I'm tired and feel a more complete explanation is owed.
#DropKiwiFarms is effectively dead, but of the hundreds of slacktivists who have come and gone in boredom, there's one persistent person who has made it his personal mission to obliterate his history of rape and professional misconduct from the Kiwi Farms. He believes that his psychotic threats and abusive behavior will eventually allow him to leave behind his past and pursue a fruitful, happy, and productive life - if only the Kiwi Farms were gone.
This persistent individual has crossed many lines many times, but all affected parties currently wish to sit on their hands with a 'wait and see' approach while this persons continues on in an incredibly abusive and threatening manner towards innocent third parties every day. It is with incredibly reluctance that I do not name names. I personally know there is no wisdom in holding back.
So, for the sake of boosting confidence and making things clear,
- The individuals you are trying to pry into submission will not submit.
- I will not allow good people to deal with you without my assistance,
- When they realize you are an unreasonable person they will stop trying to be nice,
- There are a million visitors to my website every month and they will all know you soon.
As long as I am alive I will not permit some fucking rapist freak to decide what I cannot and cannot say, and what the thousands of people who use my website can and cannot say. These small reprieves from your laundry being available online will not last and you should accept that and move on with what remains of you short and mangled life.
I also promise that if something were to happen, and by some inconceivable force the Kiwi Farms could not continue, that you personally will never live down what you have done and you will never see a day where you are not known as a rapist.
The people you are threatening are not disappearing silently. There is a fortress being built one brick at a time with your help. The entire industry is learning who you are by your actions alone, and they know what you are: a predator.
Fuck off.