• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
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Of course, Turkey Tom uses KiwiFarms—he even has an account on the site. Null mentioned it during his podcast appearance when he was a guest on Tom's show.
I remember passively listening to one of his videos while doing dishes and stuff. He said something along the lines of him never seeing anyone get banned from kiwi farms. The context was a lolcow joined their own thread. He is either blind or lying. Josh bans more people than pre Elon Twitter.
God forbid the crime victims ruin their boomer pearl clutching box (s)wine mom shows and books and YouTube videos. This has "pesky chain of evidence ruins my to catch a predator show" vibes with how a lot of them got away to try and molest more kids learning from their mistakes. If the show is going to risk letting them off it's better to not have it and ensure they get charges.
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Well you see, there was a time where girls got a lot of cutesy frilly stuff, but a certain group of permasalty people complained non-stop about it because "it's sexist and reinforces gender stereotypes and roles and forces them into a patriarchy-conforming mold and yaddayaddayadda" or some shit like that, so it was all removed, and now tweens only get boring clothes. But at least is not sexist and stereotype-reinforcing anymore amirite?

It's the horse shoe effect again. Kids/teen clothes having more "expression" is an outgrowth of the hippie movement which was preceded by the sudden birth of teen culture. Back in the 1950s when lots of boomers were born and youngin' Silent Gens came of age, there was no real concept of "kids clothes" like what we grew up with. Boys dressed in smart suits with ties and sweater vests, girls grew up with plain smocks and skirts. They were dressed as tiny adults from the get go. Teens did not get their own special section of the store because when you turned 13 or so you were treated like an adult and dressed like one including being roped into manual labor and intensive work. You acted like a grown up and dressed as plainly as possible.

That didn't change until the beatniks happened which is where the foppish fop french hats and leather jackets came from. That trickled down until businesses realized adolescents were emerging as their own demographic and they wanted specialized clothes to stand out from children and full blown adults. This coincided with the explosion of rock and roll (pried loose from the hands of shitskins by white Brits as the civilizing and refining forces on bix noodz.) This was commonly heralded as "the end times" by the local experts along with much screaming, crying, and whinging.

IMO the Retrvn to children having mini adult clothes instead of contemporary style demonstrates how trannies are conservatives with a pedo hat. The Daily Wire types and trannies are both desperate to roll back the clock on enforcing trad gender roles and delivering children from the evil clutches of individualism and fun. Matt Walsh recently put out a rant video about how he hates modern Christmas movies because they're not pro-cop enough and how we need to Retvrn to the likes of A Christmas Story because manliness and traditional family expectations and such.

e: and I bring up that movie specifically because it does feature the "kids fashion" that was contemporary to the 40s where all the kids are dressed as mini adults in very plain clothes. Nothing like what we used to wear but very in line with what is available now I guess.
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Not really no
The children have the no opportunity to enjoy a their childhood because their days are filled from dawn till dusk with school (4 hours), work (5 hours), and religious studies (1 hour). This leaves little to no time for socializing, and the few opportunities they have are often structured, such as church activities

they grow up strong with huge balls and not become homos and trannies
No, not really. Just emotionally stunted and indoctrinated into a system of superstitions. Most of the girls they adopt end up being marry off to other Mormon families. The few boys they take are groomed to be missionaries.
This is how we get flat earthers lmao
they grow up strong with huge balls and not become homos and trannies
Remember the time the Catholic Church had their balls removed to sing like a homo tranny in a choir and get passed around like a donation box but not for money? Pepperidge Onion Farms remembers.
Reason: And they like the Muslims that dress little boys in dresses to molester them supposedly hate the gays in spite of being homos themselves.
Theocracy is just basically the status quo but with religion. If you want to troll tradcons, tell them that religions like Christianity preach altruism and that can be very easily subverted by some tyrant with socialist ideals.

If you know anything about Christianity, one core teaching of the religion is donating to and helping the poor and the needy (which I don't see that as a bad thing because I do think humanity has an obligation to help those less fortunate; one less hungry mouth and one less person not dying from a preventable disease makes the world a little bit better).

However, the altruistic values of Christianity makes it very easy for some tyrant to gain power and make everyone's life a living Hell where even the religious people will lose.

Theocracy is a 'Status Quo' ideology because it still preaches some values that can be seen as socialist. I'm sure everyone here is familiar with churches running charity drives and food drives where people will gladly donate electronics, clothes, toys, food, cars, and other things to those less fortunate. Charity is not socialism and there is nothing wrong with non-profit religious organizations donating goods to the needy; but charity becomes socialism when you start applying these ideals on a government level and then you end up with a tyrant that demands more power to fix society's problems. There's also the fact that Theocracy is anti-intellectual where very often Theocracy is hostile to any new ideas (even if the new ideas may actually benefit said population controlled under Theocracy). It's why ethnic groups like the Amish are centuries behind where their embrace of newer technologies is painfully slow and why countries like Iran have stagnated where they are being left behind on the world stage as the world rapidly changes around them.

When you think about it, Theocracy is just Globalism with a central religious figure or a central religious doctrine in it. Globalism preaches altruism and that countries need to throw away their cultures and values to favor a universal ideal. You get the same thing with Theocracy where it often forces a population to throw away their culture and values to favor a universal ideal. Theocrats are just Globalists that believe in a divine central figure or some other kind of religious doctrine for that matter. Theocracy has never gave the world modern medicine, television, the radio, cars, tractors, airplanes, computers, the Internet, and video games as we know them.
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