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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
KiwiFarms is a joke of a site.
You can thank Josh for that.
They always pull the “we’re not the autistic Illuminati” line, but I’ve caught a few in the past pretending to be BLM members to discredit the movement and grift money to get rich online.
You know I've heard rumors and whispers of this. The same with other scams like pretending to be a troon online to grift money from the alt left.
I'd like to see some screen caps if you have them because you're not the only one who's brought this up before.
BLM in 2020 was a big deal, with huge amounts of money flowing, and it played a role in Biden’s win—though his term later became a joke, paving the way for Trump’s victory in 2024
That's because they did billions of dollars worth of damage and the news media sat there cackling telling everybody it's not what you think it is. Meanwhile even people like me had to worry these mostly peaceful but fiery protests being less than a block away from our house.
. So remember, the majority of KiwiFarms users most likely plan these attacks on lolicons and harbor thoughts of genocide, much like the infamous figure with a square mustache.
I think a lot of them are probably more interested in lolicon than you think and if the site culture was more permissive of it I think they would come out in droves because I've known a lot of kiwis to say one thing on the public facing side of the fourm and then say an entirely different thing when they're in DMs or on telegram chats.

A lot of it is projection they hate what they are and if they see it in other people they lash out
A lot of things about this statement is subjective.
No it's not it is what it is.
For starters, you can say the same thing about the entertainment industry in just about any country. America's Hollywood is filled with child predators where almost every year we hear massive scandals involving a celebrity, a producer, a film director, or an actor preying on children. A lot of people joke about and make fun of Japan for their pop culture media being sexualized but the entertainment industry in the West is not free of sin either. If you are an avid consumer of any kind of entertainment, there is a very good chance you are giving your money to some child predator in power anyway so it's really disingenuous and unfair to single out Japan in regards to this when Western entertainment media is not exactly free of sin either (Disney and Nickelodeon are some prime examples of this).
There's a difference between sexual exploitation being caused because of a failures to protect child actors. Versus in industry specifically designed to exploit children sexually. I know it's hard to see the distinction but it's there. I think it's intent that you're looking for.
Also, you can make this exact same argument for things like porn with things like hate speech. Porn (and the genres that are attached to them) are objectively recognized as free speech and anyone that gets offended by porn is subjective. Much like how it's subjective for anyone to find the Nazi flag and Francoist era music as offensive and wants those things banned because of the 'lmuh-law = ethics' argument.
Pornography isn't free speech. It can be argued to be freedom of expression. Just like it can be argued whether or not this expression should be allowed to carry over to such topics as beasty or ethical child porn. Which the vast majority of the civilized world has determined to not be permissible.
Hate speech laws on the other hand are often a violation of the principles freedom of speech.
Also, at least Japan has a federal age of consent law (it as raised not too long ago) and America doesn't even have a federal age of consent law to begin with and they leave that to the states. There's federal laws on how old you have to be to legally star in porn in America but it's the states that have set on who you can legally fuck at said age (and some of the hillbilly redneck states have their age of consent laws being lower than the blue states and child marriage technically still being legal in some American states). So when I see people make fun of Japan for some of the weird and degenerate stuff they have, I always remind them to not throw stones in glass houses. Also many Western governments don't seem to mind third-worlders from Arab and African nations committing sexual battery on girls and women just to put that out there. I'm just saying.
So much schizophrenia generally it's accepted in America that 18 is an adult 21 you have your full rights as a citizen.
As for Japan up until recently in the grand scheme of things reluctantly disavow child pornography and is only now sort of addressing the other aspects of their child predation. Like lolion or child idols.
You overestimate how popular these Breadtubers are. The vast majority of people that watch Vaush or Hasan or Destiny are edgy teenagers going through an edgy political phase and left-wingers that majored in something worthless like Gender Studies. I'd argue that many of these Breadtubers are just as popular as Laci Green was at her peak.
They have more influence and reach than you may think.
You might not think they're popular but they're popular enough and supported by institutions that allow them to spread their message. Also Lacey green that's the person that you picked? Why not shoe or Brittany venti ?
If you remember Laci Green, she was a proto-Breadtuber long before Breadtube even existed. She lost her popularity as her own audience began to enter the workforce where the vast majority of them outgrew her and she's now an irrelevant nobody. The same thing will happen with people like Vaush someday as the fanbases for these various left-wing commentators grow up and move on to better things; no one remembers Laci Green anymore and no one is going to remember Vaush in a few years from now either.
I haven't thought about Lacey Greene since she fucked Chris ray gun and her Coke nudes appeared
Much disappointment definitely a drunken four out of five.
Like I said, Kiwis adopt the whole 'law = ethics' fallacy much like with their left-wing counterparts. Kiwis wouldn't know the difference between sophistry and satire if it bit them in the ass.
I think the problem here is we're having two different discussions you're having one about kiwi Farmers being hypocritical fagots and I'm having a solid stance of lollicon is for people who are sexually attracted to children and all your arguments otherwise is just verbal masturbation.
Screenshot 2024-12-24 131936.png
Screenshot 2024-12-24 132009.png

