Boobie Bomb
Hellovan Onion
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
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A.I slop will never be the future, faggot.
I knew Rekieta was a retard but I didn’t know precisely how retarded he was until I found out about his role in the Vic Mignogna lolsuit.Rekieta sucks and Kiwifarms sucks. Makes sense to let them fight.
I knew Rekieta was a retard but I didn’t know precisely how retarded he was until I found out about his role in the Vic Mignogna lolsuit.
I just see AI as another tech bubble like the other ones we saw in the past 30 years.View attachment 84840
A.I slop will never be the future, faggot.
The bottom line is this, it's just for shitposting and that's the reality of it.I just see AI as another tech bubble like the other ones we saw in the past 30 years.
Speculative investors come in, they hype something up, it turns out the assets in question are worth less than what they are actually worth, and the market for said investments collapses.
We've seen this before with the Dot Com Bubble of the 1990's where Wall Street threw money at just about any company that opened a website for their business. They weren't wrong that the Internet would have a huge impact on the world but many of those investors at the time backed the wrong horses and eventually by the end of the 1990's, the Dot Com Bubble popped and many were left broke and without jobs. The Tech industry would eventually recover but that was a hard lesson for many to not blindly buy into hype just because something is new and shiny.
Then there is Crypto. I'm sure everyone that remembers the late-2010s probably remembers how prices for graphics cards skyrocketed because everyone was hyping up Crypto as the next big thing. Bitcoin skyrocketed in its value and Ethereum was creating new millionaires so everyone wanted to get in on the hype. Many people began to buy up graphics cards meant for gaming to mine their own crypto to become rich. It was a digital gold rush. But then the price for Bitcoin started to plummet and Etheruem went from being proof of work to proof of stake so suddenly the hype for crypto plummeted and many people found themselves selling off their mining equipment after the hype died out. Crypto is still around but the hype for it has died down as many know more about the reality of crypto investing.
So this brings me to AI. I'm going to paraphrase what Linus Torvalds (the creator of the Linux kernel) said about AI, it's 10 percent real world application and the other 90 percent is hype, hot air, and vaporware. AI as we know it is so hyped up as this big thing but hardly anyone asks the question of what real world applications that it's going to have in everyday life. So far, people haven't really grown fond of AI generated artwork because many see it as soulless and worthless. Gamers don't like AI because the fake frames being promised by hardware manufactures like nvidia don't live up to the hype and they still want you to pay and arm and a leg for their GPUs. I can list more examples. AI will be here to stay but the reality will set in on how AI will really impact our lives and the AI bubble that we see now will crash sooner or later.
There is some old wisdom that seems to be taken for granted. To paraphrase the legendary investor Warren Buffet, if you are going to invest in something then be fearful when everyone else is greedy and be greedy when everyone else is fearful so that you minimize the chances of you being burned by a bad investment.
The whole AI thing is mostly just blind hype. AI will be around long after the bubble has burst but AI will likely not live up to the hype as many people make it out to be now.
Gumbo Slice and the OddgiantAF’s videos come to mind.The bottom line is this, it's just for shitposting and that's the reality of it.
And even then, new forms of shitposting will arrive.The bottom line is this, it's just for shitposting and that's the reality of it.
Yeah A.I shitposting is just a higher quality version of the memes that were profound back in the early 2010's. Of course the generation that'll only grow up as A.I as their source finder will only attest to A.I, plus there's the fact A.I can do all the heavy lifting for you.And even then, new forms of shitposting will arrive.
I just see AI shitposting as the Advice Animals of this generation where you had a template set up for you (or you can add one yourself) and just add words using a meme generator that you could've found online back then (these old memes that looked like this as an example, I'll probably unlock old memories with this image alone).
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These kinds of memes from back in the day were made with the many meme generators you can find online and often for free. So the whole concept of using a computer to generate a meme for you is nothing new.
Using AI to generate a meme is just using an old 2010's era meme generator with extra steps. It's like reinventing the wheel. So you can make the argument that there is really nothing special about AI being used to generate memes because people were doing the more primitive equivalent of that back in the 2010's long before AI stepped into the picture.
This kind of mindset isn't new and it goes back to the Youtube Skeptic days back when the Skeptics labeled anything they saw as Progressive as "SJW" (the term 'Social Justice Warrior' or SJW was used to describe Woke content back then).View attachment 84905View attachment 84906
What is with these slop posts, "If someone showed me this in a vaccum".
I was a little sympathetic to Blav at first when he was banned, but all these comments are indefensible and just as pedophilic as Destiny. Who knows if Josh is just dumb and looking the other way because he realized Blav was right about Destiny all along or if he just somehow missing all these pro-child molestation comments. Lidl is also suspiciously absent from the thread. We all know none of these comments would fly if they were making fun of a women for being molested.Kiwifarms user StrangerMe, who is very likely an alt account of banned user Blav, takes a particularly kind of glee in the "brutal molestation" of streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell when he was a child. Other users continue to take his lead and mock Destiny for being molested as a child. These are the sick creeps Josh welcomes on his website so long as it's against people he despises.Kiwifarms users continue to act like ghouls.Kiwifarms users continue to mock streamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell over his possible molestation as a child. Just imagine how hard and fast feminist Josh would whip out the banhammer if his users mocked a woman for being molested.View attachment 78344Kiwifarms users see it fit to mock steamer Steven "Destiny" Bonnell over the fact that he was molested as a child.
