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Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The Vtuber thread still exists because Null likes watching numbers go up. Unless a group bothers Null (meaning they lip off to him like the DSP crowd), he doesn't care what they do.
"He is egregiously selective about what he will and will not tolerate. He arbitrarily dictates what will and will not be, based on his rather ambiguous whims.

His selection of what he deems acceptable is astonishingly narrow and biased, as evidenced by his unpredictable rulings. What constitutes tolerance seems to hinge on his enigmatic personal predilections, rendering his judgments unreliable and subjective.

"This is the most calm and collected form of "Stfu retard, you jerk off to Lassie" I've ever seen. Diplomat Kiwifails 🫡
Appreciate it I acknowledge that I've had enough slap fights with a certain individual that I don't need to continually engage in this behavior with others.
I wonder what caused this guy to get banned? 😏
This retard thinks someone should do another Dr. Tiller shooting. Real good look after a mass shooting.
Unless a group bothers Null (meaning they lip off to him like the DSP crowd), he doesn't care what they do.
I don't know, he seems to ban people for pretty random and innocuous offenses that only exist in his mind.
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Larry David's Opera Cape goes full retard (again) and claims it's 50 percent on whether a man (who the judge admitted there was evidence he physically abused his son) is a pedophile and 100 the wife is just a lying BPD whore. Even the a&hers aren't having it. He got massively downvoted for this post:
HIs side, her side, and the truth.

Here's where I come down on these cases nowadays:

Scenario 1: mom is telling the absolute truth and every bad allegation against the dad is true.

Scenario 2: mom is telling at least a couple significant lies and the dad is mostly or entirely innocent.

There are roughly 50% odds of the man being innocent, or innocent enough.

There is a 100% chance of the mother being a worthless borderline sack of shit.

Why? Because either she's a pathological liar (obvious) or she's one of those drama addicted "but I can saaaveeee hiiiiim" whores who throws her daughters under the bus so she can keep banging the big bad man who makes her tingle.

The fairytale scenario where she's a naive little victim herself just doesn't exist in reality. And this case is a perfect example of why. Because this guy has a long history of sketchy behavior as a cop, and she was there glued to his side that whole time. She knows EXACTLY who she is. She just didn't think she'd ever have to pay for it, personally. Until her oldest daughter was on the way out the door into adulthood and laid it out for her, what was on the line.

She is a piece of shit, a grifter, and a bad person. He's probably at least 2 of the three too. Feel bad for the kids. Don't give this crying attention whore a crumb of sympathy. She'll use it against you eventually.

Is actually reading the article his Kryptonite?

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I swear, these people post this shit know it's all lies and just obviously politically charged baiting to derail shit. But they don't care. Femoids just say whatever they want and will never be challenged ever again on KF since Josh delivers almost instantaneous reprisal to anyone who challenges BP and the RadFems. And so, does Josh go the way of Lowtax...
View attachment 64335
I swear, these people post this shit know it's all lies and obviously politically charged. But they don't care. Femoids just say whatever they want and will never be challenged ever again on KF since Josh delivers almost instantaneous reprisal to anyone who challenges BP and the RadFems. And so, does Josh go the way of Lowtax...
I could deal if it was just some AnH level squabbling over articles but the new TERF attack vector is to make every lolcow into a genderwar issue by using skitzo lolcows as a surrogate for all men. I mean as if KF wasn't devoid of interesting takes already you now have to sit through a lecture before you can get an update on your favorite lolcow. Gee whiz why is null so desperate for users right now?
View attachment 64335
I swear, these people post this shit know it's all lies and just obviously politically charged baiting to derail shit. But they don't care. Femoids just say whatever they want and will never be challenged ever again on KF since Josh delivers almost instantaneous reprisal to anyone who challenges BP and the RadFems. And so, does Josh go the way of Lowtax...
That "femoid" "moid" shit is so fucking gay. Now they are calling men "dickniggers?" That's really creative and I totally can't feel the seething from this lovely closeted bull dyke.
Just a reminder these people will tardrage whenever women are called "birthing person"
But introspection was always an uphill battle with these losers.
Tough talk from the gated community. Maybe it's because I'm not a closeted homosexual but I've never seen a woman and thought: "she's probably like all women what a cringey Clitter, the fact she has breast and a vagina is disgusting, I can't wait to get home and get reddit upvotes for trashing an entire sex with broad vitriolic statements, that'll show her I'm not bitter"
That "femoid" "moid" shit is so fucking gay. Now they are calling men "dickniggers?" That's really creative and I totally can't feel the seething from this lovely closeted bull dyke.
Just a reminder these people will tardrage whenever women are called "birthing person"
But introspection was always an uphill battle with these losers.
Moid is just a funny word that's mostly innocent. You can't really call it a slur or offensive. Women just want a slur to call men and that's the best we got. Can you blame us? There are tons of words to be directly derogatory towards females both rightoids and leftoids adore. Dyke(as you say), cunt, bitch, all popular on both sides of the aisle and now "birthing person" "menstruating person" "vagina owner" from lefties to actually reduce us to our body parts. I think if "moid" actually offends you you're soft AF. Moid is just a more fun word than "male" "man" or "guy". Personally I enjoy "scrote" because that sounds almost offensive. Kind of like how men will try to insult us as "beef flaps" or "beef curtains" for decades.
Women just want a slur to call men and that's the best we got.
Unhinged, damaged and deranged women, you mean. Meanwhile women who of sound mind and body don't even a give a shit and would never want to be lumped in with your repeatedly trying to say "us" or "we" as if you all exist as some kind of faggoty collective.