Wah Wah Wah........
It's probably not a coincidence that this stuff is mainly coming up with people who didn't reach 21 before COVID.
"UCLA has been tracking behavioral trends for years through its annual California Health Interview Survey, the largest state health survey in the nation. It includes questions about sexual activity. In 2021, the survey found, the number of young Californians ages 18 to 30 who reported having no sexual partners in the prior year reached a decade high of 38%. In 2011, 22% of young people reported having no sexual partners during the prior year, and the percentage climbed fairly steadily as the decade progressed."

I saw a chart recently showing it's around 50% in 2024, but can't find it or a source.
There's a difference between sexual exploitation being caused because of a failures to protect child actors. Versus in industry specifically designed to exploit children sexually. I know it's hard to see the distinction but it's there. I think it's intent that you're looking for.
I won't deny the entertainment industries in both Japan and the West are guilty of this. But what I'm saying here is that it's laughably disingenuous and unfair to single out Japan by labeling them as the Israel of East Asia (because tradcons preach about how Israel is the source of everything being wrong with the world and now they're starting to put Japan in this category) while downplaying the shit that happens in the West too because I guess the West is the most superior culture in the world (even though someday the West will decline and die out like the many empires that came before it).

It's a case of knowing not to throw stones in glass houses and at times the Kiwis get too focused on the forest that they forget that the forest is made of trees.
No it's not it is what it is.
Pornography isn't free speech. It can be argued to be freedom of expression. Just like it can be argued whether or not this expression should be allowed to carry over to such topics as beasty or ethical child porn. Which the vast majority of the civilized world has determined to not be permissible.
Hate speech laws on the other hand are often a violation of the principles freedom of speech.
Both hate speech and porn (with the objective exception to CSAM because that is not seen as free speech anywhere) are free speech. It's just that I find both extremes are willing to cherry pick which they want to support to push their own grifts.

For the far-left, they will argue that stuff like porn is free speech but will argue that hate speech is not free speech because it can lead to radicalization that can lead to real world harm. For those on the far-right, they will argue that hate speech is free speech but will argue that porn or anything non-Christian should be banned because they claim that will lead to real life harm (similar to the reasoning left wingers use to wanting to ban hate speech).

Neither political extreme care about free speech and only say they do for their own benefit. For the far-left they only care about spreading their progressives ideals on things like LGBT topics and disregard everything else. For the far-right, they just want to say 'nigger' on Xbox Live again and disregard everything else.

The most recent thing to join porn and hate speech is the topic of perceived misinformation where some governments and political activists are using this grift to justify more censorship (people also have the right to consume total bullshit like Flat Earth if they want to).

