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Kiwifarms Speculation Lidl Drip

Parody Threads related to Kiwifarms Satire and speculation threads related to Null or Kiwifarms go here.
How is this impossible? He has a computer and a phone. He could type stuff out on both and hit enter at any time.
i don't know anything about the forum or if it's possible to schedule posts but I did notice once during MATI that he was seemingly very distracted while talking then about 2mins later a post appeared by Lidl in the manhate thread.
Yeah most of MATI is just him watching videos anyway and it's not like either account is writing the next Shakespeare.
No, you misunderstand, I'm saying Lidl is someone else's sock, not @Null's.

How is this impossible? He has a computer and a phone. He could type stuff out on both and hit enter at any time.
i don't know anything about the forum or if it's possible to schedule posts but I did notice once during MATI that he was seemingly very distracted while talking then about 2mins later a post appeared by Lidl in the manhate thread.

After feeding five different text analyzers a sample of a thousand words that she wrote
Based on the analysis of the seven text samples, it is likely that the author is a female, possibly in her early to mid-twenties, who is familiar with online communities and forums. The author's writing style, tone, and language use suggest a strong understanding of feminist and women's rights issues, as well as a conversational and relatable tone that is typical of women's writing and online content. While there are some inconsistencies in the text samples that may suggest a male author attempting to imitate a female writing style, the overall tone and language use are more consistent with a female author. Additionally, the author's focus on critiquing men's behavior and highlighting the ways in which women are often expected to perform emotional labor and caretaking suggests a strong feminist perspective that is more typical of women's writing and online content. Every online wird analyzer that I used suggested it was a woman very much accustomed to using online forums that are typically inhabited by male spaces.
Somebody's gotta clean the toilets, right?
From janitor to custodian. Working with people who can't read or write English despite speaking it natively. On his hands and knees scrubbing literal shit off the floor beside the toilet. The laughing stock of Onion Farms once he's rediscovered in his new life.

Once addicted to Coke Zero, he must now settle for Sam's Choice like all the other poors.
From janitor to custodian. Working with people who can't read or write English despite speaking it natively. On his hands and knees scrubbing literal shit off the floor beside the toilet. The laughing stock of Onion Farms once he's rediscovered in his new life.

Once addicted to Coke Zero, he must now settle for Sam's Choice like all the other poors.

Once a janny, always a janny.
From janitor to custodian. Working with people who can't read or write English despite speaking it natively. On his hands and knees scrubbing literal shit off the floor beside the toilet. The laughing stock of Onion Farms once he's rediscovered in his new life.

Once addicted to Coke Zero, he must now settle for Sam's Choice like all the other poors.
We could hire him on Onionfarms.
Null couldn't handle a job where he wasn't the sole employee and had to take orders from someone higher in rank than him. He comes off like he'd try and send a personal army after any superior who gave him crap.
I would pay cash money to be in the HR meeting after null got asked to do a task and called his boss an impotent niggerqueer and told him to commit suicide
From janitor to custodian. Working with people who can't read or write English despite speaking it natively. On his hands and knees scrubbing literal shit off the floor beside the toilet. The laughing stock of Onion Farms once he's rediscovered in his new life.

Once addicted to Coke Zero, he must now settle for Sam's Choice like all the other poors.
He cannot get a job without the proper authorization from the Serbian government.
Yeah, every coder I've seen here says Moontroon sucks at his job.
It's true guys. I'm fat, lazy, stupid, and addicted to amphetamine salts. I'm in an online relationship with a tranny I've never met, and I fedpost all over my site as if doesn't already have enough legal woes.

Guys, trannies are attacking the last bastion of free speech, and I need your monetary help. Together we can defeat Dick Long Gone once and for all. Just another 100 trillion dollars will do it. Trust the plan piggies.
lidl likes to fixate on rape, right? (((they))) completely ignore the reply by Troonqueen.
Annnnnnd the "Archive for Research Purposes" of said material is...?