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  • For the record, I have no account on Lounge96. The Kenneth Erwin Engelhardt account listed on the forum is a phony

Kiwifarms Gossip & Slap Fights KF General 2.0

These threads cover general gossip and interacting with Kiwifarms (openly calling them out).
The new declines of Kiwifarms
Was this British Broadcasting Corporation always referenced in the description of Rekakas thread?
Definitely not. Yeah, I know it’s a referenced to Large African Dicks.
"It is Rekieta's fault that his kids will search his name on the internet in the future and find thousands of pages of useless junk posts about him on our forum."
Agreed that it’s not Rekieta’s fault for the useless junk posts and Null is consistently more insufferable than he is; you get famous enough and that’ll happen on a bunch of sites, but the substance abuse and child endangerment are all his fault.
I honestly wonder if a lot people claim to like AI “art” just cuz they see mostly pro-artist/left-leaning communities online railing against it. It feels strongly contrarian.
That's actually pretty much why they like AI art.

I've said it before, but the fact that AI is growing in popularity to where almost everyone is using it doesn't really give them a leg to stand on regarding making fun of the pro-art side. It's one thing if AI art was just a niche thing and people were blowing their tops over nothing, but this is entirely different to where the pro-art side kinda has a point, especially when everything has that same generic look to it.

So it's like the mindset is "let's destroy art to own the libs", which is a dumb take to have in the first place.
Still got to fill out that form, so a long ways off yet. btw, I've noticed that the kwiffar feel that Risotto (memba that one?) has the moral duty to release the body cam footage (blah blah blah freedumb of infermuhshun)... yet don't think that joshy should explain where all the money went (which he said he'd do, and as the broom will never have kids, there isn't the "child protection" issue).

Funny. That.
Kiwifarms users claim to care about the wellbeing of the Rekieta children yet are desperate to see their father destitute as well as well obtain bodycam footage of his arrest. How does making that public help the kids? Make it make sense.
Because they are degenerates and crypto-pedos that fake outrage over children being harmed. The fact that Josh and KF are pushing hard for the release of the bodycam footage show they want embarrass Nick and his children. if they had any standards they wouldn't want to see it released as it involves children in a bad situation.

Anything for those mirthless lols, eh?
Agreed that it’s not Rekieta’s fault for the useless junk posts and Null is consistently more insufferable than he is; you get famous enough and that’ll happen on a bunch of sites, but the substance abuse and child endangerment are all his fault.
Don't you see its the Kiwifarmers' fault that they're outraged about the situation.