You're either for free speech or you're not, you cannot have it both ways.
So much schizophrenia generally it's accepted in America that 18 is an adult 21 you have your full rights as a citizen.
As for Japan up until recently in the grand scheme of things reluctantly disavow child pornography and is only now sort of addressing the other aspects of their child predation. Like lolion or child idols.
Not really schizophrenic when that is still true. Things like Child Beauty Pageants are still legal in America and there is still no notable effort to do away with that. Child Beauty Pageants are America's own version of Japanese child idols and the only reason why they are still tolerated in America is because a lot of American moms project their insecurities on their kids and force them to take part in these questionable pageants anyway (America and much of the Western world is still pretty degenerate in its own way).

As for lolicon, I don't think that is going to go away in Japan anytime soon because Japan has officially joined the culture wars when it comes to their pop culture media. This started when the Japanese began noticing losers in the West blackwashing their characters and call that "original artwork" and that debate ignited the culture war debate on things like Wokeness and free speech in Japan (the way how Western media censors Japanese content and how left-wingers treat their IPs have entered the Overton Window in Japan where the vast majority of Japanese seem to be mocking and rejecting the West's attempts to subvert them). Even the Japanese are joining the lolicons in the fight for free speech for anime and manga and they're not joining the tradcons that want to censor a stuff (this is based on what I've been seeing on social media recently).

While Japan is still a socially conservative society, the vast majority of them don't want to go back to the days of Imperial Japan back when it was a fascist theocracy. They like their liberal democracy where they can buy stuff they want through capitalism and enjoy rights like free speech. and freedom of movement in their country. The Japanese really do not like having their rights to freedom of speech and freedom of expression being violated (be it by the state or some dumbass living outside of Japan). I notice that the countries that were formerly dictatorships often reject autocratic ideals because the pain can still be felt generations after the fact and no one wants to go back (another example of this is Poland where the Poles outright reject both communism and fascism because those two ideologies mistreated them horribly).
They have more influence and reach than you may think.
You might not think they're popular but they're popular enough and supported by institutions that allow them to spread their message. Also Lacey green that's the person that you picked? Why not shoe or Brittany venti ?
Breadtube have no notable significant influence outside of the Internet. Breadtube is mostly significant on the Internet but when it comes to IRL, their popularity doesn't translate well to the real world.

If Breadtube was really as influential as you say it is, by now Brianna Wu would be a sitting member of Congress and we would hear never ending rants about Gamergate from the House of Representatives. Brianna Wu tried to run for public office but each time Brianna Wu got destroyed in the polls no matter how many times they brought up Gamergate.

You can say the same thing about right-wing influencers on the Internet. Sargon of Akkad was never going to become an elected official because he was under the delusional belief he was bigger than he really was and made an ass out of himself when he tried to get elected under the UKIP ticket,

Breadtube is not as big as you think they are.
I haven't thought about Lacey Greene since she fucked Chris ray gun and her Coke nudes appeared
Much disappointment definitely a drunken four out of five.
The last I heard from Laci Green is that she gave up the left-wing stuff and became a moderate. I'm not sure what else happened to her after that.
This proves my point. Kiwi Farms doesn't understand that ethics and law are not the same thing and think the two are one in the same (the Authoritarian's Fallacy).

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that often doesn't contradict itself. While ethics may have an influence on law, there's a very good reason why ethics is seen as a branch of philosophy and not a branch of law (ethics is what is used to argue what is moral and just that can influence law, not the other way around).

And it's not High School DxD, the anime that got banned in New Zealand for roughly 20 years is Puni Puni Poemy (a two episode anime series that is a spin-off to the much more popular anime comedy series Excel Saga). It was banned in New Zealand back in 2003 or 2004 (I forget what year in was banned in that country) because of 'muh-lolis' and muh-violence'.

Around 20 years after the fact, sometime in 2021 a New Zealander made an appeal to the NZ government to reconsider its classification and the judge in charge of the case concluded that it was unethical for the NZ government to ban the series because it violated the universal human right that is free speech. So the ban for that old anime series was finally lifted in New Zealand afterwards. It should've never happened in the first place as this was a miscarriage of justice and violated the principles of free speech but this mistake done by the New Zealand government was finally corrected many years after the fact.