Can you blame us?
Blame you for projecting your damaged womanhood on other women? Sure, why not?
Unhinged, damaged and deranged women, you mean. Meanwhile women who of sound mind and body don't even a give a shit and would never want to be lumped in with your repeatedly trying to say "us" or "we" as if you all exist as some kind of faggoty collective.

Blame you for projecting your damaged womanhood on other women? Sure, why not?
We deal with female specific insults on the regular. Sorry you can't handle 5% of the shit you sling at women. We live in a world that according to the "good side" the "feminist" side sees women as persons afflicted with vagina and on the anti feminist side sees women as beef flap dishwashers.
I've heard "bitch" "cunt" and much worse from (almost) every man I've ever met. Are they all just unhinged, damaged and deranged men?
You. Not every woman is like you: a damaged and abused retard who never had their problems dealt with properly by anyone close to them. You were never loved and will likely never be loved. Not every woman wants to be like that, as much as you try to induce that.
Ask any woman in your life if she's heard "bitch" "cunt" or worse and I'm sure I won't be the only one. You know I have female and male friends right? It's quite easy to gather this information if you spend time not watching anime and experience life a little. I don't care if not every woman wants to call a man a moid or scrote but I still will on the internet because it clearly grinds animetards gears alot (such as yourself). I am quite beloved though and my well rounded view of smegmoids doesn't effect that. You can ask my boyfriend if you'd like, or the past ones I broke the hearts of, or the ones I've had to reject lately. </3

Spoiler: "man haters" and "woman haters" get along like peanut butter and jelly.
Ask any woman in your life
I have already. She says, based on your behavior, it is obvious that you were abused as a child. Probably sexually.
Children who were victims of sexual abuse tend to become very promiscuous if this goes untreated.
They also develop irrational fears of their abusers and project said fear on others regardless.

What's clear is that something happened to you either at the hands of your family or close acquaintances.
Your ramblings, tendency to sock, and being terminally online posting the same shit over and over again show you are completely incapable of self-discipline. You handle your emotional issues by comparing yourself to the dregs of the Internet.

Watching horrible Internet-famous people makes you feel better about your own state of degeneracy.
But it isn't enough for you. You need to actively others to make up for the hurt that was caused to you.

Contrary to the stereotype of women being emotional bundles, women are equally capable as men are of working through their emotions in a calm and collective manner. That is a sign of adulthood. The fact that you cannot do that is one of the biggest indicators you're still stuck in some teenage form of emotional maturity.

Even under the mildest of criticisms, you fly off the handle. If you have children, I suspect you abuse them regularly.
You are a lost cause and other woman would never want to be you. You are not worth the life drain.
I have already. She says, based on your behavior, it is obvious that you were abused as a child. Probably sexually.
Children who were victims of sexual abuse tend to become very promiscuous if this goes untreated.
They also develop irrational fears of their abusers and project said fear on others regardless.

What's clear is that something happened to you either at the hands of your family or close acquaintances.
Your ramblings, tendency to sock, and being terminally online posting the same shit over and over again show you are completely incapable of self-discipline. You handle your emotional issues by comparing yourself to the dregs of the Internet.

Watching horrible Internet-famous people makes you feel better about your own state of degeneracy.
But it isn't enough for you. You need to actively others to make up for the hurt that was caused to you.

Contrary to the stereotype of women being emotional bundles, women are equally capable as men are of working through their emotions in a calm and collective manner. That is a sign of adulthood. The fact that you cannot do that is one of the biggest indicators you're still stuck in some teenage form of emotional maturity.

Even under the mildest of criticisms, you fly off the handle. If you have children, I suspect you abuse them regularly.
You are a lost cause and other woman would never want to be you. You are not worth the life drain.
By "she" you mean paladinboo, correct? Aren't you 23 or something and she cradle robbed you? Do you frequently take the mentally solid advice of medicated paranoid schizophrenics seriously?

Please talk to me after you've inevitability broken up with your first (10+ year older) girlfriend and your brain is fully developed. Your paragraphs come off just as schizo as hers and your generalizations are based off her schizo psychoanalysis of Jambled, so they don't apply to me. Also I ain't reading all that. I'm happy for you tho, or sorry that happened.
You. Not every woman is like you: a damaged and abused retard who never had their problems dealt with properly by anyone close to them. You were never loved and will likely never be loved. Not every woman wants to be like that, as much as you try to induce that.
Look at this guys avatar. Nigga you gay