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    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
To me the flat Earth stuff is a glow op designed to find the dumbest retards the world has to offer.
Yeah but it goes back pretty far like the earth being the center of the universe. So it wasn't originally. It became that way though so the only ones pushing it now are feds trolls or people tricked by them. It's the same with Nazi larpers. Only ones pretending to be one are trolls, feds or people tricked by them. They take something stupid that existed and push it to weed out idiots. It's also a slippery slope with conspiracy theories. They fall down the rabbit hole and get progressively more insane until they're in wonderland. Another branch would be hollow earth and space Nazis.
Yeah but it goes back pretty far like the earth being the center of the universe. So it wasn't originally. It became that way though so the only ones pushing it now are feds trolls or people tricked by them. It's the same with Nazi larpers. Only ones pretending to be one are trolls, feds or people tricked by them. They take something stupid that existed and push it to weed out idiots. It's also a slippery slope with conspiracy theories. They fall down the rabbit hole and get progressively more insane until they're in wonderland. Another branch would be hollow earth and space Nazis.
A lot of this online discourse is monitored and manipulate by not only USA and the 15 eyes but by international glowly's as well
The bar for being a lolcow from kiwifaggots has been lowered as time progresses and it's destroyed them mentally, saw some faggot say that liking professional melee is enough for people there to think you're a lolcow.
That "Personal lolcows" thread is full of faggots who want to turn people into lolcows, got some users I think we could laugh at, I'm seeing some flat out retarded shit.
The bar for being a lolcow from kiwifaggots has been lowered as time progresses and it's destroyed them mentally, saw some faggot say that liking professional melee is enough for people there to think you're a lolcow.
Crab bucket mentality
i dont know why no one wants to make friends over video games anymore. Its somehow seen as beneath them outside of their clique who enjoys the exact same fucking games but its only socially acceptable when they play video games at all. Despite it being a thing most people enjoy these days as a pasttime. Same with tabletop shit like D&D.
On more than one occasion on KF I've either mentioned or been in a thread where someone metioned something about doing some kind of tourney or group related project when it comes to gaming and they all fall flat on their face because no one really cares even though they say they do, and half the time it's because "oh if i do this, then I'll get doxed, so i won't do it"

And if they do care, they can't ever keep that shit local, they always need to drag up shit like fucking Discord to use as the place to congregate.
Isalaide reviews season 2 of Squid Game... Wait, who's Nigel?
Some MALES approached her and MANSPLAINED Radiohead to her? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 Unacceptable! DO NOT FUCKING MANSPLAIN RADIOHEAD, IT'S A GIRLS BAND, YOU HEARD HER! 😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤😤
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I know, she's hilarious when she goes full retard.
Happens on a near daily basis with her
Allegedly she claims that her family raped her and her mom covered it up. I'd have to go dig it up but I'm partying right now so it'll have to wait.

Ken's old boomer ass finally got the error shit fixed, so now I get to post this bullshit from this faggot who has the belief that her mom and aunt are lolcows, this is in that "Personal Lolcows" thread by the way, go look for yourselves. It just made me wonder if their family see these retarded ass post and just shame them for it or something.
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Ken's old boomer ass finally got the error shit fixed, so now I get to post this bullshit from this faggot who has the belief that her mom and aunt are lolcows, this is in that "Personal Lolcows" thread by the way, go look for yourselves. It just made me wonder if their family see these retarded ass post and just shame them for it or something.
Yip this is a time honored tradition on redditfarms, trauma dumping for attention from anonymous strangers.
The moderators on kiwi farms encourage this so they can gather information about users.