Ethics doesn't change much but laws do. Societal norms doesn't stay the same forever and laws eventually adapt to how people view certain issues. Currently lolicon is not legally allowed in New Zealand and in several other developed countries but that will very likely change soon as Japanese content gets more and more popular (because anime and manga are no longer these niche forms of entertainment anymore). New Zealand lifted the ban on Puni Puni Poemy because they don't want to be compared to Russia or Iran or China where those countries suppress free speech for unethical reasons; those countries that currently have a ban on loli content will eventually lift their bans on that content because they don't want to be seen as unethical over violating the right to free speech either. It's why anyone that thinks law = ethics should be seen as midwits that you should point and laugh at. Don't be a mitwit like those on Kiwi Farms if you ask me.
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I won't deny the entertainment industries in both Japan and the West are guilty of this. But what I'm saying here is that it's laughably disingenuous and unfair to single out Japan by labeling them as the Israel of East Asia (because tradcons preach about how Israel is the source of everything being wrong with the world and now they're starting to put Japan in this category) while downplaying the shit that happens in the West too because I guess the West is the most superior culture in the world (even though someday the West will decline and die out like the many empires that came before it).

It's a case of knowing not to throw stones in glass houses and at times the Kiwis get too focused on the forest that they forget that the forest is made of trees.

Both hate speech and porn (with the objective exception to CSAM because that is not seen as free speech anywhere) are free speech. It's just that I find both extremes are willing to cherry pick which they want to support to push their own grifts.

For the far-left, they will argue that stuff like porn is free speech but will argue that hate speech is not free speech because it can lead to radicalization that can lead to real world harm. For those on the far-right, they will argue that hate speech is free speech but will argue that porn or anything non-Christian should be banned because they claim that will lead to real life harm (similar to the reasoning left wingers use to wanting to ban hate speech).

Neither political extreme care about free speech and only say they do for their own benefit. For the far-left they only care about spreading their progressives ideals on things like LGBT topics and disregard everything else. For the far-right, they just want to say 'nigger' on Xbox Live again and disregard everything else.

The most recent thing to join porn and hate speech is the topic of perceived misinformation where some governments and political activists are using this grift to justify more censorship (people also have the right to consume total bullshit like Flat Earth if they want to).

You're either for free speech or you're not, you not have it both ways.

Not really schizophrenic when that is still true. Things like Child Beauty Pageants are still legal in America and there is still no notable effort to do away with that. Child Beauty Pageants are America's own version of Japanese child idols and the only reason why they are still tolerated in America is because a lot of American moms project their insecurities on their kids and force them to take part in these questionable pageants anyway (America and much of the Western world is still pretty degenerate in its own way).

As for lolicon, I don't think that is going to go away in Japan anytime soon because Japan has officially joined the culture wars when it comes to their pop culture media. This started when the Japanese began noticing losers in the West blackwashing their characters and call that "original artwork" and that debate ignited the culture war debate on things like Wokeness and free speech in Japan (the way how Western media censors Japanese content and how left-wingers treat their IPs have entered the Overton Window in Japan where the vast majority of Japanese seem to be mocking and rejecting the West's attempts to subvert them). Even the Japanese are joining the lolicons in the fight for free speech for anime and manga and they're not joining the tradcons that want to censor a stuff (this is based on what I've been seeing on social media recently).

While Japan is still a socially conservative society, the vast majority of them don't want to go back to the days of Imperial Japan back when it was a fascist theocracy. They like their liberal democracy where they can buy stuff they want through capitalism and enjoy rights like free speech. and freedom of movement in their country. I notice that the countries that were formerly dictatorships often reject autocratic ideals because the pain can still be felt generations after the fact and no one wants to go back (another example of this is Poland where the Poles outright reject both communism and fascism because those two ideologies mistreated them horribly).

Breadtube have no notable significant influence outside of the Internet. Breadtube is mostly significant on the Internet but when it comes to IRL, their popularity doesn't translate well to the real world.

