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Though to Josh he will always be Queen Cheek Spreader.He wants to be King Janny but is forever just a King AIDS Spreader.
Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Though to Josh he will always be Queen Cheek Spreader.He wants to be King Janny but is forever just a King AIDS Spreader.
*Queen Pepperoni SpreaderThough to Josh he will always be Queen Cheek Spreader.
Yet another similarity between null and lidlView attachment 60427
I can not fathom how anybody can be this obsessed with Taylor Swift. If this was coming from a 12 year old girl I would understand but Lidl is supposed to be a woman that is in her late 20's to early 30's and here she is obsessing over a vapid celebrity as if she is this powerful, godlike leader of the world. Also, in her spiel against men she fails to mention that the 17 year old that attacked those girls is a Muslim that was imported into the UK on the good graces of the UK government. Funny that.
It's harder to listen to than Turkey Tom and that's saying a lot because he can talk for hours without substance and also has an annoying voice.Outside of the parasocial properties of his podcast, I'm really at a loss for understanding its appeal. His voice is unpleasant, and he offers little in the way of content.
RIP bozoView attachment 61656
@SSj_Ness, defender of the white race and professional sex doll cleaner, has not posted on KF in getting close to a month.
Did he mean khajiits?"people of the elsewheres" lmao bro talking like foreigners are from middle earth or some shit
I'm not sure who's worse josh or deadwingdork they both have a similar garbage voice and both go on about absolutely nothing for hours. Turkey tom also sucks ass.It's harder to listen to than Turkey Tom and that's saying a lot because he can talk for hours without substance and also has an annoying voice.
Scots are lolcowsView attachment 61613
Crazy lolcow news in the Community Happenings thread. Count Dankula shaved AND he's upset about his divorce??? View attachment 61615
I saw that, just never bothered posting it here, what is he planning with that anyways?The sky is falling, but only if you use Windows apparently.
View attachment 61756
There is some poster at Gossip Bakery that last I checked does nothing but this same shit. Somehow has all the time in the world to shitpost 9000 times a day on the forum while running some successful medical practice making massive amounts of money. This constantly comes up even in posts that have nothing to do with it. It is never that they say, oh I am so rich I have other people do my work for me, but rather I am still for realz totes buzzy with my practice because I am a serious for real career womyn who has all the time in the world somehow to snark on some literal who SAHM vlogger. OK, stfu, retard.These people congregate on Kiwi just to post this horrible stuff. Reminds me of tumblr posts of yore. These catlady types always exaggerate their stories, would be surprised if any of this actually happened. What a diseased mind...
lmao is that also isalaide?There is some poster at Gossip Bakery that last I checked does nothing but this same shit. Somehow has all the time in the world to shitpost 9000 times a day on the forum while running some successful medical practice making massive amounts of money. This constantly comes up even in posts that have nothing to do with it. It is never that they say, oh I am so rich I have other people do my work for me, but rather I am still for realz totes buzzy with my practice because I am a serious for real career womyn who has all the time in the world somehow to snark on some literal who SAHM vlogger. OK, stfu, retard.