and whites in school claiming it to be woke but this is what neo Nazis wanted back for decades proving once again that woke and racists actually agree on most things
>Sides with Hamas who is anti LGBT and will throw gays off the rooftops with a burlap sack over their head
>Supports Hamas who are literally terrorists
>Makes alts to try (and fail) to make people think they're being gang stalked but it's just one autist trying to validate her own bad and often wrong opinions
>Complains when people don't let kids use social media because she doesn't have access to grooming them and was against abortion for the purpose of grooming child brides into having babies that will also be impregnated by inbreds
>Reminisces about when null was her cp distributor

Something something throwing rocks in glass houses something something virtueless virtue signaling something something smells like hypocrisy

Once again proving she has no morality or principals to speak of despite trying to claim otherwise.

At least I admit I'm an asshole.
If any of this bullshit he’s spamming was true he’d have banned them quietly and without a peep.
I don't understand what he is trying to accomplish with this it's obviously some kind of op or song and dance to make Null look like less of a virgin loser.

Null in his own words has stated many times you don't give people like that attention so he would know that making a thread on them is giving them what they want.

Plus when you realize that Null did a big show about it but never banned the stalker girl it only makes sense as some kind of trick or sleight of hand.
I don't understand what he is trying to accomplish with this it's obviously some kind of op or song and dance to make Null look like less of a virgin loser.

Null in his own words has stated many times you don't give people like that attention so he would know that making a thread on them is giving them what they want.

Plus when you realize that Null did a big show about it but never banned the stalker girl it only makes sense as some kind of trick or sleight of hand.
The irony is one it blows up in his face it'll make him look more like a virgin loser.
I don't understand what he is trying to accomplish with this it's obviously some kind of op or song and dance to make Null look like less of a virgin loser.

Null in his own words has stated many times you don't give people like that attention so he would know that making a thread on them is giving them what they want.

Plus when you realize that Null did a big show about it but never banned the stalker girl it only makes sense as some kind of trick or sleight of hand.
Preciousleaf pulled the same bullshit for years with a network of friends who were willing to play antagonistic roles in that act until he got bored and doxxed himself/revealed his actual identity. It makes sense for null and others to try and copy them. Really was a textbook example of why you never believe anything you read on the internet.

Null gives us a shout out via his Lidl sock. Thanks Null but someone as obsessed with KF/you as "Lidl" was wouldn't just go away they would just post less and stop antagonizing other users. Thing is you made the Lidl account with the direct intention of antagonizing other users you would look petty for arguing with on your main account. Not even the other BP TERFS were so bold or willing to start fights. When people first started to accuse you of being the one behind the Lidl account you changed your avi to that creepy fem null thing and your profile banner is a girl with the Null dog acting as a guard dog.

Null you were happy to encourage the perception that the account was your sock for a long time because for the first time in a long time you were taking shit just like an average user. You wanted to be free to sling shit without having thrown back at you and when you couldn't take it you dipped like the pussy you are. Good to know you hang on our every word you jumped up cum stain.
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Null gives us a shout out via his Lidl sock. Thanks Null but someone as obsessed with KF/you as "Lidl" was wouldn't just go away they would just post less and stop antagonizing other users. Thing is you made the Lidl account with the direct intention of antagonizing other users you would look petty for arguing with on your main account. Not even the other BP TERFS were so bold or willing to start fights. When people first started to accuse you of being the one behind the Lidl account you changed your avi to that creepy fem null thing and your profile banner is a girl with the Null dog acting as a guard dog.
"Null trying to turn the site into TERFtopia is a giant conspiracy"
Lmao like this isn't something dozens of others sites has fallen prey to. You aren't special Null you are far from the first who site power structure has been taken over by crazy catladies. TERF might be a new thing but BPD pussy is not.
Someone calls null out for not understanding women. Then he hops on his sock to make it seem like a woman is defending him and not him defending himself. He thinks it would make it look more valid since nothing he said on his main would be seen as anything other than a butthurt defense. Going full Sherlock homo and digging though post history, which is something I got in trouble for doing. Then posting screenshots to try and discredit his opinions. This is what REAL gay ops is. Opinion manipulation.
Going full Sherlock homo and digging though post history, which is something I got in trouble for doing. Then posting screenshots to try and discredit his opinions. This is what REAL gay ops is. Opinion manipulation.
Wait, so Null pulled his patented autistic, post audit on a user he didn't like while manning his sock account? Where is TGFLA?