If Breadtube was really as influential as you say it is, by now Brianna Wu would be a sitting member of Congress and we would hear never ending rants about Gamergate from the House of Representatives. Brianna Wu tried to run for public office but each time Brianna Wu got destroyed in the polls no matter how many times they brought up Gamergate.

You can say the same thing about right-wing influencers on the Internet. Sargon of Akkad was never going to become an elected official because he was under the delusional belief he was bigger than he really was and made an ass out of himself when he tried to get elected under the UKIP ticket,

Breadtube is not as big as you think they are.

The last I heard from Laci Green is that she gave up the left-wing stuff and became a moderate. I'm not sure what else happened to her after that.

This proves my point. Kiwi Farms doesn't understand that ethics and law are not the same thing and think the two are one in the same (the Authoritarian's Fallacy).

Ethics is a branch of philosophy that often doesn't contradict itself. While ethics may have an influence on law, there's a very good reason why ethics is seen as a branch of philosophy and not a branch of law (ethics is what is used to argue what is moral and just that can influence law, not the other way around).

And it's not High School DxD, the anime that got banned in New Zealand for roughly 20 years is Puni Puni Poemy (a two episode anime series that is a spin-off to the much more popular anime comedy series Excel Saga). It was banned in New Zealand back in 2003 or 2004 (I forget what year in was banned in that country) because of 'muh-lolis' and muh-violence'.

Around 20 years after the fact, sometime in 2021 a New Zealander made an appeal to the NZ government to reconsider its classification and the judge in charge of the case concluded that it was unethical for the NZ government to ban the series because it violated the universal human right that is free speech. So the ban for that old anime series was finally lifted in New Zealand afterwards. It should've never happened in the first place as this was a miscarriage of justice and violated the principles of free speech but this mistake done by the New Zealand government was finally corrected many years after the fact.

Ethics doesn't change much but laws do. Societal norms doesn't stay the same forever and laws eventually adapt to how people view certain issues. Currently lolicon is not legally allowed in New Zealand and in several other developed countries but that will very likely change soon as Japanese content gets more and more popular (because anime and manga are no longer these niche forms of entertainment anymore). New Zealand lifted the ban on Puni Puni Poemy because they don't want to be compared to Russia or Iran or China where those countries suppress free speech for unethical reasons; those countries that currently have a ban on loli content will eventually lift their bans on that content because they don't want to be seen as unethical over violating the right to free speech either.
We should really move this to a different thread if you don't mind
That way we're not continuously derailing. If that would be okay with you we can continue to debate in the new thread.
Reason: Forgot to tell you Merry Christmas
We should really move this to a different thread if you don't mind
That way we're not continuously derailing. If that would be okay with you we can continue to debate in the new thread.
I'm willing to discuss this further but maybe some other time. I'm getting bored of this topic anyway.
Did black people burned down Jersh's house during the 1992 Los Angeles city riots?

I'm just wondering.
Did black people burned down Jersh's house during the 1992 Los Angeles city riots?
They burned down everyone's house, in our hearts.

"Since the dawn of history the Negro has owned the continent of Africa rich beyond the poet's fancy, crunching acres of diamonds beneath his bare black feet. Yet he never picked one up from the dust until a White man showed him its light. His land swarmed with powerful and docile animals, yet he never built a harness, cart or sled.

A hunter by necessity, he never made an axe, spear or arrowhead worth preserving beyond the moment of its use. He lived as an ox, content to graze for an hour. In a land of stone and timber, he never carved a block, sawed a foot of lumber or built a house save of broken sticks and mud.

With league on league of ocean strand and miles of inland seas, for 4,000 years he watched their surface ripple under the wind, heard the thunder of the surf on his beach, the howl of the storm over his head, gazed on the dim blue horizons calling him to worlds that lie beyond, and yet he never dreamed of a sail. He lived as his fathers lived - stole his food, worked his wife, sold his children, ate his brother, content to drink, sing, to dance, and sport as the ape.

