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Chuck Taylor

"Once Obama gets in things'll get fixed"
"Okay Obama was shit but once Kamala gets in things'll get fixed"

They are all on the same team anyway. Dunno why you keep falling for the soap opera.
Wow, you're saying that horseshoe theory is real? Hot take, glad you took the time to post it. Better just to be a centrist cuck and voluntarily take away my own voice.

And naw, I voted for Obama both times. Great president, wish he focused more on universal healthcare and programs like Cash 4 Clunkers instead of drone striking civilians but at least he projected American strength.

Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
I voted for Obama both times. Great president
I'll do my best not to interact with you anymore on these forums, please do the same.

Fun is fun but sucking the cock of the president who will go down in history as a Nobel prize winner with the most innocent children killed with drone strikes is another thing.

Obama is the piece of shit who started this divide that basically led to the culture wars. Everything that's happened in the past 20 years has been because of his administration.

Chuck Taylor

I'll do my best not to interact with you anymore on these forums, please do the same.
No, you'll deal with my commentary on your posts like an adult and hopefully see that just because we disagree on certain things we can still be boys and funpost
Fun is fun but sucking the cock of the president who will go down in history as a Nobel prize winner with the most innocent children killed with drone strikes is another thing.
That's great but your Coomia brained ass will probably be celebrating the murder of Muslims a few posts from now as long as it's divorced from the topic of liberalism
Obama is the piece of shit who started this divide that basically led to the culture wars.
Really, I think it was racist boomers who couldn't handle a black with the middle name Hussein being in office that caused the divide. Obama was a unifying force for the majority of Americans, hence why he got two terms. It's not my problem that you think your minority magically represents our entire country
Everything that's happened in the past 20 years has been because of his administration.
Literally retarded. Presidential administrations are transitory. The issues with this country are rooted in the fact that Congress have no term limits. Get lifelong dumbcunts like Pelosi out and prevent career politicians from being a thing and we'll see rapid progression as a country again. I have plenty of critiques against every president but things aren't so black and white that you can just light switch brain about individuals as the source of the clear institutional decay afflicting out country.
Grow up and get over your e-daddy allegiance to a couple shitty boomer shock jocks.

Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
No, you'll deal with my commentary on your posts like an adult and hopefully see that just because we disagree on certain things we can still be boys and funpost
No no no no... You've gone too far and can never make it up to me. (Rolls around to the other side of the bed waiting for you to hug me)

A buncha other stuff I didn't read
Yeah well that's whatever you were talking about for you.

Chuck Taylor

(Rolls around to the other side of the bed waiting for you to hug me)
Good, that's the type of shit I'd rather hear kek. This is a forum about a forum about retards on the internet. Relax foo'.
By the way, I'm literally Muslim.
I've been hesitant to go to the mosque to say my Shahada, but I think I'm going to go do that this Friday. It's not a joke, it's not bait. I'll literally have video taken and post it here.
Hopefully you can get over your little radio show that's been dead for like a decade and be chill.

Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
Good, that's the type of shit I'd rather hear kek. This is a forum about a forum about retards on the internet. Relax foo'.
Hee hee 😊
By the way, I'm literally Muslim.
I've been hesitant to go to the mosque to say my Shahada, but I think I'm going to go do that this Friday. It's not a joke, it's not bait. I'll literally have video taken and post it here.
Hopefully you can get over your little radio show that's been dead for like a decade and be chill.
View attachment 52362
I honestly have no idea what you would like me to do with any of that information including the music video.

The only joke that I can think of is "they say that music video is blowin up in America right now" haha see... I can work with anything.


Hellovan Onion
Better just to be a centrist cuck


Baby Onion
And naw, I voted for Obama both times. Great president, wish he focused more on universal healthcare and programs like Cash 4 Clunkers instead of drone striking civilians but at least he projected American strength.
He was better than Biden, but that's like saying AIDS is better than cancer.

I'll do my best not to interact with you anymore on these forums, please do the same.

Fun is fun but sucking the cock of the president who will go down in history as a Nobel prize winner with the most innocent children killed with drone strikes is another thing.

Obama is the piece of shit who started this divide that basically led to the culture wars. Everything that's happened in the past 20 years has been because of his administration.
Nearly 100% agree, but Bush was so divisive that he might've been what really turned people off from Republicans enough to even pave the way for that nigger in the first place.

Obama was a unifying force for the majority of Americans, hence why he got two terms.
Bush got two terms too, but I've never once heard that used to argue he was a unifying force. If Trump is miraculously elected again there's no way anybody will interpret that as him being a unifying force, either way he's going down as the most divisive president in modern history.

Anne Hathaway Fan

I put the "F U" in "forums"
Hellovan Onion
Nearly 100% agree, but Bush was so divisive that he might've been what really turned people off from Republicans enough to even pave the way for that nigger in the first place.
I mean don't get me wrong there was always tribalism in politics, but when we elected big daddy child drone strike was when everything took a tumble for the worse. I was born in the 80s (holy FUCK I'm old) so I can actually speak from experience especially having grown up in a major metropolitan city. In the late 90s well into the 2000s racial stuff was getting way better. Everything got way worse under his administration, the way that the niggers acted, this whole "tranny renaissance", the entire cancel/woke culture was incubated under his rule.

But no matter how much of our current society is their fault or not the Obama administration was one of the most horrific ones ever and we are currently in our 12th year of it. We got a four-year break under Trump but the same cocksuckers have been ruining our society and culture since 2009.