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Calling Destiny a pedophile with evidence?
Making fun of Destiny for being molested?![]()
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How is there so goddamn many fucking posts of this shit? Also nice to see that faggot draggs in this.I was a little sympathetic to Blav at first when he was banned, but all these comments are indefensible and just as pedophilic as Destiny. Who knows if Josh is just dumb and looking the other way because he realized Blav was right about Destiny all along or if he just somehow missing all these pro-child molestation comments. Lidl is also suspiciously absent from the thread. We all know none of these comments would fly if they were making fun of a women for being molested.
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Gumbo Slice and the OddgiantAF’s videos come to mind.The bottom line is this, it's just for shitposting and that's the reality of it.
It’s like a layered blackhole of unjustifiable depravity.I was a little sympathetic to Blav at first when he was banned, but all these comments are indefensible and just as pedophilic as Destiny. Who knows if Josh is just dumb and looking the other way because he realized Blav was right about Destiny all along or if he just somehow missing all these pro-child molestation comments. Lidl is also suspiciously absent from the thread. We all know none of these comments would fly if they were making fun of a women for being molested.
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To be fair, it is funny. But I can also see why you would tell the ones doing it they are power leveling and over sharing, informing them they will be mocked. It does get ridiculous and makes the people using their site look retarded. They do a good enough job looking retarded without it. But if they want to look like a site full of kettles calling pots black that only makes us look like the better alternative.Had a curious interaction with some moderators on Kiwi Farms regarding the issue of trauma dumping. I was instructed to stop complaining about users engaging in this behavior, as the moderators apparently find it entertaining and amusing.
There's only one thing I can really say about this, Kiwi Farms and some pseudointellectual Rightoids don't understand why the Internet has grown to hate predator hunters. It's not because suddenly society has grown to love pedos (they don't) but because the vast majority of predator hunters do it for the clout rather than taking appropriate measures to do the right thing.
Harmful Opinions and KiwiFarms fucked up with a pedo investigation again. So HO made a video on some VTuber who is a Lolicon claiming she is a pedo and found her roommate is a pedo as well. Now of course, with serious stuff like this. Did he do the right now by sending this stuff to the police to fact-check the correct information? Nah! He made a video about it and told KiwiFarms to find this shit for him ruining any chances for a true investigation that the police will ignore as fake news. That is how someone like Kerfuffles got away from being in prison for a while. KiwiFarms or whoever fucked that shit over because they made it public even before leaving PG. Like how am I going to believe that someone is a pedo if all you show is them gooning for lolicon shit and not stuff like some chick DMing underage boys of her tit pics? Unless it's shit like private DMs of Bitty showing her pussy and ass to little Timmy. Then you are not helping protect real kids from these monsters. Also, shit like this can get deleted fast so not only are these guys idiots but they fuck up future investigations of ever going after Bitty. Because of HO and The Broomstick's Batman-style crimefighting. They just make themselves look like fucking idiots in a nutshell. So the rules of Pedo Hunting. If you make a video of said creep before you report them to the police after you made a video on them. You ruined future cases with this VTuber and are making future pedos smart enough to delete any stuff about them online. It's just sad that I have to repeat this crap.
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Look at this mess.
I personally don't have much of a horse in this race (I'll agree with them that the indie vtuber space needs some desperate cleaning up and gatekeeping, and I really don't use X much anymore and actively mute this kind of discourse because it's fucking retarded), but it's probably not a coincidence that it's mostly Welper and Toji in these kinds of threads and responding rather quickly, without a fail. Like between that thread and the Rev Says Desu thread primarily, even seen quick responses in the Sewerslvt and Zesty Jesus threads. Bonus points for some of the genuinely cringe memes they've been posting in the lolicon community thread, and I'd honestly consider this a case of "Staring too long into the abyss and it stares back" in terms of developing borderline lolcow behavior. Either that shit lives rent free in their head 24/7, or they have absolutely nothing better to do but to post on KF all day without any sort of break. Sometimes, I've seen some cases of lying by omission or actively lying about other things (not that it makes what they say "wrong", but rather it makes taking what's being said at face value to be very unreliable). Bittycat isn't a good person to say the least.As for how Kiwi Farms is handling this. Holy fuck are they retarded in how they are handling this. They seem to be far too emotional and acting on impulse in this whole shitshow (I heard death threats were made to BittyCat and her loved ones, the first rule when dealing with lolcow is don't A-Log lolcows no matter how vile they may be; you don't want to become an Anthony LoGotto). Yes, pedos are bad but the way Kiwi Farms is handling this drama has to be the dumbest thing I ever seen from them since the slapfight they had over MrEnter a decade ago.