And this creature, half child, half animal, the creature of impulse, whim and conceit, pleased with a rattle, tickled with a straw; a being who left to his will, roams at night and sleeps in the day, whose speech knows no word of love, whose passions once aroused, are as the fury of the tiger - they have set this thing to rule over the Southern people ... Merciful God ... it surpasses human belief." - Thomas Dixon, Jr.
Ditto and Merry Christmas fam
I'm willing to discuss this further but maybe some other time. I'm getting bored of this topic anyway.
Did black people burned down Jersh's house during the 1992 Los Angeles city riots?

I'm just wondering.
No he's just an edgy homosexual
I thought you two were talking about cartoons? Only people I see being exploited in that industry are the animators stuck in sweatshops. Fictional children don't really exist so can't be exploited.
Obvious bait Is obvious

Also Merry Christmas to you too autism
We can sit here and discuss the ethics of lolicon in of itself but what we're seeing here is seeing Kiwis make the classic midwit argument known as the Authoritarian's Fallacy ("The Government made something illegal/legal so therefore it must be ethical"). A lot of people (online and IRL) make this classic mistake because they confuse Ethics (something in philosophy that doesn't contradict itself very often) with law (something that often contradicts itself and is always changing due to changes in attitudes towards that particular thing).

A classic example of this was Jim Crow laws where before the Civil Rights movement, they were justified because many saw them as a way to preserve racial purity and to prevent whites from becoming corrupted by black people (and also to spite the efforts from the Reconstruction Era after the American Civil War). Jim Crow was done away with because people realized the old Jim Crow laws were a load of horseshit that often gave the state the power to enact violence on people they didn't like )in this case blacks) and directly marginalized African Americans (Jim Crow was done away with because they were blatantly unethical).

If you want another example of why Ethics and Law are not the same thing, you can take the Armenian genocide as another example where the Truks (when they were the Ottoman Empire) genocided Amerninians because they refused to convert to Islam so the Turks got the state seal of approval to murder a bunch of Christians for not wanting to follow the words of Muhammad. This is why Ethics and Law are not the same thing because you would somehow have to justify things like Genocide as being Ethical because the state says so. Funny enough, the Authoritarian Fallacy is the same nonsense that many left-wing Breadtubers believe in because they know they can abuse their power using this kind of bullshit circular reasoning if they were to ever gain power to establish their version of communism.

It doesn't take more than a minute for any rational person to look at this and realize why this way of arguing doesn't hold any water. You would think Kiwi Farms would know this by now because they were the victim of this kind of bullshit reasoning not too long ago; the Christchurch shooting. If you recall, when Brenton Tarrant commit an act of mass murder towards a group of Muslim praying in a mosque, there were several world governments (especially New Zealand) where they used the opportunity to justify their anti-hate speech laws and go on a censorship spree to censor the Internet by censoring any perceived far-right content (especially with New Zealand trying to take down the GoPro footage of Brenton Tarrant gunning down Muslims) and many left-wingers were like "See? Laws that criminalize hate speech are good because they punish and prevent violent radicalization by the Extreme Right! We need to enact a global version of the Patriot Act for the Internet to stop the Right everyone!" to justify censoring the Internet as we know it.

Now going back to the topic at hand. Can we discuss the ethics of lolicon in the philosophical sense? Sure and no one stopping you from doing so. But if you're going to discuss this topic where you're going to use the 'muh-law = ethics' argument then you're going to look like a retard that thinks 2 + 2 = 5. If you ask me, a lot of the people on Kiwi Farms are no different from retards like Vaush where he also confuses law for ethics to justify his nonsense as well. It also shows how these people think where if they were to ever gain political power then they're going to make Stalin look like a walk in the park.
I on't care about this.
Has Metokur ever stated what specifically he's sick with?
Lymphoma (stage unknown), a heart attack, smoking and an autoimmune disease. I can't remember if he ever said which autoimmune disease because they can be a mild skin rash like psoriasis or dry eyes like in Sjogren's disease or something severe like MS.