• Welcome to Onionfarms. All races, ethnicities, religions. Gay, straight, bisexual. CIS or trans. It makes no difference to us. If you can rock with us, you are one of us. We are here for you and always will be.

    Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The trial kiwis are going to break the farms. Null is going to get jealous of how much attention the troon is getting and all the other kiwis will probably start coming out with the obvious fact that this is poop touching and clout chasing.
Godspeed tranny. We're all counting on you!
Even the trans pornstar Buck Angel apparently stole a timeline directly from a KF user, according to KF:

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Null is going to get jealous of how much attention the troon is getting
If i was him, I'd be fucking panicking

For years he's been on a fucking cruisade against trannies, morphing the entire site in to an anti-tranny hang-out and using the fact that the site is still up and running as victories against their DDoS attacks.

And then out of nowhere comes this... thing. This person that also happens to be a member of the exact same forum that goes against everything this thing is all about. Now all of his "enemies" are laughing at him as he tries to pretend it's a nothing burger, but it's only going to make him look worse, with mixed messages no less. I'm sure more than one person will be asking "well what makes THIS troon different from everyone else that it isn't banned yet?"

The way I see it, there's only two ways he can actually rectify this. Either have that user post proof it's a biological woman (which would mean more of a dox, which Null wouldn't do because he's a fedora-tipping faggot), or ban that user for being a fucking idiot, because at that point at least he would be sticking to his word somewhat.

He had the opportunity to prevent this by telling his dumbass users to not go to the trial, but instead he kept adding fuel to the fire, until now he's in a situation where everything fucking blew up in his face (or at least one bang, with many more to follow). He really has no one to blame but himself for this whole fiasco.
Lol the fat kiwi from the trial apparently.
View attachment 62732
>anime avatard
>aquamarine sneakers
>growing out his hair
>high estrogen from morbid obesity

He's mere weeks from trooning out. The short kings would slay more pussy in a night than that disgusting pig in a lifetime.
I say this as a guy who is alright with Synthetic Man but I think Synthetic Man KF fans are retarded ass-mongers who froth at Woke.
What is the point of the weird circlejerk of the kiwis who went to the trial as 10/10 statuesque people? Is it like some reverse self complimenting where "they're totally attractive despite being completely unremarkable to below average and that means I'm totally attractive despite being below average"? A group therapy session that them shitting on everyone else's looks (that generally look about the same or marginally better than the courtroom Kiwis) means they're somehow better looking than? It's bizarre faggot behavior.