Josh the fatty may ban you for weight loss advice or an anime avatar. Kengle the fatty won't and never will.
Because they are degenerates and crypto-pedos that fake outrage over children being harmed. The fact that Josh and KF are pushing hard for the release of the bodycam footage show they want embarrass Nick and his children. if they had any standards they wouldn't want to see it released as it involves children in a bad situation.Kiwifarms users claim to care about the wellbeing of the Rekieta children yet are desperate to see their father destitute as well as well obtain bodycam footage of his arrest. How does making that public help the kids? Make it make sense.
Don't you see its the Kiwifarmers' fault that they're outraged about the situation.Agreed that it’s not Rekieta’s fault for the useless junk posts and Null is consistently more insufferable than he is; you get famous enough and that’ll happen on a bunch of sites, but the substance abuse and child endangerment are all his fault.
What is with these faggots and these moronic ass takes.View attachment 82062
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Having sex with women is gay.
I think that is a Tate-ism, but I'm sure there's overlap in the Venn diagram.What is with these faggots and these moronic ass takes.
I think this is a very European attitude towards lolicon and similar material. I've noticed this with Vingle other users from the old world; they have this genuine belief that, as long as no one gets harmed, it's okay.View attachment 82073
Another "But is loli REALLY CP" thread, another crypto-nonce response. If you get horny thinking about/looking at (sexualized) cartoon children... yes, you are a paedophile. And if you admit to secretly recording 10yo girls... deffo a noughnce.
Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh. long as no one gets harmed, it's okay.
It does. It's literally the definition.jacking off to doodles of little kids makes you a pedophile.
It is that b&w, tho. If kids give you the horn, you are a nonce.we see it through a more black-and-white perspective for what it is.
Bro I don't know.Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh. But....
It does. It's literally the definition.
It is that b&w, tho. If kids give you the horn, you are a nonce.
Yeah, I have to be that guy...
View attachment 82087
Had an actual Valkyrie character.![]()
Gauntlet (1985 video game) - Wikipedia
The original Metroid, an action game for the Family Computer Disk System, was developed by Nintendo's Research & Development 1 (R&D1) and released in Japan on August 6, 1986
The original Metroid, an action game for the Family Computer Disk System, was developed by Nintendo's Research & Development 1 (R&D1) and released in Japan on August 6, 1986
Also a female lead..
Back to kiwis being retarded
View attachment 82092
>Men continue to enable tranny shit
Should we tell xhem?
View attachment 82081
>My hero was Lara Croft
And you know who designed the OG Tomb Raider game? A group of mostly MOIDS
View attachment 82085
BTW, the Nu-Lara games were written by some Rhianna Pratchett and Susan O'Connor roasties. Can't blame teh icky moids for "making her a simpering wimp and keep putting her in situations that end with moids either mutilating or raping her"!
Not obsessed!
View attachment 82084
Yeah, I have to be that guy...
View attachment 82087
Had an actual Valkyrie character.![]()
Gauntlet (1985 video game) - Wikipedia
Did he never play Tekken?The original Metroid, an action game for the Family Computer Disk System, was developed by Nintendo's Research & Development 1 (R&D1) and released in Japan on August 6, 1986
Also a female lead..
Back to kiwis being retarded
View attachment 82092
View attachment 82073
Another "But is loli REALLY CP" thread, another crypto-nonce response. If you get horny thinking about/looking at (sexualized) cartoon children... yes, you are a paedophile. And if you admit to secretly recording 10yo girls... deffo a noughnce.
Yeeeeaaaahhhhhh. But....
It does. It's literally the definition.
It is that b&w, tho. If kids give you the horn, you are a nonce.
Idk I see a lot of American lolbertarians give the old "what if the child consents" argument too. Forgetting that children, in fact, cannot consent. And that they are still diddlers even if they try and say it's "hebephilia" which is still the attraction to prepubescent children. That being said, Josh simps complaining about woke tranny pedophiles should look in the mirror at the pot calling the kettle black.Bro I don't know.
I ain't got that European liberal mindset problem.
A Spade's a fucking Spade you dig.
View attachment 82080
Didn't you read? Xhe had no idea of Metroid back then! How was xhe supposed to find out there were other games where you could play as women? Super Mario Bros 2 (or Mario USA for the "ackshually it's doki doki panic in Japan and afgadgsk" ones...) let you choose Peach as your character but seems like xhe didn't know that either! Castlevania 3 also lets you recruit a woman as a playable partner, but considering she marries Trevor and forms a powerful family with him, it wouldn't surprise me if terfoids don't consider her "stronk womyn".The original Metroid, an action game for the Family Computer Disk System, was developed by Nintendo's Research & Development 1 (R&D1) and released in Japan on August 6, 1986
Also a female lead..
skykii might be legit retarded/autistic/both.Back to kiwis being retarded
View attachment 82092